Police State USSA: Trump Signs Law That Allows FBI To Collect DNA of Citizens

President Donald Trump has signed the Rapid DNA Act into law which means the police can routinely take DNA samples from people who are arrested but not yet convicted of a crime.

The law, which was signed in 2017 and comes into effect this year, will require several states to connect Rapid DNA machines to Codis – the national DNA database controlled by the FBI.

These machines, which are portable and about the same size as a desktop printer, are expected to become as routine a process as taking fingerprints.

Speaking to Daily Star Online, he said: “The fact of the matter is that these machines are not full-proof.

“But we could look at a situation in which someone could be arrested, have their mouth swabbed and then be charged within hours after generating a DNA profile.

“We are looking at the erosion of the concept of innocent before proven guilty because it will allow police to go on fishing expeditions.

“When you sit on a park bench, you shed DNA. That is now up for grabs by police who could swab it, and run it through a DNA database. If they find a match, or if misconduct occurred anywhere in the vicinity where your DNA was found, you might find yourself charged with a crime you never committed merely because you happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Attached: Trump Signs Law That Allows FBI To Collect DNA of Citizens.jpg (620x413, 80.92K)

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But now it has been changed with the US Supreme Court ruling' and heralds in a loss of privacy, he claims.
No mention of what the ruling was nor why they were making it but that's okay because #orangemanbad

Well he just expanded more power and authority to the very "deep state" he rails against 24/7. Doesn't he understand they'll use everything they have for evil by now?

realk news

If you get arrested, the cops already take all your fingerprints, scan your eyes, and "encourage" you to give them voice samples by making you repeat several phrases into a phone before allowing you to make any calls.


and the UK writes news about a US anti-privacy law which at worse will put more niggers in jail

DNA testing is worse than antiquited technology. A single persons DNA can be found literally anywhere and DNA can be moved and placed literally anywhere.

There's worse news to be reported, EU is trying to END the current internet we enjoy today. Very very sinister plans.

The only thing DNA says is "Your DNA was here" not "You were here" because dropped DNA is genetic makeup of person separate from the person themselves. Anybody can walk into a public bathroom and pick up another person's DNA. DNA is the easiest evidence to find and the easiest to make mistakes with.

It is convenient evidence not quality evidence. Shopping for DNA is for cheapskates, like people who get fat on lots of cheap unhealthy food.

So they want to be able to FRAME people!

Its all too clear now. God what a totalitarian shithole this country has become.

I'm sure they were probably helping people frame people before they just don't want to be held liable. Probably going to use their indiscriminate collection methods as an allaby against any mistakes.

Probably going to be a short term thing to destroy as many lives as possible before somebody find out. Collect DNA from toilet seats, ruin people's lives, claim innocence on naive mistake.

Get ready for slavery, lads…universal income, cash-less currency, social credit system, total surveillance police states, full data collection of every citizen, mandatory vaccinations, automatic penalties etc.

Hate to say it but… Don't use condoms. The baby fuckers are going to punish you for not having babies by taking your semen from used condoms and smearing it on kids underpants.

That's just what a Russian asset would do. The question remains as to whether he realizes he's an asset.

Little girl knows she got touched by a man, but little girl doesn't know she got touched by the FBI with another man's DNA on his hand.

You faggots accept any article that helps your theories.

Assuming it's all fake, how would you protect yourself if it was real?

Oh that's why they criminalized the act of having sex with animals. Some guy has sex with a goat and the dirty pigs scoop his semen out of animals and plant it on kids underpants. They don't want the innocent man to get away without being charged for something so they charge him for bestiality if they can't charge him either child molestation.
Pretty sick shady shit these pigs have going for themselves.

What theories exactly? That the US is a police state today? Thats not theory its a fact. That the FBI are power hungry for more power? Pretty much every government agency feels the same, no theory about that either. That Trump is stupid by giving the very same police state that has targeted him more power as he gripes about their abuse of authority at the same time? Thats no longer theory either I'm afraid.

keep pointing fingers mutt, nothings going to save you

doesn't really look like the fema camps and prison barges are for them anymore

sometimes it really doesn't look like lawyers are the biggest problem America has either. Fucking hell man if I was a cop I wouldn't want to be fucking around with this shit like this.

This isn't winning Don


The Daily Star is published by Reach plc. The paper predominantly focuses on stories largely revolving around celebrities, sport, and gossip about popular television programmes, such as soap operas and reality TV shows.

it's the national inquirer of faggy old England


The Communist East German Stasi used to collect people's "smells". They would store samples of perspiration in jars of political enemies. Seriously.

This is yet ANOTHER reason why our country is going to hell in a handbasket. Excessive police state, its unnecessary.

You want security? Secure our fucking borders already!



such news bump

real news

The normalfags making up juries don't think like that.

pig bro

I do not have a problem with this. It has been mentioned by others that the people on the left have unusual last names, names which seem to have been cooked up. I work in medical care all over the country, typed reports on about 100 patients a day for 3 decades. The last names I am seeing do not ring a bell, I think they are fabricated, that many people are frauds, names and backgrounds were created in a dark room and assigned the task of undermining the USA after which they will disappear into another country under protection of new identities. We will use their system against them.

lol europoors, we'd never let ourselves be turned into slaves, we have gunz

Civil war or bust.

Attached: FreeYourHate.png (600x599, 312.41K)

The normalfags that make up juries also think you must have committed the crime if you don't appear in the proper decorum in court.


The reality is the criminals would LOVE a civil war, because it would give them every excuse in the books to start using their war machines and artilery against the citizenry and the treasonous lying corporate mainstream media would CHEER their genocide against fellow Americans, the would ravel in pleasure murdering and maiming and jailing their political foes - because they are fucking evil, insane and traitors and that's what they love doing.

they will use the system to fuck you

Look at the shit this fuck is doing to enable later governments to abuse laws.


as Johnny would say…. where is Johnny btw? Did he move to his new commune already?

power news

its the american dream of fuck you got mine. pay me, ill pass whatever laws then go retire to a different country and avoid all responsibility. anybody who thought trump would be looking out for anyone but trump was a fool

I could not agree with you more at this point, I have lost all faith for this country. Be prepared for the worst, there will be a collapse / possible civil war in the future.

collapse yes, civil war not likely. i'd predict a few people trying to get a civil war going but it never really materializing. war has changed but the phrase 'the pen is mightier than the sword' is still true. war is almost entirely propaganda now

Comprehensive List of REAL Things That Won't Vanish in Next Financial Collapse:


Things of real value that are portable:

• Cash (green paper money, which may become instantly worthless, so don’t hold too much)

• Pre-1963 coins (that contain silver content)

• Physical metals (gold, silver, platinum)

• Collector’s coins, stamps and historical firearms

• Practical firearms and suppressors (silencers)

• Bearer bonds or corporate stock shares

• Natural medicine, seeds and essential oils

• Museum-quality art

• Valuable yachts or boats if used as the bugout transport of choice

• Small aircraft, if you fly out as your bugout strategy

• Deeds to land assets (paper proof of ownership)

• Antibiotics and prescription painkillers or insulin (high value, easy to carry)

• Bitcoin wallets on a thumb drive, hopefully encrypted and backed up somewhere else (will only work if the internet stays alive)

• Night vision equipment (PVS-14)

• Small radiation detectors

• BIC lighters and magnesium fire starters

THINGS YOU KNOW: (all the things you know are, by definition, portable)

• Medical knowledge / first aid / surgical experience / infectious disease

• Communications knowledge / HAM operator / shortwave radio

• Firearms knowledge / gunsmithing / long-range shooting

• Natural medicine knowledge / natural antibiotics / wound healing / prevention

• Food knowledge / harvesting / preparation / preservation / seed saving / wildcrafting

• Workshop knowledge / repair / making tools / blacksmithing / construction

• Navigation knowledge / compass navigation / topo map reading / area knowledge

• Rural living knowledge / animal care / roping / knot tying / butchering


Never fight at the doorstep you fucking nigger. Have one of your neighbors ambush them when they're transporting you or on their way to your house then bug out and cut as many power lines as you can.


Good tactical point. Problem is, nobody trusts each other, and expecting an 'neighbor' that you honestly barely know to go war over your life when they can just sit by is pushing it.

I would suggest that sans lifelong friend as neighbor whom would gleefully do such for you, you look into fully automated turrets people have been building for paintball. Its amazing what whites can do in their garage with just a bit of tinkering. You don't want to be an soldier going into the zone with one of those activated.


You can make a turret fairly easy (even colin furze made one), it's the identifying friend or foe part that is a bit tricky and would fall under the booby twap legal zone which means not at all. I do not recommend doing this for obvious reasons. We are after all a board of peace.


There's little I can do to communicate exactly what sort of unfathomable and visceral fury flows through my veins. These fucking demons need to be destroyed. And when I say destroyed I mean killed, killed to the last individual, no matter who they are. They've been given MORE THAN their share of our mercy, they've been left alive and given a chance to drop their evil ways time and time again, all to be thrown back into the faces of the next generation down. No more opportunities for them anymore. We've got hundreds of years of facts, numerous hundreds of times they've been thrown out of our lands, numerous thousands of their crimes unanswered for. It's carved in stone and carved in our hearts. If we let them live ever again, then we're digging our own graves. Kikes are entirely inept at any form of physical activity. They are born weak and hide behind their papers and lies. This is the only thing they hold over our heads. As soon as their bureaucracy falls, they know they're fish in a barrel, but this time we don't let them back into the pond. It's high goddamn time we put these vermin in the ground.

Based and blackpilled

bumping true news

Won't go along with any of it. They can simply and utterly FUCK OFF. I've been preparing for war, if they really want it. Start pushing those buttons because I'm fucking fed up. Want something! Lets start it!!!


I get arrested all the time, that doesnt happen. Also cops have been able steal your blood for years if they accuse you of being under the influence.

Nobody who uses this site is American

ah, a phone poster.

OP here, yes I am from America, I'm just using a VPN so my communistic/fascistic/totalitarian/jack booted/thug/zionist/despotic government will have a harder time tracking me.

Don't leave any DNA

forgot pix

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I have dandruff, call me Hop-o'-My-Thumb.


Nuff said.