Police Chief Proves Cops Have IQs Lower Than 100, Public Cheers !!

Police Chief Michael Cloutier has written a poem, much worse than any poem ever written by any 3rd grade student, with every sentence rhyming with the one before, end of the most amazing part is out this embarrassing, primal, stupid as shit poem has actually 'gone viral' !! it's a well-known fact that law enforcement agencies will not hire you unless you have an IQ less than 100, but the fact that this embarrassing poem went viral proves how stupid everybody else is as well.


If you could see what I have seen, maybe you’d understand, it takes a special kind of person, who opts to make a stand.

If you could see what I have seen, you’d have a ringside seat to life, it is not always full of sugar and roses, often there is strife.

If you could see what I have seen, the holidays aren’t always merry, we labor day in and day out, always to protect your family.

If you could see what I have seen, you’d understand the cost, that consumes a loving mother, when her 2 year old is lost.

If you could see what I have seen, you’d understand their pain, when you tell his parents in the middle of the night that his death was not in vain.

If you could see what I have seen, you’d understand the grief, the entire family suffers from what he injects underneath.

If you could see what I have seen, you’d opt to go in, because you know that someone is trapped from within.

If you could see what I have seen, you’d know a family’s care, reading the last message on her cell phone, knowing she is not there.

If you could see what I have seen, you’d recognize it in her eyes, when that child speaks, you’re the only one not surprised.

If you could see what I have seen, you’d chase him near and far, for what he did to that little boy, left a huge emotional scar.

If you could see what I have seen, you’d understand the truth, the media paints a picture that is erroneous and uncouth.

If you could see what I have seen, you might choose other work, because you’d feel that this one takes much more than it is worth.

If you could see what I have seen, you’d experience the uncertainty, while my family waits to hear from me, knowing it’s often dirty.

If you could see what I have seen, you’d help to lead the way, hoping to ensure that everyone goes home that day.

If you could see what I have seen, you’d know there are miracles all around, and realize your daily sacrifice, helps communities abound.

If you could see what I have seen, you’d understand his will, when a 9 year old loses his father, the impact is forever still.

If you could see what I have seen, the stories are all true, but the scars are not always visible, not even to you.

If you could see what I have seen, you’d understand what I do, it’s not in vain, the reason is simple; I do it all for you.


Attached: PicsArt_04-01-11.15.27.jpg (1100x723, 189.83K)

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There are good cops and there are bad cops. There are some very smart officers as well as some brickheads who will simply do whatever they are told without question. It really varies. Some of the older ones tend to be more down to Earth, but not always the case either and vice versa.

You can't label every single cop corrupt or retarded, its just not the case.

And as for that poem, it may not be the best I've read, but I'm sure it does hold some truth to it. We really don't know what its like unless we are put in their shoes.

nope…. ALL American Law Enforcement Agencies have a hiring process that limits recruits IQs to less than 100….


I'm not saying they're 'bad people', I'm simply stating a fact: every police officer you've ever dealt with had an IQ lower than 100

I probably don't like the cops as much as you, I've had one threaten to beat me up before for goofin around drinking outside a bar one night. He was a thug. However I've met my fair share of cops in my lifetime and most of them are good down to Earth people who just want to protect and serve their communities. You know, I've met those 'Parker' types too, good ones but kinda dumb as well.

If you could read what I have read, you would know what those words said.

If you went to this website, you would know that I am right.


And now you will have to admit, all cops are stupid as shit.

if you could meet another cop, show him this and he'll say stop


Here is proof that cops are dumb, most of them are big fat bums


gum is fun and good to chew, cops are dumb with low IQs


That may be the case today and I'm not surprised because they want a police state that follows any orders given. Wasn't always like that in America. Older America is nothing like it is today. If we were to go back 40 or 50 years you would not recognize the old America because it wasn't nearly as bad or corrupt as it is now days. There was actually some moral conduct displayed by authorities, unlike today. They didn't SWAT team your home for refusing to take a flu shot. They didn't do random checkpoints on the road to draw DNA. They didn't have "red flag laws" that were used to confiscate guns from innocent people. This 'America' is a FRAUDULENT America, a hijacked police state today.

Today this is exactly what they want. And older (often smarter) cops are being weeded out and replaced. This is the goal, put a bunch of brickheads in charge that will follow any orders (no questions, no ethical or moral principles, no regard for Constitutional rights). There is a damning leaked video out there somewhere showing the FBI training cops that "our Founding Fathers were terrorists because they fought the British government!" Can't make this kind of Anti-American subversion up, this was about 10 years ago when that video leaked.

A tiny concrete garden gnome, I could probably write a better poem

It's hard to believe that he had never written a poem before, now you can watch a hummingbird snore

We are all in a downward spiral, that's why this poem has gone viral

Sarah Silverman gets pulled over by a police officer.

He asks, "Do you know why we're here?"

She asks, "Because you got all Cs in high school?"

lol jews!

While he might not exactly be Shakespeare, at least there's a bright side:

Somehow this makes Donald Trump seem intelligent


Jews are funny as shit.

Thank God Jews control the world. the massive failure of whites, (and their inability to prevent Jews from taking control) is proof positive that somebody needed to step in and seize control, because if white controlled the world, nobody would exist anymore… White people aren't capable of controlling jack shit.

Good people don't necessarily equate to smart people though.

If you could see what I have seen,
teenaper dead on the ground, shit, there goes my pension
no weapon to be found

If you could see what I have seen, planted 100 grams, as the nigger was clean

Can anyone explain the fascination with IQ that seems to be a recurring theme on this site? What does OP think he’s saying when he says “IQ lower than 100”? Is it the same person over and over?

Most people have an IQ of about 100, and it means fuck all in terms of job performance or ability to do any specific task. You can be an absolute rock and still do a good job as a cop if you know how to work a radio and follow instructions.

It’s been my experience that when someone starts talking about IQ outside of a cognitive science research paper, it’s a near-certainty that they’re a loudmouth who doesn’t know wtf he’s talking about.

Good to know Zig Forums has become my fucking grandma who emails me stupid shit like this.

My IQ is in the 130-140 range normally, and is closer to 150 when I'm on mushrooms

IQ is not what you need to make it in America anymore, what you need is money and the right connections. Anything else your pretty much out of luck today, unless you learn a valuable skill and can utilize it as a profession. So forget IQ, doesn't mean jack shit in America today.

Granma just sent you a poem, you don't have friends you live alone

you turn to Zig Forums then to Zig Forums, masturbate because no girlfreind

I seen Haiku
Now I seen retardku

My IQ is 140 and I would make a bad cop as I would make up my own rules

This is why robocop would be so good
The law is the law

user has a 100 IQ as it took me 10 seconds to find the video clip in question and 10 more seconds to phrase my blistering insult and 10 more seconds to post it.
Hello 'officer'

Say, why do some people refer to patrol cops as 'officer'?

I mean, they should be considered the same as a grunt private in the army.

Even a police Sergent.
Now a lieutenant is a really officer, or even a detective

Of course, the user could have known how to find the video in question, but be the equivalent of a fat doughnut eatin' cop

A Johnny Neptune by any other posting style, still shits up a thread just as much.
Kill thyneself, zach

im (sac) of shit

most people do NOT have an iq under 100. the average iq is from 95-115. going under that is getting dangerously close to mental retardation. the obsession with iq stems from the fact that a decent percentage of people on 4chan or Zig Forums have iqs at LEAST over 120 and know the frustration of being surrounded by degenerates. when you understand the value of iq and how it psychologically links to low empathy levels it makes it pretty concerning that our police force is made up of such low lifes

the online test said i was smart
this made me happy
so now i am smart and better than people who are not smarter than me but have more moey

Another thing about IQ is that reading comprehension has nothing to do with it.

Do me a favor and reread that part where I said “most people have an IQ under 100.”

so Carlin said that 1/2 the people have a normal iq, so think how stupid these normals are, than the resr must be fucking retarded
but he was not so smart like me with 140 iq
yoiu see, the bell curve where 90% of peolpe are

95%-105 has 80% of people

Zig Forums IQ is lower still

From the stand point of the legal authority at the time (the British) they in fact were an insurgency and did use terror tactics to dissuade and loosen the British hold on the US. And it worked.

That's not "un-American". That's how history is. The USA is a state founded by a successful insurgency and more or less forced the world to acknowledge it. There's nothing shameful about that heritage, it's not a damning commentary. The British Empire was worth fighting to be free of, a lot of other nations under it tried and failed.