New ILLinios Agenda 21 Bill Threatens To Cut Off Electricity To All 'Outdated' Homes


It’s now moving through the Illinois General Assembly with very broad sponsorship and exceptionally well-organized support. It’s a 365-page monstrosity of bureaucratic overreach, unhinged social engineering, climate extremism and shameless disregard for cost.

It’s called the Clean Energy Jobs Act. It would put specificity and the force of law behind the core concepts of the Green New Deal spearheaded by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The Green New Deal has been ridiculed widely even by many on the left and some environmentalists. Primarily, that’s because of the cost of completely eliminating fossil fuels, which unquestionably would be in the trillions for the nation. One estimate puts that cost at $93 trillion. It’s also loaded with pretty much every social justice goal du jour. Democrat presidential possibility Howard Schultz ripped it as “immoral” and “unrealistic.” It would “bring about mass death,” wrote a Greenpeace co-founder.

The Illinois bill’s central goals are 100% carbon-free electricity production by 2030, and 100% renewable everything across the state by 2050. Importantly, that means the 2050 goal precludes even nuclear energy, which currently accounts for about half of Illinois’ electricity production.

Under the Illinois bill, natural gas would be history. Rip out all those gas ranges, gas furnaces (that heat 77% of Illinois homes) and the rest over the next 30 years. The entire natural gas infrastructure, pipelines and all, would be abandoned.

The bill calls for 40 million solar panels and 2,500 wind turbines alongside $20 billion in new infrastructure over the next decade. One million gas and diesel vehicles would come off Illinois roads.

The Illinois bill is loaded with social justice goals. There are tedious requirements for a Clean Jobs Workforce Hubs Program; “environmental justice communities”; job creation for ex-offenders and former foster children; “energy empowerment zones”; workforce and training including soft skills and math to ensure communities of color, returning citizens, foster care communities and others understand clean energy opportunities; stipends for jobs and apprenticeships, including funding for transportation and child care; access to low-cost capital for disadvantaged clean energy businesses and contractors; and much, much more.

What’s most annoying is sheer indifference to cost, which is probably immeasurable anyway given the bill’s vast complexity. Don’t expect to find an estimate anywhere. National critics of the Green New Deal immediately asked about cost, but in Illinois, it just doesn’t matter. Broke Illinois would somehow have to pay a proportionate share of the multi-trillion-dollar cost estimates for the Green New Deal.

Could it really pass into law?

Companion bills are now pending in both the Illinois House and Senate. Together, they have over 50 sponsors.

Governor Pritzker has not yet commented on the bill. However, in his first days in office he committed to the goal of 100% renewables by 2050. It was not clear if he intended to exclude nuclear.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Every state they take ends up a third world hellhole.

This is not by accident.

Nanny state

What happens to those solar panels in winter?


Surrounding states are going to make a killing selling IL their power at highly inflated prices.

off by one
Illinois, how soon until you are no longer a democratic strong hold? How long until the people of Illinois feel the effects of this bill?
How soon until the first corporation leaves chicago over it?


Ken Lay is spinning his his grave fast enough to generate 200Kw and he wants to sell that to Chicago.

Attached: happy energy merchant for ants.jpg (150x180, 7.15K)

so its basically back to propane and diesel, they really thought this one through.

Good. Now if they could only cut off the power to your place, and you could operate your computer with a donkey and a conveyor belt.

I just looked up all of the Illinois Bills that are pending, and there is no such thing as 'Agenda 21'.

Fake news.

He's right. I just looked it up, and there is no agenda 21 in Illinois. This is a real catch-22, and it reminds me of an episode of 21 jump Street I saw back when I was 20 years old. And that episode, an 18 year old undercover cop was investigating a man born in 1921, and the investigation was disrupted by a power outage. It turns out the power outage was a 1984 type scenario, where the government had shut off the power to deliberately destabilize an entire neighborhood.

There's nothing in the novel 1984 about them shutting off people's power to destabilize anybody, or disrupt any investigation buy an 18 year old undercover cop into an old man born in the 1920s.

I think he got it confused with agenda 27. If you squint your eyes just right, the number 7 looks similar to the number 1.

bumping fake news

There actually is an agenda 21 bill in Illinois

But it has absolutely nothing to do with shutting off people's power, and instead, it actually involves people turning in their assault rifles.

That's why killcen is using the term agenda 21, having heard about it in from a paranoid conspiracy theory website, but he never actually researched the agenda 21 bill, and he got the entire story confused.


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I find this story highly suspicious and it's raised my eyebrows

I for one welcome our Eco-Stalinst overlords and want to remember, that as trusted media personality, could be useful in rounding up dissenter!

It seems like you would be helping us prepare, by listing alternatives to electricity

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I have had a problem reading ever since I was a child, and your post just look like a bunch of squiggly things and symbols to me. I can't understand what you were trying to say. Would you mind retyping it, and making it easier for me to comprehend?

I don't believe anything you said in this article. Prove it.

If you can't read, then how are you going to be able to understand it if he retypes his post, even if he makes it simpler?

I'm curious how you are unable to read, but you somehow managed to type a post, explaining that you can't read.

have you considered the fact that he might be trying to read by candlelight, which would greatly inhibit his ability to see the letters clearly? Have you no soul or compassion for your fellow human beings?

three words: battery operated toaster

But he's on a computer, and there's no such thing as a candle light computer

SIMPLE: buy your toast pre-cooked

You stupid fucking piece of shit! You don't 'cook' toast. you TOAST bread, and that can only be done with an electric toaster, unless you're in Illinois, in which case I understand that Hamilton Beach is now selling a conveyor belt with a mule included.

bumping REAL news


Come to think of it, that makes a lot of sense.


Town Bypasses Constitution, US Citizens Given 60 Days to Turn in Guns Or Become Criminals

April 5, 2018

As the state promises gun rights activists they’re not coming for their guns, behind the scenes they’re pleading for it to happen. And now the feared gun grab is occurring. Residents in Deerfield, Illinois have 60 days to surrender their “assault weapons” or face fines of $1000 per day per gun.

The gun ban ordinance was passed on April 2nd with residents left with few choices of how to dispose of their valuable “assault weapons.” Upon careful reading of the ordinance, residents will be left with revolvers, .22 caliber “plinking” rifles, and double-barrel shotguns to defend their homes and families from criminals who could care less about the law.

Fines for not disposing of the weapons range from $250 to $1000 per day per gun for those who choose not to comply with the city’s ordinance. While a fine may seem reasonable to some, as TFTP has reported on multiple occasions, failure to pay fines always results in police action. It is not far-fetched to predict major turmoil and arrests in the event of non-compliance.

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IMO this is a push to ruin people financially and get them to be more dependent on gov't. Some US states are already prosecuting people who are off the grid. More states will surely follow.

I can toast bread over a gas flame, or any other flame. But you can't cuz you're an idiot.

That's why the Illinois Senate is preparing to pass Agenda 22, banning natural gas. Checkmate!

Impossible. Once you have toasted bread, it's no longer considered bread, and has now become 'toast'.


3/5/19 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-03-05-19

2/19/19 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-02-19-19

2/5/19 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-02-05-19

1/15/19 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-01-15-19

1/2/19 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-01-02-19

12/18/18 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-12-18-18

12/4/18 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-12-04-18

11/20/18 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-11-20-18

11/6/18 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-11-06-18

10/16/18 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-10-16-18

10/2/18 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-10-02-18

9/18/18 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-09-18-18

9/4/18 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-09-04-18

8/21/18 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-08-21-18

8/7/18 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-08-07-18

7/17/18 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-07-17-18

7/3/18 – City Council Meeting Agenda – Agenda-07-03-18

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Will Illinois tax people more to pay for this? Or will this be another unfunded mandate? Either way the average person loses.

Now why can't AOC power her whole house on solar power to show it works and is cost effective?

Why didn't you know the true nature of Agenda 21?
Agenda 21 has nothing to do with electricity, and instead proposes that people voluntarily turn over their assault rifles.

Instead of asking stupid questions, why don't you take out a couple minutes from your busy schedule of being an idiot, and actually research Agenda 21?

Agenda 21 has nothing to do with solar panels.
Illinois Agenda 21 bill regards the suggested voluntary surrender of assault rifles by citizens.

Maybe if you could broaden your horizons a little bit, and stop relying on zerohedge for all of your information, you might be able to actually learn some real news.

Agenda 21 never mentions anything about public utilities, turning off people's power, or solar panels.

Agenda 21 is about assault rifles.

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bumped and reported.

'READING', so simple, a caveman can do it
(unless you're president of the United States)

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it's 'so EASY a caveman can do it's, not 'so simple'

that's how you know it's a really fucking dumb deal

I support anything that makes people miserable

This is not one of your better threads. I certainly hope you are already hard at work creating something a little bit better than this piece of shit

The more you complain about her, the more apparent it becomes that you have a crush on her, like a little school boy who puts bubble gum into the girls hair.

Just admit it……

You want to fuck her.

reported for being a SHIT THREAD

They work much much less during the winter or during certain weather conditions, correct. The problem is MOST people *cannot* afford solar panels, they are very expensive.

inb4 the loons start calling me a big oil shill

I have solar panels because I am a prepper who invested in them. They cost me nearly 10K w/ the main inverter and 12v deep cycle batteries. Most people cannot afford that kind of luxury, I can because I worked all my life and saved my money up. You need to realize forcing this kind of transition not only costs, but it is difficult to set up too! Yes, I set these babies up myself on the rooftop mounting them to brackets and all, and I needed a friend there to help me out doing it. These things are heavy, your carefully climbing latters to hoist them onto the roofs, and you need someone there to help and make sure no accidents happen either (because it can be dangerous work if your not used to this!) So not only does the cost burden people, do you think the average Joe will want to be burdened having to install these things and wire each one up properly, hooking it all up to either the main fuse or a separate power inverter? I'll tell you one thing I'd hate to have to do that job again!


Agenda 21 (UN Agenda for the 21st Century) was addressed and put into place in 1992, during a UN meeting in Brazil. It is a massive agenda that covers *ALL KINDS* of conspiracy for global population control. Gun grabbing is only ONE aspect. There are DOZENS of other goals behind Agenda 21.

Here is one of the first websites talking about it back in the day (still up, and it was run by a Democrat who was against Agenda 21 of all people):

"UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL."

"Considering its policies are woven into all the General Plans of the cities and counties, it's important for people to know where these policies are coming from. While many people support the United Nations for its 'peacemaking' efforts, hardly anyone knows that they have very specific land use policies that they would like to see implemented in every city, county, state and nation. The specific plan is called United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, which has its basis in Communitarianism. By now, most Americans have heard of sustainable development but are largely unaware of Agenda 21.

In a nutshell, the plan calls for governments to take control of all land use and not leave any of the decision making in the hands of private property owners. It is assumed that people are not good stewards of their land and the government will do a better job if they are in control. Individual rights in general are to give way to the needs of communities as determined by the governing body. Moreover, people should be rounded up off the land and packed into human settlements, or islands of human habitation, close to employment centers and transportation. Another program, called the Wildlands Project spells out how most of the land is to be set aside for non-humans.

U.N. Agenda 21 cites the affluence of Americans as being a major problem which needs to be corrected. It calls for lowering the standard of living for Americans so that the people in poorer countries will have more, a redistribution of wealth. Although people around the world aspire to achieve the levels of prosperity we have in our country, and will risk their lives to get here, Americans are cast in a very negative light and need to be taken down to a condition closer to average in the world. Only then, they say, will there be social justice which is a cornerstone of the U.N. Agenda 21 plan.

Agenda 21 policies date back to the 70's but it got its real start in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro when President Bush signed onto it."

What happened in Deerfield IL was ruled unconstitutional in a lower courts. Citizens filed a class action lawsuit and the battle is still going on, currently the police have been issued a notice that the law will not be in effect until courts settle the case. It is a completely local issue with corrupt bureaucrats trying to take away citizens' 2nd Amendment rights. Matter of fact I'll have to check out any updates on that issue, but the citizens are rightfully pissed and fighting it legally.

Development for all😏

Archived for being a VERY GOOD thread.

Because the sun doesn't shine in winter? Are you 5 years old?


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They say 'let the better man win', and it turns out they say it for a reason

Does "spearheaded mean "ripped off"? I know you can't think beyond the daily news cycle, but the Green New Deal came from Jill Stein, not this cunt.

It matters.

Incorrect. The "Green New Deal" is actually a lot older and came from UN Agenda 21 passed as a treaty in Brazil, 1992. The goal is total population control, and not just in the US but around the world.

The END goal of UN Agenda 21 (now being called 'Green New Deal' after the carbon tax was ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS during Obama's term in office) is for a digital cashless currency with a social credit score like the one they beta tested in China. Such a system was first promoted back in 1988 by the Economist Magazine.

Attached: Economist-1988.jpg (414x566, 99.73K)

Wrong again, dumbfucks. The operative word is "spearheaded," not "conceived," "theorized," "dreamed up," or "posited". The question is who SPEARHEADED.

The UN is not a who, but a what.

Can't you imbeciles understand anything?

Illinois Agenda 21
United Nations Agenda 21
Blah blah blah Agenda 21
Agenda 21
Agenda 21
Agenda 21 this
Agenda 21 that


Fuck Agenda 21… Everything is Agenda 21, right?

(It seems like you seem to think there are several Agenda 21s, but you wouldn't know an agenda 21 if it snuck up and fucked you in the asshole)

Found the kike shill glowniggerfaggot!

Agenda 21

I'm sending Facebook some photographs of me masturbating to Judy and Audrey Landers, to prevent anybody from trying to blackmail me with revenge porn.

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I used to think they were Siamese twins. it was 1986 before I could achieve an erection for a girl that wasn't conjoined with her sister.

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Then, years later TLC started running that soft-porn show, and that was the first REAL Nut I popped since the late 80s

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I still think they'd be hotter with bleach blonde Farrah fawcett hairstyles

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you'd have a hard time putting a Farrah fawcett wig on these spicy sisters

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Agenda 21

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Agenda 21

Can someone do a story on Mark Wiering, and how he only gave us love for a couple days? What was his Agenda? Was he only 21?
Inquiring minds want to know!

Sounds like a great idea to boost industry in surrounding states.

You retards, ZH links to the ILGA website, it's SB 2132, sponsored by obese turd-worlder Cristina Castro:

Guys like YOU are exactly why advertisers like this choose Zig Forums. It's not exactly porn, it's not exactly anime, it's not exactly a video game, and it's definitely not something a sexually successful adult male would ever be even vaguely interested in…

The company that produces this worthless latently homosexual immature socially stunted lack of self-awareness absolutely embarrassing sissyboy bullshit drivel aren't in the business of flushing advertising dollars down the drain, the same way your mother flushed her hard-earned money down a goddamn toilet hoping you would one day become a man…

They have very carefully studied the demographics of Zig Forums, analyzed their focus group research, and determined that pussybutt faggots like YOU actually find this type of dogshit appealing.

fuck you…

fuck you AND the Mark Wiering you rode in on.

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I'm not interested in their website. Their grocery stores suck, overpriced and outdated.

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I've been to ilga's website, and she sucks

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bumping legit news

You are doing it ALL wrong. Here's everything you need to know about UN agenda 21 (it is not an Illinios agenda, it is an international agenda aimed at populations all around the world to consolidate wealth and control for the few while subjugating the masses). Because it involves both corporate and governmental tyranny, it was a Democrat who originally opposed this and has been fighting Agenda 21 ever since:

Democrats Against UN Agenda 21


Downgoating a Shitcen thread.


billy shacks is a hazard, Duke
Otta be tore down

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the white trash ken move to the city and live with their kind…the blacks


Its not right forcing people to pay for things they cannot even afford. That isn't capitalism. Its called extortion and racketeering, a model of mafia and criminal monopoly.

I am not against alternative energies, in fact I support alternatives. The problem is you just can't force them on people who cannot afford them. Who am I to say you have to buy a $10,000 solar panel system for your home? Who am I to say you must buy a new luxury sports vehicle?

Capitalism will always be about consumer choice.

In many places in USSA, having your power shut off for too long gets your house condemned.
So basically, "go green" or "go homeless"

Now this is news.

If they tried doing that to me, I'd shoot them in the face with a shotgun and spit on their fucking corpse.

Mugabe 2020

Shocking, I never would have guessed statism would do this!