Fox News: Trump's personalized diplomacy fails as Korea talks collapse

"But the great flaw in the president's approach is coming to the talks like he would a hotel negotiation in New York, with supreme confidence in his ability to win anyone over.

Trump's personalized approach, speaking of his "love" for Kim, means he is the first American president to sit down with a North Korean dictator. But successful summit meetings generally rely on the deals being precooked through arduous discussions by diplomats and experts, and the leaders coming in to bless the final product. Summits can fail — as happened with Reagan and Gorbachev — but you need intense preparation to have a shot at doing the deal.'

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"means he is the first American president to sit down with a North Korean dictator"

More like:

means he is the first American president willing to sit down with a North Korean dictator

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"President Trump Thinks Kim Jong Un Is Not Responsible For Otto Warmbier's Death"

Trump says Kim not aware yet Otto was in custody yet Otto was a global story as you can see from this pic


with each passing day, Trump's failures and stupidity become more and more obvious

By the way, Cohen's public testimony on Wednesday wasn't the end of it. On Thursday, he had a closed door meeting where he told THE FULL STORY on many other crimes, and now they are preparing to impeach Trump.

You'll see….

I'd be surprised if they didn't impeach Trump in the next 2 years

Lol @ Trump's legendary incompetence

Trump's entire facade is crumbling exponentially

And yet they go into NO detail of how the summit was a failure? I'd say it can't be as bad as it was when Kim was threatening to nuke us all the time! But we all know who the real neo-cons are, mainstream media.

perhaps YOU should go into detail about how it was a success

>and why that's a bad thing

I never said it was a success. It could have faulted, but at least attempts were made for peace. Thats what really counts. I'd rather have that then how shitty Trump treats Assad and some other leaders around the world. [Some of them deserve the shame, but others not so much.] Kim was a dick, but he was misunderstood as well. He just doesn't want his country to become another vassal state, and I can respect that.

honk honk

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I see where you're going with that, and I agree with you in many regards. I think the 'successful' aspect was TRYING, while I think the 'failed' aspect was having somebody as ill-prepared as The Caveman trying.

I agree that a departure from 'the norm' is a good thing.

I simply don't think that a brain-injured orangutan showboat is the right 'departure'

I actually got a good chuckle out of that

take the honkpill, brother

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Trump is too set in his ways, he has too much of an ego and can be very stubborn. Plus he's actually working for Israel's interests more-so than the US and that obviously puts dampers in relations abroad with the more rebellious nations like NK.

However do not delude yourself that any other leader could have done any better. The establishment loves wars and cold wars, it boosts their MIC revenues which is all that matters to them.

I think that was bothers me the most about The Caveman's absence of diplomacy experience and complete lack of negotiating skills is how he seems to be the ONLY HUMAN ON EARTH who actually thinks he's capable of diplomacy or negotiations….

it almost seems like he actually believes the contrived image of 'businessman' that he created.

THAT, and the 'little details' like walking out of failed summits and announcing that he 'believes Putin more than our intelligence agencies' or 'believes Kim isn't responsible for Otto Warmbier's death'


a loaf of bread has more negotiating experience

hell… the average 3rd grader can at least READ & WRITE


He's never been a politician so of-course he's new to political diplomacy. Do you really believe the average person could do any better? I kinda doubt it. Trump is like a lot of our previous presidents: a failure. He may have good intentions, but he's not much better than all the other failures we had as leaders.

feel free to name EVEN ONE 'foreign US engagement' he has 'ended'

Trump has never been a businessman, either.

The US government is desperate to maintain US petrodollar reserve hegemony. This is equivalent to maintaining the status of an expanding Empire which other countries are already pretty fed up with. I hate to break it to you but until we realize our failures, and admit we can't be sole Empire forever, deals are just going to continue to flop. Trump is one who believes America can maintain Empire forever…. and that is just not going to happen.

He runs over 400 companies, some have succeeded others have failed miserably. Thats the way business always is.

I learned A LOT from watching The Trump Dynasty biography….

I've always known that he was full of shit, but that biography explained exactly HOW FULL OF SHIT he really is.

Trump has never had a successful business venture. NEVER… his 'business' is being so drastically deep in debt that the investors and bankers keep him afloat.

He's never done a legitimate business deal in his life


As it does with MOST companies today, sadly. We are an Empire based on DEBT. What do you possibly expect to happen?

I know one solution: cut out a lot of the bureaucracy and endless wars, and shut down the central banking system. Stop going into so much debt we can never pay off. Will there be a crash? YES. But as long as we bring back sound monetary policy we can re-industrialize and recover within a decade.

nope…. I know what you're trying to say, but no

completely different subject……
Trump's businesses are all built on LOSS
intentional loss by design

research it

I'm not going to sit here and argue it….
because now that Cohen has begun the
eventual flow of results and info we have
all been waiting to hear, the jigsaw puzzle
pieces are all beginning to become seen

and only those defiant fools

will continue to pretend

that the emperor

is wearing clothes

because they can't admit they were fooled

Now, the Mueller investigation isn't even the pivotal point any longer.

The Southern District investigation means more
THAT, and the fact that Congress is initiating their own investigation

HINT: it's not that hard to admit you were mistaken

So are you saying he makes his money off bankruptcies? Buying up others, consolidating the wealth and then liquidating the assets to his own advantage when the businesses go under? At least help explain what you mean by that.

My mistake was NOT voting for Trump over a corrupt witch like Hillary. I already admitted my mistake was having trust that he could actually fix the rat-infested shithole we are already in. And I was mistaken about that.


your mistake was voting PERIOD

why take it from ME?

the information is out there, available to anybody

(he didn't know how to succeed at business, so he decided to succeed at failing, and maintain an appearance of success while in a continual lifelong downward spiral)

Congress won't do a damn thing, they never do. They are just as corrupted if not even more-so.

However, Mueller MAY have some dirt on him, maybe even the NY prosecutors too. Anyone that has their hands in NY real estate likely has connections with the mob, likely no way around it considering the level of corruption today.

I never said I thought anybody 'was going to do something', like indicted or impeach…

for me, simply having the truth put out in the open is good enough… And that process has already begun… After this point, his supporters are going to still insist he's a genius businessman and he has broken no laws… Of course they will…

And they're going to look like fools

I never mentioned anything about la cosa nostra… That's not the subject at hand…

I'm talking about an illiterate, stupid as shit, white trash grandson of a pimp, an obnoxious moron of a child, who grew up to be an even more obnoxious moron of an adult, who knows absolutely nothing about negotiation or building a successful business….

A moron somehow figured out that he was SO IN DEBT that his financiers were forced to keep him afloat, so he decided to push the envelope and start ripping everybody off with completely fraudulent businesses that were designed to fail from the word go…

I'm talking about a man who openly stated that he was 'a celebrity who played the role of a businessman' who had his attorney threatened his high school and college with legal action and criminal prosecution if they ever released is miserable grades…

A man who has lied about his worth from day one

An idiot

A vulgar disgusting stupid as shit illiterate monkey

Who is now 'playing the role of a president who is a successful businessman'

A WWE celebrity….

Who specifically targets the demographics of white trash wrestling fans

you forgot to add "president of the United States" to that list
lmao imagine being this flustered over muh potus

actually, I said
Who is now 'playing the role of a president who is a successful businessman'

And I'm not flustered over a president

I'm simply disgusted by STUPIDITY
always have been
always will be

And I'm frustrated by the BLATANT LACK OF JUSTICE:

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He's "playing" the role of president like you're "playing" the roll of a flustered faggot

It actually is. Its doing us no good just sinking us into deeper and deeper debt.

Are you aware that endless military expenditures lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union? Debt sank their economy.

Share blue is back baby!

Reminder that leftists are irredeemable gutter trash.

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I'm actually honored to have this
discussion with you. I would have
never imagined that I would meet
the world's most knowledgeable
human in a shit hole like Zig Forums.

speaking of which:

it seems like you
would be out there
saving the world
right now instead
of sitting in here

……must be off for the weekend?…..

That dude is disgusting. He almost looks like a girl

Lets all post about it even though we have no power to do anything with this information. Better than learning a trade or taking an extra shift or getting into a hobby…. right?

not realizing that this is my hobby

What? Who said that?

Im genuinely sorry for you buddy.


inb4 NO U

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I dont use faggot phrases like that. I agree. Everything on this website is bullshit.

No wall, no korean peace, no trump 2020

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too bad, whether you like it or not, Trump's probably going to win win the Dems pushing Joe Biden as a Candidate

How can I get the woman in my life to stop watching Bohemian Rhapsody?

Cuckchan wannabe complete with captcha cancer

fuck off.

legit back

put your beer in the fridge

fake pix
fake news

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Looks like the mod might be getting his panties in a twist over Johnny again. The thread-flow is a bit jittery for us late-comers.