Despite ringing denunciations from small EU tech businesses, giant EU entertainment companies, artists' groups, technical experts, and human rights experts, and the largest body of concerned citizens in EU history, the EU has concluded its "trilogues" on the new Copyright Directive, striking a deal that—amazingly—is worse than any in the Directive's sordid history.

The Copyright Directive was always a grab bag of updates to EU copyright rules—which are long overdue for an overhaul, given that it's been 18 years since the last set of rules were ratified. Some of its clauses gave artists and scientists much-needed protections: artists were to be protected from the worst ripoffs by entertainment companies, and scientists could use copyrighted works as raw material for various kinds of data analysis and scholarship.

Both of these clauses have now been gutted to the point of uselessness, leaving the giant entertainment companies with unchecked power to exploit creators and arbitrarily hold back scientific research.

Having dispensed with some of the most positive versions of the Directive, the trilogues have also managed to make the (unbelievably dreadful) bad components of the Directive even worse.

Under the final text, any online community, platform or service that has existed for three or more years, or is making €10,000,001/year or more, is responsible for ensuring that no user ever posts anything that infringes copyright, even momentarily. This is impossible, and the closest any service can come to it is spending hundreds of millions of euros to develop automated copyright filters. Those filters will subject all communications of every European to interception and arbitrary censorship if a black-box algorithm decides their text, pictures, sounds or videos are a match for a known copyrighted work. They are a gift to fraudsters and criminals, to say nothing of censors, both government and private.

These filters are unaffordable by all but the largest tech companies, all based in the USA, and the only way Europe's homegrown tech sector can avoid the obligation to deploy them is to stay under ten million euros per year in revenue, and also shut down after three years.

America's Big Tech companies would certainly love to install these filters, the possibility of being able to grow unchecked, without having to contend with European competitors, is a pretty good second prize (which is why some of the biggest US tech companies have secretly lobbied for filters).

Attached: THE EU SEEKS TO DESTROY THE INTERNET.png (1200x600, 16.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Amazingly, the tiny, useless exceptions in Article 13 are too generous for the entertainment industry lobby, and so politicians have given them a gift to ease the pain: under the final text, every online community, service or platform is required to make "best efforts" to license anything their users might conceivably upload, meaning that they have to buy virtually anything any copyright holder offers to sell them, at any price, on pain of being liable for infringement if a user later uploads that work.


Article 11, which allows news sites to decide who can link to their stories and charge for permission to do so, has also been worsened. The final text clarifies that any link that contains more than "single words or very short extracts" from a news story must be licensed, with no exceptions for noncommercial users, nonprofit projects, or even personal websites with ads or other income sources, no matter how small.


Now that the Directive has emerged from the Trilogue, it will head to the European Parliament for a vote for the whole body, either during the March 25-28 session or the April 15-18 session—with elections scheduled in May.

These elections are critical: the Members of the European Parliament are going to be fighting an election right after voting on this Directive, which is already the most unpopular legislative effort in European history, and that's before the public gets wind of these latest changes.

Let's get real: no EU political party will be able to campaign for votes on the strength of passing the Copyright Directive—but plenty of parties will be able to drum up support to throw out the parties that defied the will of voters and risked the destruction of the Internet as we know it to pour a few million Euros into the coffers of media companies and newspaper proprietors—after those companies told them not to.

For any of you NITWITS not paying attention, internet censorship is coming:

I'm not promoting pornography, however I am promoting the freedom to CHOOSE whatever you desire to watch, even if it is looking at smut.

Here's a solution for all you Brits, now listen up:

Go here, download this client ASAP:

Son't just install this, back it up too and share that version of the client you have. You can find older versions being shared on other P2P clients too. With Tribler you can download or stream videos hosted by other peers, NO internet domains needed. However, the bad part is the selection may not be great. You will be limited to whatever other people are willing to share. I'd recommend getting whatever videos you'd like now, rip them using youtube-dl (which can rip videos from porn sites too if you desire). Use Tribler to share the banned content.

NOW LISTEN EVERYONE ELSE! I'm busy so I won't be on here very long, everyone else better be prepping for this in advance becuase this shit IS going down, NOT just in the UK but around the world. Internet crackdowns are REAL and they ARE coming to a nation near you!

You have been warned. Warn others. The time is NOW. Its do, or regret doing nothing later.

Someday, I'll see y'all on the other side baby. Strictly decentralized P2P!

Attached: Tribler - Wikipedia.png (583x241, 41.35K)

ayy lmao

implying you boycott google apple microsoft amazon facebook ansd their subsidiaries

This will encourage creative activity on smaller better websites and darknets. That is a good thing.
Germany kept rising from the ashes and are still on top. when this internet gets destroyed, we will have a better base to build off.

Actually, I do. Never in my life have I used mainstream social media (besides Youtube, and thats just for ripping videos off their servers and sharing them elsewhere).

NO DOUBT, (((someone))) is sliding this!



The sliding of this thread is extremely suspicious!

Got something you want hidden assholes?

Do you jackasses really not care what happens anymore, or is this simply your sole job to slide these kinds of major news threads that may be damning to your superiors?

I won’t miss the internet at all. It destroyed my life. I am at no fault whatsoever as I have zero agency after 20 years of an online lifestyle.

Hey, humped over retard, ever hear of smtube?

The internet is not meant for addiction though, its meant to utilize as a tool when you need it, as well as for casual communication with anonymous peers and reading news (such as this OP).

That won't help the censorship coming, you need something thats P2P and doesn't rely on central servers at all. Something like Tribler, Retroshare, Soulseek, Gnutella and bit torrent. Also something like Tor and I2P… maybe something like Zeronet browser (if anyone even uses that to host anything themselves). We are going to need a decentralized world wide web soon too. Any geek here up to actually helping mankind and making a P2P-run image board client that can be hosted on peer nodes?



Stop trying to censor the news!!!


real news bump!

More censorship in the UK:

The crab spammer wants this censored too. Imagine being a low life trying to censor a thread covering censorship.

An official low life!

You cant stop the inevitable

If you want to make a difference there is only one real way. Go out in public and spread your pills. Whatever they may be. Spread them no matter who tries to stop you. Pass out pamphlets, talk to strangers, make a scene, preach to a bus or train full of people as you are in between stops. Be that guy.

Attached: 54ce74243364a44fa3861a6c6bd36407180b5128012d7a8a6dda62d61bb0246f.gif (1000x800, 2.1M)

The silver linings here are 1) this only part of a directive, which in the EU means each country needs to pass its own version of the text into law, which doesn't inspire much confidence depending on the country; and 2) if this passes, make no mistake, Europeans will flip their shit. I can see a spike in should-be-legally purchased firearms in the near future, is all I'm saying.

I'm willing to bet that Killcen has never snorted a big fat line of ketamine in a chill-room at a rave, gone into a K-Hole, and ended up liquid dancing with three hot as shit 16 year old lil' groover rave girls at 5 AM.

in other words, you're suggesting that other people should be like you, and begin annoying people, harassing them, making a fool out of themselves, and end up all alone where even your own family refuses to speak with you?

People won't listen. I mean for Christ sake people seem too dumb even on places like Zig Forums to listen or talk about these subjects.

Let alone, going to a city full of 80IQ niggers and leftist yuppies tapping on their iphones 24/7? Forget it. This world is pretty much doomed. I can't even wake most people up here. Its over. Just expect more reports on how FUCKED you all really are.

No I have not, I never lived in a major city in my life. Never joined rave clubs. Likely those didn't exist in most my lifetime anyway. Now that they do, I doubt they would allow someone as old and disgruntled as I am in, nor would I likely want to be there doing drugs with 16 year old whores.

Don't get me wrong buddy. I've done my fair share of drugs but that was many many years ago and I have no intention of doing them again. Drinking is all I like to do, from time to time.

actual news

Now this is real news!

This will give the Europeans incentive to throw out their corrupt parties come next election. However with this internet censorship I'm sure they'll be blocking political content to the masses as well.


EU can't do anything right, so internet is safe, this time..

EU Corpo-Government*

Ironic as it may be thats the REAL definition of fascism: when corporate interests become the State and everything policed is to protect those corporate interests. I actually laugh my ass off knowing some people screaming "fascism!" are such fucking hypocrites and that includes the Israel lobby as well. Hahaha!

I couldn’t care less about censorship as someone who’s disengaged from the outcome. The point is not to contribute to the surveillance economy.

Fuck the EU
t. Victoria Nudelman

Now this is what I call news!

Yep. It is. Clearly is.