Mobile Device Addiction Causing Painful Back and Neck Disorders

“Will an 8-year old need surgery at age 28?”

According to co-author of a report studying the number of disk hernias and alignment problems among the young, Dr. Todd Lanman, the probability is likely. Spine surgeons are noting a dramatic increase in young patients with neck and upper back pain, most likely resulting from poor posture imposed from prolonged smartphone use. Labelled as “text neck,” this modern-day ailment is giving children the bodies of older people.

“In an X-ray, the neck typically curves backward, and what we’re seeing is that the curve is being reversed as people look down at their phones for hours each day,” Dr. Lanman said in an article on Daily Mail. “The real concern is that we don’t know what this means down the road for kids today who use phones all day. By the time patients get to me, they’re already in bad pain and have disc issues.”

In another study, published in Surgical Technology International, researchers determined other physiological burdens “text neck” may cause. The authors found that people hold their necks at around 45 degrees when they look down at their phones. This worsens when a person sits. Researchers calculated that the head weighs around 10 to 12 pounds while in a neutral position looking forward. At a 15-degree flex, the head weighs around 27 pounds. The stress on the spine increases with each degree of flex. Thus, at an average 45-degree angle when browsing, the head can weigh 49 pounds. That’s like carrying a small bale of hay around by the neck for hours at a time!

Researchers of this study estimate that smartphone users spend an average of two to four hours a day hunched over, looking at their phones. That equals to 700-1,400 hours per year people are stressing their spines. This applies to the average adult though. Adolescents tend to spend more. Authors of the study say that it is conceivable that pubescent children spend an additional 5,000 hours in this position. (Related: Heavy Backpacks Can Injure A Child’s Spine (press release).)

Dr. Steven Shoshany, a chiropractic healthcare specialist, released a cautionary report on that children need to be more careful about their spine health, particularly with “text neck.” He suggested young adults see a physician immediately if they start to exhibit any of the following symptoms:

Upper back pain which can be either chronic, nagging pain or sharp, severe muscle spasms,
Shoulder pain and tightness,
Difficulties radiating your arm and hand, and
Neck soreness.

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My parents always told me to stand up straight and look people in the eye. Luckily I did, because even as I get old I don't have any back issues.

nobody cares about a pain in the neck


I don't need to use one to know they suck.

Society would be so much better off without those things. They are zombifying children today!

Researchers of this study also estimate that you spend an average of 27 hours a day bent over with Jim's dick in your ass. That equals 9,855 hours per year getting fucked like a bitch.

are you suggesting that children would be better off being zombified by your particular brand of paranoia and fear?

Back in my day, we played outside. Friends hung out with one another and shit talked face to face. The kids growing up today don't anymore, I've talked to parents and many say they have problems getting their kids off those damn "phones" (aka mini spy computers!) Its breeding addiction and isolation! Its destrouying their ability to socielaize !

sorry, should have spell checked that:

*Its destroying their ability to socialize!


lol it's all good

yeah, well lots of things have changed.
and mostly for the worst.
but we can't control these things

I always told you, I am a real bad speller. If you only knew how bad, you'd laugh your pants off.

Sometime I should not use this spell check thing and see if people even understand what I have to say without it.


It's all good, dude

You know what I say? No phones until you are 16 years of age. And if a kid needs to use the phone, they use their parents phone to make a call to someone else. This means NO social media! No apps! No staring at a mini-screen all day long. If they wanted to socialize, they would have to go outside and find kids their own age to hang out with.

When I was young and watched too much TV, my parents would kick me out of the house for a whole day, not let me come back in. I was forced to meet with others and meet new kids around the block and find stuff to do. If I went back, they'd have me doing yard work all day long.


They should not be banned, but they should be restricted to just adults. Kids need to learn how to socialize, thats part of growing up.

AND, like DUIs, I believe they should do the same thing. If you get caught texting and driving 3 times, they revoke your ability to drive!

that's very similar to my belief:

I think it should be a felony to expose any child under the age of 18 to any form of religion whatsoever.

Religion has done more damage to the human race then any smartphone could ever do

……… After all………..

look how it fucked YOU up

Phones and technology are part of our reality. I understand restrictions on social media but not on a phone itself. Phones can do more than surf the web now. The newest iterations of phones rival computers now and will replace them eventually. Dont stunt a child.

Religion isn't a bad thing, it can be if you become an extremist and try forcing others on it. I don't do that, I just simply tell you what I honestly believe and let you decide what you think about it.

iPhones will replace PCs and laptops? Hopefully not while I'm still alive because I'll just quite the internet then, and going back to doing what I used to before the days of the internet.

I love my Android phone. It eliminates all need for a tablet, ereader, or carrying around a netbook/thin client. Yes, they watch me pick my ass and use the restroom. But we're already living in a dystopian hell, so what wisdom is there in refusing to make the most of it?

Checkmate, privacy people.

The point is you don't have to live in a dystopian hell. You can break free from it, only if you really desire to though. Remember: consumer choice. The option is always up to us. We can always reject this stuff, but most people don't seem to have a spine anymore. Back in the day, people were more stubborn and I wish many people would have remained that way.

So basically you believe the best way to combat demographic replacement and central bank predation is to switch to a flip phone, because that way my back will hold up better over time?

Attached: c8769792.mp4 (640x360, 5.28M)

The votes are in, and you lost

Android - 7 billion
You - 1

It seems to me that you can be tracked wherever you go even without carrying a smartphone, supposing someone wants to do so bad enough. Then what is the problem with a computer in your pocket? Certain corporations getting metadata? Well, don't install their apps and use them through the browser. What about not using their services? Yeah, you can do that. Delete your account. What about being addicted to social media? Well, widen your definition of social media to include anything that asks you to put out more information than search terms to use it, and save those activities for a computer/or not do them at all. What is left after that? How are these issues not a matter of impulse control and making sure you're less naive than the average person?

you've got to forgive killcen.
He's easily excitable, a bit of a reactionary, incessantly compelled to apply his christian-based 'end of times' doomsday conspiracy template to A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G, and most importantly he has never touched a smartphone in his life and only knows what he's read in his specifically chosen handful of lunatic fringe conspiracy theory websites disguised as 'news'

I still find him worthy of engagement, despite all that. Arguments are arguments. If he has a good one, and not just prepper memes, I'm all ears.

On the plus side, I can actually weigh my head with my smartphone!


You can fry your brain will cell phones too. Thats why I always put it on speaker.

You are right ONLY about ONE thing: I never touched a "smart"phone in my life……and never will either.

As for the rest, you lie.