They're Going To Kill Every Single One of Us
It is not enough that I have to worry about armed death squads raiding my home at 4AM in the morning. This goes well beyond one single threat against me and my lifestyle. I'm hear to talk about your death now.
When the US dollar loses reserve currency status, the US will be a fallen empire plunged into the third world with the Russians and Chinese invading through our open borders to pick at whats left of our bones. I just had another dream: Chinese death squads going home to home, confiscating guns by force, raping the children while they shot American parents in the back of the head. Most people would call that "a nightmare" but I think it was a vision and warning from God.
The destruction of the US was well planned. They outsourced all our productive industry, committed massive false flag terror attacks to take away most of our Constitutional rights, created massive debt insolvency to expand and maintain a governmental empire around the world, weakened our military and economy with endless wars in the Middle East (wars for ZOG), the Anti-Russian fervor by neo-cons and leftist nutcases alike has pushed Russia to ally with our strongest competitor: China. All this as we face moral decline in America as less and less young Americans procreate, more and more are addicted to digital gadgets that are spying on them 24/7 and funneling all their personal info all over the world to Big Tech companies and governments. The roll out of 5G is knowingly going to cause cancer rates to skyrocket! Geo-engineering is threatening all life on planet Earth from all the aluminum oxides, barium salts, strontium and sulfur hexaflouride they are spraying down from our skies (chemtrails) for mass depopulation.
Take a look at our Southern borders, they're being invaded by third world nations, turning whole States into an expansion of Mexico. Yet taxpayers foot increasing governmental debts by $1 TRILLION every single year… for what exactly? To jack off while our whole country burns and crumbles to the ground as we get taken over and subjugated? Meanwhile we see our allies in Europe flipping East towards China and Russia, flipping Washington DC the bird while doing so. The world is fed up with our Glyphosate-contaminated crops by Bayer/Monsanto and they are rejecting it all over the world, as they buy up organic crops from competitors like Russia.
Treasonous bureaucrats in almost every State are trying their best to disarm American citizens, as so-called "red flag" laws are being passed. Nearly every State and jurisdiction in the US is bankrupted, with multiple sheriffs warning they can no longer afford basic supplies for law enforcement. More Americans than ever before are addicted to drugs and booze. A new Zerohedge report just exposed the fact that Americans tend to spend the most while drunk, online shopping. We have become a drunken, mindless consumerist population that produces next to nothing, while relying on the world for almost everything made today due to outsourcing and loan sharking by criminal banksters. Not to mention, so many older people are stuck in overpriced homes not able to sell them off because the younger generations can no longer afford those homes due to massive student loan debts.
And lets not forget student loan debts are just another bubble in the market waiting to burst, thats not all that will. There is a bond bubble that will too, as corporate bonds are being downgraded by ratings agencies all the time due to insolvency and fraud. Its not just the US Treasury bond other major players around the world are liquidating and the Fed is buying up via QE. Its corporate stocks and bonds as well now!
I don't need to tell you how this all ends.
Every single one of us is fucking doomed.