Jeopardy' host Alex Trebek has stage 4 pancreatic cancer:he fuked

Trebek shared the news on YouTube, telling his fans, "I have some news to share with all of you and it’s in keeping with my longtime policy of being open and transparent with our 'Jeopardy!' fan base."

"Now, just like 50,000 other people in the United States each year, this week I was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Now normally, the prognosis for this is not very encouraging, but I’m going to fight this, and I’m going to keep working," he added. "And with the love and support of my family and friends and with the help of your prayers also, I plan to beat the low survival rate statistics for this disease."

In classic Trebek fashion, he closed the video with wit and humor, saying, "Truth told, I have to! Because under the terms of my contract, I have to host 'Jeopardy!' for three more years! So help me. Keep the faith and we’ll win. We’ll get it done."

PAtrick Swayze is shown withe the same disease

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The reason for such a bleak outlook with regards to Pancreatic Cancer is that it's incredibly hard to catch early, as symptoms don't manifest until it's already metastasized.

Hahahahahahahahah old people are the worst I'm so glad more of them are going to die hahahahahahahahaha

Patrick Swayze was a heavy smoker. Smoking causes cancer and not just lung cancer.
Trebek was also a smoker but recently quit.

It should be reassuring to note that if you don't smoke or drink your chance of getting cancer drops considerably compared to regular users of tobacco and alcohol.

What kind of sick fuck wouldn't want to die ? Your universe is fucking gross.

Steve "Alive" Ipod

Gay cancer faggot is turning into Steve jobs and he's still begging for attention what an approval junkie this universe is grose

All me.

fuggin F

crispr with gmo stem cells can cure damn near anything if you know what your doing.

What kind of sick coward would want to die? Your universe is fucking gross.

Very good news, the world is waking up


im not sure which is more embarrassing:

the fact that this story was released on March 2nd
(one month and one week ago)

or how you misspelled 'fucked'

you're a failure

while we're on the subject of your failures:

here are three pancreatic cancer survivors

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on March 2nd (one month & one week ago)
Alex Trebek announced he had pancreatic
cancer, and the story was carried by all the
news agencies……………………………………….

so it took you 38 days to find out?

and you pride yourself on being a 'news junkie'
what a fucking joke

by the way, did you hear about Amelia?
her plane has disappeared

maybe you should do a thread about it

"she fuked"

right ?

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breaking news !!

the titanic has been sunk

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so…… you actually source your shit

wow, dude


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good morning america


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might as well get your news from
Kathy Lee and Hoda


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look at the OP date it was posted on the 7th of March
Holy shit Johnny you're retarded

You fags won't live till that age…


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I guess you could say Alex Trebek's life is in jeopardy

legit news

Apparently he's in remission now which is pretty amazing considering how far advanced it was.

Though a cousin of mine survived this particular cancer at stage three so obviously its possible to fight it off sometimes with treatment.

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