Trump not even interviewed, Clinton and Hillary were during Lewinsky scandal

Bill Clinton was interviewed along with Hillary during the Lewinsky scandal. Clinton was then impeached for lying. Mueller (Republican) didn't even interview Trump or Don Jr. or send a subpoena to Trump despite his campaign manager going to jail and the Russia meeting setup by Don Jr.

Don the con is the king of cons

Trump Jr. Escapes Mueller Probe Despite the Trump Tower Meeting

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OP, I feel sorry for ya. Your whole being hinged on this collusion fiasco and now that it has turned into nothing, you need something else to drive you and this is what you picked to give yourself even the slightest shimmer of hope. Its pathetic. Go outside. Get some exercise. Make your bed.

It sounded bad to me. Digital. They have digital. What is digital? And it’s very complicated, you have to be Albert Einstein to figure it out. And I said—and now they want to buy more aircraft carriers. I said, “What system are you going to be—” “Sir, we’re staying with digital.” I said, “No you’re not. You going to goddamned steam, the digital costs hundreds of millions of dollars more money and it’s no good.

Start investing in textiles—there will be a run on rope the next two years

imagine unironically falling for the Russia collusion meme


Trump is a traitor cunt.

Trump is stanford swimmer CONFIRMED!!!!


Presumably there wasn't even enough evidence to request an interview with the president.

This is your brain on muh drumfphfhfh hysteria

now, now, we can't be jumping to conclusions, he may have a propensity for water, particularly water that has been raised above 373.15K/14.7psi, but there's no smoking gun here, we need solid proof that he downed those digits.

Bill Clinton comitted perjury though. He lied as a witness in a court case to cover up his affair.
Perjury normally carries a prison sentence of at least one year and at most five.

The idea that someone would admit to comitting perjury and not be interviewed and ultimately punished is absurd.

Did you not read the report? Or at least the excerpts prepared for public consumption?

Trump violated campaign finance law out of ignorance. It would be difficult to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he was knowingly doing something prohibited because all the evidence suggests he’s too stupid to have done so.

It’s not a coverup or a conspiracy. He’s just so goddamn dumb the law doesn’t work on him. Like when bugs bunny isn’t affected by the law of gravity because he “never studied law.”

Close. It was his lawyer who violated the campaign finance laws. Politicians dont tend to deal with the day to day campaign finances. They are too busy making speeches and going to fancy dinners.

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Well at least mueller’s conclusion was essentially “yeah he was a scumbag, but it would be a waste of time to prosecute him for that because he’d slip by on ignorance.” To further dig into how extensively he relied on Cohen as a fall guy, or simply as a person he paid to avoid being accountable, would probably be just as pointless.

It blows my mind too. I can’t claim ignorance of the law as a defense if I get arrested. I would get worked up over it, but rich powerful people being above the law is nothing new. Nothing is going to change about that.

"it depends on what your definition of "is" is."
clinton was disbarred for lying as well. shameful.
has there been a good dem that wasn't corrupt since Jimmy "Op Eagle Claw" Carter?


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Were the Clintons interviewed over Whitewater?

So CTR is starting the holiday early and running AIs? This is just random hate-for-Trump.

So Donald Trump was never interviewed during the nineteen nineties? Are you high?

ded bord off front page

give up

An ethnic Russian lawyer with no ties to the actual country of Russia went to the Trump tower because some democrats asked her to.
She asked to speak to Trump.
Staff told her she couldn't, so she waited in office until Trump Jr. came by and told her to leave.
She then left.

This is the sum total of the "trump tower meeting".

Meanwhile on the other hand we have a sitting president statutory sexing a secretary in the white house itself.

what the actual fuck? Your version of the meeting is the most bizarre thing I've even seen anybody write. Terrible fiction, but kudos to you for… trying? … to shill for the trumps? I guess…