Hey, Florida: If you see horseshoe crabs having sex on the beach, take a picture

Embarrassed as you might be, don’t look away.

If you, by chance, see horseshoe crabs engaging in sex on the beach, as they are wont to do in the spring, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission wants to be notified.

Why? Nature.

The deal: It’s peak mating season and because there’s a declining crab population, the FWC wants to catch them in the act.

You can report the sight you’ve witnessed, normally a smaller crab on top of a larger one, on the FWC mobile app.

Crabs get most in the mood during high tide, or within three days of a new or full moon, says the FWC.

The next new moon is March 6, and the full moon is March 21.

“Horseshoe crabs have existed for about 450 million years, yet little is known about Florida populations,” reads the release. “Public sighting information helps FWC researchers target spawning beaches for the @Florida Horseshoe Crab Watch Program, a citizen science initiative to collect scientifically accurate data throughout the state.”

Find the app in the Apple store, or Google Play,

Or you can send your sightings directly to researchers on the FWC Facebook page, email the pics to [email protected] or call 866-252-9326.


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Hell no! Just post all your crab-fucking files here!

Attached: 590_crash_debate.jpg (590x300, 45.65K)


can we just shoop everything and send them in KEK

so it seems they originated from Sweden or maybe other Scandinavian countries, interesting.


These things are basically the same as their ancestors which lived 450 million years ago. Human beings evolved from nigger monkey creatures over the course of 4 million years, amazing.

Nah… But it would be cool to see some Nordic Crab Goddess action!

Attached: Nordic.Crab.Goddess.jpg (1440x2025, 349.34K)

Atlantic horseshoe crabs are found along the Atlantic East Coast of the United States, ranging from Maine to Florida. In the Gulf Coast of the United States, they are found in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. Outside the United States, the only breeding population is in Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, where found on western, northern and eastern coasts. Individuals rarely appear outside the breeding range, with a few records from the Atlantic coast of Canada (Nova Scotia), the Bahamas, Cuba and the western Gulf of Mexico (Texas and Veracruz). There have been attempts of introducing it to Texas, California and the southern North Sea, but these all failed to become established. Records from Europe, Israel and Western Africa are considered releases/escapees of captives.

Very true. If only horseshoe crabs would come back to Scandinavia and make love! I yearn for you!

Attached: Scandinavian.Crab.Goddess.jpg (1440x1752, 299.56K)

Crabs are sexy!


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Where is the video? of crab-sex

Don't you need a license for filming pornography

rofl at this autistic greatness

surprisingly, no

I do not understand this spam post.
What does Paranoid News have to do with Crab Sex?

Attached: The.Johnny.Neptune.Way.jpg (2258x1440, 331.86K)

The "scientists" are actually just asshole motherfuckers who want to make a bunch of money off of valuable crab blood, so they're asking for the public's help in locating the endangered crabs so they can swoop in and "help" by slaughtering them and harvesting their blood. Humans suck.

Attached: Capture _2019-03-21-16-47-57.png (1413x924, 205.97K)

Watch out. Killcen is out for crab blood today.


Calm down.
It's only crabs.
You might survive.