They're Going To Kill Every Single One of Us

They're Going To Kill Every Single One of Us

It is not enough that I have to worry about armed death squads raiding my home at 4AM in the morning. This goes well beyond one single threat against me and my lifestyle. I'm hear to talk about your death now.

When the US dollar loses reserve currency status, the US will be a fallen empire plunged into the third world with the Russians and Chinese invading through our open borders to pick at whats left of our bones. I just had another dream: Chinese death squads going home to home, confiscating guns by force, raping the children while they shot American parents in the back of the head. Most people would call that "a nightmare" but I think it was a vision and warning from God.

The destruction of the US was well planned. They outsourced all our productive industry, committed massive false flag terror attacks to take away most of our Constitutional rights, created massive debt insolvency to expand and maintain a governmental empire around the world, weakened our military and economy with endless wars in the Middle East (wars for ZOG), the Anti-Russian fervor by neo-cons and leftist nutcases alike has pushed Russia to ally with our strongest competitor: China. All this as we face moral decline in America as less and less young Americans procreate, more and more are addicted to digital gadgets that are spying on them 24/7 and funneling all their personal info all over the world to Big Tech companies and governments. The roll out of 5G is knowingly going to cause cancer rates to skyrocket! Geo-engineering is threatening all life on planet Earth from all the aluminum oxides, barium salts, strontium and sulfur hexaflouride they are spraying down from our skies (chemtrails) for mass depopulation.

Take a look at our Southern borders, they're being invaded by third world nations, turning whole States into an expansion of Mexico. Yet taxpayers foot increasing governmental debts by $1 TRILLION every single year… for what exactly? To jack off while our whole country burns and crumbles to the ground as we get taken over and subjugated? Meanwhile we see our allies in Europe flipping East towards China and Russia, flipping Washington DC the bird while doing so. The world is fed up with our Glyphosate-contaminated crops by Bayer/Monsanto and they are rejecting it all over the world, as they buy up organic crops from competitors like Russia.

Treasonous bureaucrats in almost every State are trying their best to disarm American citizens, as so-called "red flag" laws are being passed. Nearly every State and jurisdiction in the US is bankrupted, with multiple sheriffs warning they can no longer afford basic supplies for law enforcement. More Americans than ever before are addicted to drugs and booze. A new Zerohedge report just exposed the fact that Americans tend to spend the most while drunk, online shopping. We have become a drunken, mindless consumerist population that produces next to nothing, while relying on the world for almost everything made today due to outsourcing and loan sharking by criminal banksters. Not to mention, so many older people are stuck in overpriced homes not able to sell them off because the younger generations can no longer afford those homes due to massive student loan debts.

And lets not forget student loan debts are just another bubble in the market waiting to burst, thats not all that will. There is a bond bubble that will too, as corporate bonds are being downgraded by ratings agencies all the time due to insolvency and fraud. Its not just the US Treasury bond other major players around the world are liquidating and the Fed is buying up via QE. Its corporate stocks and bonds as well now!

I don't need to tell you how this all ends.

Every single one of us is fucking doomed.

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There will be survivors.
Learn as much as you can.
Work harder, time is running out.

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Chinks and Russians have to get in line, spics and niggers were here to kill us first

Allah wills it.

now THIS is the type of extreme paranoia we know and love you for. You've even made this thread about your dream.

At least you got some sleep. Please continue having nightmares, and supplying us with every detail.

I think your daughter's half-asian baby will be adorable

Imagine all the money we'll be able to save on Kimchi

if one country of the g20 goes down (economically) we all go down.

and it doesn't stop to just g 20 countries

I'm prepared. I've got my suitcase packed, and a bunch of chopsticks

I haven't had much sleep the last few days over this whole 'FBI reporting' fiasco, but was lucky to catch about 4 hours of sleep late last night. Woke up angry and decided to tell you all whats really going down and what to expect as America collapses in on itself.

She has guns and knows how to use them too. Its up to her to know how to use them during these situations, and she knows once the lights go out, and the internet goes offline, thats the big indication you best be boarding up, locked and loaded. She may think I'm crazy now but at least she knows what to do.

Thats why they are setting everything up in place first, before this all happens. It will continue to be gradual decline for the West, until the East is all ready to finally say "OK, we are fully ready, lets get this Reset started now." That day will come when they are 100% certain they are ready for some fiscal chaos, possibility of a world war and have most our (former) allies in their back pockets. Recent big news was Italy flipped East, their ports can be used by China for the One Belt One Road Initiative (massive industrial trade outside the dollar).

Kill kill kill the poor! Toniiight niiiight.


So you support the military but also will murder them all because they are coming to your house at 4am? Seems a little confused about reality. Also who is coming to your house? Liberals? I thought they are weak and you rule them?

When you realize it’s the “haves” that want to take advantage of you. Not the “have nots” you will truly see the reality.

you mean like brown people? aren't they supposed to replace whites? so many questions

Stop being a racist. There are lots of affluent darkies.

Maybe you should've have taken the fall of the Soviet Union as a hint, or the British Empire, or the Roman Empire, or the Babylonian Empire. Maybe somebody should've listened when Hitler warned the entire world about jews, maybe the protocols from over a hundred years ago should've been seen as a roadmap to jewish world dominance, maybe the creation of the catholic church to oppose jewish crimes was a hint, maybe the jews killing Jesus has a deeper layer of meaning, and maybe the biblical scriptures from thousands of years ago were right about the jewish money lenders.

Dude, stop fearing tomorrow and start organizing against the jews today. They want to kill everything non jewish. EVERYTHING.


Go to any major metropolitan in America. Filled with homeless encampments and needs and shit. No go to China with 1 Billion people. Where are the homeless?

That's because they spend trillions on subverting and deconstructing the western civilization. They systematically overtook, exploited and corrupted every institution, every achievement, and every personal freedom into the opposite. I mean you can't make that shit up…they created copyright to steal "intellectual property". In other words…our thoughts, our creativity and the ability to create on the accomplishments of our ancestors. Not insanely evil enough? They used child pornography to achieve total control over censorship laws and internet censorship, while at the same time distributing child porn to the masses. Still not evil enough? I heard they want to rename earth into zion.

Jews are known as thieves and backstabbers, but they don't want to destroy the world world, they just care about exploiting as much of it as possible for profits. Watch, they'll jump ship to the East very very quickly when the Financial Reset actually happens. They'll toss us away like used toilet paper, on start influencing the Chinks and Slavs to do their dirty work for them. Whether they will or not, its entirely possible but who knows? Even Jews can be kicked aside, they have been many times before, they may push their shenanigans a little to far and those Chinese may treat them the same way they do Muslims (locked up and isolated in their own separate communities until they are forced to behave and comply with their laws).

Wrong. They own all the money in the world. Russia and China are not communists by accidents. The jews run and own everything worthwhile on the entire globe. Yet they do nothing with it. israel is a patchwork piece of shit. Everything they are involved in only functions to accumulate wealth and then gets destroyed. Look at fucking Hollywood, you think the jews would build something for the future out of it? Nope, discarded like a raped hooker. You know who acts like this? Stealing with no regards for money? It's called kleptomania. It's a mental illness. As for destroying the world…in those 70 years that Hitler drove them into the shadows, they've forced capitalism into such an overdrive of destruction that they've polluted more soil, air and water than mankind did since it's inception. These actions will have consequences that can never reversed, and now they are destroying the most earth bound race in human history. Can you imagine the destruction and long time consequences the African invaders will bring into the natural reservoirs of Europe and the US?

Good joke lad.

Well its sad what has happened no doubt, their weapon happens to be the central banking system which, you are correct, they can print any amount of currency they desire to continue their bullshit. Its called Keynesian economics, completely contrary to Austrian economics. Thats why capitalism and the free market has a huge black eye today: Keynesian economics is just another for third world economics: legalized fraud. Endless debt insolvency? "Who cares!?" asked Keynes.

There is some good news out of all this: those Jews will inherit a destroyed Earth and they'll eventually all die off too. They'll lie in the bed they made for themselves. If that doesn't seem like good news, perhaps look at it as bad karma or inevitable justice forced by their own rotten doings.

Tell that to the 7.5 billion of us that have to suffer and die for their bullshit.

I have a more logical explanation. Humanity created the ultimate sin by by exploiting nature for their own benefit. Thereby we became parasites to our ecosystem, for which natures punishes us with the consequences of our actions. One of which led to the khazarian parasite that destroys us from within by using our own traits against us. Our own ecosystem has created an antibody to destroy us before we destroy it.

This hateful baby inhabits every thread and has since I started coming here, 8 years ago.

It was always about that. Even before religion and money. And we started it. Humans acted against their ecosystem by exploiting nature and becoming parasitical aka becoming the "haves" and protected their wealth by further exploiting the "have nots". Humanity never stopped falling for materialism.

Culture is fake. We all designate the things that are in “our culture” and the things we don’t like are from somewhere else.
Religion is fake, culture is fake. Wake up to the fact that we build these things to lift ourselves up from those around us.
If you want a real “red pill” to wake up from the matrix… there ya go

Religions are purely mass control lies, but culture is a natural construct, based on racial communities. Look at bee hives or ant-farms. They are cultivating a lifestyle.

The Noble Lie is not deserving of pejoratives, rather ignoble politics which have supplanted religious belief are the problem. Religion elevates civilization above our baser natures while politics allow the worst parts of us all to run wild.

That is what ultimately destroyed humanity forever…putting human laws over natural laws. By going against our ecosystem (host) we became parasites, and damn did nature punishes us for doing that.

affluent darkies
affluent darkies
This should be a thing now.

People won't let me have sex with their farm animals against my constitutional right to do so. I know how you feel OP. People don't care about enforcing our rights, they only care about enforcing the false misconstrued rights of people who want to deny ours.

Picture blacks outbreeding the better races and inheriting the planet by virtue of their numbers. Somehow "nature" is better when it brings about this state of affairs. Somehow, consciousness is "unnatural," and bestiality not only IS natural but OUGHT to be.

I smell bullshit.

Blacks today are weapons of mass destruction that bring poverty and violence wherever they are send. Pre industrialized slavery they might had a chance to become self sufficient in accordance to nature, as can be seen in the few deep jungle niggers that are kept in reservoirs, but the rest is self destructive and would die out without outside resources.

Nothing about blacks today is a natural state of affairs, especially the migration aspect of it. They are a construct of endless jewish crimes. The ultimate victim race, because they never were left alone, not even in their homelands.

It is natural, but has always been our downfall, because instead of using common sense to navigate the world, they fell prey to the temptation of lying to themselves about why they will ignore what common sense tells them is right. Humanity is stuck inside their own heads, because they cannot comprehend on how to use their consciousness correctly. Instead of living in accordance to nature (like every other species does), humans are still incapable to accept their very obvious meaning of life…creation in accordance to natural law.

That is a self insert, isn't it? Also, a hard NO on both.

I betcha. No pls go back to /zoo/

Your skull is as thick as any. Their fecundity is what's natural, not their inability to become civilized.

They only gonna breed themselves into a melting pot of pestilence. Also if the jews managed to destroy the whites, then the blacks will either go right back into old fashioned slavery or the Muslims and Chines will cull their numbers down without a second thought. The only thing that stands between blacks and slavery is whites complaining about the injustice. No other race would lift a finger for blacks. None.


You have a hard time picturing blacks outbreeding everyone, not just Europeans, and so-called human life becoming less cosmically significant gorillas, don’t you? Rather than this being an exercise in abstract thinking you’ve already retreated to waxing solopsistically from your political convictions.

As I said, you’re thick headed. You have a bad case of the dumb.

And consciousness is not 100% defective because we derive technological capabilities from it. My god, it’s like you think simians are better than toolmakers because they “respect the host”. What’s so special about life if it remains nothing but tooth and claw? Are you some diversity shill or what?


w/e. This whole line of reasoning doesn’t line up.

This crap began with you not wanting human laws, or positive law, elevated above natural law. Or not wanting positive law to exist at all, as it is a product of consciousness which you don’t like. Well, both exist simultaneously and I’d be careful claiming humanity ought to do without the one since inferior people exist among all the races and there must be some hierarchy in order to have enough civilization to commence toolmaking and emancipation from the existence of gorillas. But also because there is more than one way to prevail over intelligent life, i.e. with superior numbers, memetic hustle, parasitism, etc.

Natural law may let you feed on weaker species but it doesn’t abet civilization. Don’t you know there are greater threats than blacks? Like natural disasters, climate change (not man-made), superbugs, reptilians, undead bath salt cannibals, and so forth?

Zig Forums launched on October 22, 2013. 6 years ago.

Zig Forums and /news/ long predate cripplechan, dickfuck. First and second exoduses ring any bells?

Almost no one but humped over retards here trying to pull gotchas rather than get to some truth.

This will never be a problem as long as the jews are in charge. They have a master/slave relationship since the olden days when jews called themselves Portuguese.

No. I derive most of my knowledge from unshakable truths, which can only be found in the laws of nature. The rest are man made lies, until proven otherwise.

Great, remember when mankind made it to the moon in the 60s? Oh wait…that never happened. And Morgenthal using atomic bombs to annihilate the two biggest christian cities in Japan was also such a marvel of technological capability. And let's not forget what a splendid wonder of technology the smartphone is…I mean a GPS tracker, a camera in your face and nonstop subversive propaganda on an interface designed for toddlers. Our zombie society will be fantastic addition to the history books. Thank you based technology, how could we ever ended in a totalitarian police state without your help?

It's not about stopping advancements, it's about walking the right path. That means living in accordance with the ecosystem that holds our lifelines. We were meant to be creators for this ecosystem, so that it can elevate us. Attacking your own ecosystem not only makes you a parasite, but also suicidal. Pic related.

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As long as there's people, there'll be community; as long as there's a community, they'll establish a society. If you're really worried about everything crashing down, prepare for it with guns, supplies, and plans. I like the idea of making everything work without electricity, personally, so if you're going full tilt with it maybe focus on that, EG wells with water pumps and being able to craft everything from nearly scratch.

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Enforcing laws to uphold morality will always be needed, and I have no problems using religions to achieve it, because it drastically reduces the violence needed to manage large numbers. My problem is that humans are not only not upholding the laws of nature, which are fundamental to our existence, but they created their own corrupted laws, which defile the laws of nature. That is a suicidal path.

Now you’re arguing jews are so deadly dangerous that without man-made laws to restrain them they’d kill everyone. If the rest of your post is this absurd I’m not going to respond further to it.

You seem to think that natural laws are some form of human construct that we can overcome? They are fundamental rules of all life in our ecosystem. They are unshakable. Humans cannot alter them, cannot move the goalposts, cannot ignore them. One of the bigger ones is "all actions have consequences" and somehow humanity has a very hard time getting something as basic as this into their thick skulls.

No, natural law is kill or be killed. Stop strawmanning.

Did you know that the catholic church was created to combat jewish crimes? Did you know that they created a law/doctrine that stated that nobody has the right to harm the jews, but in return the jews have no rights to subvert other nations?
Did you know that the jews took down the Babylonian empire, the Roman empire, the British empire, the Soviet Union, and soon the entire western civilization?

How do you define deadly dangerous?

Is this what they teach in school these days? It's called the LAWS of nature. There are many more. The foundation of these laws is 0 and 1, birth and death, to be or not to be. Our existence happens inside these two boundaries. The path to uphold life is the eternal struggle, while the path towards death is the easy way, riddled with temptation. Navigating this is called the balance of life. There are many more fundamental natural laws, but this is the foundation they operate on.

Asshole thinks I’m taking the bait the transhumanists have, that human nature is mutable. No, positive law is husbandry within and without civilization. No environment humans have ever built has distinguished human nature. Positive law exists because unwitting people do destructive things and require coercive restraint if their betters are to get anything done.

Full disclosure, I’ve been driving for the last half hour and have trouble responding.

With that out of the way, explain the difference between:

Answer that, and I’ll look past your bitch move that “”LAWS” is plural, but to be or not to be is the core from which they are derived”.

Your argumentation is fucking trash. You’re either trolling or you really don’t understand what you’re talking about. The stupid person who doesn’t know he’s stupid.

There’s more of this same cuntery throughout your other posts, assuming these are all you. For instance, you suggest that if we haven’t gone to the moon we aren’t toolmakers, and jews are indeed deadly dangerous because they subvert bureaucratic organizations over and over. Perverting language does not protect you from being eaten.

Blah blah blah.

Based on the natural law of self preservation. It's about reacting in the face of a predator.

Fundamental boundaries of existence. The same as 0 and 1, while zero does not stand for nothing, because nothing does not exist in nature. 0 is just the opposite of 1, as in an empty glass of water isn't filled with nothing, it's filled with air, and dust and stuff. This goes with the natural law that opposites must coexist (magnets, + and -)

Read the thread (I'm like 90% of the posts) and prove anything I said wrong then.

I have to call it for the day, but I'm gonna answer everything tomorrow.

Some people can't get over the tendency to grab for the lowest of low hanging fruit. "These technologies were used for evil, therefore they're not tools but weapons!"

The stirrup, the steam engine, internal combustion, electricity. All these things are put to useful as well as nefarious use. Yes, it is true that Vannevar Bush's Science the Endless Frontier led to the open air prison we're living in now, that we trade a few spinoffs for an out of control arms race and mutually assured destruction. But those who have it use it for their own good against those who do not. If they use it on you, that's not so good for you but it's great for them.

Everything you're saying is illogical. You're asking me to spend the rest of my evening explaining why that is the case only to have you grunt my way in return and refuse to understand. You love the smell of your own flatulence.

I won't waste the time. But rest assured you're not persuading me to your view of things.

For instance, the more mathematical character of your definition does not explain the context in which one ceases to be or not to be. That said, it is impossible to see how this can describe a natural law since nature is something understood through sense experience. It's like arguing that mathematics is the language of physics rather than mechanism. Not at all convincing even as a base of derivation because we're talking about something much more complex than binary representation in the first place.

How jewish a move that would be, but to do so would be to continue playing checkers when chess is the actual game here.

As I said, cuntery.

"Russians and Chinese invading through our open borders"
Who said they will be open?
What about Nukes?

The US-Mexican border is a disaster right now, most of it is wide open with third world migrants pouring into the country at record levels not seen in many many years.


I agree way too many.

Back to reddit

thanks user

We must >>>/prepare/

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Op is a whining bitch who doesn't offer constructive solutions and she/he/it (shit) should >>>/prepare/ to be anally raped by a fiery hot pepper

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I feel sorry for any occupier that tries to invade the USA. It will not go well.

grow a sack you fucking pussy

Because you didn't think further, even when I dropped the extra hint that nothing cannot exist. So let me prove the mathematics in the natural law…1 equals being alive (to be), 0 equals not born yet (not to be). So if 0 cannot be nothing, it must be something. So what is a baby that wasn't born yet? An organism in the stage of growing. And what is a baby that wasn't conceived yet? It's the sum of all things. It's the seed the man carries, the unfertilized eggs of the woman, the air that they breath, the food that they eat etc. That is the prove that something cannot be nothing. This fundamental natural law can be applied to everything…the car of tomorrow is not nothing, it exists in parts, and has yet to be build. Now we can use this law to prove another massive foundation of existence…the circle of life. If nothing cannot exist then death cannot be the end, which it isn't, because when we die, we dissolve into our main components and become parts of new life. As in food, or a living space, or building materials. there you go…0 is the state of not being 1 yet, to be or not to be.

All life operates on sense experience as you put it, so it's impossible to prove nature without it, but that's not gonna stop me from doing it anyway. Let's take an inanimate object, a stone…it has a purpose in life, it's a material, it will be used, it was created by the forces of nature, it will cease to exist in it's current form and turn back into it's main components to be part in the creation of new life. Everything that exists inside an ecosystem is a crucial part of it's maintenance, and so the fundamental laws of nature dictate it's existence. Let me be alittle more crude about this…the stone exists inside the barriers of "birth" and "death", which are part of the circle of "life". A stone also has to struggle for "life", because it can cease to exist, and it's being tested by nature like everything else. Like a bigger stone can crush the pebble to dust, or lava can get a hold of it. It is the same principle as natural predators to lifeforms. Everything has to bow down to the order, to the laws of nature.

You're now witnessing the problem of the human consciousness, because the laws of nature are the complete opposite of complex. They are the most basic concepts imaginable, to the point where every life form can follow them instinctively. What you misinterpret as complex is your consciousness. Humans are stuck inside their heads, in a loop of lying to themselves, while creating the most illogical, ultra complex explanations as to why they are not listening to what common sense tells them to do. In our head we make up excuses for every action we take, to hide the fact that we know about the negative consequences of these actions. The meaning of life is to create in accordance to natural laws. We were given the tools for it, the materials, the ecosystem, the laws of the land, the comprehension of morality and the tool to navigate between good and bad. Every other life form instinctively knows it's place, only humans are succumbing to their own consciousness, which turned us into becoming parasites to our own ecosystem.

I for one welcome our Russian conquerors. Russia is based as duck not ducked like America

Easy to say when you are not facing threats of potential raids by death squads, user. All over some stupid joke that went a little too far that I didn't really mean as an actual threat.

There is only two reasons America would be able to be conquered: 1) the government were to disarm the public and leave us all defenseless to an occupation or 2) the government allows an invasion to happen in the first place. And either one is very realistic - and sadly so - at this point in time.