Figures! Law Enforcement Granted Access To NSA Bulk Data Collection Programs

Learn Proper OPSEC: >>>/prepare/22 | https://

The Drug Enforcement Administration skirted numerous legal checks on a trio of bulk data collection programs dating back to the early 1990s, according to an internal watchdog.

The administration “failed to conduct a comprehensive legal analysis” of three NSA-style bulk data collection programs, according to the Justice Department Inspector General.

In a heavily redacted, 144-page report published Thursday, the Justice Department Inspector General revealed the administration failed to fully assess the legal basis for three massive international surveillance operations that ran largely unchecked from 1992 to 2013. Two of the programs remain active in some form today.

Under one initiative, which investigators called “Program A,” the administration used “non-target specific” subpoenas to force multiple telecom providers to provide metadata on every phone call made from the U.S. to as many as 116 countries with “a nexus to drugs.” Investigators found some companies also provided the officials with data on all calls made between those foreign countries.

The administration also conducted two other bulk surveillance programs during that time without assessing their legality, investigators found. Under “Program B,” officials used similarly sweeping subpoenas to collect information on anyone who purchased specific products from participating vendors. Through “Program C,” DEA purchased telephone metadata for targets of ongoing investigations through a contractor for a separate government agency.

Program B ran from 2008 to 2013, and Program C began in 2007 and remains active today, according to the IG.

Investigators found the administration “failed to conduct a comprehensive legal analysis” of actions under all three programs. Previous court rulings have called into question the use of the sweeping subpoenas under programs A and B, they said. According to the report, the FBI also raised concerns about the legality of the operations.

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The face of true evil.

there's nothing 'evil' about it. It's simply a technological fact. it can be done, so of course it has been done, and will continue to be done.

this is the exact parallel reconstruction that I've discussed with you so many times before.

Law enforcement has been using parallel reconstruction for a long time, since way before the digital revolution. The only difference is that now everything is binary, so it's much easier and effortless to funnel everything into their giant storage vats.

What confuses me:
why does this surprise you?

and even more importantly, do you think that this one tiny example is 'the big news'?

This particular example is just a tiny little grain of sand, and the NSA is simultaneously conducting collection, storage and monitoring of EVERY DIGITAL ACTION THAT HAPPENS ON EARTH.

They are funneling in everything

They know how long kids play their video games, they know exactly what songs everybody listens to and how often, they know how long you have your air conditioner running, they know where you purchased gasoline for your automobile, and what soft drink you bought after paying for your gas.

It's not just about phone calls and internet searches.

They have collected EVERY digital action from every person on Earth.

It's never going to stop, and in fact, gets bigger and bigger with each passing moment.

So I'm not sure what you think 'complaining' will do

I really don't understand why you keep acting so 'shocked' that PRISM (the Program for Information Storage & Management) stores and manages information.

are you 'shocked' that McDonald's serves hamburgers?

are you 'indignant' that Porta Potty builds portable toilets?

are you 'outraged' that Tidy Cat makes Kitty Litter?

Are you 'infuriated' that Volkswagen manufactures automobiles?


So why are you so pissed off that the Program for Information Storage & Management stores and managed information?

would you prefer that another country did it instead?



as long as you use computers, there's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you can do to prevent your activities from being stored, managed, and monitored.

you certainly do spend a lot of time hanging out in the dragon's belly, warning people about dragons.

It's impossible to escape the internet of thigs today.

Better to be >>>/prepare/22

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Once again, its funny to see you claiming you are qualified to warn people about the dangers of dragons….

…. From inside the belly of a dragon

You remind me of a morbidly obese person, offering to teach weight loss techniques to people

You literally can't stop laying your head into the guillotine

I realize you have convinced yourself that you are an expert on operational security with technology, while there are 11 year old kids out there who could program circles around you, and monitor everything you do, without you ever becoming aware of it.

I mean let's just be completely honest for a minute

It doesn't matter what kind of IP switcher you are using, how many VPNs you utilize, or what year your computer was manufactured.

You are using an internet service provider

Everything you do on your computer is leaving a binary trail of footprints, and the geniuses at the national security agency know a lot more about cyber-security then you ever will.

They've already thought of everything, plus a lot more. They are hundreds of steps ahead of you when it comes to cyber security, because although they are monitoring everybody, they created the program to defeat any effort of evasion by very sophisticated subversive individuals.

If you think that you can outsmart them, you're giving yourself way too much credit.

Just the fact that you come to this website makes you a Target, and you've been on their watch list for a very long time.

Then yesterday you tried to incite violence against innocent parties, which is a federal offense.

You tried to claim it was all a good-natured joke after the fact, but that's what every criminal says after they violate the law.

Yesterday, when you made your 'lighthearted, good-natured joke', trying to incite violence, literally trying to 'encourage other people to commit acts of violence against innocent individuals', you clearly demonstrated your inability to perform operational security or fly under the radar.

as if you had not already become a big enough target with your normal everyday presence, yesterday, you voluntarily became ironclad.

This lack of self-control disproves your assertion that you are qualified to teach people how to fly under the radar.

And you have nobody but yourself to blame.


Since they already know who you are, and yesterday you put yourself dead square in their crosshairs, simply hoping they 'decide not to investigate you' would be decidedly unrealistic.

At this point, honesty and accountability are the best way of addressing the situation.

I would suggest that you 'create one or two threads about the incident', and deal with it head-on, explaining your side of the story.

By trying to avoid it and hoping it will simply go away, you would be making yourself look even more suspicious.

Law enforcement always tell suspects that honesty goes a long way, and honest people have nothing to hide.

You need to create a thread that thoroughly explains exactly what you meant when you tried to incite violence against innocent people yesterday, and if it was all 'just a big joke', then you need to explain the humorous angle, so law enforcement can understand it for what it was.

last night, Wendy and I ate dinner with a good friend of ours, Judge Howard Simms. (I've painted a few canvases for him)

We ate at Margarita's Mexican restaurant on the Mercer University Campus (their veggie meals are fucking awesome!!)

Judge Simms was discussing how much things have changed with the advent of technology, and I told him about Jim hiring me from 4chan to come here to Zig Forums and disrupt certain themes.

I told him about you, and yesterday's think veiled threats to incite violence. Judge Simms was familiar with 4chan, but oddly enough he had never heard of Zig Forums before.

I explained that Zig Forums is where the New Zealand shooter started the entire event, and he told me he thought it was started on 4chan. (He's kind of busy as a superior court judge, so I guess he wasn't completely up-to-date on the story)

I told him how much I like you, and how I was worried that you were now being actively monitored Real Time by the NSA.

He's the one who told me that you should be completely forthcoming, and explain the entire event from your side, and be fully accountable for your actions yesterday.

And he's right. As a judge, he sees people come up and lie and try to make excuses all day every day.

The truth is refreshing, and honesty goes a long way. Prosecutors go a lot easier on people when they are forthcoming and admit that they made a mistake, and law enforcement is the same way.

The smartest thing you could do right now is to create a couple threads about yesterday, and fully explained that you were just joking, and try to exonerate yourself preemptively, because if any crazy person out there committed an act of violence against a Latino in Arizona or something, you could easily be prosecuted for a federal offense, even if the act of violence was completely unrelated to you or Zig Forums.

Thinly* veiled

not 'think'

I sent two emails to Jim. I'll post one of them here for now:

Dear Jim (and law enforcement agencies)

"We all make mistakes in life. We all like to joke around sometimes. Sometimes it is human nature to say something you did not really think through.

I admit I took this satire on Zig Forums a bit too far. I am very sorry. I do not condone violence, I am a rational person deep down inside. I would hope you know this by now.

Jim, if there happens to be an investigation going on over this so-called "threat" posted in the recent thread, I beg you to help explain this to the proper authorities. Send them my emails if you must. It is not right to press charges over such a vague, although nasty, statement when no real harm was ever intended.

I was stupid, selfish and did not consider at the time of the post that this was going too far off the deep end. I only meant this to get a laugh, thinking people would call me a "tin foil kook" once again as a means to stir up some fun conversation. I was wrong, and again, very sorry about this whole thing.

Please forgive me and God bless you all."

good work

attempted conspiracy to incite a riot

ProTip: the 'god bless' thing was NOT a way to endear Jim.

Jim is SUCH a hardcore atheist, that he makes me look like Jimmy Swaggart

Just pray for Putin to nuke the site, then and only then can we be free nigger


Anyone who tries to change the system typically ends up with a bullet in their head (see that Clinton body count list).

Anyone who dares challenge or question the system, even jokingly!, seems to end up on a blacklist or threatened to be v& and never seen again. I guess thats the way it works in America now too.

Actually there's a lot you can do to avoid surveillance dragnet. They can't tell for example what you're sharing with your friends on tapes DVDs.

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Try smoke signals