USDA buy CaTS & dogs FROM chink meat markets to feed to lab CATS & dogs

U.S. government scientists bought hundreds of dogs and cats from "Asian meat markets" and conducted experiments that included feeding their remains to healthy lab cats for needless research, according to a disturbing watchdog report being released Tuesday.

Other experiments at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's lab in Maryland included feeding dog remains to cats and injecting cat remains into mice, the report by the White Coat Waste Project found. The group is a non-profit that combats wasteful government spending on animal testing.

"It's crazy," Jim Keen, a former USDA scientist, told NBC News, which obtained a copy of the report. "Cannibal cats, cats eating dogs — I don't see the logic."

The experiments — some of which the agency said in scientific reports were aimed at studying different forms of a parasite that causes the food-borne illness toxoplasmosis — are believed to have been conducted between 2003 and 2015. The animals that were euthanized to be used as lab food included over 400 dogs from Colombia, Brazil and Vietnam and over 100 cats from China and Ethiopia.

"Some of these cats and dogs were purchased by the government from the same Asian meat markets that the U.S. Congress roundly condemned in a House Resolution" last year, said the report by the WCW.

The group plans on releasing its findings, which were culled from the USDA's own research publications, in a report to Congress entitled, "USDA Kitten Cannibalism."

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This is a useful experiment as EUTHANIZED dogs and cats end up in cheap canned pet food

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soylent pets

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literally thanks obama. WOW

Says a retarded scientist trying to virtue signal. Toxoplasmosis is carried by cats. So I guess cats eating dead cats could pass it on that way. But they certainly took the cheapest possible route for this.

They're fucking around with Toxoplasmosis (literal p- zombie parasite) to give us humans and animals. THANKS​ ONIGGER

kek, doesn't it make mice sexually attracted to cat urine as a vector for transfer of the parasite?

I believe it typically goes:

Yea it can also change your sexual orientation and fetishes. There is also the fact it change phenotype of any unborn baby (e.g. making them more 'attractive') and mental conditions. Pretty fucked up

:( It hurts to live.

Because you are a selfish asshole incapable of love and empathy, you don't like animals, and animals hate your guts. That's why you don't actually know ANYTHING about animals, and you don't realize that the U. S. Pet Food Industry has been putting euthanized cats and dogs into cat and dog food for decades

The Toxoplasma Gondii protozoan parasite is spread by HUMANS, as well as wild and domestic animals including birds, cats, sheep, goats, cattle, pigs and poultry.

Killcen is JUST AS LIKELY to have Toxoplasmis in his feces as any cat.

Nah. With his paranoia, highly unlikely.
He's scared of his own shadow AND scared of cats.
Sage, because my cat prefers his dog meat seasoned with it.


People like cats

bumping your sage with a negated bump


cats take care of their kittens

killcen does have one thing in common with cats:
cats can't differentiate between your & you're either


cats don't hide their instinctual sexual attraction to underagers behind an imaginary religion


When society breaks down, cats, unlike /shrillcen/, won't have this book

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maximum butthurt

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