George Soros Revealed as Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal Financier

(Commie Cortez Wants Total Government Control Over American's Life, Even Homes)
(10 Most Insane Requirements Of The Communistic 'Green New Deal')
('Green New Deal' Pushed by Democrats Would Cost 3,600 Times The Price of a Border Wall)
(Mass Government Intervention! End Private Transportation! End Consumer Rights!)
('Green New Deal' Sponsor: Government Should BAN Meat!)

Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal is backed by a web of far-left activist groups who receive funding from George Soros, according to a new report.

The Green New Deal blueprint was crafted by three far-left organizations and is being pushed by a coalition of well-funded progressive groups linked to Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter. reports:

Earlier this month, Ocasio-Cortez posted an 11-page Google document in the form of a nonbinding legislative resolution that has become the most authoritative version of the Green New Deal, a broad outline for the current conception of the socialist-style plan.

Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal resolution, introduced along with Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA), has already been endorsed by more than 45 Democratic representatives. The deal received high-profile endorsements from Senators Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker and Bernie Sanders.

The Green New Deal seeks, as the New Yorker recently put it, “nothing less than a total overhaul of our national infrastructure.”

The utopian deal demands 100 percent of all buildings in the U.S. convert to clean energy, calls for the removal of all greenhouse gases from the entire atmosphere, and includes such non-“green” clauses as a federal jobs guarantee while protecting the right of all workers to organize and unionize.

It also pledges “affordable, safe and adequate housing” for “all people of the United States.”

The wealth-spreading deal aims to “virtually eliminate poverty in the United States and to make prosperity, wealth and economic security available to everyone participating in the transformation.”

The Green New Deal was crafted by Ocasio-Cortez along with three groups — the Sunrise Movement, Justice Democrats and a group calling itself New Consensus.

The New Yorker reported:

The document was written over a single December weekend by the staff of the freshman representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and three like-minded progressive groups, none of which existed two years ago: the Sunrise Movement, a grassroots climate organization; the Justice Democrats, which recruits and supports progressive candidates; and an upstart policy shop called the New Consensus.
There has been one previous thread about this article.

Attached: George Soros Revealed as Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal Financier.jpg (620x340, 61.75K)

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I should have know. Everything that smells rotten, this dirty old kike tends to be hiding behind.

Wasn't this already known before?

I am proud to announce an UPDATED >>>/prepare/1 thread!

BE PREPARED: >>>/prepare/1 |

Perhaps speculated before, not really reported before though.

To be fair, Soros could start funding Trump's campaign and you dumb fucks wouldstart blaming Capitalism for your problems.

But these policies are not Capitalist in any way, shape or form. They're draconian and totalitarian. As far as Trump, he seems to be controlled opposition to me at this point. There are a few things I agree with him on, but on a large amount of topics I do not. Some of the topics he says one thing, and does the complete opposite too. So this is why I ponder if he's not just another stooge thrown up to make us all complacent.

George Soros does not support free market Capitalism, he supports government-subsidized monopolizes run by his own kind, enriching his own kind.

Is anyone really surprised? He's one of the top tier and certainly the most obviously visible (maybe he drew a short straw / enjoys the work) of the one-world-government-of-communist-jews plan. Basically recreating the soviet union on a worldwide scale with the first step being the EU then expanding it by balkanizing the US (their greatest obstacle). Why? To maximize profit and power, and also some BS regarding their dusty desert religion. Jews are psychopaths, eternally convinced of their victimhood, acting like asses because of it, then acting surprised when they get physically removed for the nth time. Sort of like niggers, but with larger brains.

this is an-tie sy-met-ik!!!
delete this now

They are a thief cult that started 5,000 years ago with the invention of usury, as in lending someone something and expecting more back than you gave them. It was grain in those days, then came things like compound interest and so on, which eventually tipped the wealth distribution in their favour. When people realised what was happening, and saw their societies failing, they kicked out these parasites.
They are more or less the same creature as gypsies, another thief cult. They use the same handful of tricks time after time over the centuries, they never adapt or integrate, and they can only exist as a parasite, never by working or creating. They have a low cunning that they've specialised over thousands of years. They have no spatial awareness or empathy or other higher faculties, they can never really create anything apart from lies and illusion.
Cockroaches are more useful, at least you can eat them.

The only thing I'm surprised about was me being dumb enough not to figure this out before it was reported.

Both are two sides of the same coin. End-game red pill is that zionism and communism are both elements of jewry, and that ww2 was two jew factions fighting amongst one another for world power, same with the cold war.
Meanwhile, you keep flipping between the two sides with the idea that somehow you are against the bad guys. It is like siding with one lot of demons for another.

We need to get rid of their central banks, and go back to sound monetary policy, back our currency with something of value (whatever valuable metal or resource that may be). Also, there really should be a ban on ANY foreign lobbying in this country. Anyone caught lobbying for foreign interests (or politicians working for foreign interests) should be imprisoned for treason, or hung broadcasted on national TV.

I agree completely, particularly about the treason part. That used to be the most serious crime, yet nowadays it is completely ignored. A sign of how far the moral spectrum has had its polarity reversed.

Of all places, Russian Insider actually put out a pretty in-depth report about the Jews controlling the Soviet Union, its worth a read:

I'll have a look, thanks.

Lenin was a jew.
Trotsky was a jew.
Bukharin was a jew.
The only one that wasn't was stalin.
and he killed more jews then hitler and is responsible for russia being an antisemitic country to this day.

Hey y'all!
I happened to find an old Killcen family photo..

Attached: Killcen.Family.Photo.jpg (2055x1440, 578.32K)

What's that on my hat?

looks like a gooseberry

factual actual rational true

I love you AOC!


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You don't have to be a kike to know this "green new deal" is UTTER SHIT…. and it is! It smells worse than Trump's asshole. Read it.

Its almost as if they planned the US becoming a third world subjugated shithole in the future.

And they did.

Last line of defense will be the guns, thats the make or break all for our country and our future. Give them the guns, surrender your country and bend over.

until there is something to address the SF homeless crisis it is all hot air.
When will Soros be indicted?

They don't care about the already homeless, they just want YOU to be homeless as well. Its easier to control the 'goyim' when we are all living in poverty. Notice how all these leftist cities are filled with poverty and debt insolvency?

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its almost like the border wall cost is (gasp) bullshit and not even a chainlink fence could cover it for 5bil

notice how how the jew crys out in pain as it strikes you calling you poor

I wonder what kind of sweet deal (((they))) worked out with Soros to make him agree to be the fall guy for literally all their bullshit.

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That's a good question, I don't know if its because he sticks out (he does look like an old comic villain) or if he's been behind sooooo much of this shit that people just started connecting the dots and noticed his name stuck out. Maybe both.

says the man who never reads past a headline before commenting. really gets the noggin joggin

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If that's so then why does the jewish autonomous oblast exist?


Reminder: Soros also contributed HUGE donations to Al Gore when he was pushing for carbon taxes. Its as almost as he has something to gain from Agenda 21/2030 policies?

Being supported by soros or any other rich fuck may as well be supported by a megacorp.

BIT TECH is all for this "green new deal." Thats a trillion dollar corrupted industry right there. Why do I say that? READ WHAT SHE PUT OUT. She openly says government should mandate "upgrades" to ALL buildings including residential homes. AKA mandated "smart" (spy) utilities which BIG TECH is constantly shilling via Forbes and WSJ articles.

Yes, this "green new deal" intends to force this spy crap down our throats whether we like it or not. Personally I'd tell them to get the fuck off my property and wouldn't open my door for them. In some cases it would likely lead to some more deadly standoffs in the future. (no shit they want our guns!)