Corrupt Big Pharma Causes Two-Thirds Of All US Bankruptcies

Our health insurance system is theoretically supposed to prevent Americans from going bankrupt when they are hit by huge medical bills.

But in case after case, that is simply not happening.

Even though more Americans are “covered by health insurance” than ever before, a new study has found that “about 530,000 families each year are financially ruined by medical bills and sicknesses”, and most of those families actually had health insurance.

These days, most health insurance policies closely resemble Swiss cheese because they are so full of loopholes, and health insurance companies have become masters at finding ways to wiggle off the hook. So every year hundreds of thousands of American families find themselves facing huge medical bills that they did not expect to be paying, and as a result medical expenses are the primary factor in 66.5 percent of all personal bankruptcy filings in the United States…

For many Americans, putting one’s health first can mean putting one’s financial status at risk. A study of bankruptcy filings in the United States showed that 66.5% were due, at least in part, to medical expenses.

The study, led by Dr. David Himmelstein, Distinguished Professor at the City University of New York’s (CUNY) Hunter College and Lecturer at Harvard Medical School, indicates that about 530,000 families each year are financially ruined by medical bills and sicknesses. It’s the first research of its kind to link medical expenses and bankruptcy since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010.

But wasn’t Obamacare supposed to make things better?

Shut up, slide this thread and keep drinking that diet soda, goyim!

Attached: Corrupt Big Pharma Causes Two-Thirds Of All US Bankruptcies.jpg (1280x720, 99.59K)

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This is one reason people need to start taking care of their body, by eating a healthy diet and exercising. Stop consuming junk foods and sugary toxic beverages like soda.

Honestly this world is made up of wolves and sheep. Those sheep who refuse to wake up almost deserve being fed to the wolves at this point.

You will never take our slaves away

{raughs in NHS}
{dies of waiting list}
This is why health insurance is a scam and you need a nationalised healthcare system. Because then you don't go "Welp I've got a bit of a chest infection and I can't afford the $80m for 3 antibiotic tablets - might as well shoot up a school!"

just keep buying drugs goyim, even your academics say that consuming drugs is good for you, so don't think too hard about it and give us all your money so we can give you your beloved drugs.

OP is a commie

If the USA didn't give so much money to foreign nations, if the USA didn't go to war at the drop of a hat, and if the USA didn't waste untold billions of dollars on boondoggle projects like California's train to nowhere, we could easily afford a national health care plan for all CITIZENS.

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This is because it's legal for insurance companies to operate for profit and not as insurance companies. Insurance BY FUCKING DEFINITION is transferring loss. How to solve this is beyond me but it shouldn't be hard.

In other news, water is wet, Krillcen.


THE CURE FOR CANCER: >>>/prepare/53 |

some of /illcen/s other posts deserved anchoring(about 80% of them), but not this one

It's a legit and important news item, even if it is pretty lefty

I reviewed the source a second time and I might have been… Harsh while on a bumplocking spree, so I'll unlock this one.

That will never be true. Sheep are born into a lifestyle, its not their fault. People like us were abused or freaks so we look at things differently.

Hitler would do public national health system, not jewish private system. National Socialism would holocaust jewish Pharma

Why americans are so cucked to allow this to continue? Your health system literally kills millions of people. When will you go to the streets and kill corrupt companies, politicians, jews?

Capitalism, at its worst. This is why for-profit hospitals and health insurance should be illegal. These aren't things that people should be striving to profit from. To do so is pure evil.

Never. Because they give us just enough to keep us docile. JUST enough, and not a drop more.

Get the Banhammer out.
The Feds are going to make You But I Sing the Truth and You should listen While You can.

Big Farma is poisoning Finland and everything around it. Find a Documentry

The very idea of a for-profit health insurance company is ludicrous. There is no way to maintain profits from a business, while also striving to help people to their fullest ability. Profit and charity directly contradict each other. And yet here we are, with insurance companies doing everything they can to weasel their way out of paying for medical bills and health costs.

for 5000$ I can go to Visa free Russia and get 32 teeth done.
in USA I can pay 32$000$$$$$$ for a broken leg.

59 bucks anywhere else… The Russians Mexicans chinese and Indians speak perfect english

Attached: trumproasting.jpg (750x1000, 320.46K)

The high cost in the USA comes from a combination of kike-invented specialized litigation against doctors, and a price raising arms race between hospitals and insurance companies (each trying to get the better deal).

So kikes being kikes are partially to blame. Forcing doctors and hospitals to pay for very expensive liability insurance. No one is better at litigation practices, usury, and price gouging than kikes.

The price raising race between hospitals and insurance companies is a side effect of each of them being for-profit, which are wholly unethical and downright evil practices.

the Higher cost is people just speaking.
and Others Who Expose Jews and risk their lives.

Explose them, in numbers we can be invincible, sooner or later we will gather numbers.

Color me shocked.

Could you rephrase that into something understandable? I don't speak buzzword.

if someone bombed or holocausted insurance companies, they wouldn't be able to do shit
you can't do anything if you don't exist