On the one hand this is hilarious to watch, but on the other I'm not sure who to cheer for here. How long do you think Islam can last against weaponized degeneracy?
Muslim mums protest outside school for 'promoting homosexuality' to their kids
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not at all, unless theyre shia in which you'll find transsexuals permitted and other general faggotry.
inb4 sharia prevails in the end and you will all be thankful for it.
meant to say that weaponized degeneracy wont poison islam at all.
religion is required to face demoralization.
baste islam will save the West
Unfortunately, by and large it already has. The vast majority of American Muslims only practice the religion so that they can claim protected minority status. They go about chanting about how Muhammad would want them to resist Drumpf and embrace slut pride.
I finally get it now
Leftism is one big ploy to get everyone to adopt conservative values because white people are too fucking pozzed to speak up on stopping this degeneracy but Muslims aren’t.
no, it's just weak faggots get pushed over by people who give zero fucks about them, because they truly hate white people, white people on the other hand still have empathy for stupid faggots, even if they are stupid faggots.
it's leftist culture imploding.
you british guys are so fucking gay
Zig Forums has sucked testicles REALLY bad lately
"Dat's hom'phobic!"
"Religion of peace!"
I ache for the day the NPCs are finally forced to choose between one "oppressed" group and another.
congratulations on the 'being a trend-following bitch who says NPC trying to be cool' accomplishment…….
'Fiddle Faddle' The Wind-Up Parrot
guess what?
The elephant really is a decent artist.
tl;dr Salt flowing in Saltley, as humans promoting abnormal behavior protest the abnormal behavior of humans.
global waming
What the hell is going on with Global Waming?
it appears that President Einstein is unaware that Global Waming doesn't just mean heat.
The process of Global Waming includes extrene heat AND extreme cold. Its Spring and Fall that fade first.
I prefer to have sex with farm animals and I find homosexuality offensive because homosexuals usually persecute the act of sex with animals. Clearly the homosexuals are no different than the Muslims.
I just think these Muslim mothers are being selfish to think their hate-filled religious practices are better than homosexual prides cause of bigotry towards people who prefer farm animals.
……and no matter whether you believe it's man made or not……
if you're going to deny
that the weather has changed
then you're either stupid
or you're a fucking liar
how 'shocking' !!!!
do you have congenital amusia?
(tone deafness?)
find out here with this quick test
Insult 24 of 26
Insult 21, actually
What are you afraid of dude? Isn't this the plan working perfectly?
Every time.
This is how you know they don't give the tiniest fuck about their children, but about their "culture".
far right inbred maggots are the same whether muslim or white trash
Jesus and you thought you had it bad
hi trumptard, its called climate change but if youre ok with -60 then all good
I mean, yeah it sucks, but what he's doing isn't actually impressive if you think about it. A person's legs account for over half of their overall body weight, so he's using adult-sized arms to move a child-weight body. If you shove an engine made for a semi into a compact car, it's gonna drive VERY FAST.
One of the few stances Muslims get right. Shame British mothers aren't protesting outside schools due to the Islamification of their nation and the degredation of their culture in favour of browns.
Based degenerates protecting the West from the muslim invasion.
What's the big deal? Mohammed was lgbtq. Islam is about love - like the love i feel pummeling effeminate male muslim butt cheeks in my lap for hours. Mohammed wanted all his men to be sex slaves for sodomites, didn't he? It's the first pillar of Islam.
I thought it WAS global warming? Fifteen years ago, no?
And twenty five years prior, global cooling?
Just keep moving the goalposts to your religion, and maybe you'll get there some day.
I think if the UK could just supply all faggots with goats to fuck instead, that everyone except the goats would be happy.
What's with all the spoilers ITT?
braindead raiders who think they're achieving something. Just ignore and scroll past them.
with all the muslims and jews gone, faggots really aren't a problem to deal with at all.
you just open the lunatic asylums and put them in it.
fucking pathetic clone
Islam turns everything shit, that's why mudlsimes want to get out of their own countries, but I have to admit I enjoy the infighting shit show
Zionists turn everything to shit. The Islamic world was for the most part stable and propsperous when the various caliphates, the last being the Turkish one, were in power. As of now, Europe is actually the least Zionist controlled as you can tell by circumcision rates. The "muslim countries" are fcked but not islam (circumcision is haram btw). Migration throughout history is normal around the world but mass migration you seriously need to kill the kikes for.
Protesting a school?
lol, just switch school or pull your kids out.
So leftists allow the Muslim hoards to flood into America.
Get angry when the Muslim hoards don't like the subversive bullshit they spew to brainwash their children.
Hmmmmmm….. just wow.
If you read the article the mothers interviewed already pulled their kids out and put them into private tuition … and then decided to throw a shitfit anyway.
anyone with a brain knew this. Why do you think people like soros who were literal nazis fund garbage like blm and antifa? Those groups step on their own toes by using violence, thus everything the retarded cattle do is tainted. Antifa and blm were massive hits against the left. They used lefties to smear leftist politics. The average american hates groups like antifa
wtf I love muslims now
that would be racist
And Mohammad was transgender
Sahih Muslim 4415—Abu Bakr requested permission from the prophet to enter when the prophet was lying down on Aisha’s bed wearing her garment
Islamic people can’t seem to adept towards modern cultural norms, principles and beliefs; cases like this Happen all the time. Society changes (and so does the general opinion about sexuality). Those who are incapable of change and growth, are just a waist of time. Fuck Islam