Bye bye medicare
"The administration’s plan calls for $2.7 trillion in spending cuts over 10 years and assumes that the economy will grow by about 3 percent over the next decade — well above many independent forecasts.

Federal deficits would top $1 trillion for the next three years before gradually declining to about $200 billion by 2029 — meaning the plan wouldn’t balance over a 10-year period, a standard measuring stick for federal budget proposals."

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Does the dumb cunt who wrote this article realize that otherwise spending will just increase indefinitely until we have resource wars from the collapse since inflation/government usage will far extend past the resources available?

Trump is being a typical politician. The planned budget cuts take place once he's out of office, but not while he's in office.

News flash: This is every president's strategy. And then when the new President comes in, they do the same thing.

No president, Trump included, is willing to cut spending while they are in office.

The difference is trump just gave the rich trillions in tax cuts and now it's the other 99% (and their children) who will be paying for it for generations to come. I hope you enjoy your kids having no education, no medical care, and eating plants and insects before the century is out, while Barron and his kids dine on steak and your tears.

Would be better than the "indoctrination" they get now.
That's what socialized medicine already brought us, decades ago. Besides, Western medicine is sheer quackery and drug-pushing now. No 'real' medicine is performed on 'real' people anymore. 'Real' people are like unicorns nowadays, and so are 'real' doctors.
Sounds much better than what the average American eats right now. Better than what is in school lunches. Insects are actually not only nutritious, they are tasty as fuck! Don't knock it until you've tried it. You know what's REALLY Disgusting to eat? Fast food.

whats it like being too cool for think? because if you think schools indoctrinate kids you obviously never went to school

this is literally what trump campaigned against. i mean you can be sure they'll be the first to complain there's none because its different when "I" need it. see i have a good reason unlike those other leeches

One day your gonna need that medical treatment
everyone does
but please keep yor joo gold and dont get the treatment

That just makes it more for the gov and sooner

Says the low IQ naturopath

The top 1% already pay more income tax than the bottom 90% combined, Einstein.

You're deluded. The tax the rich pay is not even close to what everyone else contributes. Trump campaigned for the blue collar worker, said to believe him when he said the new taxes would not be kind to rich people like him, (of course, what do you expect from trump other than lies?) and proceeded to give the rich some of the biggest tax cuts in history, while the middle class got peanuts.

idiots who believe the american dream. but not the real american dream, the one where they think they'll become rich and famous from posting photos on instagram and will therefore be among the 1%. Capitalism and the focus on profit has failed. It's widened the gap between rich and everyone else at an exponential pace. The ONLY way to crawl out of it now is socialism, (or robin hood philosophy) of forcing money from the rich elite and corporations to help pay for the things everyone else needs. When a manufacturer puts a thousand workers on the unemployment line because they've moved to india or replaced people with robots, at the same time putting people in financial jeopardy while INCREASING their own profits, where is the money to live going to come from?

Trump’s $4.7-trillion budget raised eyebrows on Monday when government-watchdog groups discovered that it contained twenty million dollars for bail. The line item for a “bail fund” was buried in the fine print of the published budget, along with a footnote specifying that the money could be used only to bail out Trump and members of his immediate family. The footnote listed the members of his family who would be eligible to use the funds, including his daughter Ivanka and his sons Donald, Jr., and Eric, but not his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi joined a chorus of congressional Democrats who cried foul at the notion of American taxpayers posting bail for Trump and his family. “At the end of the day, this is going to cost way more than twenty mil,” she said.

How about you have your children take care of you instead of using the state to destroy social cohesion and end up in a retirement home where you get abused?

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The top 15% earners pay 84% of the US tax bill. It's not rocket science. We have one of the most progressive income tax systems in the world. If you earned any kind of real money, you'd know that, because you'd be bitching about how much you pay. TRUST ME

"you have 3 free articles left"… poor retard doesn't earn enough to pay for a New Yorker subscription? not surprising

What the hell does the average autismo on Zig Forums care about social cohesion?

The American people will be nothing but niggers and spics in the near future, why waste money on social spending when you can just let them die and import replacements?

Oy vey, the goyim know a term which makes us uncomfy! Better accuse them of being uncultured, uncaring swine and attempt to debase their culture and currency!

Massive Medicare cuts. Lol suckers. Guess what the New York billionaire doesn't give a shit about your medicare. Shocking.

"As outlined in White House documents, the budget calls for $845 billion in total, or gross, spending reductions to Medicare over 10 years, mainly by cutting future payments to hospitals and other service providers."

It's a comedy column dumbassess


Fucking Democrat Leftist Shills and JIDF are infesting this thread. Can't actually get any intelligent debate, just ad hominims ad nauseum.

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and how many cuts to israeli military aid are planned?

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It stands to reason really.

You have so many people pouring in to the country you cant possibly give them all expensive medical treatment.
Here in the UK we basically bankrupt ourselves trying to make medical treatments free and the standard of service is abysmal because of that.

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Thanks for gloating about how much better your medical system is than ours.
I would vote to end the NHS tomorrow if I could.

the only problem i have with cutting services, is the fact that they take so much of our fucking money. people only support cuts because of a future promise of cut taxes.
well, maybe people will start getting mad about the 30% taken out of their income once they realize it does nothing for them.

there's a huge gulf between the top 15 and top 1% what do the 1% pay vs. the rest, please tell me.


They take even more share of the economy. Yes, you are that poor compared to them.