Good! Gov. Ron DeSantis Bans Obama’s Subversive Toxic Common Core in Florida

Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed an executive order completely banning Obama’s “toxic” Common Core from Florida schools.

“One of the things we would constantly hear about on the campaign trail is frustration from parents with Common Core and the testing,” said Gov. DeSantis at a news conference at Ida S. Baker High School in Cape Coral. reports:

The Governor said he wants to work with the Florida Department of Education, as well as speak with teachers and parents about their experiences with Common Core.

“Let’s get this right,” said Gov. DeSantis “We want high quality, we want to demand excellence.”

The Governor said he wants to streamline standardized testing, make civics a priority in schools, and increase the rate of literacy.

Common Core is a set of academic standards in mathematics and arts/literacy that outline what students should know at the end of each grade. Some parents argued the guidelines were too rigid and required too much testing for students.

WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON? Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Thursday he is issuing an executive order to eliminate Common Core from Florida schools.Background

Posted by ABC Action News – WFTS – Tampa Bay on Thursday, January 31, 2019

“When you complained about Common Core, I hear you. I told you I would do something about, and today we’re acting to bring those promises into reality,” said Gov. DeSantis.

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I'll git on a'bored & bump dis here bread also.
I H8 Common Core.
Home schooled my own kids myself. Actually did it, not just talked about how people should home school, or how shitty the system is.
From personal experience:
Would highly recommend.

Props for doing that. The public school system has been wrecked by marxy communists.

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also from personal experience home schooled kids were some of the biggest autismos i ever met because they had no social interaction. that isn't to say they weren't educated cause they were straight a students most of the time. just fucking weirdos that were tough to talk to

I was one of those home schooled students. I managed to avoid some of the indoctrination nonsense that happened in the school system, but I paid for it with not knowing how to socialize. Took me until my mid twenties to know how to make small talk.

I didn't do that to my kids.
Single father. No mother to deal with.
Had my kids in loads of activities, like childen's theatre, then adult theatre, choirs, bands, sports – we travelled all over the country and the world, all with almost no money.
I spent quality time with my kids, and it shows. I didn't just buy them shit and trundle them off to indoctrination camps while I went to my own internment camp, better known as a "job"..
Knowing what is important in life is only half the battle. Just Do It.

Why was common core never repealed?

Standardized testing is cancer. Education becomes a means of passing a specific set of tests, rather than actually teaching student show the world works. It stresses everyone out, teachers and students alike.

To start with, there was never anything about it that was distinctly immoral, illegal, or unconstitutional. Just stupid and ineffective.
When something is initially ineffective, they don't immediately cut it; they keep trying to make it effective.

You either memorize the answers to a fuckton of math questions or you learn the formula to do them on the spot. Standardized testing in is hoping you pass by doing the latter

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Yeah. (((You're))) trying to profit off of linking with those shit ad likning sites.

Wonderful! Fantastic! That's the best good news I've heard all day! Thank you, OP!

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Hey! Come on! The dude apologized! Don't be a douche nozzle.

No, it was [bit . ly] link that was forbidden. It came with the article. I edited it out and it worked. Sorry for blaming the BO, I thought my news was being censored at first so I through a fit.

Yep. I like making Good! news threads, unfortunately I don't get too much Good! news often. Hopefully, someday, that will change.

Here is your answer, Killcen..
ALL News Will Be Good!

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the only people against common core are boomers who are afraid of change and only remember "the good ol' days" (which werent that "good" lol). luckily, they will be dying off in droves and all the sudden america will become a better place

Man, you guys are on a roll today.

The pen is mightier than the sword.
pic related is a THC vape-pen. (You) should use one with Killcen and have a lovely afternoon eating toast made in antique toasters, spread with generous lumps of canna-butter.

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Found the one person actually listening to AOC!

pro-tip: stupidity (and miseducating children) is immoral

Mark my words, when our generation goes, you will not have anything better. Everything was ruined and you will inherit the scraps left over. Sorry, but corruption did that - NOT US suckers.

Blame the politicians. They are the ones who will be looting your pension funds and taxing you into oblivion soon. We warned you. We fucking warned you. Remember that!

The only reason us "boomers" were lucky is because we were born in better times, when society was much less corrupted and there was still some basic moral and ethical standards. Now days that is GONE. Flushed away from rampant corruption that is getting increasingly worse and worse.

Yes, we were lucky, because there were better times and we got to experience them. The subversives hijacked the government and everything is utter kikery today. Thats the problem, thats why times have become so shitty for many people. Digesting subversive propaganda also created this kind of culture we live in today as well.

If the future wants something better, enough good people have to stand up for whats right or it will only get worse.

Common Core was meant to dumb down future generations and turn them into obedient little brainwashed zombies for future serfdom.

Props for doing what?
Something the mod doesn't like?

Killcen would call it Censorship.
I call it the mod being a fucking faggot.

Common Core never was designed to help kids learn mathematics. It was set in to make mate more confusing to every kid.

Some say this is because whites and Asians make black and Hispanic kids look like idiots in math classes.

As a neutral party on this, can someone tell me either why common core was so great or bad for education? No platitudes like 'it makes them dumber for de jooz' sort of thing. Any stats or like, hard facts? As far as I've seen, american education standards have been behind for decades now.

The point was to make dumb kids learn math like smart kids. The problem is that they can't, because they are dumb. And those dumb kids have dumb parents, so they can't even help the dumb kids cheat.

Education is not normalized in any way in America, so a kid who finished 4th grade in one State might have learned some things that a kid who finished 4th grade in another State was never taught, and visa versa. Common Core is supposed to got everyone teaching in the correct order and being prepared for more advanced things. In particular, this happens with math, where many kids never learn to do any math and instead learn a repetitious process they can use to get the correct answer to arithmetic problems. Then they hit Algebra and need to do actual (albeit simple) math for the first time and suddenly get stupid, because they were never prepared for it.

onoes! whatever will niggers do now no Whites left behind?
Please think of the niglets.

what a retard

For math, the idea was to teach children the thinking process (breaking down numbers into component chunks and finalizing the miscellaneous outliers at the end, etc) instead of how to interpret data and construct formulas.
The first problem with this is that your brain is taking care of the how to think part on its own. The second problem is in the actual content.

For English, the stated goal is to create strong argumentive language based on a concept called the critical lens. The results ask you to decide who should live and die based on criteria (including homosexuality) and promote obedience to the state, but at least your grammar's correct.

Half the problem lies in the curriculum. Whoever's designing these assignments is using an already controversial new education paradigm to push a political agenda. The other half of the problem lies in its creators' stated goal of leveling the playing field between children of different races and social divides; they attempted to make black kids perform as well as the white kids. Unfortunately, they made white kids perform as poorly as the black kids.

At least with New Math, they found what worked and abandoned the rest; you do NOT want to find percentages the old way.

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