Cop beats up kid

Cop: "I asked him where you were and he took off."

So that's a fucking reason to beat him with a fucking baton? Here's a fucking clue you brutal fuck. You asked a question. Nobody including a fucking 10 year old child has any obligation to answer your questions, and leaving or "taking off" does not give you the authority to beat the person with a fucking steel baton.

Attached: copssss.JPG (776x571, 97.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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At least the kid's not black…

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I cant really empathise with this kid.
Maybe its just because I was brought up well, but at 10 years old if a cop or any other adult asked me a question I would answer. I cant really put myself in his shoes.

Reddit, not credible.
Roger Stone the Jew fag, not credible.
Zig Forums, not credible, pysop news.
Q, not credible. Operation White Rabbit.
Trump, not credible.

Are you still living in the 1950's or something? YOU DON'T TALK TO THE POLICE! YOU DON'T SAY OR ANSWER QUESTIONS WITHOUT A LAWYER!

You mean you were raised to believe that other people, who you have arbitrarily placed in positions of 'authority' within your own mind, have the right to control your behavior in any way they see fit, for any reason also, and that they can use any force they so choose to control your behavior, including coercion, physical violence, and even deadly force.
Your shitty parents taught you this– the worthless cucks – and now you're spouting off your shitty opinions on a Mongolian Deep Sea Exploration and Research site to no avail.

Is it because your shoes are glowing?

Some cops are dicks, sure, not all are like this though. If they ask you a question, no need to be defensive about it, just look them in the eye and answer. Usually they'll just nod, and say "have a good day sir" or something like that.

Ur trippin police fuck shit up for no reason full the police

That's not really the point.
The point is – do cops have a right to ask me questions? Do I have the right to not answer those questions? If I do not answer the questions of someone in a position of "authority", do they have the right to force me to answer their questions? Who gave them that right? And (((who))) put them in a position of "authority" over me and my actions, or lack thereof? Was it (You), maybe?

Typically police don't like having to interfere in other people's affairs but if they are demanded to do so, its their job to so they have to do their job.

Whats really sad is many of their interventions are do to PUBLIC COMPLAINTS and REQUESTS from other citizens to intervene or question someone "suspicious" and typically if you are polite and just talk to them, they'll take note of it (for their bosses to read) and go away.

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Johnny, have you talked to Jim lately?

Why does he hate me and my REAL NEWS threads so much?

Attached: Jim Ex-CIA.png (1058x995, 103.89K)

It was a homeless camp. He should have torched the ville nam style and then shot every one of these useless fucks!

Looking at the video we never see that he swung. Had it out and was chasing a kid on a bike. We have only the narrative supplied by the kid and families without a statement from the police.
Does the officer need more training? Definitely.
Is he beating kids down? I’d have to say no.

If you run away from a cop, typically it is their job to chase you down to question you about whatever it is they were told to question about. Running away from a cop is stupid, especially if you did nothing wrong. However this was a kid and kids can be stupid. So can some cops too. Just be polite and tell them whats going on and typically you'll get a polite response back and they'll be off doing other shit they really don't like having to do.

Wew fucking lad!
You really drank the kool-aid, didn't you!
Who is paying them to do that job, and why? Why does society want law-enforcers anyway? Who makes the laws? Who has to comply? How should who be forced to comply with arbitrary laws? What ever happened to "Peace Officers"? What ever happened to Protect & Serve? Just whose interests are being protected and served? Why are police officers not hired unless they have a low enough IQ? Is it because we can't have law-enforcers asking too many questions? Why are people encouraged to not ask too many questions and actively discoyraged frim asking the wrong questions? Why are all those who question authority beaten down? Why will (You) not ask yourself these questions? Why will you remain a willing slave, and for how long?
(You) espouse common decency as a reason for answering cops' questions. I espouse common decency as a reason for cops not asking me questions for which they have no right to recieve answers for.

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I'd like to know how you found this site. A link on reddit, no one listened to you there so you spammed it across three other sites.

I suppose I was raised to believe that someone asking me a question isnt really controlling my behavior as they see fit. In my experience, when someone asked me a question it was because they are lacking information about a certain subject and usually I would be happy to mansplain it to them. Or I would just say sorry I dont know.
I wouldnt run away, that makes you seem like a nigger.

Consider this example:

Who makes the laws? The fucking bureaucrats and politicians.

Why does society want law-enforcers anyway? Most desire police to go after gangs and thieves, among other criminals. However, there are some snotty nosy control freaks out there too that call them up so they stick their nose into your affairs too. Is it right? No. But they either do their jobs or get fired, not much of an option for them.

What ever happened to "Peace Officers"? What ever happened to Protect & Serve? Most cops go in THINKING they'll do just that, but it turns out that there are corrupt cops, and stupid idiots, everywhere. And they either accept it or have to quite. Its sad really.

Why are police officers not hired unless they have a low enough IQ? Because (((the powers that be))) want them to be mindless zombies of oppression. Some are. Some are not. Its a complex problem in the LE community.

Why are all those who question authority beaten down? Sometimes it does happen, unfortunately, by dumb ass police officers. Thats why its common sense to be polite. Most will give you a nod and go away. Others may have a hard on for confrontation, its best not to give those brickheads a reason to be confrontational.

A normal person, not suspected of a specific crime in that moment, has no obligation whatsoever to stand around listening to a pigcop. They can just walk away mid-sentence, legally.
However, the thing police hate more than anything, is someone who doesn't care about their false authority. Someone who questions them in the slightest, despite there being no basis or need for their authority in that moment.
Next time a pigcop stops and asks you your name, simply respond with 'why?', and watch their temperament change.
With any other person, it is a reasonable question, shows no hostility nor refusal to answer, it is just that you want to know the reason for their actions.
I've had them threaten to frame me for a crime if I didn't follow their non-legal orders before. Generally, police are ill-educated, low iq bullies that had a choice of either becoming a criminal or joining the police.
The police I met personally were weed smoking low-level criminals, commuting fraud in their private lives too.
There is nothing moral about them, and when a new recruit tries to be moral or decent, the others gang up to terrorise it out of him until he becomes like them.

Tell them your name, and then ask who they are. They are OBLIGATED to do so. By doing so, you easily can tell if they are a temperamental control freak or an average nice person.

Too much glamorising of them on television over the decades.
People think they are brave heros that investigate everything personally.
In reality, they function as they always have, lowest-rung bodies, sent out to pull anyone in that is in any way suspicious. Given their low perceptions capabilities, this has a broad sweep effect, because they aren't the ones dealing with it.
Here's a clue, there is an "investigations" department in the police. They investigate, the others are just direct reporters/handlers.

tbh I haven't even seen the video.
I'd be happy to watch it, then give a more informed argument, rather than general appeals to logic regarding control over peoples' behavior; alas, no one has yet posted a non-leddit source here, and I am not only too lazy to go look for it myself, I just don't give enough of a shit to go look for it. I do, however, give enough of a shit about people like you thinking that any other human being has the right to curb my behavior (when I have not been harming anyone or their property) that I will put you in your place. Your place is not to tell me what is right or wrong behavior in my dealings with 'others'; especially if I have done nothing to harm anybody or damage their property.
Common law us all that matters.
All other laws are bullshit made-up crap that no one has the right to enforce on anyone else.

Some of them, totally. Not all of them. I have met good officers who are very fair and polite and I have met really bad ones (one who threatened to beat me up). So I know how to deal with them. Be polite, just tell them whats going on, wait for the nod and they'll be off their way 99% of the time.


I used to be stopped every other week, for walking/cycling. Tiring of that, I stopped bothering to be subservient to every idiot that was trying to relieve his boredom.
90% of the time they weren't even investigating any crime, they were just driving around and were bored.

From reading what happens to honest coppers who follow the rule of law, it sounds like almost all of them are corrupt and bully the remainder to follow the line.
I'm not a "sovereign citizen" psycho, I just will question why they are bothering me in the first place, and ask for a reason for me providing them with any information about myself.
It didn't used to be common practice to demand the name/address or someone unless they were directly suspected of a crime. Nor is it in any facet of law that they are allowed to do so. It is an intimidation and power-trip action, regardless of how little fuss it might seem to answer, they have no right to ask.
People now are pushovers because they believe that is how it has always been and that they have no choice.

Ahhhhhhh, I see. You must live in a city. Yah, the more populated, the more corrupt and foolish.


it's a crime to LIE TO A COP

sings* "Hilarious…. Hi-lar-i-ous…."

I used to have the same problem.
I had hair down to my ass.
Jacked up constantly just for walking and looking like a hippie.
Shaved my head.
Overnight things changed.
Started getting jacked up constantly for walking and looking like a skin-head.
I'm 6' 8" tall.
What did I learn?
Pussy manlet cops in positions of authority are just going to jack me up no matter what I do, say, or how I look.
Never got an ounce of respect from a cop since I was about 11 and surpassed most of them in height. Weirdly, now that I'm in my 50s, I sometimes get a small amount of respect from younger cops – those that were taught to respect rheir elders; but the respect is grudging. I'm still a mere 'citizen'. I must obey. They, after all, are wearing a magic suit and badge that supposedly gives them authority over me and my actions, or lack thereof – and I'm still a dirty old hippie with long hair and an even longer beard, so I should be beaten into submission, or at least that is the attitude given off by cops toward me as a human being (a human being with just as much right to question the actions of a cop as he has to question mine)..

FastFwd to 2:15

its one of my favorite segments of any song

its fucking AWESOME

you need to learn to respect authority

Get a haircut and hunch over more

They have no authority unless the situation demands it.
Always had a short haircut, don't walk with a hunch because that will leave you as a target for violence, not to mention back and neck problems.

No need to test.
I also am getting a bunch of bans in the last 24 hours over posts you and I both made 2 weeks ago! Pretty much whole countries have been range-banned. I guess the whole baby-Phil thing over the holidays was not as well received by the powers-that-be as it was reveled in by those participating in mere enjoyment of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But isn't that always the way? Some party pooper always tries to rain on someone else's parade.

I wasn't 'asking'……..

I said get a haircut and hunch over more!!

By all mean..
Cow Down!

I looked pretty normal, so did my friends. It's as you say, they'll bother you for any reason, just because they want to stretch their authority and hadn't had a chance yet that day.
I was attacked/surrounded by groups and gangs numerous times in broad daylight with the public all around, and I never saw the poilice stopping those sorts. They walked around in pairs, if they were walking, and would never stop any more than 2 people, because they know that if their superhero uniform is ignored, they have nothing to back them up.

Sure, as soon as you cut off your internet connection and stop being a fucking schizo.

It's always darkest before dawn..

*polishes my Police Issue steel toe boots with your face*

Someone post the fucking webm, im not going to that shit teir site

I love how 8ch is supposed to be some bastion for the white race, yet when a Jew-Dog is acting like the rabid animals they are a bunch of faggots spring to their defense.

I know it's not in your spirit to conform and bend to Jim's will. Rebel, my good man ! Rebel !!!

Bastion for the white race ?……

hahahahaha wow

I have seen and read quite a bit about
but 'bastion for the white race' wasn't
one of them. If anything, i see Zig Forums
as a tabletop, and you videogaming
white sissyboys are a fucking ashtray

and im here to extinguish shit cigars

HEY Johnny!

I'm here too! Remember that. This is my home too, and I'm no gamer!

BTW, this should be the NEW thread to shitpost:

Attached: PicsArt_02-02-09.12.37.png (345x337, 167.96K)

That's not ME, and I'm no gamer either!
That proves it! There's at least 3 people that frequent 8/n/; then there's killcen!

I will give the girl in blue tee shirt a home :)


complete list of regular Zig Forums visitors:

1: the mod
2:the guy with inverted nipples
3: killcen
4: the disabled dude
5: Fangë
6: the guy who loves milk
7: neptune
8: Ron
9: Jim (once every couple weeks)

H8 to break it to you, but I resemble several of those, so.. it's probably even fewer regulars than you thought.

Your forgetting about the 10,000 others.

i refuse to use labels or to
categorize myself under one
(other than 'piece of shit')

but i understand how the average
idiot would consider me to be a
'liberal' or a 'left-winger', especially
when they realize that i believe in
minding your own business and
letting people live their lives, and
do whatever makes them happy,
as long as it's not harming anyone
else… period

but that is not 'left wing'
and its not 'liberal'



But you're forgetting the difference
between YOUR and YOU'RE

im a true patriot, god dammit

cops are cool. i like them a LOT

They are
Is someone using the threat of force on them?
Wait! Why would someone do that to someone else to enforce someone else's will entirely?
Maybe he "had to".
Maybe not.
Maybe no one should be enforcing any law other than common law.

I think George W Bush summed it up best

(right after he and cheney did the 9/11 attacks)

"You're either WITH US or AGAINST US."


the actual history of how Firemen started in America (they were all street gangs who would set the fires and collect the 'reward money' for putting the fires out)

The story of how fire departments began in America is also tied to the history of POLICE here, and it's nothing like what you thought.

If you arent familiar with it, i would highly recommend researching it.

even details like why we call them 'cops'
(the copper badges)

Zig Forums summarized in one picture

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WTF I love fires now.

if she dies, it will be plastered on every website

news organizations have always tasked interns with continually updating facts and events in obituaries for people who haven't died yet.

that way, they have their stories ready for the presses when someone dies.

Thats exactly how Fox inadvertantly flashed a 'bumper' n the air recently, prematurely annoincing her death.

Try going out in blackface next time!
You'll get beat up by cops, niggers, feminists, libtards, right-wingers, faggots of every sexual or political persuasion, pretty much everybody but Libertarians.
Why is it that only those who actually want freedom will ever leave everyone else alone to practice theirs?

Insurance companies had standard rewards for anyone who would put out big fires, so the gangs (ethnic) would compete, setting the fires themselves, then blocking the water hydrants so they could prevent other gangs from accessing it.

Wendy and i are happy that
Sexy is about to be taken
to the vet to be neutered
and vaccinated yes
then transported to
his new home out
in the country….

but we are also very sad about it.
we've kept him alive since he was born

this is a very melancholy moment for us

No. Opposite. The media would RUN for cover. A massive COVER-UP. Take note this is the same corporate media who spewed lies about Brett Kavanaugh even though ever single lie was exposed. They were DEVASTATED when Trump got his second SCOTUS pic. Anally devastated.

We are having to time the operation out so we are synced with the woman who does rescue with 'complicated feral cases' about 50 miles from here

Either tomorrow or Tuesday we are going to execute the capture,

Tell us the truth, trips..
It's because you know the cat is likely to die from the vaccinations, isn't it?

He said right here, , in the post before yours, that he will be capturing and executing it within days, so we already KNOW how it will die!

Attached: Cat-PNG-03-1.png (525x348, 57.93K)

Why is it that only those who actually want freedom will ever leave everyone else alone to practice theirs?
Good question.
Lawsuits will ensue..

Attached: PicsArt_02-01-10.10.47.png (1280x720, 1.1M)

Good News !!!

Reynolds now makes a larger size
roll of tinfoil, so you can now make
a hat that will actually fit you.

It appears that your current hat
is cutting off your blood supply


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There's no amount of money worth letting the world see what a fucking pussy you are, and let them know that a wimpy, effeminate, sawed-off flaming homosexual like Rene Boucher beat your fucking ass into the dirt

Don't worry, OP.
Some of us will listen to you here.
some, of the three of us..

Also: We Have Candy!


Kind of like that.
Just like my bans and my ips. I run into the same ones about every 280,000 IPs or so.. so, like about every 28 days.

level 1
30 points ·
1 day ago

And how quick he stop when he realized we was being recorded…..
level 2
11 points ·
1 day ago

Which is actually a step up from the usual. As often as not they dgaf whether their thuggery is recorded.
level 1
11 points ·
1 day ago

Any one have more information on this?

level 2
2 points ·
4 hours ago

The video was made 2 days ago by a local homeless advocate named Chris Solberg, who has been quoted in the local press. He's been helping homeless in the area for 10 years. He told me just now that the Salvation Army director in the area said that a large portion of homeless in the area are refugees from the Carr and Camp fires.

I asked him to go find out more about that family and that maybe we could start a fundraiser or something for them. He said he would go check it out and see what's what. Stay tuned.

in the meantime, I asked Chris if he was certain the officer intended to use the club and he said "Yes im positive when he first drew out baton his first couple of steps were him chasing child with baton fully cocked back in strike position"

So there you go.

Here is his Facebook page where he documents incidents like this:

he also has a blog. see below.

This incident has not become a news story yet.

level 2
1 point ·
6 hours ago

I found this.
level 1
3 points ·
18 hours ago

I hope this pig got what was coming to him
level 2
3 points ·
11 hours ago

If by that you mean a pay increase and a cushy desk job then probably. You know they don’t punish their own
level 3
1 point ·
2 hours ago

Of course not. Any news on this incident?
level 1
3 points ·
20 hours ago

I have no hope left for this sick, depraved world.
level 1
2 points ·
6 hours ago

I want to give the guy who filmed this a hug for being a good citizen and expressing accurately the outrage all of us felt watching this monster take a club to a boy on a bicycle. What purpose is served by such savage brutality which obviously was completely unnecessary as evidenced by his quick course correction upon detection by witnesses.

Fire this monster!!!
level 1
2 points ·
5 hours ago

Imagine you’re homeless and living in a tent. Barely scraping by and you’re just a kid. A cop comes and is going to strike you with a weapon whose purpose is only for defense against someone breaking laws.

This video has really upset me. Literally, it has me in tears.

They just beat the homeless in Redding? With clubs? Even if they are little boys?

How far gone do you have to be to beat a homeless kid?

correction :

Killcen was beckoned to Zig Forums by
the Thailand Troll Monkeys' Song

Yo! Get down off Gobbler's Knob!
Common Core Breeds Common Folk who need policemen and other superstitious nonsense to tell them what's up.
Is that what happened to (You)?

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heads up:
just got an email from Ron
im about to find out why
his dad is targeting you

I sent Ron an email asking him if he can fill me in on why Jim singles out Killcen, just like you suggested i should do.

and you were correct. Ron responded immediately.

he's going to talk with his father and get back in touch with me.

Butt, the bruise on her leg is priceless!

First; Reddit.
Second: Leftist faggot.
Third: biased as fuck

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I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of all the nigger cocks your blowing right now.

Shit thread. Want to know more about the story. Reported for reddit, which is not a credible source.
Kiddo prolly shouldn't-a gotten pummeled, but eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you whiners are worse.

Is that what (You) were doing the day everyone else learned the difference between "your" & "you're"?

I was reading through the posts and my one overwhelming thought:

Attached: 1418786767096.jpg (570x674, 44.3K)


Attached: your-you-are-difference.jpg (720x720, 159.45K)

What a typically kind, openminded and accepting Liberal Leftist response!

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see this fat fucking piece of shit?

he's a friend of mine in real life…

pay attention

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it's proof that you are the only reason why you're not happy, and your decisions have been idiotic

Attached: 22549805_10159426092810481_7316888990156438898_n(3).jpg (960x960, 59.47K)

This Thread is brought to you by the Toyota Camry XLE

"At Toyota we believe that making great cars makes people's lives better, and safer"
