Thanks To Their Student Loans, Most Millennials Will Die In Debt, Never To Retire

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Adulting, the now common idiom goes, is hard. And to many millennials, the grim realization that debt will always be part of their lives is not making it any easier.

In some cases, their debt load is so soul-crushing they expect to die without ever paying what they owe back. So how much does this problem have to do with the higher-education crisis the country is facing? As it turns out, everything.

According to a study by Northwestern Mutual, educational loans are the leading source of debt for millennials ages 18 to 24. And according to a report, over 60 percent of millennials aged 18 to 37 are completely unsure when, or if, they will be able to pay their debt off. Among those who responded they are uncertain about their ability to pay off debt, 20 percent said they expected to die in debt.

But to those with only credit card debt, the prospects aren’t as grim, as 79 percent of millennials said they had a plan to pay it all off, expecting to be completely debt-free by age 43.

While many of the news outlets reporting on these findings urge young people to get a plan in place so they can pay off their debt, the reality is that government’s push to give everyone a college education is what has greatly contributed to young people’s debt load. And what’s worse, degreesare not actually helping many young people get a job.

Will bureaucrats and those who pushed for more government-subsidized education ever admit they created a monster that has finally gotten out of control?

When government and elected officials push college education as a right, they imply that the government has the duty to help provide it to the populace. With grants, subsidies, and easy, risk-free loans going out to 17-year-olds with no credit history, young people think pursuing the career of their dreams is a piece of cake. But once school is out and all they have is a diploma, they finally realize things weren’t as easy as they expected.

The problem is that when government enters the picture and makes it easier for consumers to pay for college, it artificially increases the demand for college. With a greater number of students demanding higher education, schools have to raise their prices. After all, they have a limited supply of what they offer.

As explained by economist Ryan McMaken, “Were it not for the subsidized loans and — in the case of public colleges — directly subsidized tuition, the number of students able to afford such degrees would shrink considerably.” With fewer students knocking on their doors, colleges would have to slash costs and, consequently, prices, just so they could fill up their empty classrooms. But to bureaucrats, the solution doesn’t lie with letting the market work. Instead, they want more government interference.

Pushing for better loan deals, more regulation, or penalties for students who can’t pay the loans back, bureaucrats and their supporters are only worsening the problem they created.

Attached: Thanks To Their Student Loans, Most Millennials Will Die In Debt, Never To Retire.jpg (500x333, 16.37K)

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eliminate all of the humanities departments and you won't have this problem.

It figures it has something to do with the insolvency of the State, typically does.

Most of them fucking deserve to die in debt because the only reason they wanted a college degree was to have paperwork claiming they're better than everyone else. Most of them wanted to abuse it. The wealthy people who could afford that certification to abuse people should be hanged and beaten to make up for what debt couldn't do to them.

Its only an issue if you take a useless course. Also, why is this posted here? Nobody who uses 8ch went to college, they wasted their prime jacking off to anime and posting arguments accompanied by smug cartoons. What a waste of life.

Stop being a jaded asshole. Its your own fault you did nothing with your life. Dont hate others for trying.

Good, they’re useless.

Like you?

the jewed generation

They did it to themselves by making bad choices in prospective careers. Dont blame outside forces for personal failures.

I was doing something with my life until the spiteful pompous pigs wanted to make things "fair" which in their backwards shit-eating language means back in their own unbalanced favor.

Those of you saying those with the debt can fuck off and die? You guys are forgetting one thing, when the default rate really skyrockets it's going to be you, the taxpayer who's stuck with it. Taxpayers with kids will be even more screwed, unlike the childfree they'll have a much harder time uprooting and either moving someplace with a lower tax liability, changing careers to something that enables them to keep more of their income or sheltering it in things like small term farming which can pretty much wipe out ones tax liabilities. There are people with families who farm but for the average person with kids, that's more often than not very difficult, esp. when you factor in just how damn expensive kids are and how it involves you staying in one area and getting fucked up the ass with skyrocketing taxes and crime. If you guys are smart, start pushing for the gov't to sue universities into oblivion to pay for this bullshit.

T. Someone who has student loan debt who fled the country and has a 2nd passport. Feels good to be free…

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Basically I could do anything with my life until a pig throws paperwork in my way and some dumb pig believes in it. It's just another piece of paper, just another Bible.

This is why your life is shit. You've convinced yourself your life is outside your own control.

That's why most people who only accept ideas from people with college degrees are people's of written faiths. That's why our countries laws are so fucked up. They only accept statements from people allegorized as Jesus Christ or whatever other prophet handed out the certifications or law and they only give it to people ready to obey their outdated bullshit. College is just another biased cult following the same old shit. They didn't get it because they're good sane hardworking people they got it because they were affiliated.

I don't fall for confidence tricks because there is no illusion of control here. Nobody can control everything, and I don't have the schizophrenia to believe it.

What the fuck are you talking about? Scientific authority has supplanted clerical authority. Science is a faith because, among other things, philosopher David Hume proved that even inductive knowledge was impossible to possess without assuming the world doesn't change.

Yeah they are using science to prove faith and it's working because they're playing into a self fulfilling prophecy. They can make anything with science and they chose to make shit from the world.

They turned water into shit. No difference between what what science does and what religion does because it's being done by the same shitty people.


This would be one reason to pull your savings from the banking system while you can and put it into property, some hard assets of value, as well physical precious metals (not ETFs).

You may also glance at (((professional services))) that do things the right way, legally protecting client's savings and offering services of storage and currency exchange options (of-course, those services will cost you):

bac to endchan you old idiot

Endchan is being DDoS'd and rumors are the owner was just killed.

Wonder why that could be, Jimbo?

Be careful where you buy your property, in a lot of states cost of living is skyrocketing while wages aren't. Millenials are plopping out bastards hence why taxes are going up. Funny how people are, entitled shitlords but the moment they have kids they feel like society should pay for em, I swear Americans are especially bad about that shit. I didn't own where I was at stateside for that reason. My advice would be to salt your income away in places that are semi secure i.e places people won't move like West Virginia, parts of the Northeast and AK. Feels good to be a bachelor.

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Quit larping and take your own advice.