Infowars’ Alex Jones ordered to undergo sworn deposition in Sandy Hook case

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP) — A Connecticut judge has ruled that Infowars host Alex Jones must undergo a sworn deposition in the defamation case brought against him by family members of Sandy Hook school shooting victims.

Discussions on Jones' web show have called the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre a hoax, and lawsuits by families of eight victims and a first responder say they've been subjected to harassment and death threats from Jones' followers.

The Superior Court judge also ruled Wednesday that the families can depose several other defendants in the case, including those critical to Infowars’ business operations.

Jones has defended the discussions on his show. He has cited First Amendment rights and says he believes the shooting happened.

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I was suspicious of him for a while (how could anyone really believe what he's saying?)
Looking at those court transcripts from his custody battle is rough(He forgot his kids name because he had eaten some chili before testifying)
The dude is obviously insane. If it was an act he would have said the shit he did on the stand, with his kids on the line.

I don't understand how it is that people can't see him as what he is: a speed addict.
ON the joe rogan show where he has to go to the bathroom several times.

He was just being respectful. You can’t snort lines in front of Joe because that’s just being a dick.

Conspiracy theories like that would have got you a spot on infowars in its prime.

dude is constantly on meth/coke/speed watch him on Get Me Roger Stone as he enters TYT set and watch him grind his teeth.

His first real exposure was in the movie Waking life, he was the guy on the sidewalk with the bullhorn shouting about the space shuttle. With in five years he was nationally syndicated on AM radio. His career started just as the internet was becoming a true mass media, about 2001. This the same time that broadcast and cable TV started its slide into obscurity, by the year 2004, South park was the only reason I watched TV. He found a home with conspiracy people and built an empire on the Internet, essentially he bypassed TV. Info wars had a huge national syndication and distribution network that dwarfed Howard Stern who is now little more than a footnote. If he had stayed away from Newtown, Sandyhook, and the rest of it he might have just survived.

Calling The parents of the children killed liars and crisis actors was kinda the lynch pin I think. Most people were content to ignore him really but telling his viewers to start a letter writing campaign was a grave mistake. The woman who was actually convicted for the threats was pretty much squashed flat by the legal system. Alex did little to help her and I expect did not want to be associated, while still spewing hate and getting rich on the lie.

Its funny to me how these people fall, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Rilley, Alex Jones all got some notoriety on the wack job scale but we just let it be. Maybe enough people wanted him done and it finally happened or we had to wait until they each did something so stupid that we could no longer ignore it.

That does make sense.
Direct threats of violence are not protected by free speech.

Calling the investigation in to question does fall under free speech and people shouldnt be prosecuted for that.

he has his rights, just like any other american.

the right to an attorney, the right to shut his big fat mouth, the right to settle out of court.

The problem Alex Jones is facing is that he and his lawyers (if he had any) assumed the 1st Amendment would protect them. Once you start invoking harassment against people the 1st Amendment protection starts to crumble. Hes now facing the same issues that Gawker faced and doomed them.

The other problem he faces is the recent custody battle he had with his ex-wife. His lawyers argued that he was just an entertainer and that he was putting on an act but then he turned around and said the opposite on his show. They will use this against him if he tries that defense again.

I think that is the most important debate of our times. How much is someone responsible for the actions of their fans or followers?

I remember beyoncey got in a twitter spat with some other dancer and her followers were absolutely brutal. Attacking the girl in real life as well as harassing her on line in order to defend beyoncey.
Nobody ever said beyoncey was responsible for the actions of her followers. But if she was a conservative male it would have been pinned on her 100% and she might have got unpersoned.

In the movies, neo from the matrix believes that neo from the matrix is real. But in a legal sense he is not a real person he is a character played by Keanu Reeves.


Alex was mean to Glow Rogan. Maybe that's more important than his Zionism.


Wow, they're really just eating him alive now huh? Hopefully this radicalizes his fanbase and we can get this civil war going.

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as if paying niggers to fuck them
in the ass in fast food restaurants
isn't already radical enough……….

Nice haiku. Very zen.

David Hogg is Adam Lanza. Case dismissed.

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Why didn't he age?

Wow, within a minute and a half – trolling pretty hard, huh? I think the answer is obvious, pic related.

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