The World Has Never Been Closer to World War III

The World Has Never Been Closer to World War III

Even though most of us are cognizant of the fact that mainstream media is nothing but a “bread and circus” excrement show, it is still difficult to comprehend how much deception that the they think they can get away with.

Along these lines, Myself and another researcher are preparing to release a story which reveals the extent that a specific Mexican drug cartel is embedded inside of the California State Assembly and the dormant, but soon to be revived CALEXIT movement. For the most part, the journalistic sources, are not American, they are south-of-the-border-Mexican-journalists, and their stories are consistent with each other and the facts. In an all-too-familiar-scenario, American journalists are nowhere to be found in this story. Well, we have another similar situation involving the compromised nature of the MSM and the story is related to the coming war in Venezuela. It seems that even the Russian journalists, known for their flights of fancy, are more honest than the corporate controlled American media. The fact is the world has never been closer to WW III, and we would only know this sad fact if we look at foreign media.

BE PREPARED: >>>/prepare/1 | https://

Historically, what does it mean when troops from an adversarial country are moved next door, thousands of miles away from home, into a neighboring country of their enemy? Along the same lines, please allow me to another question: What does it mean when an aggressor nation withdraws its diplomatic core from their potential enemy’s country?

Let’s answer these questions, one at a time in order to see if we can connect some dots which may form a meaningful and relevant conclusion. The answer to the first question has already been answered. Both on The Common Sense Show and in many of other alt media news sites, the landing of 5,000 American troops in Columbia has been well documented. This is an invasion force and their target lies next door in Venezuela. Isn’t likely that World War III, commencing in Venezuela is becoming much more likely just with this development on its own?

Another development has lead to another flash point in the Venezuela controversy and it is related to the formation of a second important question, posed above, implies the significance of withdrawing embassy personnel and assets in the midst of heated controversy. The answer to this second question is obvious. The action of removing diplomatic personnel usually means that military confrontation is imminent. This has been a consistent sign, in history, that war is imminent! Unfortunately, Fox and CNN are not honestly reporting on this scenario. They are not lying about the events, they are simply not reporting them. For a more accurate picture, we must go to RT:

… The US State Department annnounced it is withdrawing all remaining diplomatic personnel from Venezuela, citing the “deteriorating situation” and referring to the presence of US staff at the embassy as a “constraint on US policy….”

Here is s tweet on the subject from neocon, Mike Pompeo:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the withdrawal on Monday. While most US staff stationed in Caracas had already been withdrawn in January following the US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido’s attempt to declare himself president, a select few remained in defiance of President Nicolas Maduro’s order to American diplomats to leave the country.

Attached: jacob-rothschild.jpg (526x374, 40.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Pompeo forgot to mention that the situation is “deteriorating” is because the US is behind the attacks on the Venezuelan power grid.

As previously documented on the CSS, the Chinese military has a “humanitarian” mission in Venezuela. The Cubans have their riot suppression troops in the major urban areas, the Russians have a covert troop presence, mostly commando related and the Chinese have a naval presence off the coast of Venezuela. Therefore, should we be surprised at these developments as both sides line up to confront each other?

About five days ago, I received some stunning information from my very best intelligence/military deep cover source. And only yesterday, I discovered, and have been interviewing a source from Arizona, who has the exact same information.

In anticipation of a US attack on Venezuela, the Russians have moved a sizeable number of submarines 12 miles off both the East and West coast of the United States. NATO has moved nuclear missiles batteries close to the Ukraine.

Yesterday, Russian ally, Syria, military threatened Israel. Why would a military inferior force such as Syria threaten a superior force in Israel, unless Syria knew it was going to have help from her ally, Russia?

As I reported yesterday, the Border Patrol has reported arresting a record number of people from Pakistan and more importantly, China!

Finally, it was widely reported when the Russian nuclear targeting of American sites was announced, that if Clinton had won the election, the Russians would launched a first strike against America.

At this point, the only thing that the rank and file of the country can do is to sit, wait and watch the events unfold. these events are eerily similar to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Oh, we could call the Congressional and Presidential offices, but these events are in motion and what is going to play out has already been decided. Further, it should be noted that Pelosi announced that she would not be seeking impeachment against Donald Trump. Why the sudden reversal? Perhaps she already knows that it won’t matter given what it coming.

Alex Jones has put President Trump on notice; that being ‘do what we elected you to do!”

Trump needs to send Jared and Ivanka home and out of the WH Staff offices, as there is a conflict of interests on many levels if they remain, AND also the potential charges of nepotism!

Even IF Martial Law is declared, at least then Trump could enact his policies without interference from the Zio-Communists in the House, Senate and Democratic Party.

Simultaneously, he can then go after the Deep State using the Indefinite Detention clause in the NDAA, and hold the Military Tribunals without interference.

Rest assured that if Hillary was President, many of us would have been thrown into one of her ‘Fun Camps’ and reduced to ash in the microwave chambers after the Clinton Foundation harvested our organs for profit!!!!!!!!

As a boy growing up in 1960’s / early 1970’s south Florida, I remember the Cuban Missile Crisis with extreme detail.

This situation in Venezuela is far worse.!

China was very limited in expanding it’s power in the early 60’s; today that is not the case.

Russia blinked due to U.S. Submarines following their ships around by just a few hundred yards at sea.

Cuba, which had a mix of both Russian and Cuban crews manning nuclear short and medium-ranged missiles sites aimed at the U.S., had instructions to fire without orders if they spotted a mast on the horizon of the sea…and they knew that if / when they did that, they only had minutes to live post-launch.

The Communist opposition has been detailed for different missions in Venezuela, Russian Spetsnaz is in plainclothes monitoring the infrastructure. The Cubans are serving as street police. The Chinese are controlling the ports, and the oil tankers being allowed to enter and leave port, and protecting the same.

The Ukrainian President Poroshenko has stated that if he does not win the upcoming election, he will leave the country. Why?

Probably the missiles will fly into major Ukrainian cities in direct response to NATO aiming their missiles at Russia at close range.when events in Venezuela goes hot!

The dismissal of news from the MSM is unexcusable in this regard, While some very real threats at all levels of society and civilization continues to increase exponentially, we are fed anti-Trump tripe, the miniscule measles outbreaks, the massive push to take defective and toxic vaccines, and RF poisoning by 5G.

Cohen and Manafort have been railroaded with maximum sentences for much less offending than what the Clintons Soros, Epstein, Weiner, and the and the elements of the Deep State have done; Hence, ‘justice’ is being tailored for ‘the political expediency and profile of the far left ANTIFA / MS-13 / ISIL / Narco-Terror Gangs by insuring that Trump supporters are stifled and hushed-up with Cohen and Manifort being made examples of.

While both Cohen and Manifort have committed white collar crime, time served awaiting trial and a hefty fine would be in line with what others have received for their white-collar criminal activities which are / were far worse, with only fines being paid as penalties.

since you can't effectively quantify exactly WHAT 'world war 3' even is, there's no way you can honestly say that you know how close we are to it.

It would be just as honest to say that 'we have never been less likely to experience world war 3'

I don't know exactly what will happen but I do know the Western World is ABSOLUTELY FUCKED at this point!

What's the difference between the US being at war with most of the world and the US being in a World War?

the entire world is fucked….

It has been for a long time


Most intelligible comment that I've seen in months.

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I thought GOD DAMN IT
WRONG PIC ! was the most intelligent

Cohen and manifort committed FEDERAL OFFENSES

they should've each received 25 years to life

Should be working on his glutes to sustain the assfucking he's going to get.



I don't mind that there are people who are uninformed in this place. It's that they never get any better or worse at participating in the dialogue.

Like I want to risk being attack by leftists so I can talk to a guy who tells me I need to buy more Super Male Vitality every day and fortify my above-ground compound.

Somewhere in an American basement an user wearing a tinfoil hat is saying "yes! This guy fucking gets it"!

What I need is a self-imposed year off the internet to reassess.

Research into what CAUSES cancer started in 1949. Population control has worked so good with it that we want to control everyone’s healthcare and he’ll why were at it let’s get the Muslims into our healthcare system.

A World War has a fancier light show.

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nukes are basically just big flash bangs with incendiary stuff added and maybe some radioactive dust for the "fallout". Nuke aren't real.

I mean the nukes are just big bombs, not actual "NUKE" nukes.


What is that fucking thing?

that's killcen's daughter



i hope so. wipe all the humans off the face of the earth.

and I thought it was broccolli meat paste

Damn commies. Always fucking things up. Can’t trusy central committees and commies.

All human wars are just skirmishes in something way bigger…

1) the jewish holy war against mankind. Since the khazarian days (and whatever happened before) they were nomadic nation wreckers on the path of endless crime towards a jewish only planet. This nomadic lifestyle, that had many name changes throughout history and is now called globalists, is a mental disease. The internal restlessness to always be on the move, and to never set down roots, is anti-natural, and thereby self destructive. The consequences are the destruction of blood, race, culture, nationality, and the mental and physical side effects of these crimes.

2) Original sin. Humanity failed at the very beginning of it's existence to uphold the natural balance, by exploiting and destroying their ecosystem for their own benefits. Under natural law this is called a parasitic relationship, and the host (our ecosystem) will by natural law use self preservation to fight back and annihilate the parasite to secure it's own existence. This is why cascading destruction is slowly destroying the human existence, and why another parasite (jews) came to existence to further destroy us from within.

The reason why the majority of mankind cannot understand this logical explanation is the human lie of individuality. Nearly every human being has the false believe that the world revolves around him. That he is important, that having a conciseness is giving him the right to act like his own god. That is a lie that's been promoted by jews since forever and it's why they're succeeding with their crimes. Individuality can only exist if the collective is healthy and strong enough to create the freedom needed to become an individual. Individuals are the fruits of labor, created by a hardworking, stable community, and they are the means to reach out and uplift the entire collective with their unique actions. This collective is based on blood, race, culture and upholding morality. When you have an honest look at the history of mankind you see that only a handful of true individuals ever existed. The rest is white noise in the history books. The jews learned about this early on and used it to promote the false hope of becoming individuals to the gentiles. It's always about standing out, chasing the dream, being your own boss, yada yada yada. Meanwhile the jews operate mostly from the shadows, keep very few figureheads in their ranks, and have an entire autonomous, religious movement at the core of their group.The ones in charge send out their soldiers into the world to spread their crimes, knowing that these people will succumb to greed, decadence and immorality, but their actions are purely beneficial for the collective of the jews. Meanwhile the core of the jews is not influenced by this, they are being kept down with the teachings of the Torah, they indoctrinate each other with the Talmud, hardening their resistance to temptation with circumcision and thereby create a stable collective that can churn out more (evil) individuals than any other race.They are called the yang, and their path is the easy path of evil that will led to the destruction of the planet by going against nature itself. Humanity represents the yin, and theirs is the path of struggle to create an utopia with the powers/natural traits/abilities they were provided with. We are the creators who were given the tools to build a paradise, the jews are the deceivers who use our own weaknesses against us.

Have you guys been to blacked .com? Its good stuff.

Individual vs Group, numbnuts.

Do countries even declare war anymore?
They just deploy troops in a peacekeeping operation or send special forces to train terrorists.

Greed and (even worse) the lust for power (which follows greed) is likely human's worse mental illness. Think about it, we claim killing someone is a sign of mental illness…. but who are some of the biggest killers on the planet? Look up that old controversial word: DEMOCIDE. (Not genocide, but with a D)… its governments that hold the record for killing, torturing and maiming people. And I believe it all comes from centralized control, then people sin…. they start to get greedy so they lie, cheat and steal, and then their lust for power gets stronger and stronger until they start killing people who don't conform to their ideologies or who don't stand to benefit their special interests. You could say Jews are very susceptible to this, thats likely true. But remember: Jews are very rich, its a very wealthy very old religious foundation, and they own much of the world's gold so it makes sense they could easily be pointed out…. however I am one who believes the greed and the lust for power can easily effect anyone, just like fear can as well.

Its more cyberwars/espionage and covert proxie wars for regime changes now days. If they don't have to openly declare war, they won't because they know it will bring them bad PR. So governments today prefer covert wars.

Bullshit. Quoting Alex Jones makes your whole post invalid as he is a Jewish gatekeeper

Thats like one of many comments from the article, and I don't care what people have to say about it. My threads are always criticized for one reason or another. I've learned I can't satisfy everyone and don't bother trying anymore.


Oooh fuck the Mexicans and protect the muslims. I think we've seen how this works out in foreign countries like Britain.

Kick the fucking Muslims out of our big companies and all their fucking oil money. They're unhindged and the worst offenders of corporate sabotage in California.

Fucking kill them if they don't leave. I don't care about the average Muslim guy working. I care about the guy that took over Yahoo after it was taken down by an act of war.

Get rid of these fucking idiots.

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ture news