President Trump has finally hit upon the real issue at the center of the US government's battle with Huawei: It's all about the technology. To wit, one reason why US allies and the UK and Germany have been so hesitant to cut ties with the Chinese telecoms giant is that, as its founder pointed out in a recent interview with Western media, there is no real alternative. US telecoms like Verizon still lag their Chinese rivals when it comes to 5G.
So, in a series of tweets sent Thursday morning, President Trump exclaimed that "I want 5G, and even 6G technology in the United States as soon as possible" and demanded that "American companies must step up their efforts."
I want 5G, and even 6G, technology in the United States as soon as possible. It is far more powerful, faster, and smarter than the current standard. American companies must step up their efforts, or get left behind. There is no reason that we should be lagging behind on………
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 21, 2019
And in what sounded like a concession to Huawei (and a tacit acknowledgement of the real motives behind the US's anti-Huawei campaign), Trump said he would like US companies to "win through competition"…implying that this isn't the case presently.
….something that is so obviously the future. I want the United States to win through competition, not by blocking out currently more advanced technologies. We must always be the leader in everything we do, especially when it comes to the very exciting world of technology!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 21, 2019
This is legitimate criticism. When Trump is right, I'll support him. When he's wrong, I will not. He's WRONG this time.
Joshua Cooper
Trump is 100% right about open borders being a national security threat. He is 100% right that America needs to remain a sovereign country too.
However, this is not something I side with him on. He is IGNORANT when it comes to health issues and concerns.
5G was NEVER tested for safety. Let that sink in… (Top Biochemistry Professor Warns That 5G Has Never Been Tested For Human Safety)
Christian Gonzalez
That's right, there's absolutely no regulations in the US requiring products be tested before reaching the market. None at all. They just slam shit together in a lab and personally put it on Walmart's shelves.
Also, it's amazing how a biochemistry (((Professor Emeritus))) would know more about wireless telecommunications technology than an electrical engineer.
WiFi was never good for us, this is why we see reduced sperm counts in males, increasing birth defects, increasing brain tumors (from all the cell phone use). This shit will just keep on happening and increasing if we don't have some kind of honest unbias testing done to regulate some of this stuff.
And normally I do NOT support regulations …unless they pose a threat to human health, then I will.
Thomas Ortiz
I'm glad to see that you are finally admitting how stupid Donald Trump is…….
Seriously… This isn't about politics
This is simply about intelligence vs. Stupidity
And Donald Trump is one of the stupidest idiots I have ever seen in my life….
I am proud of you… The fact that you are willing to admit that America accidentally elected a complete fucking idiot embarrassing caveman moron proof that you are not as one-sided as you appear sometimes
Joseph Mitchell
He's stupid when it comes to these issues, I agree. Not all issues, I agree with him on other things, like the border crisis we face.
However, this is one issue he is deadly wrong about and I'm not afraid to call him stupid because of it.
Brandon White
BTW, he's also stupid for supporting that "mandate equal rights for gays around the world" agenda. Countries have their own laws for their own reasons. We shouldn't be interfering how other government's do their jobs or what laws they decide to impose. THIS is what national sovereignty is all about. Minding your own national affairs, not those in other nations!
Nicholas Brown
Not only is Trump the stupidest idiot we have ever had in office, but EVERYBODY he surrounds himself is equally as out of touch and idiotic…
For example:
I'd like you to do a story about Rodger Stone, who is now in some really really hot water….
He's SO STUPID, after being released on bond, he actually posted a picture on Instagram of the judge handling his case, complete with crosshairs aiming at her head…..
Now she is going to revoke his bond, and he's going to sit in jail until he goes to trial, at which point he will be shipped directly out to prison.
Donald Trump and his cronies lack all self-awareness and self-control
Luke Brown
Q: exactly HOW STUPID does one need to be to be released on bond and then start posting pictures of the judge with crosshairs on her head?
Liam Evans
t. you retards, a few years ago
now kys
Levi Fisher
Thanks to the NSA, they have all of Rodger Stones communications with WikiLeaks…..
(it's NOT just an 'alleged crime')
Trust me. They have Rock solid evidence on Rodger Stone (and that exact same evidence is going to prove Trump was complicit)
So he's already facing decades, probably the rest of his life in prison…..
But he's so out of touch and so unaware of his own situation, so goddamn stupid, THAT HE DECIDED TO POST PICTURES OF THE JUDGE WITH A TARGET ON HER HEAD
Brandon Campbell
Trump needs to stick by the border issue, this is what his supporters desire. Secure borders for the USA. I am still 100% by his side on this issue! He needs to get the hell out of the Middle East, stop focusing on Venezuela's epic failures, and START focusing directly on the border crisis. Bring out troops home and send them to secure our country (our borders!) As a voter, this is what I want if he expects me to ever vote for him again. If he can secure those borders and let go of all this other neo-con bullshit, then he gets my vote in 2020.
Nicholas Price
I don't care about Rodger Stone, he needs to get his defense in gear though. If he lied to the FBI then thats his own problem.
Jack Richardson
You are a good man and you have Noble honest patriotic desires… Nobody will argue that point.
Just one problem…….
Trump never really was interested in building a wall… Pay attention… Pay very close attention… I'm about to tell you exactly what happened….
Trump's staff has already admitted that immigration was a topic a Pinterest for the campaign, BUT TRUMP HAD ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER… His staff say they couldn't keep him focused during the campaign rallies…
he was easily distracted and would forget what he was supposed to be talking about….
so one of his staff members came up with the idea of 'building a wall', as a mnemonic device to help Trump focus and remember that immigration was the topic he was supposed to be discussing
That's how the wall started… Not because Donald Trump thought of it… The entire concept of building a wall was thought up by one of his campaign staff who was trying to keep Trump focused….
They said Trump mentioned the wall at one of his campaign rallies, and he was surprised to see how people responded….
They said because he liked their response he started remembering to mention the wall…
And soon enough, that silly mnemonic device one of the campaign staff drummed up somehow became the main focus of his campaign
It was by accident
Trump was never actually determined or focused on the wall to begin with, because it really wasn't important to him. It was just a fluke…
(Well-intentioned Americans with a noble if not naive patriotic desire were persuaded by the campaign promise of a wall)
They said when Trump was elected it caught him by surprise… He never thought he was going to be elected… That's why for two years, HE NEVER MENTIONED THE WALL AGAIN….
in fact, the next time he mentioned the wall was towards the end of 2018, when the midterm elections happened, and he was coached to use the wall as a distraction. He started mentioning the wall again just so the White House could get news stories put on TV to distract from the midterm elections.
AND FINALLY, after the midterm elections were finished, there was a sudden flurry of activity regarding the Mueller investigation….
Cohen and manafort were suddenly in the news, along with a couple other involved parties…
Suddenlink, Trump started talking about the wall. It was his way of trying to distract news stories that were demonstrating how Mueller's investigation was finally reaching towards the top of the totem pole….
The entire government shutdown was nothing more than a gigantic distraction technique.
Rodger Stone plays a fairly big part in this, as well as Michael Cohen… Michael Cohen had just announced that he was going to testify openly before Congress and to spill the beans about Trump and the Russian connection…
That's when the government shutdown bulshit began…..
I realize you think building a wall is going to save America, but it's really not that simple. Right now, the only reason there is any discussion about a wall is simply too keep the media from focusing on the fact that the Mueller investigation is finally reached a point where it has become painfully obvious that Trump and his family and is staff we're all very much involved in a corrupt arrangement with Russia, illegally working in unison with the Russians to hack the DNC servers and release the illegally obtained emails to WikiLeaks, and use that information as leverage to release to the news and try to sway the election…
That's actually a federal offense…
And if you think Trump was not involved oh, you would be fooling yourself…. Of course he was involved
Jordan Price
OK, believable IF you can actually mention who exactly said that about him. Please don't say "an anonymous source told the [lying] mainstream media all about it" though.
I'm not saying its a lie, but this accusation needs some kind of solid evidence behind it to be believed true.
IF it happens to be true, I would hope his mentors (whoever they may be) keep reminding him of this border crisis and beating it into his thick skull.
Kevin Nelson
You enjoy conspiracy theories…
You and I both realize some conspiracy theories are not just mere 'theories'
But you intentionally turn a blind eye to what might be the biggest conspiracy to come around the turnpike in a very long time….
Rodger Stone wasn't working between the Russians and wikileaks on his own….
Rodger Stone wasn't doing that for his entertainment purposes…..
Rodger Stone was working for Donald Trump
And let me tell you something: THAT IS A CONSPIRACY !!!! Forget the word 'collusion'
Rudy Giuliani is the one who told Trump to start using the word 'collusion', knowing that Americans are the type of robotic mindless parrots who would repeat that catch phrase over and over.
and as long as they were repeating the catch phrase 'collusion', nobody was using the legal terminology CONSPIRACY
I'm not talkin about a conspiracy to cover up a corporate plot… I'm not talkin about a conspiracy to persuade people about global warming one way or another. I'm not talking about a Wi-Fi conspiracy. I'm not talking about vanishing honey bees or monarch butterflies…
I'm using a legal terminology….
It's actually a criminal charge… It's a felony criminal statute called CONSPIRACY
Luke Jones
I don't remember their names, but it's all available online.
and it's a lot more easily sourceable and verifiable than any chemtrail rumor
Adam Diaz
Again, I really could care less because I actually am one who SUPPORTS Wikileaks. You may think "oh my God thats unAmerican!" Not really. Wikileaks did a great service by exposing A LOT of corruption all around the world. I have no problem with transparency and exposure to corrupt actors, no matter if its in China, Russia, Europe or the US. If something evil is going on, the world has a right to know about it.
You should know that about me by now.
Anthony Jackson
ALSO: while the campaign advisors can easily be sourced online, the most important part of the whole thing is THIS:
Before you even lift a finger define the names of the campaign advisors who told this story…. Just search deep into your soul…. Just use your instincts….
And you will realize that of course it's true…..
Of course it is….
Because that's exactly how Donald Trump thinks and acts and talks.
We have seen nothing from Donald Trump that would indicate anything different than the way that story is told… You can literally just look at his face as he speaks and realize that every word of that story is true.
He has demonstrated absolutely ZERO clever genius logical strategical methodical brilliant anyting….
Everything he says and does is guttural like a caveman
Of course the story is true
And while you can easily verify it online The fact remains That in your soul And in your heart Your instincts already know That every word of it Is absolutely 100% Unequivocally T R U E
Jaxson Lopez
Did trump actually say this? Why should I believe any news from any source?
Evan James
Hey user,
why do you
talk like
I sometimes space too much, but this is just overkill bro.
Brody Phillips
In many ways I also admire WikiLeaks
But that's not the topic here, is it? Because you and I are both Americans And as Americans, there's something more important then whether WikiLeaks is a good thing or a bad thing….
it's called the Constitution of the United States of America
It's called The very fabric of our political and legal system
It is the entire basis of what our nation is built and predicated upon….
And Rodger Stone having his communications with Russia and WikiLeaks, literally conspiring with an enemy foreign Nation to sway the presidential election of the United States of America, conspiring to illegally commit wire fraud (hacking into emails of the opposing party) and using the illegally obtained hacked electronic emails to release to the public to try and smear the opposing party, clearly violating federal law and violating the Constitution of the United States, and violating every single rule and moral boundary of our electoral process….
Eli Stewart
I'll link to things about geo-engineering, which is REAL and there is plenty more documentation about it too:
Now, that said. It *could* be possible that Rodger Stone was in contact with this dude, or with Wikileaks. That would be possible. And if he LIED to the FBI about it, yes that is a crime. Simply requesting already leaked info is NOT a crime though!
Benjamin Scott
Look, killcen….. Of course they are doing weather modification… We've all known about HAARP since the 1980s… Old news….
I'll be the first one to tell you how the government uses the news outlets (liberal AND conservative news outlets) the plants stories and try to sway public opinion all the time. And I have never seen so many vaccination brainwashing stories as I have seen recently.
Of course they are really stepping their vaccination bullshit into high gear lately…. (And I think you should not focus so much on Mercury, but rather the likelihood that there is nanotechnology in the vaccination shots)
Of course smartphones are the most transparent voluntary weaponry and monitoring system ever developed….
Back in the old days it was TELEVISION that served as the most powerful passive voluntary mind control devices, but they replaced that with smartphones, packaging them in a way that made everybody think that they wanted a smartphone, too.
It was genius! Instead of being upset about it, I think you need to really stop and applaud them on just how genius the smartphone idea was….
BRILLIANT!!!… So simple, so easy to market and sell, so alluring to the common Man, yet SO GOD DAMN EFFECTIVE as a monitoring tool. Absolutely fucking genius.
5G is definitely a gigantic problem and it's absolutely stupefying how quickly they are rolling it out on us without any regulation or inspection or verification or research to proof its safety… I agree with you completely on all of these things….
I agree with you on all of this and much much more… You and I are much more alike than you would ever guess… I think the only real difference between you and I is I made a decision a long time ago not to let this shit ruin the quality of my life… I realized that I was making myself miserable with worry and fear… I realized that I was powerless to stop any of these things from proceeding… I realized I was wasting way too much energy trying to warn people about what was coming at us, trying to warn people about the dangers we were facing… I discovered that no matter how much energy I put into trying to warn people, nobody wanted to be warned. Nobody wanted to hear it. They're not interested. They've heard it all before. Especially these days. These days everybody on the planet has heard all of this stuff already.
If they wanted to change their lives because of this information, they would have already done so a long long time ago… They are simply not interested… They have no intention of taking it as far as you have…
For them, ignorance truly is bliss… and I finally realized that perhaps that's not such a bad thing… Perhaps I needed a little bit of happiness in my life too… Perhaps a little bit of bliss would have been nice for me, because after all I spent my entire life worrying and stressing out over these scary doomsday feeling conspiracy subjects….
So I found a comfortable middle ground….
I'm not an idiot who remains oblivious to the truth
But I'm also not the same fearful stressed out paranoid conspiracy fanatic that I used to be. I'm somewhere in the middle… I'm completely aware that all of this is true and much much more oh, but I have made the decision to not let myself to become unhappy and stressed out and paranoid anymore
That's the only difference between you and me
I decided I had to draw the line somewhere, and I'm a much much happier person for it
Lucas Murphy
By the way… I can tell you with honestly who I believe "Guccifer 2.0" really was.
There is evidence that I could be correct too. Ready for that one?
Aaron Wilson
I realize that William Binney, the former NSA employee, after looking at the situation, claimed that there was no external hacking of the files, and that they had been retrieved on a flash drive internally………
And I really admire William Binney….. I'm inclined to believe whatever he says….
Subsequently, I have read a few reports that William Binney admitted that he never actually got to physically examine anything….
Which takes us back to more innuendo and smoke and mirrors….
Business as usual…….
David Thompson
I don't think guccifer 2.0 exists, any more than I think q exists
Ryan Powell
Kim Dotcom
Already an outlaw, wanted by the US govt, as well a hacker, this man despised Hillary just as much as Seth Rich did…. and in fact - this is documented ON FILM - this man warned about the DNC leaks 6 months before it ever happened. He said "Hillary is done when the truth finally leaks out." And because of all this, including he knows proper OPSEC, I believe HE was Guccifer 2.0
And yes, Kim admitted he was in contact with Seth the whole time. He did not however admit he had anything to do with helping leak anything. But I do think he covertly helped out.
FLASHBACK: Hillary ran the State Department when they decided to pull the raid against Kim Dotcom back in 2013….. she ordered it, and he hates her to this very day.
Aaron Hill
Higher levels of sexual activity and/or more products in the market that use a soy-based substitute Just ignore all the studies saying that its safe and claim evidence against the conspiracy is evidence for the conspiracy 2006 called it wants it's meme back.
Most cancer nowadays is caused by eating all this chemical warfare processed tier garbage. Not from people's obamaphones.
Isaiah Morgan
(the fact of the matter is I don't think it's really important who what when and where)
Because when there's smoke there's fire
And there's different forms of smoke
And the smoke that I have been seeing indicates that nothing has changed at all, and in fact it has probably gotten much worse than before.
I'm not worried about politics.
Politics are a shell game. There's no such thing as left or right or Democrat or Republican
those are bullshit imaginary concepts they invented to keep us distracted from the fact that they will do whatever the fuck they want to do whether we like it or not… They will steamroll us no matter what… they keep us distracted thinking about Democrat vs Republican while the monster machine continues to grind and steamroll…..
So I'm not worried about politics…. I deal with PEOPLE I'm interested in CHARACTER I am interested in PERSONALITY I don't see Democrats I don't see Republicans I SEE HUMAN BEINGS And I read them at their face value I'm very good at reading people I can size someone up very accurately And when I look at Trump I see a human being That I do not like I do not think he is 'cool' In fact I know he is not cool I do not think he's charismatic I do not see an intelligent man I do not see a competent man I do not see a realistic man I do not see a stable man I do not see a wise man I do not see an understanding man I do not see an empathic man I do not see a negotiator I do not see an ambassador I do not see a communicator I do not see a distinguished man I do not see an elegant man I do not see a composed man I do not see a confident man I do not see integrity I do not see a president
I see a caveman
I see a coward I see a child I see anger I see stupidity I see an inability to communicate I see an inability to read I see temper tantrums I see lashing out I see weakness I see distraction I see failure
I see an out-of-touch assclown
But I don't see that anything has changed
John Collins
Note this raid was not a US raid or on US soil…. its still being challenged in the New Zealand courts though. The US, did however - with Hillary's influence - convinced the New Zealand government to raid him….. oh, and that raid was in 2012, not 2013. Had to fact check that one.
The fact is Kim Dotcom wanted revenge, and Seth Rich gave him that opportunity.
Even though they released Hillary's emails to WikiLeaks….. THE EMAILS CONTAINED NOTHING
If those emails had value, they would have used it a long time ago… Nothing came out of those emails, other than the fact that Trump ask the Russians to release them, and the very next day they were released….
Joseph Gonzalez
You know… except her releasing information on the most deep cover agents the CIA has to foreign states. Yup. Nothing.
Joseph Jackson
The emails exposed the DNC's plot against Bernie Sanders and how they used their Super-PAC against him. So YES. Seth Rich leaked what he wanted. And Kim helped him get the info out. And Kim got his revenge against Hillary.
Chase Morgan
If there were value, Trump would have certainly used it already
Michael Price
Also remember who was a BIG Bernie Bro supporter? ….. KIM DOTCOM!
Levi Flores
There was a lot of stuff they didn't talk about that was revealed, true.
Michael Hughes
I'm certainly not defending Hillary Clinton because I will be the first one to tell you that she is an evil maniacal corrupt insane piece of shit. She's crazy and dangerous
Because I think Trump is a fucking idiot, EVERYBODY accuses me of being a Hillary supporter….
Not true…..
Leo Phillips
And if I told you anons the REAL reason the US govt hates Russia, you wouldn't even want to believe the reason because it would leave you appalled and re-thinking everything you think you know about the corrupted world today.
I'll just end it with that.
Aiden Anderson
I'm not saying Hillary didn't do anything wrong
All I'm saying is it's funny how nothing from those emails caused any problems for her at all
Jaxon Rivera
I'm well aware that nothing is as it appears
It never has been And it never will be
Owen Rodriguez
3/4 of this thread is payed shills from all sides of the spectrum
Tyler Thompson
I finally realized that there's nothing I could do It didn't matter how many people I warned The system will steamroll us either way
That's why I don't care about politics
That's why I refused to vote I refuse to participate In a rigged game Where the only losers Are the American public Everybody loses Except for the people in control
That's why although I hate Hillary's guts I'm not complaining about Hillary right now Because Hillary isn't President
If she was elected I would be complaining I would be calling her all kinds of names I would call her insane and maniacal I would call her evil and corrupt and dangerous
But she's not president
So instead, I turn and look at Trump……
And I am thoroughly disgusted
Logan Green
Actually you're wrong….
Killcen was the target, not on the payroll And I recently told Jim to fuck off I got tired of Jim's bullshit
So at the moment… NONE OF US in this thread are on jim's payroll
However……. I have a dichotomy I'm dealing with And I may very well have to go back to work I may have to start working for Jim again
Charles Barnes
I promised killcen that I was going to buy him this brand-new badass amazing Samsung Galaxy FOLD
Not if you look for solutions and refuse to allow them to. Not if enough of us do something about it, or are prepared to do something about it - when all else fails, when need be!
It's going to blow his mind!… His first smartphone will be the very best smartphone ever made!… He's going to be amazed at all of the amazing conveniences, and he's going to realize that there's nothing to be afraid of…
It's okay if third party advertisers have an algorithm of your interests, and direct personalized advertisements your way…
It's no different than the publishers clearing House from the 1970s, where advertisers got information about what magazines you like to read, so they could Target personalized advertising towards you, hoping you might be interested in some of their products they want to sell you… That's called good old-fashioned American capitalism oh, and there's nothing to be afraid of….
It's going to improve his life and make him happier
He's going to be amazed
if nothing else, at least he will finally be able to say he is experienced with the actual logistics and mechanics of smartphones, and instead of just giving us speculation, he will be the voice of experience
And I'm proud to do this for him….
Juan Kelly
Why? Why would Trump upset TPTB? Why would Trump do anything to hurt the corrupt forces inside the US and international government? Trump works for them.
Hudson Phillips
No, I do not want it. You should know me by now.
Mason Richardson
Thats a joke, right?
Eli Brooks
You can fortify your anthill all you want
And that might prevent damage from the rain or an unexpected windstorm….
But all that effort will mean nothing When the property developer suddenly shows up With a bulldozer and digs up the anthill In a massive load of Earth An overlooked ant hill In a giant pile of dirt That gets scooped up And dumped into the back of a truck And driven away To a forgotten location And dumped And flattened And steamrolled And burned
And nobody will even realize
That the ant Hill ever existed
Josiah Bell
They could do that, but they should expect a gun fight to break out on the property. I would hope they would not be stupid enough not to understand there could be serious repercussions trespassing on my ant hill.
John Flores
Lol !! Ikr?
But I thought he was draining the swamp… I thought he was going to shake things up and make America great again…..
right ?……
The exact same promise The exact same lie Made by every candidate In every election Ad nauseam
But still… The idiotic dumbed-down WWE GED white trash American population keeps believing every word
Blake Powell
"And the angry ant says that he is prepared to bite, and his venom is pure, and he sits near the entrance to the ant hill, with his Pinchers at the ready… When the bulldozer arrives"
Juan Evans
The "Q" guys are the ones you are referring to I hope. I don't have to much faith he'll do anything. However, I do stand behind him on the border crisis issue, that I hope can be addressed.
Landon Butler
Perhaps the aunt is underestimating the land developer, erroneously assuming there will be ankles to bite… Unaware that steam rollers and bulldozers are impervious to ant bites?
Nicholas Rogers
Let them. They'd have to deal with the legal ramifications for killing a man on his own property. I'm not moving anywhere, and as always, I could always snipe out someone who operates that bulldozer. Its not like shit like that hasn't ever happened before. So whatever. I already said I'd rather die than change my ways. Won't matter.
Jose Phillips
Lol dude………. Get real…..
'Q' is nothing more than a meme
started by an introverted shut-in imageboard geek, and designed to appeal to those who don't even understand the reality of the way things really work, inclined to fall for fantastical fiction, suspense and intrigue, having watched too many movies and fantasy shows convinced they are now suddenly witness to 'the hidden truth', and thinking they are finally no longer disenfranchised loners, and have somehow 'been included' in some sort of 'powerful movement'……
Lol….. 'Q' is NOBODY…. it's nonexistent
It was just a fat lazy sofa-dwelling sedentary momma's boy computer geek anime / videogame sexless fucking 4chan FAGGOT LOSER
Angel Wright
Not sure the relevance or import of that line. Negroids, and /leftycuck/'s in general believe far bigger lies.
Adrian Green
You must have misread what I just posed. Re-read it.
Josiah Martin
Nobody's going to come singling you out…
When the bulldozers arrived, the property developer isn't going to tell them to find an ant
He's not even going to tell them about any ant hills
The property developer is going to clear the entire property, Lock stock & barrel, taking down every tree and every blade of grass and every grain of sand…
And it's not going to be the end of the world
Because the property developer is not going to Nuke the acreage… He's going to flatten it and build a good damn skyscraper….
And Life Will go on
And you're not the only ant, and that's not the only ant hill, and that's not the only acreage that's going to be developed…..
And nobody will even realize there used to be an ant hill… And the world it's not going to look at the skyscraper end shed a tear about the ant hill
This pattern has been repeating in one form or another since the beginning of time
And you would be foolish if you thought that process was going to stop
Jose Hernandez
We should have voted for hillary. At least the shills would have settled down.
Ethan Taylor
Yep. Anyone who believes there will ever be some "utopia" on this gay Earth seriously needs their head examined.
Nicholas White
No sir… I actually read the post thoroughly… My response was directed at your use of the word HE
Mason Myers
Darwinism or be damned
Aiden Carter
The most effective and logical 'vote' would be an absolute REFUSAL TO VOTE.
Gabriel Myers
Neptune went to a soft ass pedo friendly prison on the east coast.
A skyscraper in my small rural off-beat town? Seriously? That day is likely centuries away.
Justin Harris
They don't have metaphors in your little town?
Cameron Morales
Valdosta State prison was anything but… Trust me
Isaac Diaz
…… And here's a word of advice for you…..
The idea is to NOT make it obvious that you are simply jealous and upset because you never have any girls wanting to fuck you….
Jaxson Taylor
…..the idea is to NOT make it obvious that you have repressed sexual urges regarding 16 year old girls, yet you are frustrated over them, and the only way you can express this frustration is to pretend that you are some moral bastion of integrity and legality, while you point a finger at men are confident in their sexuality, and who have no problem blowing their loads into 16 year old girls, and you hope that you will make it appear that you are not the one with the problem…..
Luke Hughes
They dont even check your paperwork there johnny. That is what i like to call a questionable yard. All sorts of pedos and woman beaters running around. It checks right the fuck out that you were there.
Kayden Sanders
Well I don't know why any rich powerful entity would want to steal my property. And what you claimed about bulldozing my home, they legally can't do that when someone is still living in it. They'd need to go through all the legal procedures and have to have something like eminent domain approved by some court. The only ones forced out around here are over foreclosures, and typically those houses stay empty for a while.
William Price
And perhaps you would be more effective if you were capable of educating yourself on the different forms of chronophilia, because you're idiotic use of the term 'pedophile' clearly demonstrates your lack of knowledge regarding the subject……
You remind me of someone who pretends to be a quantum physicist, yet you are incapable of counting to 10.
Ryder Thompson
I knew the "ant hill" was a metaphor. What else were you trying to tell me? That a team of marines are going to sweep my property? WHY?
Daniel Rodriguez
Friendly reminder to smash any 5G antennas you see pop up.
Jordan Price
If I see them on my properly I will tear them down, legal or not. Matter of fact I likely would sue them and put up a fence. They tried to remove my old meter once and replace it, I went out there and told them to get off my property. Then I cut their tiny piece of shit 'lock' off it, and locked it up with a master lock. When they said something about it I made them a deal to keep the electricity going, and they split off with the cash I offered them. End of that.
Christian Nelson
I'm saying that they don't need to physically send anyone in at all
that they've already been encroaching on us all for decades, in many different ways, incrementally, step by step…
they don't even need to deal with anyone on a case by case basis, when they are making the world less and less recognizable with each passing day
Yah, this has been happening for a long time now. This is just partly the reason I decided to stay out here away from the major cities. I don't expect there will be much problems around here when SHTF but I'm prepared for any that come my way.