Zig Forums Advertises Idiotic Necktie That's Also a Belt !!

Jim Watkins has become so desperate for money that he has taken on a new advertiser here in his shithole imageboard Zig Forums.

Advertising dollars have been so scarce for Jim, that he stooped to the level of selling advertising space to US OFFICE RUNNER, the idiotic Necktie That's Also a Belt….

Thaaaaaat's right !!….


…It's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen…
and get this: the website that sells this stupid piece of shit is called US TRUMP SPACE FORCE !!!

Q: who the fuck would wear a belt that's a NECKTIE?
A: a fucking idiot

Q: who the fuck would wear a NECKTIE that's a BELT?
A: a fucking faggot

This piece of shit company charges $39.99 for this stupid as shit product. Which brings to mind the age old question: why not just say $40?

They think that 'being made in the USA' is some kind of strong sales pitch. Who gives a fuck if it's made in the USA? There are plenty of piles of dogshit that were made in the USA, but that doesn't mean I'm going to buy one, especially not for $39.99, and it doesn't mean I'm going to wear one around my neck or around my waist.

This stupid idea would make you look like Jethro bodine from The Beverly hillbillies, with a goddamn neck tie around your waist.

As if things weren't bad enough already, what with the only advertisers interested in buying ad space being embarrassing lame-ass Japanese companies that sell plastic tubes for men to jack off into (because they target their demographics at imageboard losers who can't get any pussy, and would be willing to spend $140 for a plastic tube to masturbate into) Jim has tried everything from selling coffee mugs two neckties that are also belts.

Fucking pathetic.


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gotta agree with OP on this one. sucks for Jim I got all the ads blocked. also hey jim jam are you gonna hire me as a shill or what, come on dude I need a job.

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that looks pretty damn goofy, johnny. thanks for giving me a heads up about this man's retardation. can I get an opinion on this anime girl?

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I'd like to hang her by the neck with a BELT-TIE

would you shell out 39.99 for that?

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ONLY $39.99 !!!

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available now for only $39.99

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Those gloves look perfect for my tiger. His paws get cold sometimes this time of year.
Also, pleeze show some support for said tiger over here . He sometimes gets the munchies, and since I get paid by the shitpost, every little shitpost helps!

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billies use a rope

I use a bungee cord myself

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I thought that the US RUNNER TIE-BELT
was a multi-million dollar conglomeration
that had to undergo great scrutiny to be
'lucky enough to be specially chosen' to
advertise on this worthless toilet website

I'll be there shortly

And don't think I didn't notice that it's one of you inexperienced moron TrumpTurds who thought he had a great idea for a business and advertised in a worthless shithole….

(maybe the USTRUMPSPACEFORCE.COM gave it away?)

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another dead giveaway that the 'company' is actually nothing more than one of you loser douchebag imageboard faggots is the STUPID AS SHIT AMATEUR LOGO

I've literally created better logos on toilet paper by wiping my ass.

gay as fuck (just like Zig Forums)

Not to mention the fact that OFFICE RUNNER is one of the stupidest most non-descriptive names I've ever heard.

Yeah…. I guess it's a 'safe bet' that this is their first time trying to come up with an idea for a business?

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Doing a quick Google search, the only results deal with women's fashion…….



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Nice idea, but a survival paracord tie/belt would be better suited for what the invention is. Good on them advertising here and keep the lights on. If it makes the metafags salty, even better.

lol @ you confusing ridicule with 'saltiness'

(You're such a trend-following unoriginal little bitch)

You would never catch me using a predictable trendy term like 'salty' in a million years.

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I just now noticed that 'macho man' village people boy just called it 'an INVENTION'


Lol @ ⚓ing the thread


now I'm REALLY gonna start posting in here

anchors mean nothing to me


this entire website is 'anchored', because Google won't list it in their results, nobody comes here, nobody matters here, and if you're a MOD here, you've got the Least Relevant Job On Earth

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Being a Mod in this Castrated, Irrelevant, Overlooked Imageboard :

your entire existence has been 'anchored'

Gay as SHIT

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That's honestly one of the dumbest things I've ever seen

I'm watching the A&E documentary
about Trump's family & childhood

It turns out that Trump's father & grandfather
we're MUCH bigger scumbags, liars and thieves
than I already thought. SCUMBAGS

and it turns out that Trump was a
as a kid…. a completely obnoxious
fucking douchebag…. a loser

You fool no one, everyone knows the weaponized kvetch. It's over, your mental game is weak and you are all talk. You are so small.

You know what's really funny? With as fat as i am, i'd need a beltie that goes down to my knees.

lol that was pretty funny