Bernie Sanders has 3 houses, makes millions

Sanders has raised eyebrows over his spending and personal wealth. Notably, he owns three houses. In 2016, he bought a $575,000 four-bedroom lake-front home in his home state. This is in addition to a row house in Washington D.C., as well as a house in Burlington, Vermont.

VTDigger reported in May that he made more than $1 million in 2017 – $885,767 of which came from cash advances and royalties for his book, “Our Revolution” on his failed 2016 presidential bid. It’s the second time he made roughly that amount, making more than a million in 2016 also.

But other parts of his lifestyle are also drawing scrutiny, specifically when compared to his calls to limit environmental pollution and also to redistribute the wealth of the “millionaires and billionaires.”

In October, he spent nearly $300,000 on air travel so he could speak to audiences in nine battleground states before the November midterms. This from a candidate who has endorsed a Green New Deal that seeks to dramatically reduce (if not eliminate entirely) air travel.

The same day his campaign paid the jet company, Sanders called climate change a "planetary crisis" in a tweet.

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Sanders has no problem raising his own taxes.
This proves he walks the walk.

If Bernie is elected and discharges my student loans, gives me Medicaid that is paid for by taxes and is there whether I work or not, I will vote for him and then stockpile guns because that would definitely end the US.

Breadline Bernie will save the US from obesity!


It's coming down sooner than later no matter what we do at this point. You should already be stockpiled up to your balls.

Ahhhhhhh… Finally somebody who doesn't lie about having billions of dollars

Gawd I h8 Millenials!
They are so fucker-dumb.

>There is nothing wrong with me spending money on surplus property goyim, in fact i can say i justifiably did so by taking your money because if you are willing to waste money on a book in which the core message is some bogus idealism then you are probably a plutocrat and therefore of a higher economic background than me, you should feel glad goyim! you made one of your inferiors stand up to your level! kudos to you! scmucks


It's easy to make millions when you don't give refunds

They are all shit but how is somebody eliminating some greed bad? You psychopaths are defending a system which has BILLIONS in poverty. A million in the us are homeless. Something like forty million WORKING, yes, WORKING Americans require social programs to not literally fucking die.

One person doesnt need any more than a million dollars a year. "But muh business expenses " ok and I AKNOWLEDGE that. We have enough auditors lawyers judges and politicians to set up a checks and balances system so wealth equality is enforced in a way that doesn't destroy businesses.

Do you know why property is an investment? Because scheming kikes meet up in a room and calculate how much interest and fees to charge people based on median income so that they can never afford to compete with them.

Do you know why janitors exist? Because poverty is invented so that lazy fucks who print money can make slaves clean their messes.

Millions of unemployed people, you know why society still functions? Because there are more than enough people to do the current jobs. If we didn't have enough people to build houses or harvest crops we wouldn't have Hollywood. We wouldn't have marketers and sales people because we'd need their labor for other shit.

"But muh automation" yeah which is held back to keep useless jobs . The dmv could be entirely automated. Jobs are created to keep people busy because they know people would kill them otherwise. This prevents true innovation from happening.

I do every single thing I can do on my own. In order to move one step forward I have to navigate through millions of con artists all trying to get their share of my labor . Ill cook my own fuckint food. I'll do my own medical treatment. I'll educate myself. I'll mow my own fucking lawn. I'm here to evolve not make Kim Kardashian money.

People seem to forget that the system which benefits the most people always wins. You are a moron if you think announcing you don't care about what's happening around you will give you any say in the future. The money, banking, property, even stock market systems were created with some good intentions. This is where Johnny Silverspoon shows up to say "MY PARENTS SENT ME TO PREP SCHOOL, IT WORKED FOR ME THEREFORE YOU DIDNT TRY AS HARD AS ME!". Yeah you have never experienced any adversity Donald Jr and Jared Kushner . Therefore you have no fucking idea how broken the world is .

As I said these systems were built to make things more efficient. If somebody walks into your house and steals your shit it's a crime, but scheming to exploit others and use them as slaves isn't? The consent of the majority of society was exploited by scheming faggots and that's where we are today.

By refusing to have even an ounce of compassion and therefore zero understanding of other people's position, you are helping to build the prison. If you rip people off and millions are starving then taxes will be raised on you. New regulations which make innovation or new businesses impossible come up . Great job asshole.

The final thing that is retarded is the sperging out over education being free, despite using the socialist internet your whole life. Anything can be taught online, for free . If people can donate they do. Refusing to give people, say, first aid tips online would mean that a simple problem could end up costing everyone thousands down the line . Information about law, a government system , doesn't need held back by jew ivy league gatekeepers. It's the fucking law, it's not that complicated. Any human being should have instant access to all information we have so far. "Omg , but what if we get 10000 new surgeons instead of 10000 snake oil salesman?" Go fuck yourself .


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I can't tell if he's an idiot or it's just typical kike arrogance.

To be honest, this being the worst you can come up with about Mr Bernie is pathetic and grasping at straws. Can't wait for another term of Mr GRAB EM BY THE PUSSY 'real man' trump. Turns out that people listen to what they want to and translate even the most rational sentence into a bipolar load of bullshit. And you know what's funny? We all die, this world is horrendous. So much hate. Even when people profess love they deposit nothing but pain. Thats Zig Forums. Congratulations

Yes, Bernie lost to the worst presidential candidate in history and then she lost to Trump. Deal with it.

"Yo man deal with it." yeah why don't I just lie on my back while the billionaire unempathic sociopaths piss in my mouth. Oh, I have a problem with that? How weird. They're actually pissing in your mouth too as well as pooping in it. So jokes on you really. You just enjoy it and justify it. The last election was like shitting your bed outta protest, but ya still gotta sleep in it you below average IQ morons. Quote(ish) from Frankie Boyle. Bet them rich, corporation loving scumbags can't wait to help you out as they mistakenly drive away with your fossil-fueled vote and you blame your next-door neighbour. Blame will solve everything after all?

A million dollars is fucking chump-change these days. Take away those book royalties and he makes less than $120K in an average year. That's NOTHING compared to what most politicians make, and is more in line with what your average white-collar professional makes. He's not poor, of course, but claiming that this amount of wealth puts him up there with the corrupt "super-rich" is absurd.

He's proof positive that socialists, even conservative ones like Bernie, do not hate prosperity. Hard to grasp, very? Repeat after me: socialism shares the wealth, not the poverty.

We think old ladies who hoard cats are loons but old men who hoard more wealth than they can ever spend are role models.

A million is nothing compared to the populace that lives decently, besides those 1 million are probably all drug addicts and therefore unrecoverable

There was a lot of emotion and opinion in there, but I'm left wondering what the central message of your post was supposed to be.


AND he thinks he should be taxed more.

so thats what he campaigns on. he doesn't claim to be jesus fucking christ and give all his money away to rando's he wants a more fair taxation policies and increased spending on social safety nets/infrastructure.


try probably most. and since when is drug addiction non-recoverable???


other places have done this. socialized school and medicine, they are still here. you've just been taught to be afraid of moving forward and letting things get better for you and your peers.

Eh, are there any that don't? Not saying I want to vote for him, just he's not any different. They're all in the same upper-upper class.

but bernie is a faggot who is running a campaing saying he hates rich people is purposely avoinding talking about houses on his speech

americans are beyond repair

The new generations have been totally brainwashed, yet they act as if they know everything. America has already been deeply subverted and we are now an empire in rapid decline. It won't end well. >>>/prepare/1

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no, he gets money for nothing, like his people usually

I find hilarious how right wingers feel so mad because someone is rich.

Feeling envy you poor morons?

A kid is the intelectual guide in the right wing ideology


Socialism and the case for expropriation

The same week as the Economist published its warning about growing popular support for socialism, a series of events have made clear the vast and entrenched power of the most predatory sections of the financial oligarchy in the United States, which is intent on intensifying an ongoing and massive upward redistribution of wealth.

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Socialism does mean that here in England.

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Typical leftist socialists do not support National Socialism. There is a big difference between the two. National Socialism is aimed towards keeping industry within the nation, and making sure industry is used to benefit the nation and citizenry. The other form of socialism is subversive and totalitarian, they desire government to run the economy and all industry, they do not like consumer choice, they want the government to tell you what you can/cannot own, they want everything to be completely subsidized (regardless how ill their performances may become), they support rations and sanctions too, they also support endless debt insolvency and fiat currency backed by the central banking system.

The real reason Hitler was so despised was because he was eager to break up the central banking cartel (which was mostly Jewish run), and he was a National Socialist who did not endorse subversives or usury. So there is a difference between the two socialisms. On that note, no socialist nation or communist nation have ever survived, every single one has collapsed for one reason or another.

Considering the US subsidizes most of its industry now days, has control freaks regulating the shit out of the markets and oligarchs monopolizing them, creating endless debt insolvency, endless wars and sanctions it is safe to say the US is no longer capitalist either and thats the reason we are now in decline.

yea and north korea is democratic

Whats even more controversial are the cycles and trends of Empires, how they begin to grow all the way to their ending and collapse. The cycle is much like this, as with the US:

1. Sound monetary policy creates massive wealth, industry and jobs.
2. Due to success of sound monetary policy, other countries back the currency as a global reserve status for international trade.
3. Keynesian economists along with typical suspects (central bankers) gain control. End of sound monetary policy.
4. Massive debt creation, which creates booms & busts, consolidates wealth, devalues currency / creates inflation.
5. Endless wars and military might must be propped up to intimidate the whole world to keep insolvent currency as reserve status for trade.
6. Overtime everything becomes corrupted, Empire starts cracking at the foundation, distrust and anger persists in the system as other nations begin to abandon reserve status. ←—– USA is here.
7. Increased crime, poverty and inevitably collapse of former Empire.

I said he was a National Socialist, to which there is a BIG difference between "Democratic Socialism" and "National Socialism." Each of them having polar-opposite policies that conflict with one another. There really is TWO forms of unique socialism.

there's also american socialism of "too big to fail"

Correct. Bailouts are anti-capitalist policies. Capitalism would enforce bankruptcies, not taxpayer bailouts.

The only reason national socialism feels different from "democratic socialism" is because the nazi's weren't given enough time to run out of money. Every form of socialism percolates totalitarians upwards, as long as they pose as party bureaucrats. Without price signals, there is simply no feed-back mechanism in a socialist society to prevent individuals from doing so.

Yup, you're a fucking moron.

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What the Nazis did right was attack the central bankers by throwing their asses out of power. That wasn't their mistake. Their mistake was a horrible desire to expand their Empire by means of war, and their arrogance that they could defeat any enemy that came their way. Interventionist policy was their grave mistake. Hitler was trying to derail the internationalist bankers at all costs, and really, if he had been effective this cartel would not have the power they do today. They made up the holocaust hoaxes as a huge distraction tactic and it worked. The Nazis had slave labor camps, not "gas chambers" and "human ovens." These rumors were meant to demoralize National Socialists so it "never happens again" [by that, they really mean crackdowns on central banking fraud won't ever be allowed to happen again.] Its really sad when you really do the research on this [btw, which the German government currently prohibits ANY critical thinking on this topic today.]

History has proven only sound monetary policy really works best for the people and nation state. You have to have a currency backed by something of value to create an actual economy. If you have any economic system that depends on endless debt and wars, it inevitably collapses but not before all wealth is consolidated in the hands of a few. This goes for ANY economic system. Austrian capitalists and National Socialists both know this. Those that do not understand are Keynesian capitalists, Democratic Socialists and Communists.

Like socialism there are TWO types of capitalism: Austrian capitalists (which endorse sound money and are against central banking and against monopolization) and Keynesian capitalists (which believe debt insolvency is great, central banks are essential and believe the government has the right to tax as much as they please to keep debt and revenues going). I am one who sincerely believes Keynesian capitalists are just as bad as any Democratic Socialist or Communist and deserve to be thrown into those ranks.

and you're a shining example of logic and reasoning

ill take what is insurance and laugh as amerifats twist themselves into knots trying to explain how that isnt socialism

They didn't have much choice. As soon as Hitler kicked out the bankers, a bigass target was placed on Germany. The jews would destroy it if they couldn't control it.

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Walking the walk is when you actually lower your own taxes.
Talking about lowering your own taxes, is just talking about it.

Bernie has just been larping the entire time. He knows a communist will never be elected president, so he made a successful business scamming people for campaign contributions instead.


America would be much better off without a central bank and historically failed policies like taxpayer bailouts or corrupt insolvent entities, mass sanctions and government intervention in the marketplace (excluding anti-trust which is actually necessary to break up monopolies). If we simply had sound monetary policy (like a silver or gold standard) and didn't overspend/waste money on what we don't have or can't pay back then our economy would be fine. Central banks and an all-growing government plus endless wars is not a viable or sustainable or solvent solution, it is part of the problem. Party to blame are Keynesian capitalists and Democratic Socialists which both have created horrific policies over the years, including industrial outsourcing in the 80s and 90s. To cut this rabid parasite from destroying the whole nation you need to look at the root problem: the central banking system.

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good lord who the fuck do we even have to vote for after trump? there is like nobody at all.

good job america. keep crying about socialism while a literally communist country outdoes you in the market and you rake up more than 5 times debt to gdp than eeevul socialist countries

If I knew that answer I wouldn't even tell you, in fear the dude could be assassinated before he stood a chance. I have a feeling they'll never let something like 2016 ever happen again (not that Trump rocked the boat too much anyway but regardless).

the assholes who run america robbed their people and brainwash them daily. go a little easy on them. there suicide rate is through the roof.

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good point. i guess it is kind of dangerous to name drop when you put it that way.

This is good pasta "Billions in poverty" oh man, I'm gonna use this.

Once a cuck always a cuck, Burny would nenevr get my vote.
