Greenpeace Co-Founder Rips 'Pompous Little Twit' Cortez, 'Green New Deal' Would Kill Humanity

Greenpeace Co-Founder, Dr. Patrick Moore, has been in an ongoing spat with New York Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) over the overly-ambitious Green New Deal that could quadruple the national debt. Moore, who has since split with Greenpeace, now refers to himself as the "sensible environmentalist."

The GND calls for an ultra-progressive bucket list of environmental goals such as the elimination of all fossil fuels, nuclear energy, air travel, 99% of cars and the retrofitting of every single building in America for "state of the art energy efficiency." AOC's plan even throws in government-guaranteed jobs - and simply hands cash to anyone "unwilling to work," along with healthy food and a free house.

The plan would also, as Moore notes, kill everything on earth:

'@AOC 's Green New Deal calls for:

"(J) removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere." https://

Technically (scientifically) this would mean removing all H2O vapour and all CO2 which would mean the eradication of all life on Earth.

Brilliant. 🙄🙄

— Patrick Moore (@EcoSenseNow) February 19, 2019

Pompous little twit. You don’t have a plan to grow food for 8 billion people without fossil fuels, or get the food into the cities. Horses? If fossil fuels were banned every tree in the world would be cut down for fuel for cooking and heating. You would bring about mass death.

— Patrick Moore (@EcoSenseNow) February 23, 2019

Several hours later, Moore explained:

You are delusional if you think fossil fuels will end any time soon, maybe in 500 yrs. AOC’s attitude is unjustifiably condescending. She is a neophyte pretending to be wise. Her kind bring ruination if allowed to be “in charge”. (from the cheap seats).

— Patrick Moore (@EcoSenseNow) February 23, 2019

Moore has continued his criticism:

The "world as it is" has the option of taking the subway rather than a taxi. option of Amtrak rather than plane, option of opening windows rather than A/C. You're just a garden-variety hypocrite like the others. And you have ZERO expertise at any of the things you pretend to know

— Patrick Moore (@EcoSenseNow) March 3, 2019

One responder shouted back:

Called coddled generation, she grew up in the affluent afraid Westchester County where during that time was a bastion of exactly that type of helicopter parenting. Trust me I was law enforcement the next town over at that time and they were ALL little brats.

— Brandon Moore‏ (@brandonmoore60)

Attached: Greenpeace Co-Founder Rips 'Pompous Little Twit' Cortez, 'Green New Deal' Would Kill Humanity.jpg (927x960, 65.34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It would also stir civil unrest and stand-offs. You think hard working ranchers are a bunch of cucks going to lay down and give up their livelihoods so the government can ban meat? You think people like me won't shoot at intruders who try to force all this surveillance "smart" crap in our own homes under new mandates (like Cortez wants to do). All of this shit is irrational, totally unethical and irrational.

I always thought most "environmentalists" were nuts….

I'm actually glad this guy proved to me I was wrong.

If the cops came to your door, no. I dont think you would fight back. I mean, you think posting on 8ch is 'doing something'

Well I have prepared for this way in advance, I've been prepping since Y2K and only came on here 5 years ago, after the fact of being retired for a while.

So I'm not exactly what you'd call being a normal user here. I'm disgruntled and like to shout off and rant, its better and safer than binge drinking and having rage fits.

I'll tell you two GOOD reasons why it would be better to go out shooting and dying for your liberty:

1) better off dead than a slave anyday
2) jail niggers

Thats the reason. So when time comes, you either hand over you guns and give up every single civil right you have…. or you die in a standoff maybe taking some pigs with you. I'll choose the second.

I had no idea anyone from Greenpeace was this sensible. Now THIS is how any true environmentalist should react to complete political idiocy.


NET Power To END Global Warming Scare, Burn Natural Gas Without Releasing Any Carbon Dioxide

Considering where (((civil rights))) are today, that might not be such a bad option. "Muh boot stamping on the human face forever" always leaves out the part where the human is still around, and for forever. I don't see human civilizations built on (((civil rights))) lasting forever.

Nope. Its a terrible option, because we have a terrible government today and terrible corrupt industries too. When I talk about civil liberties I'm taking free speech, freedom to be left alone and mind your own affairs, property rights, privacy rights… you know, the basics.

If you think our world is SHIT now, go ahead and give up to the same ones doing their best to fuck us right now and see where that gets you. Personally, I'd rather be dead. Maybe take some thugs out with me eventually, if need be.

This is going to happen the way things are going noww fuckhead

And geoge carlin would have agreed with me shit4branes

Well if it does happen it will be from nuclear world war that gets too out-of-control, or from too much radiation from all the ever-increasing WiFi everywhere. Not to mention all the geo-engineering/chemtrails they do day to day with all those aluminum, barium, strontium and piezoelectric crystals and the HAARP project.

Other than that our planet is fine.

Sssshhh, you are not supposed to spill the beans. That is the ruination of the USA, that would be good thing for all the country that have to suffer their kike rule.

End of the wordl? Drama queen, Queen Canute may try and I'll hope the cannibals will feed on her.

With america turned off completely and living in the stone age, the rest of the world could slit the throat of israel and live in a wonder-age.

Pick one.
Killcen, you sound like an arrogant prick who thinks you're better than most people. I would love to smash your face irl, take everything you have and make you beg me for bits of toast while I fuck your daughter inside your requisitioned fortress. Instead, your pompous attitude has invoked the karmic retribution of 20 crab threads. I hope you get drunk and shoot your monitor again, you better-than-thou know-it-all know-nothing idiotic paranoid-schozophrenic fear-mongering piece-of-shit Christfag.
I don't have time today to completely destroy you and send you into fits of rage the likes of which would probably send you off to jail for awhile, so I call upon all anons who have had it with this prick, or just want troll his fucking ass with more propane and crabs to, well, you know what to do…
I'm sorry I stood up for you to Jim.
You're everything he said you were. And worse. Just go away befire I force you to like I did last time. You're beginning to annoy me, and you don't want to do that, I assure you.
So, kindly fuck off.

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What a fucking parrot!
You just want to fit in with one crowd and make another crowd your enemy. All you religionists are the same that way. You deserve each other and should just kill each other off.

Pleeze just kys already.

Serious, this wretch is Trump for Lefties.
Nothing of heir plan will be realized when she unlikely, becomes president.
What is rather happening is another session of Zion-Don. So its disappointed voter rally again around him "to prevent AOC"

It is transparent I think.

Yes, they rule America and its underlings.

We know jews think it is humor to shout out loud some words, thinking that refutes an argument. To bad you have no tape with laughs here, retard.

And so he is.
That was easy!
Now let's see who else (((we))) can convince.
Sage, because you're a fucking asshole Killcen and I don't want to slide REAL CRAB NEWS!

Maybe she never intended to feed 8 billion

Attached: ourfavegoblina.jpg (400x400, 35.33K)

sages denied! anti-slidden

Please read UN Agenda 21…. her so-called "new deal" was the stated goal behind this 1992 agenda.

UN Agenda 21 (recently dubbed Agenda 2030) was an action plan of the United Nations with regard to 'sustainable development' aka total population control. A21 was passed at the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992.

The goals are to 1) reduce the human population (toxic-laced vaccines, chemtrails, junk foods / toxic preservatives/pesticides, promotion of abortion, legalizing suicide, etc)… 2) total civil disarmament across the globe… 3) banning meat and the ability to raise animals…. 4) abolishing property rights for most citizens (excluding those exempted for national security reasons: elites duh)… 5) mandatory re-location of citizens into compact "mega-cities" and rural land use prohibited… 6) humans would have to ration electricity and carbon taxes would be in place.

These are just a few of the nightmares behind Agenda 21 and we will fight this at all cost.

Also, let me add a few more: 7) private transportation prohibited, 8) mandatory surveillance in place everywhere (back then the scare was mostly fingerprint scanners and CCTV cameras), 9) cashless currency, everything would be forced onto digital platforms……..

A simple plan to reduce polluton and solve our energy problem : nuclear power plants. Most efficient and cleanest energy on the market, but environmentalists don't like it and prefer egdy and trash (((renewables))).


The most hilarious thing is that banning meat would actually end up causing more CO2 emissions through an ecological negative feedback loop many environments are currently in. Healthy prairies actually depend on livestock grazing to survive and flourish. One of the main reasons the vast prairies of midwest America are desertifying is because we killed off all of the bison. At its peak the north american continent was able to support around 60 million bison completely through natural ecological processes without any appreciable human input.

B-but AOC's so thin, so symmetrical; such a lovely little fuckpig. Suddenly, killing humanity seems orgasmic.

real news bump


UN Agenda 21 (recently dubbed Agenda 2030) was an action plan of the United Nations with regard to 'sustainable development' aka total population control. A21 was passed at the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992.

The goals are to 1) reduce the human population (toxic-laced vaccines, chemtrails, junk foods / toxic preservatives/pesticides, promotion of abortion, legalizing suicide, etc)… 2) total civil disarmament across the globe… 3) banning meat and the ability to raise animals…. 4) abolishing property rights for most citizens (excluding those exempted for national security reasons: elites duh)… 5) mandatory re-location of citizens into compact "mega-cities" and rural land use prohibited… 6) humans would have to ration electricity and carbon taxes would be in place…. 7) private transportation prohibited, 8) mandatory surveillance in place everywhere (back then the scare was mostly fingerprint scanners and CCTV cameras), 9) cashless currency, everything would be forced onto digital platforms……

These are just a few of the nightmares behind Agenda 21 and we will fight this at all cost.


Looks like I'm going to have to bump these news threads.

Have no choice. Someone wants to slide them.


ff we 3 2 323 3 23 23

b 4 34 3no slide

real news

Reminder that this "Green New Deal" is actually the same deal from the original 1992 UN Agenda 21 model….

Nothing new under the sun. Same old world order desired.