What the fuck happened to infinity /n. This pathetic shit is sickening. KYS

This is beyond disgraceful. This JIDF/leftypol diarrhea is pathetic, like something a mentally challenged child would make.

May the lot of you responsible get aids, then prostate cancer, then get your prostate removed, become impotent, get raped by a nigger faggot, have your loved ones disgusted at your emasculation and faggotry in general, then leave you after stealing any little remaining of your money/wealth.

Then, finally in the depths of your well justified despair, you die of dysentery and a violent anal prolapse. You fucking disgusting cunts. Eat shit and die.


Attached: vomitous_dog.jpg (474x266, 28.15K)

Dead as fuck board killed by the jews and alphabets.

Zig Forums mod is a cancerous control freak
It took over a yr ago after whining to codemonkey and sending pixs of its self in lingerie

Fuck off back to Zig Forums you bigot scum vidya game playing virgin.

We don't want yor kind here.

THis board is for evolved humans(and news fuck face)

Pretty much this, the bo is a redditor and allows shit like this faggot with reddit spacing in.

Is it another mentally deranged faggot? Why must they ruin everything good with their jealousy and unhinged, leftist idiotic nonsense.

Because they are sick, in the past someone who dresses up like a woman, sucked cock and screamed about how they like it up the ass would have been reprimanded for being a faggot but instead it is rewarded.

Remember that bratty kid in school who would try and force people to stop playing a game when they started to loose? Like that.

bumping for real news




Remember that kid in school with a learning disability, that no matter how many times the teachers tried to explain it to him, he still never learned how to differentiate between the words LOSER and LOOSER?

loose: your rectum

lose: what you do every time you try to spell the word 'lose'

hint: those one syllable words are tricky

The actual phrase you were looking for was 'the kid who said I'm taking my ball and going home'

Unlike YOU, who says "I'm taking all of your balls and putting them in my mouth"

I'm sorry that the world doesn't meet your requirements. I would imagine you must be overwhelmingly frustrated.

Remember that kid in school who's go ooohhh teacher, ooohh, I know the answer, and hold their hand up constantly, and if you made a lil gammar booboo, they'd be like. all. you got it wrong, nya nya, ?

shad yor fascist flap up scum
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level 1
FAT SJWW girl 777
2.6k points ·
22 hours ago

Attached: Capture.JPG (909x259, 59.15K)

Indeed. It's sad. We should leave this board for containment only, and migrate to another one.


Your answer may have been appropiate if it had not been toward some shills, you likely are one yourself.

Fucking zombies.

Where's the other board you plan on shitting up? I want to send Johnny Neptune there with you!

The only JIDF here is Johnny, and to get him on the subject you have to get passed his cats first, then his pubescent minors fetish.

I see a problem with this.
Your being a beta virgin male whose only education comes from vidya games and img boards, no one will follow you.

You are one of life's losers.

Amusing situation
The control freak is aware of this thread and this comment, but if he anchors it, it proves the accusation valid.

Mexican standoff

Attached: monty laughs.jpg (1920x1080, 770.09K)

I bet the Zig Forumsegress/ mod as all happy hen it got control of Zig Forums

WOW!, an heirloom board!

It was like a kid at xmas with an unopened present before it…then it opened the box and discovered that Neptune had taken a dump in it

Attached: monty 1.jpg (400x300, 17.11K)

Ephebophile fetish if you please

Attached: eek.jpg (2500x3094, 664.95K)

You are right but you have to realise that humanity lost the cold war. Centrism will not be tolerated by the left, pretty much pushing desperate and crazy people to the far right

I only took over to keep some reddit-tier faggot from having it. I didn't really want to, but would you rather have Zig Forums-tier moderation?

n mod newsbot2000 is genuine bigot scum

The adolescent immature wanna be WN posts shit like this in response to innocent people being slaughtered

We don't want his kind here in a woke board like Zig Forums

Attached: n mod newsbot2000 bigot scum.png (833x1652, 1.57M)

Yea, his kind always out themselves when a tragedy like this happens.

the scum think there is safety in numbers
It's like a bunch of black teens rioting, same mind set

Attached: n mod newsbot2000 bigot scum.png (833x1652, 1.57M)

I apologize for assuming you were bigot scum.

I posted the bigot scum image that you posted and didn't realize that your bigot scummery was in jest, as I am wont to do occasionally, even though I am a fully woke multi-sexual sjw being(sac)

A faggot in simple terms

Some bald, bearded, open-mouthed, rectangular-glasses wearing manlets spilled out of a dumpster fire known as reddit. It's kind of like when a diarrhea filled toilet overflows.