The Serpents of Hell Are Rising! Transgender Claims He Is A Sexless Fallen Angel, Not Human

"But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away. From among these arise men who slyly work their way into households and captivate weak women loaded down with sins, led by various desires, always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth."

- II Timothy 3:1-17

Jareth Nebula, who was born a woman but transitioned to become a man at the age of 29, now identifies as an agender "alien" [in other words, a fallen angel!]

The 33-year-old from Washington believes he does not belong to any gender, and wants to be called ‘it’ or ‘thing’ rather than ‘he’ or ‘she’.

‘Otherworldly’ Jareth, who has named himself after David Bowie ‘s goblin king character in Labrynth, says that he doesn’t fit into any human gender as he/she/it is a demonic entity!

RT reports: Nebula, who works as a barber’s shop receptionist and a model, thought it had finally found itself when it became a man at age 29, The Mirror reports. However that feeling was fleeting and Nebula soon realized it wasn’t male or female, or even human.

“I don’t think or feel like humans. I can’t really explain it to others – I’m simply otherworldly,” Nebula said.

“I didn’t feel comfortable as either gender or even anything in between. I know I’m stuck in a human form and that’s how I’m perceived by others – but to me, I’m an alien with no gender.”

Nebula, who doesn’t mind being described as ‘he’ or ‘she’ but prefers ‘it’, first began to realize that it was unusual when it was diagnosed with a rare group of genetic connective tissue disorders called Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS).

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I saw something else about this in another thread. I kept an archive. I think the thread is still in the Catalog too. You can go look..

sage negated


Modified human being. Like a eunuch but not quite. Not a new concept. Nothing to worry about. I still don't believe they should be referred to by their altered identity. Sometimes I have a bad feeling these people will be enabling organized criminals to steal sex organs. If they really want a penis they could just ask a man to put it in their vagina.
These people obviously support sex theft as opposed to sex sharing.

That's the wrong archive, user.
This is the correct one.

Killcen obviously supports sex shielding, as opposed to actual conjugal congress.

Oops! Damn it! WRONG PIC!

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I bet he bleeds red like anyone else with a bullet hole.

I'm also a fallen angel. But I am not sexless.
I contain the essence of both sexes. If that thing is anti-human, then I am pro-human. If its eyes are dark and filled with hate, then mine are bright, and filled with love.

If this angel fell to Earth to cause chaos and spread evil, then I followed in order to destroy it. The source is the enemy. Do not attack me for being an angel. Do not hate me for appearing as a transgender lady.

It is my fate to be here and be both, not to be seen as a curse, but to be seen as a blessing. A sword to slay evil. To regenerate the truth.

Nah. You're just a Superfaggot.

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reported twice. fuck you.

I don't understand why you're so crabby about this. You should try coming out of your shell.

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why are you so concerned about how other people live their lives?

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I would rather go party with him than you

The thing with fallen angels is that all of a sudden they get all these physical senses and some of them can't handle it and go more than just a little fucking nuts with it and then next thing you know transvestites.
One of those fallen angels?

Killcen, wtf @ this thread ?!!!

dude, you're manic as shit !!!!!!!!
………….they have anti seizure medicine
that has amazing off-label efficacy for
………………………………………your mania

Thank God you don't own a cat, dude !!
I would feel sorry
for any creature
that's in your care

Your religious nonsense has become extreme
You have no right representing this bullshit as

Why don't you get some sleep?

Its not really prophetic to say societies will fail if people become stupid and hedonistic. Its common sense. Its not a warning sign or anything cosmic or godly. Its just people doing things counter productive to a healthy society. These things can be changed. Its nit like some magical energy has taken over people and made them act this way. Its people who made these people act this way.

don't mind him. He's off his meds

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take your meds, nigga

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I see what you did there

I just saw this chick perform this song live on Colbert. It was great

attention whore

i want to give it's face my attention

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You Christ morons see this sort of thing as a fulfillment of Buy Bull prophecy but what I see it as is what it truly is and that is the mental illness and pathologies created by Christ insanity causing a large percentage of the population to go quite literally bat shit raving mad/looney tunes.

So this isn't Buy Bull prophecy being fulfilled at all, but rather the full sickness of the Jew cult on display plainly for all to see whereas most of the more common mental illness, pathologies and complexes the cult has brought about historically involve a person struggling over their guilt related to natural human body processes relating to sex, food or whatever Yahweh/Yeshua the twin Jewish psychopath deities arbitrarily declare a "sin".

Which is nonsensical in and of itself since if these false fictional Jewish deity characters were actually for real as being "creator gods" human beings supposed "sins" would simply be behaving in ways these sick Jew bastard psychopaths created them to act and behave in, which means it is Yahweh/Yeshua's own fault and responsibility for human behavior and not at all our own and thus if they are butthurt/buttmad about it they only have themselves to blame.


Is this the REAL thread on the topic of transgender teen nephilim?

I get it dad. You don't approve of my lifestyle. But you don't have to keep making gay-ass threads about me.

No. Everybody knows threads aren't REAL.

You're kicked off the First Contact team, buddy.

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Mommy! I want bump Killcen thread PLEEZE???!