Americans are poor compared to first world countries

average people in 20 countries are wealthier than average american, even in countries like Italy, Taiwan, South korea, Spain, Ireland, Canada. and they work less than we, they have public health care, they have less stress than we.
america is shithole. we are so cucked by the rich jews.

also look at "Ratio (%) of median to mean"
in US all wealth is in small number of richest people. in civilized countries, a lot of wealth is in common people hands.

Attached: median wealth.png (694x794, 33K)

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Trickle-down-economics can be thanked for this shit. And people ate that condescending shit up like the fucking retards that they are.

Trickle-down economics is the rich kike's greatest achievement. That, and convincing gullible idiots that there is a such thing as a private institution that is too big to fail. If there is no accountability then the economy is fucked. Kikes have free reign to grind the nation into dust.

not just jews, but all members of the bourgeoisie, don't be that guy, user.

Let's meet in the middle and just say (((bourgeoisie))), for centrist purposes of course.

Attached: centrist.png (781x576, 71.75K)

You're right. But kikes are the bankers. They are some of the most responsible for our economy turning to shit.

they're all equally responsible, not one elite is solving any of these problems.

Anti-semites are all commies

Found the kike

If you're white in America chances are you're not poor. All the minorities drag down the averages making us look bad.

holy fuck if you post on Zig Forums does it get automatically crossposted to Zig Forums
wow amazing

Attached: 9f6f77a76814adc8ce0d725464e8ea406ead3c2461e2653b5ad15e9260609687.jpg (812x1024, 53.16K)

but still poorer than eurocommies

Europe, Canada, Australia are not white either
and Italians are not white at all, even ethnic Italian is not white. Irish people are dumb drunk village idiots. but both Italians and Irish are wealthier than americans.

You are full of lies.

Show truths then

Bernie's running, his track record is second to none. He's been right on all the issues and the media ignores him so we know he's legit. Register as a dem and vote for Bernie.

Oh boy you are too dumb to use the search engine or you are pretending to be dumb,

No refunds.

Don't forget the money we send to Israel. It's important for them to be able to maintain their wall to keep out the Palestinians! Israel is our greatest ally! Based Zognald with his orthodox Jewish daughter and son-in-law!


I wonder (((who))) made this thread?

Everyone who calls out my evil actions is evil!

Then what does that make you?

Attached: mmo7jqxh7yi11.jpg (1024x576, 32.72K)

Dunno. Wouldn't peruse Zig Forums if I was paid.
This browser seems comfy though. Mostly just seeing if it will let me post.

Looks like this text based browser is working nicely.
I've tried many others, but good ole' Lynx appears to still work better than ever! It sure is nice to say bye bye to captchas and softserve.
Now let's see if it let's me easily attach an image.

Attached: Comfy_Lynx_Browser.png (654x409, 57.74K)

There is at least one shill that accuses everyone of being a communist a fag or a jew. I seen a brainlet post almost every thread too.

If I understand correctly, the DNC enacted official rules that would bar an independent from running as a Democrat. This was specifically due to Boinie's success last time.

Duh obviously… You have all sorts of shithole countries are on the continent of Murrica. Like Venezuela. They obviously drag richer American countries like Canada down.

The DNC has always had the same rules about the primaries. The votes democrat members make in the primaries are just 'advisory'. They tell the DNC leadership who their members want. But the DNC can ignore the vote completely and select whoever they want.

The republicans used to have the same system. But they changed it after Romney lost. Which is why Trump was able to become their candidate.



Thats due to places like Venezuela is bringing down the average in Murrica.

europeans pay high taxes but are wealthier and have higher quality of life than americans

america = United States of America

Those states that are sorta-united in North America are the only America that burgers pay attention to. If you see "America" in a title or list, they're usually referring to themselves.

America is filled with poor niggers, orientals and mexicans. Millions and millions of 'em. Those countries are largely racially homogenous.

Has any body tried to support the Yellow vests Financially?

i many not have money but atleast im not in debt with over 20 trilling like some assholes.