Cortez Pushes Govt Control Over Meat Consumption

Democrat lawmaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she wants to ration how many hamburgers Americans are allowed to eat.

The socialist superstar recently unveiled her radical plan to help combat climate change via the ‘Green New Deal.’ The deal called for the elimination of airplane travel and vowed to eliminate cow flatulence. reports:

Ocasio-Cortez, just like other far-left politicians, are waging a war on meat eaters.

Ocasio-Cortez’s answer to save the planet from ending in 12 years? Eat less red meat.

EDIT: Second article is a year old and thus I've removed it from this thread instead of giving it the bumplock treatment.

Attached: Ocasio-Cortez Pushes Govt Control Over Meat Consumption While Trump Pushes To Legalize Concealed Carry.jpg (768x433, 99.21K)

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This was introduced the first year he was in office. He did a great job of waiting until he did not have the votes to get this done didn't he?

The point of this thread?

Even though Trump can be fucking stupid at times, it still COULD get a whole lot worse.

Remember that.

it could always get fucking worse you dumb nigger, that's no excuse to do nothing


The only way for it to get better is for it to get worse. That is why I can't wait until a control freak full-on liberal jew communist gets in. Trump is a kike cuck, but we need it to be worse so that people will see that it really is the jews, race traitors, niggers and spics who want us dead and gone.

Then, and only then, will pockets of white resistance begin to pop up. They can send the cops to arrest some of them, but they won't get all of them, and it will only fan the flames.

We need whites in the streets, armed with rifles, shooting any cop, jew, nigger or spic on sight. We need terror and street warfare to bring about a real revolution.

Execute zionists and traitors. Deport the rest

Well, I'm ready for that to happen, but it needs to be made very clear for those who support acceleration: this will bring about a lot of pain and death on all sides, and once it happens there is no turning back. We could win as much as we could lose. That all depends on the scenarios and what kinds of weaponry they deploy against us. It would not end up pretty and lots of personal sacrifices / high risks would need to be made.

nah you fat amerilards will just turn out like china and just take it up the ass from government like you deserve for letting it get this far

With all honesty that could be a probability at this point which is another reason I am concerned. Most people today enjoy being brainwashed and culled into obedience.

Remember back in the middle ages, when serfs couldn't go hunting in the lords' forest? Here's where they want to bring us back again. Poachers will be going after rabbits and squirrels with slings (after she also takes away guns).

I really hope AOC runs and wins in 2024. It will be hilarious.

Why didn't they push this when they had a majority? Why wait until now? I guess the Republicans still have the Senate so it SHOULD pass.

Copy of removed portion of thread since news was posted in 2018:

Donald Trump is supporting new legislation that will give all American citizens the right to carry concealed weapons nationwide.

At the moment, concealed carry permits are strictly issued by individual states, according to local state law. reports:

But a bill that would mean each state has to recognise another state’s permit, in the same way it does driving licenses, recently passed the House of Representatives and a version of the legislation is now being considered by the Senate. In 2013, a similar bill failed by three votes.

The development has delighted gun rights activists and lobbyists, such as the National Rifle Association (NRA), which spent $30m supporting Mr Trump’s candidacy. The organisation has said passing the so-called Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill is currently its main legislative priority.

“The right of self-defence doesn’t stop at the end of your driveway,” said one of his campaign’s policy documents. “That’s why I have a concealed carry permit and why tens of millions of Americans do too. That permit should be valid in all 50 states.”

Cortez can consume my meat anytime

Majority of Republicans are RINOs and Neocons. FYI Neocons are Democrats who join the Republican party to promote war.

Careful around those chompers, or having her "eat some dick" may quickly become more literal than you would prefer.

I feel like population control and concealed carry go hand in hand.

I look forward to the day she finally gets laid and is able to relax. Knowing the fucking dems, however, she'll be put forward for president before that happens.

Ban meat and guns it'll make everyone happy except old people who'll be pissed lol!!!!!

Look at this mutt, absolutely disgusting, look at the black soulless eyes. She wants to further degrade this dying nation into a socialist zoo resembling Brazil.

Attached: 800px-Alexandria_Ocasio-Cortez_Official_Portrait.jpg (800x1000, 98.83K)

why is she so stupid? ironically cow flatulence can lead to a renewable energy. their waste cant be turned into methane gas

it's almost like she is just asking for a bribe from the meat industry.

Attached: mcdonalds-og-hamburglar-rogue-creatives.gif (420x237, 842.36K)

Good. 99% of the time leftists are faggots who promote weakness and egalitarian, but healthy bigotry against the obese and their inability to stop eating is the first step in tackling America's obesity problem and creating a nation of ubermensch. Next we need fitness and combat training camps, and eugenics to cull the weak.

So you're saying that leftists were actually baste and medievalpilled reactionaries all along?

This is how the world ends,
screencap this

this. only strength and force wins. you can only win if you eliminate your opponent.

Thanks for those words of wisdom officer. People already see it for what it is. They're buying weapons, ammo, other necessities, and preparing.
If worse is better what happened to Detroit?

Attached: detroit.jpg (918x684, 331.53K)

nah her plans are calling for much worse

The most effective 'green' initiative is culling all the third worlders and their first world relatives. They are a burden on the civilized world and have no use or inherent value.

cortez is a killer

Studies have proven people who eat quality meat on a regular basis [excluding fast food of-course] have stronger bones and are less likely to get sick. Thats because red meat has enormous amounts of vitamins, proteins and other nutrients. All the strongest of tribes in the past ate red fresh meat.

Vegans are loaded with estrogens and other toxic chemicals they lace into vegan foods (some of them just as bad or even worse than the crap put into fast foods).