'Testicular Bill of Rights' Would Restrict Men's Access to Viagra and Porn

The proposal aims "to show the absurdity when a woman tries to regulate a man's body" as anti-choice legislation regulates women's bodies

In a direct rebuke to laws designed to take away a woman's right to control her own body, Democratic Georgia state Rep. Dar'shun Kendrick has proposed new "Testicular Bill of Rights" legislation that would, among other things, require men to get permission from their sexual partners before obtaining erectile dysfunction medication and institute a 24-hour "waiting period" for men who want to buy porn or sex toys.


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what a retarded name. Kendrick sounds like a real name.

And men are regulating women’s bodies in what way? No one is stopping these bitches from buying birth control the same way men buy condoms. To me, it reads more like:

Except it's not about women's bodies. Fucking dumb cunts can't seem to realize that there is a human being's life at stake and that that human being has rights, including the right to live. Unless it does not in which case you fundamentally can not make the argument that anyone has the right to live and so admitting ought just give up the charade of civilization and succumb to our baser human instincts, rape women and beat them into bloody mouthed semen filled silence. Fuck these people are selfish to the point of stupidity.

should implement a law to charge you with mass murder every time you beat off and waste gods essence

This is how women feel when men want every egg to become a human. Even those accidentally penetrated by one of those sperms, or a mutated one, or even one that is growing at the wrong time. It's just as absurd to think of those little swimmers as autonomous, but if we reversed roles, that's what Michelle Pence would be arguing.



Why don't they become nuns, that way they dont' fuck and no nasty spemies get in cunny.


The zygote is the first phase of human life. It is a human being. You might not like it, but it is. If you have a disagreement with this you will need to prove that the human zygote does not have human DNA and does not continue to replicate into a human being given an uninterrupted chance to do so. You will fail. Because you are retarded.

Also the idea of charging men with mass murder for discharging semen would be entirely fair if you were going to charge women with mass murder for all the unfertilized eggs they carry. There's a fucking enormous difference between what you are comparing to a human being, and what actually is a human being.

Or the way they buy viagra for that matter.

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No, fuck you. Until it's conscious, it's not a human

Sociopathic, retarded leftists.

More commie spam sites that the deranged retards from trannypol visit.

Any man who needs Viagra in the first place isn't worth keeping around


and the bill is unconstitutional

Women are psychopaths

Good. Why not both?

My God America is such a fucking failed state circus show today!

We have massive debt insolvency threatening the US Dollar, we have a massive crisis at our borders, we have rampant corruption, we have suicide rates exploding, we have cancer rates exploding, we have crumbling infrastructure, epic amounts of poverty, forgotten vets who need care fighting endless wars……… and all we can think about is regulating smut and gender issues!? Seriously!?

Unbelievable idiocy.

Does that mean if you're asleep you aren't human?

>as anti-choiceinfanticide legislation regulates womens fetus

What is so important about porn and Viagra? I just want to have sex with farm animals.

Reminder that this is a cult; feminism, sjw, faggotry, trannys, immigrant beckoners, they all belong to the same one. It just doesn't have a name yet.
It is a suicide cult though, and yet again, there is a hook nosed, hand rubbing silhouette behind all of it.

Just stay mocking "europoors" like everyone else does, cheering over a European woman being brutally murdered will make you forget all about any real problems your own country has. It's the america way.

did they forget what a bill of rights was? At least name it something intelligent

Anyone who is on any kind of medication, be it for asthma, a headache, or a localised infection, deserves to die anyway.

Johnny, why did you vote for this sheboon?

Noggin is a joggin.

/tranny/ board should be used as a list of people to swat. The concentration of mental illnesses in one group can only lead to extermination.

Because watching porn and getting ED pills is the same thing as killing a baby. Holy shit feminist are retarded.

Also not to mention most men would be okay with having porn being banned.

Well put, couldn't agree more

Yes it does, it's called liberalism

How do you counter someone that says it's just removing what are a few cells due to it not being fully developed? Sage for OT

If they don't want to have children, dont make them. And dont import new people either. Just wait them out for 50 years as the baby hating femitards become an irrelevant minority.

The problem with a bill like this is it relies on the other side being bright enough to sense the irony. They're not.

women can't into irony otherwise they'd realize how retarded they are

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