Deliberate Destabilization: Three Dead As Utrecht Shooting Considered Act Of Terrorism


“A man started shooting wildly," an eyewitness told Dutch news outlet But the website cited a witness who said there were four gunmen who opened fire at a woman near the tram station.

Police are seen running near the scene of the #Utrecht shooting #24oktoberplein

— TicToc by Bloomberg (@tictoc) March 18, 2019

A square around a tram station outside downtown Utrecht is on lockdown following the shooting, local media reported. Police have cordoned off the area and adjacent streets, but the perpetrator managed to escape, stating that the shooting in Utrecht may have had a "terrorist motive."

The police is investigating the shooting at the #24oktoberplein in Utrecht this morning. An possible terrorist motif is part of the investigation.

— Politie Utrecht (@PolitieUtrecht) March 18, 2019

Ambulances and emergency services are also present although the number of injured is yet to be clarified.

Medevac helicopters have been send in to airlift the wounded, Utrecht police have said. they also urged drivers to make way for medical vehicles.

Terrorism threat level raised to highest in Dutch province of Utrecht after tram shooting.

The Utrecht shooting - in which three people are now dead and nine injured according to the Mayor, appears to have been revenge for last week's New Zealand mosque attacks, as a Twitter account believed to belong to suspect Gökman Tanis recently posted a photograph of the rifle used by NZ gunman Brenton Tarrant.

Attached: Three Dead As Utrecht Shooting Considered Act Of Terrorism.jpg (980x551, 84.93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Congratulations Soros, your plans are working perfectly…. you war criminal piece of shit.

Reminder that it’s possible to support the adventures of our hometown heroes without doing the jew’s bidding. Kebab Removal and color revolution remain mutually exclusive.

yet another thread where you suggest that every time somebody sneezes, it's a conspiracy….



oh no, it just multiculturalism, wonderful

Not such a conspiracy when Europe is becoming a DEATH TRAP after the mass influx of unwanted third world "migrants" is it? I told you shit like this was going to happen for YEARS now, since I came to this image board! It IS happening right now!

Ahhhhh, maybe I should title THAT with all the mass shooting from now on?


They will be conscripted or trafficked.

Who got thier kabob removed now?

All is going as planned in Land Destabilization sponsored to you by George Soros and his NGOs!


I'm actually a little bit disappointed in you right now. For some reason, you have completely failed to report on one of the weirdest weather events ever recorded in America.

A few days ago, there was a bizarre weather anomaly, which the media is calling a 'Bomb Blizzard'…

(have you ever heard the term bomb blizzard before?… Me either)

before I tell you the strange circumstances revolving the weather anomaly, let me Begin by telling you that right now Nebraska and middle America are completely flooded, with lots and lots of people missing. What's really strange is that Nebraska is wide open and flat, but somehow there is flooding that reaches over the tops of buildings…


To be continued:

Oh fucking shit, more geo-engineering weather warfare to further destabilize the US!? Just a guess.

OHHHHHHH… you mean this?

Oh yah, this kind of shit happens in Colorado a lot. Not too abnormal for Colorado…. HOWEVER… if this goes into other states in the Mid West that would be very strange and likely have something to do with geo-engineering.


I'm not done….

FUCKING EVIL BASTARDS…. yes, this was likely done by geo-engineering (the Bible refers to mass floods as a sign of being near the End Times, so this is possibly it right here). Our demonic treasonous government is using the Trillions they got from the recent budget KILLING more Americans off via chemtrails & HAARP weather warfare!!! Hey, they can't grab the guns, right? Why not flush away everything and kill some of us off then!? DESPOTS!!

I'm sorry I'm making lunch

yeah, here's the deal:

This particular weather system was unlike any seen before. I saw a map of the jet stream and wind currents across the entire United States, and from all four corners, the winds were being pulled into the center of the country, and that's where a giant whirlpool vortex was located.

There were absolutely no normal jet stream wind currents, and all of the wind was being pulled directly into the center of America.

Imagine a gigantic whirlpool made out of air.

Nebraska is wide open and flat…
But it's deep underwater right now.


Glad I could help…

I'm expecting a very thorough report by the end of today…

You should try focusing on more actual hardcore events like this, and spend less time suggesting that every time a baby drops its milk bottle that there's some kind of conspiracy afoot

fuck, the jews win again.

unlike you, I actually do have a TV set and I watch the evening news to keep up with the world, not just rely on the internet for my news.

(And it's not that I believe the news necessarily, because I'm well aware that each network has its own agenda, and they are only showing what they want me to know, but as long as I use that filter, I'm able to keep up with news much quicker than you)

and I actually saw this weather anomaly a few days ago as it was happening…

but the story got preempted by the New Zealand bulshit…

Get on this story now!! I want it on my desk immediately

Now I'm going to eat lunch. I'll see you later

Keep forgetting all the white war criminals in your devilish rants and blaming the jew to the contentment of the white political class.

I'm gathering more info on it now, ENTIRE USAF base flooded too!



My final conclusion posted in the first comment.

That’s like saying Christians are not white.

Nothing else to say about your white lies?

I’m trying to find points of agreement, not be adversarial. Apparently you are.

Boy, do I feel sorry for you.

It's worth mentioning that there are a lot of nuclear missile silos out there in Nebraska.

It makes me wonder if it might not be weather weaponry modification testing buy a foreign Nation

because OF COURSE America isn't the only country with weather modification technology

Wrong thread, I bet.

I don't know… it could be. This has gotten way way out of control. Investigations MUST begin now.

Shouldn't you be doing something else like eating your own shit you stinky negroid product of generations of inbreeding

lol as if there's a 'right thread'


because I'm Jewish, my penis is bigger than yours
A B S O L U T E L Y 1 0 0 % T R U E
(just ask any woman)

do the irony is that while you feebly try to falsely
reassure yourself of your alleged 'superiority', the
only thing you've got is false hope, and a tiny dick

awwwww, sassypants
your frustration is totally understandable
little man

by the way, when I said 'just ask any woman',
I was completely aware that you don't really
know any women, and it's unlikely that you'll
ever be in the presence of a female alone

but yeah…………………………………….trust me

all chicks know about Jews having bigger dicks

hahahaha !!!!

thank god I was born Jewish

it's amazing how no matter what white guys
say or think, the fact of the matter is clear:

the size of your dick is what dictates power

Your religion says to literally destroy all other nations and take over the world.

So, yeah, any blame is justified and righteous until your religion is completely destroyed. Just like you attempt to do to us. The difference is that we didn't write your nor any genocidal books of world domination. You did. World history can be defined by Semitic niggers starting shit.

No one ever claimed that Jews weren't genetically closer to niggers.

Turn off your tv.

and nobody expected you to be able to come to grips with the fact that you can't satisfy a woman

I agree with you, little guy


and egg zack lee what are
YOU gonna do about it?

other than whine and complain like a little bitch?

So you admit Jews are behind a vast majority of ills in this world, and you brag about it and support it? Why? What the hell is wrong with you?


b e c a u s e i ' m j e w i s h

there are two types of people in the world:

the chosen ones

and the complainers

So you are religious is what you are saying? Because Jewish people are not exactly a race, they are a religious foundation…. just like Muslims or Christians have various religious foundations.

Attached: images.jpeg (233x216, 10.07K)

read Enoch Powell's "rivers of blood" speech from the 70s.
He told them all it was going to happen, and he was silenced and kicked out.
This has been deliberate since the beginning, since the 1950s, when they started importing shitskins under false pretenses.

Think again. In the long-run, more of this on both sides could be exactly what we need to bring about the next major paradigm shift.
A revolutionary shift unlike anything the West has seen since the World Wars and much longer before those.

Tarrant was right.

Oh wow…… it really is over for them:

What were his predictions for the rest of the Western World?

Clinton received 2.87 million more votes nationwide (the largest margin ever for a candidate who lost the electoral college)

you're a fucking moron

(When white man kills) - people consider it a good thing #islamophobia
(When muslim kills) - it is bad islam is bad
What a wonderful world

I truly hope that man kills as many white supremacist as possible

And isn't a religion just a set of beliefs you hold to be true? If that's so, then why do you believe these people you call jews need to practice their faith in the way YOU THINK they usually do?

I like when white people kill niggers

Here here

I think that was sarcasm tho

good observation- but we cannot truly have peace until we get rid of money. Greed will always leed people into the dark side of humanity, no matter what you say.

dude… you're so 'edgy'

I wanna be cool like you

Revenge attacks will visit you but only if you say "Thanks Ergdogan" to thank him for the inciting speech.

Saturday, 4 p.m.: Turkish president uses footage of Christchurch massacre to inflame election supporters
Monday, 11 a.m: Turkish gunman in Netherlands shoots three people dead in rampage on tram
This is Ergodan's John Dean Yeaaaaaaargh moment. I really hope we can use the fact that the leader of a NATO country incited a terror attack on citizens in another NATO country as a way to limit his damage to the Turkish state. I wish attaturk would just come back and scold him, like king carlos scolded Chavez that one time.

Attached: and we're gonna kill them in hague and kill them in utrecht and kill them in washintogn dc yeargggggghhhhhh.jpg (670x450, 47K)

Attached: who did it better.jpg (300x300, 22.81K)

Worst in 50 years…..

get off the Internet and watch your good goy nigger TV, boomer cuck