Consequences Of Lost Global Reserve Status

Consequences Of Lost Global Reserve Status

The gold suppression game appears finally to be coming to an end. A Perfect Storm is hitting the gold market, with an internal factor (QE), an external factor (SGE), and a systemic factor (Basel). All three forces are positive in releasing gold from the corrupt clutches of the Anglo-American banker organization. They have been willing to destroy the global financial structure and many national economies, in order not just to maintain the political power, but also to continue the privilege of granting themselves $trillion free loans. In the last ten years since the Lehman Brothers failure, all systems have undergone the same reckless treatment that the mortgage bonds endured. They saw corrupted underwriting, corrupted title database, rigged market pricing, and corrupted demand functions. Slowly the realization is coming to the fore, stated by a few astute analysts. In the last decade, the US-UK banksters have created the USTreasury bond as the global subprime bond. This is the result of astounding persistent magnificent QE abuse and hidden corruption. The so-called financial stimulus is actually hyper monetary inflation, which has destroyed the bond market.


The perfect financial storm will be three to five times worse than the 2008 financial crisis that engulfed the subprime bond market. The corporate bond market is turning gradually into a $trillion BBB junk bond field and broken bone yard, after years of abused bond issuance devoted to share buybacks and executive options. The malinvestment and self-dealing has been atrocious, with a business impact. It can be stated with accuracy that the entire global bond market is subprime, led by the USTBonds. In the last ten years, absolutely nothing has been fixed, no remedy even attempted, while all the errors, crimes, and reckless monetary policy that created the Lehman fiasco with the Global Financial Crisis, have been repeated on a global scale. The great unfolding crisis will engulf sovereign bonds, national banking systems, and major corporations. For the last ten years, the USD-based money supply has almost tripled. The process created a coiled spring. The gold price is due to triple in compensation. Much lost time will be made up for. It just needs some internal, external, and systemic pushes. The Gold market will never let a crisis go to waste. Financial analyst Rob Kirby has recently identified the great gold supply shortage, and described what comes as a Roman Candle with the gold price shooting up an order of magnitude.

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The unfolding global crisis will expose the USTreasury Bond as toxic, the new subprime bond. It will struggle to maintain the safe haven status, but lose the battle. Gold will assume the safe haven status, along with other undetermined hard assets. Attempts by the Basel bunch of uber-bankers, who have no official authority over the Western central banks, will change the course of banking history. That gold is made a risk-free Tier-1 asset will put forth a direct challenge to the USTBond in banking reserves. The Basel or IMF attempt to make a new gold-backed SDR bond will fall on deaf ears and doubtful eyes. In effect, Basel will become pitted directly against the Wall Street bankers, as great adversaries during the Global RESET. Let us lay out the sequence of powerful factors which come in the lost global currency reserve for the USDollar. It is certain bring about the following powerful events and effects:

to remake the global financial system with greater non-USD platform volume
to cause major shock waves in financial markets (stocks, bond, currency, LIBOR)
to pressure the London LBMA gold market toward default
to introduce the Gold Trade Note, used as crude oil payment initially
to affirm the regional financial systems within the Dual Universe
to lead to accelerated dumping of USTBonds held in reserve
to kill off certain insolvent big Western banks
to amplify central bank monetization of sovereign bonds (i.e. USTBond, EuroBond)
to initiate new programs to monetize assets such as SIFI big banks
to destroy the Wall Street financial derivatives once and for all
to begin the long process of USGovt debt default (i.e. debt restructure)
to initiate grand battles to capture regional resources (Africa, South America)
to trigger terrorist events from Langley spooks toward non-compliant allies


Two important effects are soon to hit in force. The oil trade will continue to see much greater volume of payments outside the USDollar. So far those such nations have been considered terrorist nations beyond the King Dollar Court. But now Germany seeks to buy energy products from Iran using the new SPV called Instex. Furthermore, member nations in the European Union seek to make energy payments in Euro currency terms. More will follow. Bear in mind that the German defiance includes France and England, all of whom are US allies. The Russian sanctions and threatened retaliatory action against German firms participating in Nord Stream-2 are backfiring in a big way. Following the oil trade outside the USD will be agricultural trade and commodity trade, like grains, beans, cement, lumber. Following these will be vehicle shipments and container vessel trade, like with boxes of home electronics. These will increasingly be done outside the USD in final payment. Lastly, the international consulting trade will be completed outside the USD. Think in terms of say, Indian InfoTech work done in Saudi Arabia, a favorite Jackass example. Contracts soon will no longer be written in USD terms for settlement.

The big enchilada is the Gold Trade Note. If the USDollar is not used in trade payment any longer on a universal basis, then something must take its place. It will be the Chinese RMB currency on a caretaker basis, in the Jackass opinion. Then soon afterwards will come the Gold Trade Note. It is rumored already to be in usage, but in secrecy. It would involve a gold equity like with 5% placed, made final by a gold transfer upon satisfaction of the contract delivery. Of course, bilateral accounts could be settled on a quarterly basis. By that is meant that for instance, Qatar and Germany could settle on a net basis every three months with gold bullion transfers, after accounting for German equipment exports and Qatari energy exports over the time period. The Gold Trade Note would become the first gold instrument to challenge the USTreasury Bill for its 45-year supremacy in trade payment. Recall first in crude oil, then in grains & commodities, finally in bulk shipments (vehicles, containers) and later in consulting work.


With less USD usage in trade payment, less requirement will be felt for holding USTreasurys in the many national banking systems. This is precisely where the USD will be discharged by central banks, in favor of acquired gold bullion. The RESET will have gold used within the banking systems. The Basel Rules change to make gold a Tier-1 asset assures the transition. Nations will not need large tracts of USTBills held in their banks as reserves, in order to guarantee payment for oil, grains, containers, and contract work. The great jettison of USTreasurys will begin, with gold demand increasing by a big order of magnitude. With trade payment and bank reserves management changes, the Gold Standard will finally have a solid foothold. The catalyst for making the banking system transformation will be the urgent need to render the franchise central banking system solvent again. They are all zombie entities now. As present, the group of majors is badly insolvent after years of serving as buyers of toxic sovereign and mortgage bonds as last resort. The central banks will deploy the Basel long-term revitalization plan put forth by former Chairman Jelle Zijlstra and chief economist William White. To restore solvency, the central banks must discharge sovereign bonds and buy gold bullion in great volume. Their demand will become more publicly known, adding to the demand and rising price effect. Then they will permit the gold price to rise five to ten times. Poof! Restored bank solvency!


The next stage for global finance will incorporate regional structures and platforms. The entire community of nations is making major adjustments as preliminary preparation to the Global RESET, in order to minimize the shock, disruption, and potential chaos. Expect regional themes to dominate, as the Dual Universe comes into form. The East will prefer to trade in Chinese RMB terms, and often in Euro terms. The West will prefer to conduct trade in USD terms, but also British Pounds in trace amounts within the old colonies. A dichotomy has formed with great geopolitical division amidst hostility and trade friction. The entire USFed QE initiative, coupled with unbridled $trillion USGovt debts, has fostered a rebellion. The rest of the globe sees how the USGovt uses the USMilitary as a predatory device, funded by free money secured at the King Dollar trough. The disdain for the King Dollar is not just in Asia, but also in the Middle East, in Europe, and even in Africa. The transition period will involve the two dominant currencies at work: the USD and RMB. The USDollar will not go away quickly or easily. It is well rooted in trade payments systems, in credit systems, in banking systems, and more. The entire Langley seven silos of corrupt illegal enterprises (narcotics, weapons, human trafficking, human organs) are based in the USDollar, with gargantuan savings accounts and business investments. They will not go away anytime soon, which dictates an interim period. The Dual Universe has been born, without much fanfare. The Chinese RMB is to be the designated caretaker, used for ushering in the Gold Standard.

In the meantime, the United States will face an acute risk for the transition. It must assure import supply. The USTreasury Bill will no longer be trusted, or even accepted, following the RESET. Entirely new trade payments systems are coming, and the US will lose its privilege of paying for hard goods with phony money and IOU coupons. The USTBill has a fraudulent backing, an unlimited supply, fraudulent masters, and is coupled with massive debt which is widely seen as unpayable. The US must adapt to the Gold Trade Note in usage. It must contend with shortages and rising prices. It must share global power, while losing the exceptional status. It must ward off isolation. It must reindustrialize. It must pay down the $22 trillion debt. It must source gold for the new currency. It must face the risk of a stark reality in the New Scheiss Dollar, a Third World conception, provided the USGovt resorts to its usual fraudulent finances.

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but you've got no savings, and no gold.

sure he does. killcen has millions in gold and a huge bank account. he's a financial wizard.

bullshit. let's ask him. you'll see

how much gold do you own, and how big is your savings account?

see? I told you he was broke.

I have some savings, not too much gold but some, more silver than gold. More of it in property ownership and basic essentials.

like I said. broke.

Will there be cake?

Did you miss your daily allotment?

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Who cares. Fuck the fed. I'll just run hooch, and trade in grains.

Ha! Not at all. I bet you think 'broke' means someone who doesn't owe someone else money! In that case, no, I'm not in debt and what I physically have is what I own.

That's what likely is going to happen in the future. There will be a market for moonshine and any other kinds of drugs people can develop. People will have to go back to hunting, fishing and gardening in order to feed their families. And they'll have to ration that food and know how to properly store it off-grid. They'll have to bake their own breads again. They'll have to salvage what they can, no more trendy consumerist pop culture….. those cities will die off becoming death traps during the collapse. The aftermath will be homestead living, mostly off-grid or if you were lucky enough to get a hold of solar energy or some other alternative energy source.

I'm prepared for this day when it comes. In fact I not only have a manual washer from the 60s, I have an older clothing washer from the 1920s that does NOT rely on electricity to clean clothing! You simply scrub wet clothing on it, drunk the clothing into a bucket of water, keep scrubbing, dunk, scrub, dunk, scub and then hang on a line! Yipper. I'm set.

Consequences Of Lost neuronal Status with dementia

>>>/prepare/ that bull

Attached: prep killcen.gif (245x179, 12.15K)

Got anything of relevance to contribute to this? Go ahead and try debating an economic annalist with a PhD as someone like Jim Willie has, he's the guy in the OP who also wrote this controversial report about the future Global Reset (which one day will come because no reserve currency status lasts forever as history has always proven time and time again).

I treat the economy and politics as entertainment. When people just talk about the good parts of the economy, I get bored and do stuff like charity and helping co-workers become more efficient via automation.

Help me expand my entertainment and let me know where I can get "Doom and Gloom" economic news/talk that comes from credible sources. I don't want to hear people like Peter Schiff or Jim Willie. That's just not fun because it's so easy to see their bias.

Who knows of lots of entertainment(by my standards) that I can listen to? Here are examples of people I'm looking for:

Ray Dalio- Believes that we're at the end of a long-term debt cycle and has soft facial features compared to males his age. I can't figure out why

Carl Icahn- Obviously successful, and definitely entertaining with a strong dosage fear-mongering.

Paul Singer- Not bullish on the economy. But more importantly his voice gets me angry which drains my energy so I can go to sleep about 20 minutes earlier.

Feel free to post videos or resources that will get me on the right track.

Why don't Jim Willie have his own Wikipedia page?

Is he a nobody?

Why don't you become a Wikipeditor, /killcen/, and create one.

I bet you've Wikipedited the prepper pages

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Bix Weir but he's a little kooky at times, like Willy can be when it comes to politics. Otherwise I've heard some say that the US reserve currency status will go away, but it won't be as bad as we think it will be, we'd just see prices double or triple in commodities and everything would become much more expensive without any real collapse or crash. That possibly could happen as well.

I don't rely on Wikipedia for political or economic information because it is a highly bias and controlled website (they do not allow too much dissent or anything that really challenges corporate/governmental narratives)…. they are good, however, for looking up when certain TV shows were aired and where to buy seasons…. or looking up musical discographies…. or looking up non-controversial topics (because that stuff they won't control/censor or have any bias against).

The truth is Jim Willie is an alias, the guy was forced to move out of the US and change his name due to multiple death threats and unfounded accusations of him being 'a subversive' that poses a risk to national security, simply because he was exposing massive economic fraud and corruption. He chose to re-evaluate how he operates due to these circumstances. He has always been against the US Federal Reserve and has always done his best to shine light on their fraudulent/corrupt activities. Under the Bush administration he was threatened by the DHS from what I understand, and thats when he decided to move out of the country.


bumping legit news


The author provides no data to back up his claim and isn't pushing a news piece, so this isn't really news.