NJ Governor Signs Despotic Anti-American 'Rain Tax' Punishing Citizens For Weather


In what is one of the most corrupt and vile things to have ever happened to the American political system, residents of New Jersey will now be taxed when something 100% out of their control happens. New Jersey’s governor Phil Murphy signed 19 bills into law on Monday, one of which, was the so-called “rain tax.”

Unfortunately, there were supporters of this tyrannical and wholly dictatorial law. Dubbed S-1073, supporters call it “flood defense,” and say it will serve as a long-needed tool to manage flooding and dirty runoff from rainwater. So there are actually human beings on earth who want others and themselves stolen from because it rains. There is nothing more disturbing that the current political path the United States is currently one. It’s downright horrifying, actually.

Government is downright evil and shameless when it comes to taxation. These pillagers of the public just sit around all day thinking and dreaming of events and things to tax. – Judy Morris Report

“Most importantly, it gives communities a way to access new resources in a fair and equitable manner, and invest in related benefits such as additional green space. We urge the governor to sign it,” said New Jersey Future’s Chris Sturm, who serves as the advocacy group’s managing director for policy and water, according to a report by Patch.

Some have criticized the bill (albeit, now enough) saying that it would impose taxes “based on the weather” which is an unfair system of stealing the money of others. Obviously, if you have any heart at all. It also gives the government much more power and more authority to steal more money by expanding what’s already an overly unfair burden (all taxation is “unfair”) on New Jersey residents who were saddled with several new taxes in 2019.

Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips has said the “rain-tax” bill permits local communities to tax “based on the weather,” and allows unlimited bonding and debt to be placed on the backs of property taxpayers. Not that bonding and debt aren’t already on the backs of the taxpayer, it is, but now New Jersey gets to carry the financial burden when it rains. “The last thing this state needs is more debt and another runaway tax. Especially one that taxes the weather” said DePhillips.


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I bet your mom a blowjob nobody there does a thing about it either.

May get challenged in the courts. That, and I'm sure some people will move to another State as taxes increase (as usually happens to other leftist states). Nothing shocking will come of it though, people will be pissed and they'll complain, maybe challenge it legally or leave.


So let me guess this straight. The lawfully elected government is taking money from the people who elected them and spending it on directly protecting them from something that is out of everyone's control - severe weather; and that is somehow tyranny?

You do realize if it floods, your taxes will go up to pay for the repairs and insurance fees. These sorts of preventive measures mean you pay less and is sign of a competent, caring government.

Ha! Your living in a fairy tail. They'll waste through this taxpayer money like they always do, and citizens will end up with more bloated broken corrupt and incompetent governmental bureaucracies. And thats ALL that will happen!

Hows that $10,000,000,000 "high speed rail" project going for California? Oh, thats right….. archive.fo/xIMiY

The state already taxes you for food. They tax you for shelter. They have for centuries. Too bad taxation isn't theft, or you might have a point.

Many would say it IS THEFT, especially when abused like in this case. This tax money will be squandered by greed, as always.

Try not paying taxes sometime.

Has anyone actually read beyond the press blurbs enough to understand how this constitutes “taxing people for weather”? Or are we just taking that for granted and getting outraged at the idea of taxing for weather?

I took a few minutes to skim the actual text of the bill because I already know the answer. Tl;dr:

1: NJs wetlands are full of poisons and bullshit that run off of properties that don’t have adequate runoff control.

2: it costs a lot of money in damage to wildlife and land so they need money to pay for it

3: if you have a property that drains a parking lot or farm into the storm drains, you’ll be taxed for your share of the problem

4: if your property is designed to not dump road waste and fertilizer and shit into the municipal sewer, you won’t be taxed, or you’ll pay less tax

It’s not a tax on rain. It’s a tax on pollution and it only affects polluters.

This is what happens when you let somebody write an article who has not yet moved out of their mommy's basement.
You see, in the REAL world this has been going on for a long long time in practically every city in every state in this country. If you had ever paid a bill to the city – ANY City in the U.S. – (You) would know this. That you do not is sad. Your anger is misplaced. Learn to figure out who the REAL Enemy is.
The REAL Enemy is Within. The REAL Enemy Blames 'Others' for all their problems. The REAL Enemy does nothing when REAL Tyranny is exercised.
So, get off your high horse and learn to pick your battles. This is not one I would personally hang my hat on, knowing how many more important battles there are, but to-each-his-own.
I'm personally somewhere on the spectrum – the spectrum between Anarchy and Libertarianism – but I recognize that not everyone in society falls in the same place on the spectrum, and I may still have to interract with them, no matter how 'stupid' or 'wrong' or 'downright evil' I may judge them to be. Hell! I don't "fit in" ANYWHERE! Lucky I'm not trying to, eh? The Libertarians hate me – label me as an Anarchist. The Anarchists hate me – label me as a Libertarian. To everyone else I'm just Satan or Hitler! I could spread the hate, but what would that get me? I could embrace a label, but what would that get me? I could riot in the streets, but what would that get me? I could try to join government and effect change that way, but what would that get me?
Nah. Maybe ACCEPTANCE isn't the worst plan after all. Pretty foundational really.
Not a Please-Fuck-Me-Up-the-Ass kind of Acceptance; but more of a This-Is-the-Way-Things-Are-and-I'm-Choosing-to-Stop-Whining-and-Accept-Where-I-Find-Myself-Right-Here-and-Now-so-I-Can-Move-Forward-In-a-Logical-Manner kind of Acceptance.

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NJ has had a horrible problem with groundwater pollution for my entire life. Thousands of people who made a living fishing the coasts there had to leave or find another way to earn money because all the things they harvested are completely extinct or too poisonous to eat. Some might argue that the people who are too cheap to clean up their toxic waste piles have been stealing from people for a long long time and this law is a welcome first step in doing something about that theft.

Your right about one thing, I do not live in a city, I live in a small town and no, they do not tax us like this shithole state.

Maybe the EPA should actually focus on the biggest polluters, such as the military industrial complex and nuclear energy companies and companies like Monsanto!?

Complaining about some poor man's fertilizer leaking into the ground is total nonsense!

Oy vey goy, can't have that free water.

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Well the EPA doesn’t really work for NJ, and without federal pressure, local governments would have zero motivation to police offenders and fix problems. So they are kind of performing their function in this particular instance.

The only people mad about this law are junkyard owners who don’t want to clean up their messes and car dealerships who don’t want to install environmentally sustainable drainage systems in their giant asphalt lots.

It’s not leaking into the ground. It’s supposed to be in the ground and it’s washing away and going into the storm drain instead, where it causes algal blooming and kills off entire species of fish and birds. I’m surprised you have no idea how this works because there are PSAs everywhere about why you shouldn’t sweep your grass clippings into the street or put unused fertilizer in the trash bin for collection.

My "city" has less than 5,000 people living in it, but I have paid this very same tax to the city for over a decade. At first I thought they were taxing me on rain too. I also have every reason to be pissed off, since absolutely no water "runs off" my property to other places leastwise, not ABOVE Ground!; but, like I said, I've had to pick my battles. Do I think the "City" bureaucracy does $120 worth of work for me every month? Of course not! Do I still pay the "bill"? Yes. OK. So, maybe it doesn't hurt to complain once in awhile – unless you're complaining to the wrong people! Then it's just a waste of time.

Sage because I suspect this is a Killcen thread and he should stop wasting his time raging and go dig some more post-holes around his house. I'm coming in with a backhoe this time, ready to demolish all your antique toasters!

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All the holes are dug and have been filled with concrete mix already, with the the sharp edged steel fence posts stuck into them pointing out at a 40 degree angle opposite of the home. I'm hoping this will be enough to prevent someone from crashing into my home with a vehicle if SHTF. Not sure yet, but one thing I do know is it would at least puncture some tires before impact. Which should also act as a deterrent because no one would want to risk ruining their vehicle if SHTF…. that would suck for them badly.

As for a tax like this, never saw anything like this around my parts (at least not yet).

Next up sunny days tax and they'll call it something like protect our children act.

Sure. As the states become more and more insolvent, they'll find many "reasons" to take more money away from hard workers.

Who are the hard workers in this case?

Taxpayers. If you have income, you pay taxes if you don't want to risk going to prison. So anyone owning any property (who works for a living) must pay this unfair fee in NJ.

But that isn’t true.

The only people who will have to pay this tax is the property owners who contaminate the storm drains.

You don't say.

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Here’s another article about the same bill but in a slightly less hysterical tone.

actual news