KTLA news anchor Chris Burrous died from an overdose of meth his gay lover stuck in his anus

KTLA anchor Chris Burrous died from an overdose of crystal meth while engaging in vigorous sexual activity with a man he met on Grindr.

According to the L.A. County Medical Examiner, Burrous died from methamphetamine toxicity after being found unresponsive in a Glendale motel on December 28. The manner of death is listed as accidental.

According to the death investigation, officials say Burrous worked his shift at KTLA, and then left early for the day complaining he felt ill.

Instead of going home, he set up a meeting with a man at a motel in Glendale for an afternoon of hardcore sex. The two allegedly met on Grindr and had hooked up multiple times in the past.

When the companion arrived, Burrous allegedly answered the door fully nude, and had set up the room with “DJ style” lighting, S&M toys, lubrication jelly and a massage bench. The two men allegedly engaged in various forms of sexual activities, including anal and oral sex.

At some point during the meeting, 43-year-old Burrous allegedly inserted a “rock” of crystal meth into his anus and stated it was supposed to make him “high and loose”

He then allegedly gave his companion a syringe full of GHB and a bottle of Gatorade. The two became intimate again, and Burrous allegedly inserted another “rock” of meth into his anus before putting on a mask while his companion allegedly inserted his hand into Burrous’ backside.

The report states Burrous also used “poppers,” an alkyl nitrite inhaled that produces a euphoric effect.

Burrous began getting fisted while laying face down on the bed, and allegedly told his companion he was feeling fine until the man noticed him making a grunting noise, and flipped him over to realize Burrous had vomited inside his S&M mask.


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His colleagues say this a very difficult day for them

meth fisted up yor ass and you vomit into yor slave gag and choke

very difficult

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During the death investigations, officials were told Burrous, who leaves behind a wife and young daughter, did not have a history of drug or alcohol abuse, and apparently only used drugs recreationally.

Honey, why u cum home so late?

a gay race mixing faggot
nothing was lost

At least he died doing what he loved

can u say the same?

Attached: diehappy.png (1024x679, 627.43K)

This is no ordinary gay, Patrick. This is *advanced* gay.This was a closeted gay, who is so ashamed of his sexuality that he has converted it into a secret and extreme fetish. Guys like this are way too fucked in the head from internalized and external homophobia to enjoy sex like a normal person

wtf. is this halal?


Sounds like he died from drowning in vomit, not meth.

You can't dust for vomit.

What does this statement mean?

In the eyes of the law and of medicine, usually these two things are the same.

He did it…. for you

Was he a White Nationalist?


And I'm being blocked from having sex… Why? Face it.

I can't get laid because the state keeps electrocuting me in the brain and yet this fag is allowed to OD on meth in a gay sex fantasy.

Who the fuck do I have to kill b cause this shit cannot keep going

I mean there's a concentrated effort into making sure I look evil. You'd think they'd want me to be a giant pervert while I'm a raving maniac if they weren't a bunch of useless eunuch

Where's my meth fueled sex party you fucking faggots

Commonfilth was right.

We chose this path.

this is some serious degeneracy

I support everything except the "dying" bit.

He was a gay racemixer, so… maybe

sir, he's a faggot

Unironically based as fuck way to die

I wholly agree

No, it's okay though, he was only doing it ironically!

I'm hard
AAm I gay?

"Very difficult" to read it in front of the camera with cracking up.

Evil shills fucking HATE REAL NEWS like this.

I can sense them squirming over this! ARCHIVED.

I'm not semi-famous, but i dipped my cock in 90% meth powder and fucked my lover in his anus.

He died, not from the meth, but from the carotid artery pressure of my thumbs.
I put meth in his nose and The dumb cops thought this was the cause of death
I escaped a manslaughter charge

so you choked him, but over did it

save page as

wait so did the gay kill him? Or did the meth kill him?

Meth has too be taken in very high amounts to kill.

Vomiting while gagged killed him.
He drowned in his vomit


Congratulations on your crime.

time for real news

death by vomit strangle, hell of a way to go

This. The ld50 for meth is absurdly high. You are more likely to induce a heartache from increased bloodflow or kill yourself then actually die of acute meth toxicity. I clicked the link mostly to see how someone could possibly manage to OD on it. Even though it turns out he didn't OD, I'm not disappointed.

Why am I not allowed to have sex? This man was on TV.


hmmmm… shoving meth in your faggot partners ass? I didn't know this was a thing?!

what are the benefits of packing meth in your ass, aside from the obvious quick storage?

This is what the Communists want more of.
Guess where most of that Meth is coming from? Fucking China.

Attached: C546332672.JPG (823x594, 45.21K)

This, really.
During WW2, a Finnish infantryman swallowed his squad's entire supply of methamphetamine (30 tablets) and lived.

The day is March 18, 1944.


Jew will always try to blame drugs, because the war on drugs is a jew war.
Much like any car crash will be blamed on alcohol whenever possible (because alcohol is intimately intertwined with White culture, dating back thousands of years.)
If driver, any passenger, or any pedestrian involved in a crash is found to have alcohol in their blood, it counts as an "alcohol related" crash and is then used to imply that drink driving was the cause.
Same shit with drugs.

I have a weak heart.
Meth would kill me quick


Guess who's buying it? Fuckin Americans

That's nice, back to /pol now

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