Ocasio-Cortez Who Supports Government Banning Meat, Just Got Caught Red-handed Eating Meat

Less than a week after raging against cow farts and urging Americans to stop eating so many hamburgers, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was caught oozing with hypocrisy.

On Tuesday night, an image scorched across Twitter showing Ocasio-Cortez and her chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, sitting down for dinner together.

While sitting no more than a foot away, Ocasio-Cortez watched as Chakrabarti ordered a hamburger and chowed it down right in front of her.

So @CalebJHull is posting pictures of @AOC Ocasio-Cortez out to dinner with her Chief of Staff, he’s having a hamburger pic.twitter.com/ZcS5r1E7Co

— Honorable J Minear (@MinearNY) February 27, 2019

Conservative Caleb Hull also shared a close-up image showing that her chief of staff was definitely eating the one specific food that she wants Americans to stop eating.


— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) February 27, 2019

Soon after the images caught fire on Twitter, Ocasio-Cortez went to her go-to play: she played the victim and attacked the person who took the original photo as being a creep.

“Tonight a dude was creepily (and obviously) taking a picture of me while pretending he wasn’t and I had to break his imaginary fourth wall and say ‘Hi! I’m a person! This is weird!'” she wrote.


Attached: Ocasio-Cortez Who Supports Government Banning Meat, Just Got Caught Red-handed Eating Meat.jpg (510x680, 45.92K)

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You know what this is, right? This is limousine liberalism. They just want privileges that they don't want the rest of us to have.

Sound familiar, Al Gore? How much did your energy-sucking mansion cost tax payers this year?

confirmed news

This skinny latte sipping moron should be thanking her lucky stars some crazy mob of crazy activists didnt shout her and her COS out of the restaurant 'cause that would have been so un-cool… Wait.

the jews are scared of AOC so now they have to pretend like she should be outrages and refuse talk to anyone who eats meat

No, they are not. She admitted she's one of them, and everything she stands for stinks of utter kikery. You cannot forget their long term goal is beyond making profits, its about population control, its about culling the masses and subjugating them (while exempting the very elites from their own laws and regulations). Agenda 21/2030. This plan has been in the works for a long time, its all the same vested powers pushing it. Carbon taxation to make us pay 3x the cost of energy to further enrich them is also the plan. Its called feudalism. They want to bring that back.


its called longetivity. you're already in feudalism. and trying to make a vegan had lunch with someone who is not a vegan into a giant scandal doesn't make you seem sane


You burgers and your retarded fantasies, nothing happened when kenedy was dealt with and nothing will happen if trump gets the same treatment, you burgers simply don't have it you to go against your overlords…

A2 Responds to A1

Thats where your a bit mistaken user. As long as there is food in the grocery stores and roofs over peoples heads…. typically things will remain peaceful over here. The minute the burger meat inventory runs out… the minute the stores stop supplying shit… the minute the establishment announces we have to accept total poverty conditions…. is the minute you see a real hardcore armed uprising and it will not end pretty for anyone.

If you want mass unrest, you have to hit the roots… the chain supplies…

PS: you can't do that unless you have some kind of real influence and power within the system, someone who may have central banking connections who can manipulate currencies to do your bidding such as crashing whole economies. Thats the only way to cut off the massive amounts of diverse chain supplies.

Otherwise, if things proceed to slowly decline, there will likely not be too much rebellion, only inner city chimp outs or rural standoffs at most.

A3 Responds to A2

Actually, damage to a few rail lines and ports would nearly completely cripple the import economy. shutting down most access out of the central valley of CA would starve half of the country of produce and dairy. it really wouldn't be has hard as you think, especially considering in a civil war scenario, there will be lots of defectors in places of significance. hypothetically, of course

A2 Responds to A3

Well we get much of our food supplies from other countries too. Sure, this would strain a lot of resources but not enough to completely cut everything off. However, lots of damage could be done and this is one reason I suggest everyone >>>/prepare/

As a prepper myself, I don't just recommend having an extra stockup of basic supplies (although important to have), I also recommend people become more self-sufficient too. It is still possible although its a goal you have to work towards. I have a pretty big garden myself fenced within my backyard. I can a lot of foods and routinely rotate them year by year. This is a good start. Also find ways to get some energy off-grid (solar panels w/ power inverters for example).



There are 30k federal indictments for unnamed persons. The Qtards have been blinded "Yay! They are going to lock up the deep state!". But realistically, do you honestly think Jeff Sessions DOJ, Rosenstein's IG or Wray's FBI are going to go that hard after the deep state? Fuck no, they'd be going after themselves. And if they aren't going after the deep state, who are they going after?

Given the trajectory in the media and the NWO globally, I'd bet those 30k indictments are for Trump supporters and they've timed the arrests to coincide with an attempted coup. If this is the case, Trump will be arrested or killed first. If you see that either has happenned, get your shit and head to the hills. If (most likely "when") someone comes kicking your door, you better be ready to fight because that's the best odds you'll get from that point on, if you own guns. Afterwards you'll be detained and, if the coup is successful, shipped off to a concentration camp and killed. If you let them take you, worse things will happen to you than a gunfight. It's important that they are made to bleed for every person they capture.

Most raids happen in the middle of the night, so you have to keep your gun loaded and next to your bed. Your go bag should be packed and your important items (wallet, car keys, cell phone, etc) should be placed in the bag every night before you go to sleep. You should have a change of clothing laid out on your go bag, sturdy boots, camo's or whatever.

There is a good indication the Dems will attempt this, and if they do, it should be the bloodiest night of their lives. If you go willingly, you have no honor.


All it takes is one fucked up example people like us can use as proof its happening and all hell will break loose. The pump is primed for those more of our persuasion to initiate counter attacks and bring out the full scale bloody happening we all dream of. We are all clearly already under attack, so much so even the most normalfaggots of normalfags understand our enemies are theirs. And not some political discourse opponent at an highschool debate team 'enemy' but full on, these guys want to murder me and mine. You think things like prepping rose out of nothing? Or an massive feeling of discord as even subconsciously people know that they are in danger from their very own system / society.

It may be all a bunch of sealed indictment bullshit, but people understand now that either the system nuts up and starts going after these criminals in mass, or they are going to do it to us. And even normalfags are wondering what is taking so long on cleaning house of the most blatant of criminally minded leftists in our government. The system can not even accidentally target one of us that are in any way prepared or blatantly on our side and it can easily be enough to spark it off now. Just one crossed wire like they do more often than most would believe, and that wrong person or people he knows getting the right message out, and the op going tits up. And its on.

If they came for him, they are coming for everyone right. Because the media sure as fuck isn't going to warn ME I am next. And that's all it takes. History pivots on such things as the catalyst of major changes. Hell, trump could have an actual normal heart attack tonight, and tomorrow the number of people whom actually don't believe 'they' didn't kill him would outnumber the number whom believe the truth that he died of typical old man death. The system is protected more by happenstance now than any inherent gifted stability from its subjects.

Some people do have it hard today, but for the most part its people who trusted the system and went way too much into debt. Thats partly their own fault as much as it is the government for allowing banks to become such loan sharks. People can still make a decent living but they need to stop relying on the media and propaganda for suggestions. There are still trade jobs out there that you can earn a pretty penny for those lines of work. Not as many as there used to be, and sure times are tough because of our crooked politicians and crooked government and crooked schools and crooked banks. Giving these corrupt assholes more power will do NOTHING to solve your problems either, they're all in bed with the same kikes you hate. Granting them power over you is only giving more power to the kikes.

Based and newspilled

Things are bad now, yes. But we do not live under feudalism, no where near that. As long as you still have access to food and running water and can get a job to earn money and have a place to live, thats not feudalism. This "green deal" would bring us all much closer to what many would consider to be actual feudalism. If you want to have to ration energy use, pay huge tax increases, want the government to tell you what you can and cannot eat, what you can/cannot own, force you to ration other basic necessities (as is proposed in this 'green' agenda) then you really are begging to live a much more burdensome and difficult life, not to mention pissing off a whole lot of people in the process and hurting your political affiliations in the long run.

Meanwhile, on real life is professional wrestling…

You gotta remember, AOC's supporters have the herd mentality of south american populists. They do not expect their leadership class to follow the same rules, and so they will not bat an eye at this behavior. Only people who already think AOC is ridiculous would care about this.

These are the people women and their cuck boys vote into power. Basic bitches in a suit still doing basic bitch shit while they wait for the hindus to bring them the latest kike political play

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same with pedophilia
politicians and jews fuck the best and hottest little girls
but they ban pedophilia for goyim so you only fuck old used roasties


My favorite kind of news.

Thank you!

And be sure to have clean underwear on when they come.

Could someone please explain unto the uninitiated, such as myself, WTF is an "imaginary fourth wall"???, and Do I have one also? Can it be easily broken?

Meat is murder, AOC is a serial killer

Thats sick and anyone who fucks kids deserves to be killed by firing squad or locked up for life. You should be having relations with grown up ladies, not children. However teen girls are still up to dispute after puberty in many states, my opinion is there should be an age gap between a teen and another person, perhaps if the guy is 20 it would still be alright, but anyone significantly older would be classified a pedo and imprisoned over it.

The only reason its worth posting is to expose their hypocrisy.

You should not be telling other people what to do, or saying the government should force them to live one way, and yet turn around and live exactly the way you tell others they shouldn't live. If your going to stick by a principle that pisses people off, then expect them to shine a light on you. Its only fair.

Nah. It's legit.

yes, legit degenerate, and should be purged

please she's one of the most artificially propped up people in politics right now

The goal of the (((establishment))) is all too well known at this point. Everything AOC does is a bona-fide (((establishment))) agenda. All part of their Agenda 21 plan for carbon taxes to total population control and mandated surveillance everywhere (also described in the 'green new deal' as mandatory "upgrades" to all buildings even residential homes.) Kikes are in bed with Big Tech industry and the 'green new deal' would provide plenty of government subsidies to enrich them and mandate their "smart" spy crap!

Put simply, AOC wreaks of typical kikery. They don't fear her, they control her!



Nah, it's FAKE.

Should stop dipping into your product.

She's sitting next to a guy eating a burger, while she's eating chicken and pasta as you can clearly see. This wasn't the only photo of her either, there were several pics of this floating around.

Now listen, I don't even CARE what she eats. Thats not really what matters.

What matters is she said WE should be FORBIDDEN from eating what she is willing to eat by the government. She's a limousine liberal brat who thinks she should get special privileges we shouldn't have. That is not fair!

I'm going to post my new copypasta I just made, in spite of AOC's eagerness to sick the gestapo on us and ban this from happening:

You don't have to buy meat filled with hormones and toxic preservatives (like sodium nitrites), you CAN get fresh meats but it WILL cost some money. However buying in wholesale from a legit rancher can actually SAVE you money. You need to find a local farmers market nearby (they have these in most towns and cities too)… find someone who sells certified organic, non-GMO, non-preservative laced meat. It costs more, yes. However some of the ranchers will give you a huge discount if you buy the meat in bulk (wholesale). I buy half a cow (one full freezer box worth) once every two years. Costs me $1,000 on average. But it lasts me two years worth of meat, thats a lot of meals for one grand. Plus its high quality meat, no hormones, no GMOs fed to the animals, no toxic preservatives…. none of that. Its worth it! Find a local farmers market and get to talking to some ranchers!

Whining to yourself here is the remedy.

The ONLY reason I posted this OP:


She wants to ban the citizenry from eating meat, which is not only unconstitutional and against basic consumer rights, it would gut the ranching business and kill massive amounts of productive jobs.

If she is willing to call for all out war against our liberties, she's gonna have to take the bad PR.

You should get a quality site like Infowars for your FAKE NEWS and team up with Alex Jones. Maybe call it Infowhores?

Oh wait CNN and FOX already exist so scratch that.

Not taking that bait, sorry!

I rarely post anything from Infowars. See this OP and check the links. You can't try to discredit was is a fact, she called for a ban on meat and gets caught eating chicken. She's a fucking hypocrite and frankly I think maybe her supporters are too.

If you're into prepping - which at this point in time you are a lunatic not to be - this tip will also serve as a prepping lesson. But in a grid-down scenario you will have to keep all that meat from spoiling so I'd recommend investing in a solar generator for it. Whooops did I say solar as in *alternative energy* YES I DID.

Ranchers here too busy now loading up cattle on their UFO's to fly them into hiding due to Ocasio. They thought they were on the team to learn they are the first to go. Brown shirts never last long.

For every box freezer you have filled with meat, you should have a solar generator for, so if there is a blackout or brownout or EMP attack, you can hook up that solar system with the panel and power that freezer off-grid.

Your just full of bait this morning. You must be drinking the freshly ground coffee instead that ol nasty single serving stuff. I see that trillion dollar budget has some sweet benefits.

There's stuff walking all around here to eat so I'm not worried about it.

what, at two months old?

Someones knocking, gotta go. Maybe it's Denny Crane with my cash pay check.

Have a nice day.

Talking about Trillion dollar budgets (which I agree with you is horrificly insolvent and unsustainable!) this AOC clown wants 4 Trillion annual budgets while getting rid of actual productive jobs like ranching! WTF is that about? Explain that one to me.

Well some of us prefer not to be forced to eat insects and rodents! Is that OK or do we need to be crushed by some environmental-gestapo for choosing to live like actual human beings and not a slave class?

Nah, I'm not going to play unless you put me on the payroll………………………………………..


Is Jim really hiring everyone to talk here? I just talk here for the fun of it, boredom really.


actual news bumparoo

This. She attacked us first. Let her deal with the PR as a result. She wants government to ban us from eating meat? She best not eat it because we'll keep our eyes out for any hypocrisy.

fucking kek

How does a colored women get elected by popular vote, to one of the highest positions in our country, on the premise that colored people and women are unpopular in our country?

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Therefore, if we elect colored people, we debunk the notion of racism?

Then they can destroy colored communities by giving them free hand out; while then taking more in taxes than the handouts are worth.

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Rattlesnake, the new Chicken.

So, let’s see, she’s a hypocrite because she watched someone eat a hamburger?

What if she had prevented that person from eating a hamburger? Then you could have attacked her for infringing on other people’s rights to eat as they please!

Whatever she did would be a win-win situation for folks who think with what they sit on.

By the way, this is what genuine socialists think about Miss Status Quo Socialist wsws.org/en/articles/2019/01/31/cort-j31.html

Bumping your own narrative on life support.


(((Dead Zone)))

She is a hypocrite for getting caught eating chicken with a guy who eats hamburgers - at a restaurant that serves meat, which she has specifically noted she wants us to be banned from eating. She says animal farts "cause global warming", "OMG like we need to like stop this" and yet goes out to restaurants that do serve meat and gets caught eating chicken.

But we shouldn't eat meat. We are the ones that are bad. Nevermind her or her friends.

You what I had last night? Chicken stuffed with a mixture of gorgonzola cheese, fresh parsley, bread crumbs, garlic and sliced up broccoli! I'll name it the AOC stuffed chicken! It takes lots of 'free stuff' to fatten that chicken up! Delicious!

AOC…. in a couple days, if you ever get to read this, I'm getting out some T-bone steak cuts…. and I'm going to make a nice dish from that, and and stamp your name on the recipe too.

I like my meat, and I have lots of it, and I'm going to keep on eating it and eating more of it! YUMMY!



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The air quality in USA isn't that bad. Not until they ban the ownership of cows and the bitch replaces the air with beaner farts.

You know, fuck it. Fuck this hiveminded and tribalistic hatred. I think she's alright. I don't agree with her social and political views, I honestly think she's a mix of naive and crazy, but I honestly can not see how this makes her "a bitch" and her response to the incel trying to play secret agent in public was laid-back. So her friend ate some meat and she… let him. Okay. So she's not a controlling psychopath at least in person. It's a bit hypocritical, sure, but what is that compared to the president who has been cheating on his past and former wives with porn stars for decades, or used illegal labor and subcontractors to build his hotels? Fuck, if I'm supposed to be morally outraged by her grade-school transgressions, then why stop there and why just stop on "their side"? Why the inconsistency in values just because of party lines? At least be fucking consistent.

She won't let me have sex with cows. She basically wants to get rid of cows because she doesn't agree with their farts in her territory. Shes going to prevent me from having sex with cows because that dirty animal just wants to mark the USA with her own gas and make it smell more like home. They're just playing that primitive territory marking game.


Trump should make her VP. She can ban cows and he can ban guns and we'll all have a nice time trying to tell them apart for the scum that they both are.

Should have his stupid supporters dress in red again. It's funny that they are that stupid.

Whatever happened to all those low IQ trump bikers?
Did they get off'ed?

And she wont have meat when its banned. Right now it isn't.

If you added the IQ's of all Trump supporters they wouldn't tally up to more than 47 points combined.

What about tube steak?

Did you note that?

(((Ocasio likes TUBE STEAK)))

How is this not Feudalism? It might be WORSE. We don't own nothing goyim. If I buy land I have to pay property tax every year on it, and the government can take it away from me at any time. That makes it not really mine. We pay more taxes now than probably qny point in history as well. ESPECIALLY if you count inflation as a tax(it is)

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AOC does TUBE STEAK boogie.

AOC = Jerry's kids.

Trump & Pelosi need to get a room.

It's called impossible, fiscally/physically/public support-wise. Where you may see raving lunatics angry about a girl dancing or eating a hamburger, the other side of the table sees a newly-minuted member of the upper crust dictating to the proles. They're asking for a little consistency; it's a valid tactic.

AOC is a pipe cleaner.

Big surprise. No politician that's pushing genetically modified soy onto the plebs is actually eating it.

Hickenlooper eats it and he likes it. So does that fag replacement Governor.

actual rational

FAKE Zig ForumsEWS!

I heard she can suck an Orange up her ass then puck it out for a Muslim to eat.

Then when the Muslim shits it out Polis eats that.

Then Barry…………….

She wants to eliminate "cow farts" by forcing bans on meat. She got caught eating chicken. She's a hypocrite you fucking moron!