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America is comprised of Idiot 1, a narcissist psychopath who loves the US murdering people, worships a screen, and considers Celebrity Jesus to be the ruler of reality , Idiot 2, a narcissist psychopath who loves the US murdering people, worships a screen, and considers Jewish Pedo Jesus to be the ruler of reality , and 17 people who understand that the system is broken.
Idiot 1 and 2 worship themselves but use proxies. Omg did you see what Kayne did is code for = omg we are so great we control all reality. Omg God is so great he just showered for me and paid me 150,000 to interupt peoples lives with marketing for a shoe made by child labor save the children today by worshiping God = Omg I am so fucking amazing everyone needs to worship me or I will kill them.
Because of the United States position in the pyramid scheme, along with grey area useful idiots who actually believe they are good people and keep the prisons courts hospitals and schools going , there is zero incentive for any of these people to ever revolt.
Niggers were fucking ENSLAVED. They watched their own kids get tortured right in front of then. They got spit on. They got called nigger. The moment they had some breathing room they went "SHEEEEEIT DOES THE CIA NEED ME TO SELL ANY CRACK OR HEROIN FOR THEM?". Literally a country of cucks. If somebody called me a loser I would instantly declare war on them, not beg to work for them. The willingness of niggers to reenslave themselves to obtain federal reserve monopoly money tells you everything you need to know. A nigger is much more willing to use force, and will kill you for stepping on their shoe, so it's not like they arent a good way to gauge whether citizens want to revolt.
Every day judges accept falsified evidence , accept bribes, give different punishments for political reasons, and use their power to point the finger rather than pursue true justice and rehabilitation. Somebody have their business illegally ruined due to anti trust laws not being enforced. Somebody could , through mass social engineering or technology be completely censored and isolated from American society. People get raped, kids get beaten , corporations deceive employees, and wage slaves live in actual slave conditions and are basically told to worship their king boss or die. People die from preventable accident . People get addicted to drugs from big pharma. Abused children are given chemical lobotomies by pill pushers. Nothing ever happens because Americans are fucking retarded and see that .000000001% chance that they become Jay Z as reason enough to ignore evil. Marketers carefully study human psychology to exploit the human mind, and Americans essentially gamble their way through life . Gambling involves some risk and loss right? So therefore any of your friends or family suffering is just part of the game.
Don't be stupid and believe in this false savior shit. The WIKILEAKS shit was marketing perfectly as this "any day now" thing to keep people occupied. Fight Club was a psyop to make you think you have this alternate personality handling everything.
We've already seen literal proof of where all chaos comes from. People like Soros pay "grass roots" protesters. Before a big case where a cop is going to be acquitted for murder of a black, the television purposely eggs on blacks and primes them for rioting.
This is not FUD. LOTR, Star wars, did these people just act like animals and save the world? No you have to train with Yoda for years then make a long ass journey to Mt Israel. Can't be done without taking the first step though .