Big Tech Companies Call For The Arrest of Americans Who Criticize Islam Online

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Americans could soon be charged and prosecuted for “cyber terrorism crimes” if they criticize Islam on social media.

Big Tech companies are already complying with Sharia law and banning users who dare to speak the truth about Islamic terrorism. reports:

Twitter legal recently issued this reporter a warning that a tweet posted calling for burkas to be banned in the US violated Pakistan’s blasphemy laws.

The specific Pakistani blasphemy laws that the tweet violated are punishable by life imprisonment or death and Twitter happily delivered the threat.

But these warnings are just the beginning.

Terror-tied CAIR wasted no time and blamed Trump, Trump supporters and “Islamophobia” after the New Zealand mosque shooting.

Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is seeking to exploit the New Zealand mosque shooting to impose Sharia blasphemy laws in the United States.

CAIR “Research Director” Dr. Abbas Barzegar said in a presser we should “Not allow these people to exploit freedom of speech.”

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We can't criticize them but they're allowed to kill us with impugnity?

Seems like jews are worried they won't be able to criticize their enemies. Pamela Geller won't be happy out this. Of course this news is directed at white goyim, the jews favorite goy slaves that do all their work for them.

Sounds like you wouldnt be arrested in the US, you would just not be able to go to Pakistan without being arrested there.

Part and Parcel

Yeah and most of then have been taken over my muslims over the last ten years. Including Yahoo, Microsoft, the FCC etc.

We need to just be a little bit more racist and get rid of these people now.

I will personally fuck up any court that enforces this and any kabob involved.

Do you fucking hear me you fucking retards. Go back to your own fucking country and build your own fucking tech Giants in the fucking sand and fuck off.

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If your country has hate crime laws, it has no equality. Equality means treating everyone the same regardless of their ethnicity under the law. You, however, are a second class citizen with less rights. Unless you are gay or brown enough to qualify for extra legal protections and rights. If your country has hate speech laws, you do not have 'free speech'.
Stop believing in the hypocritical and twisted imitation of real freedoms that the garbage elites like to parrot-talk about in certain western countries; those who want you to believe you have rights while restricting everyone's freedom and silencing criticism: EVEN ONLINE!

Fuck them then, refuse to use them and support the alternatives. We can win this battle by simply boycotting them and rendering them obsolete and "uncool to use."

Big Tech can Suck my White Dick.
Create apps that randomly click on adds F the FANG all the way up the…
Obamas Wife is has a Giant Dick

Have these big tech elite fuckers ever viewed a cyberpunk movie, book or game? We don't need corporations to decide what we do, say or think.

What fucking evidence do you have besides a quote from Cristina on Twitter. Get the fuck out of here with your FAKE NEWS.

How does Obama’s wife’s gaint dick taste?

Their execs are "progressive" control freaks, and their IT departments are infested with Pajeets who can barely keep from raping everyone in sight.

No, they don't care about ideals like free speech and limited government, just their shitty caste and whoever promises them a patronage job.

We tried to warn you.

Please do, this will be really a clear cut for them losing their speech protection status.

Fuck all desert religions and the creatures that follow them.

America has freedom of speech. Anyone trying to take that right away from us should be killed outright.

We don't have that option anymore. They're forcing us to use their services. The only way to stop this is to actually murder these people.

It's actually the ONLY way.

Funny way of saying

What makes you think they’ll limit this to glowinthedark forums? They’re flooding imageboards and milking datamining threads as we speak.

They need to be killed. It's the only way. There is no other hope to stop this.

You have fun with that, officer. I’ll just be over here playing minecraft and jacking off to cartoons and snuff stories.

Not news to me.

You're completely full of shit. fake news

it's spelled 'impunity', and I've reported you

I reported your thread to the FBI website first

oops sorry… I meant I reported your POST* first

killcen, you're so full of shit. nothing about this story is true

Excerpt from my DNS resolver (/etc/unbound/unbound.conf):
local-zone: "" refuse
local-zone: "" refuse
local-zone: "" refuse

Big poo

To be fair, this will level the playing field for a little while longer. A little more headstart.

Their concern should be that once this kicks off, there isn't a chance in hell they can outbreed the death toll.

I hope that was sarcasm on your part.

You were truthful in the first response, you just slipped, you are a useful idiot.

i want to impregnate your mom and sis and become your dad my dear son i would also allow you to suck my cock sometime inbred jewmerican

your mom says my dick is bigger than your dads

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fuck off, jews and muslims are the same, a pair of arab death cults obsessed with cutting off foreskins and wearing stupid hats.

There are 1,800 million muslims in the world, globalist companies pandering to them over a a few hundred million locals isn't surprising. That's the future of the globalist new world order, they only see money, numbers of consumers and they appeal to which ever group has the most consumers.
That is why films/video games are being censored to appease chink superstitions now, a group of 2,000 million.
Our countries have been sold out, the people are expendable.

Wow. Speech for me, but not for thee. The cry of the communist.

>assumes your Abrahamic religiosity is somehow better than theirs
And you'll fight and kill to prove it. All of you. This we know. You have proven it for millenia. If you're all going to keep acting like the Abrahamic faggots that you are, we only ask that you finally just come out of the closet and Make LOVE, Not WAR.

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This clearly crosses the line… Time to make an appeal to the Illuminati tribunal this spring.

The Illuminati will make this right for you losers. Islam is the antithesis of enlightenment.

Shine bright fellow shimmers of light. You know who you are.

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Obviously these imbeciles have no idea of the consequences of enacting all these changes to law, or trying to do so.

Talk about opressing ourselfs lol. Sand niggers have their own countries, keep them where they are. Better for them, better for us.

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okay then; let's say you had to move to another country, would you go to a muslim country? no need to answer, we all know..

I can see that propaganda that is going to save us from this right now. Jews of the world declare war on Islam. I mean it worked when they got America to fight Germany even though 16% of Americans are German.

I guess that's why this seems to be happening at the same time that the EU fines google over 2 billion dollars

well done illuminati

Saying that you don't like the islamic religion online is not the same as saying that you want to hurt the followers of the islamic religion.

I don't like the followers of the christian religion, and I don't want to hurt the large majority of them, the rest, I just want to destroy their faith

Why would anyone ever go to Pakistan? That place is a SHITHOLE.

If they issued a warrant for my arrest over sandnigger jokes I'd go shoot up a pedotemple just to spite these cucks.

The minaret tower on top of the new WTC, or the head of the alphabet agency being a Musilm convert are not clues?

I really dont give a fuck if someone wants to pray to some god. It's all divide and conquer. Anyone picking a side can go f themselves.

Death to Islam!

I agree. Islam and all religious systems practiced by aliens/non-humans, should go extinct

as a Christian, i say let us all live in peace, just some of us deserve more peace than others

Jews are using anti-Islam sentiment to take away your rights. When the legislation is written it will conveniently include laws against criticizing jews and israel while allowing them not to appear as the bad guys.

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I'd like to think that whites don't deserve blessings of islam, I'd let muslims to keep all that

because all sandpeople aren't beyond redemption..

Yes. And we have only ourselves to blame. We've gone soft after 'Nam.

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I guess the game is like this: the left pushes Islam on the west. Jews escape to Israel (dunno, maybe they need more colonizers), while civil war ensues. After some oppa yugoslavia style either Islam wins so we have an authoritarian government, or the reaction wins so we have an authoritarian technocratic government. Meanwhile because of the arab or of the white, the inevitable financial bubble has popped.

This is world war III, fought with unconventional weapon, and it started with the sexual revolution and divorce laws and vatican II. The baddies are anti-weapon because they use other kinds.

true story circumcision is actually haram and the only real muslim hat is a phrygian hat with a turban wrapped around. if it looks like a kippa it is a kippa ;)

Like Barry's butthole

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Figures this was slidden. Anti-slide.

Reminder to use VPN, maybe even Tor too while using a VPN (some have noted this is much more secure using a VPN + Tor only a slower connection as a downside).