Brave Family Takes a Stand for the Lord, Beats Boy to Death for His Inability to Respect Bible Verse

MANITOWOC (WLUK) – MANITOWOC (WLUK) – A 7-year-old boy was beaten, forced to carry around a 44-pound log, and was buried in the snow before he died last year.

Now, a 15-year-old boy and two adults have been charged with the murder of Ethan Hauschultz.

Damian Hauschultz, 15, is charged with first-degree reckless homicide and six other charges. Although age 15, in Wisconsin, juveniles charged with certain homicide counts are handled in adult court.

Damian’s father, Timothy Hauschultz, 48, is charged with felony murder and five other charges.

Tina McKeever-Hauschultz, 35, is charged with failing to prevent bodily harm, and intentionally contributing to the delinquency of a child.

All three are expected to make initial court appearances Monday in Manitowoc County court.

According to the criminal complaint:

Timothy Hauschultz and Tina Hauschultz were the court-appointed guardians for Ethan Hauschultz and two of his siblings. The complaint does not indicate if or how they are related.

Timothy Hauschultz ordered Ethan Hauschultz to be punished by carrying a heavy wooden log, weighing 44 pounds (about two-thirds of the boy’s body weight), for two hours around a pre-determined path in a snowy area outside their home. Damian was instructed to supervise the punishment.

As Ethan struggled to carry the log, Damian allegedly hit, kick, struck and poked Ethan about 100 times – sometimes using a belt or a stick. Damian rolled the heavy log across Ethan’s chest, stood on him while Ethan was face down in a puddle, and then burying him in a snowbank for more than 20 minutes without a coat or boots on.

Damian also repeatedly struck Ethan’s twin, who was also ordered to undergo the punishment, according to the complaint.

Ethan died of hypothermia, but also had extensive other injuries, including blunt force injuries to his head, chest and abdomen, and a rib fracture, the medical examiner determined, the complaint states.

In an interview with police, Damian stated he “didn’t do anything that would have hurt” Ethan. He estimated he hit Ethan 100 times. He also admitted to covering Ethan in snow, but knew Ethan had to breathe. He described Ethan as being covered “in his own little coffin of snow,” according to the complaint. The punishment was directed to be carried out by his father, Timothy, Damian said.

Damian said he had to carry wood for not knowing 13 Bible verses to Timothy’s satisfaction. The punishment was one week of carrying wood for two hours per day. Timothy picked out the logs, but Damian had to supervise the punishment for the younger children.

Timothy police the log walking was a form of discipline, but he was not home when the incident happened with Ethan. Damian had called him twice because Ethan wasn’t moving.

Tina was not quoted in the complaint. One of Ethan’s siblings said she is aware that Timothy uses this form of discipline.

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The pussy pass strikes again


One less christian faggot to deal with √

You Christians are pure evil. We Jews would never do this to our children. You should be ashamed you filthy goys.

ye shall know them by their actions,
not the piety from their mouths

Puke 3,ch666

I cant wait until the desert religion genocide, no more muzzies, kikes and dead guy on a stick worshipers

Poor kid. If you are hearing "God's Voice" in your head tell you to do things….chances are it isn't really God you hear. God speaks to your heart.

How fucking disgusting.

>implying pagans peacefully and happily accepted (((christianity)))
its high time for holocaust part 2:christian and jew boogaloo

You don’t have to be Christian to beat your kid. Any justification will do, really: broke something, got a bad grade, didn’t make the team, sassed your mother, fell behing on chores. This is nothing.

You might say the little shit deserved to die for being so soft. But then again, the other family members deserve a beating for letting him die so quickly. :^)

I dont believe this story, because if they were christians, they would've been molesting the boy.

I guess the bible verses were equivalent to chopped liver?

I've never met a christian who wasn't a homosexual or a pedophile.

I’ve never met a jew that wasn’t both.

The entire reason people invented 'jesus' was to try and mask their homosexuality

Shit happens

Man, goyim. Those Christians are SO bad, am I right?

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you could power a city with how much you spin

[Laughs in Iberian]

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Who are you talking to Hymie?
Oh right, always accuse the enemy of what you are guilty of.


Religion is a psychological psysop. Prove me wrong.

it was the first form of kike social control and the most evil

That's right my son, bow down to my glory. No a little lower….ah yes that's it.

I get this is trolling, but man, it really makes me happy that crapstians are disapearing from earth, they deserve nothing but extermination.

Christcucks offer blood sacrifices to their true master, Moloch. So do mudslimes. All semite religions are the same copypasta created by the jews.

Just keep your prayer rug handy, and don't make any waves when your local Imam demands access to your wife and children, infidel.

Don't you……….forget about me. Don't don't don't DON'T.

One kid murdered. 11 charges. One crime - Two at most. Two different people convicted of the murder, despite there being no possible way they both could be guilty (of the murder). The justice system is insane. You break one window and it's 60 charges, 15 of which stick.
Nope, just pointing out how fucking gay the law is. In a sane law system they'd still be in deep shit for this. Just not 11 flavors of shit and two convictions for a crime that wasn't committed by two people.

Christcucks believe in no races, every man is a brother if he confesses Christ. It's this kind of gay shit that fueled immigrant importation insanity and, yes, even Communism. Communism being the AIDS of governments and either the primary or secondary reason for everything terrible in every State.

Look man, this isn't soviet Russia. We have enough goatfuckers here that if Christianity is eradicated, Islam WILL take over. And the Bolshevik Jews will still be laughing in their fortified communities. Just like they did in Soviet Russia.



a jew LOL


They psyoped their own kids into false flagging as christians so they could blood libel us!!!!

wat the fuck


Which Bible verse was it?

Hell, you can be your kid for looking at you or breathing the wrong way

you can even beat your kid*

If he had survived it, he would have become as tough as Conan.

WTF. This is something I expect from niggers.

Death penalty.

Trump voters 100%

jews are not a race you dumbfucking nigger.

Semitic and pagan religions are obsessed with ritual sacrifice, it's all voodoo bullshit.

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First of all, the CHILD should not even be charged with murder. It's a retarded double-standard that minors cannot vote, cannot control their sexuality or consumption of drugs, and are denied many basic rights; but if they kill someone they are completely responsible for that! So the fact that they also charged the adult involved in the case (who probably threatened to beat the shit out of the kid if he didn't beat the shit out of the younger kid) is at least paying lip service to this fact.

Second, how does one define a murder? If three people each take turns punching a man until he dies of brain damage, who committed the murder? What you're implying would be like saying it's ONLY the one who threw the last punch (the one, after which the guy's heart stopped or whatever) and the others are only guilty of assault. That's illogical. ALL of them, in this case, are equal contributors to the death, thus will ALL be charged with murder.

pathetic nu-male detected



He started it.

Jews are no different. You mutilate your boys in the name of fairy tale bullshit.

Bro, I kill children because I can. Get on my level.

Degraded German genetics. Probably descended from Nasa scientists.

Good one Hymie. We all know they were descended from a shapeshifting "survivor" that took a German name.

Bitch you better be a vegan nigger.

Else your cucky archetype isn't ever partaking in the meat from said sacrifice.

I'm more surprised the 15 year old got time. He was basically given orders by his dad right? Either way he's probably mentally unstable as hell from that house.

That 15 year old was scared shitless. These fucks ended two lives. Oh wait three because I’m not sure how the twin will fare psychologically from the survivors guilt. Religion was a means to control the masses. Fuck off if you can’t see it.


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