Brussels Halts 5G Pilot Over Cancerous Radiation Concerns


A pilot project to provide 5G wireless internet in Brussels, Belgium has been halted by officials over health concerns for its citizens, according to the Brussels Times:

In July, the government concluded an agreement with three telecom operators to relax the strict radiation standards in Brussels. But according to the Region, it is now impossible to estimate the radiation from the antennas required for the service.

"I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not," Environment minister Céline Fremault (CDH) told Bruzz. "The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit. We cannot leave anything to doubt," she added.

Belgian officials found themselves at an impasse last week over an agreement on the auctioning of 5G licenses.

As Michael Snyder noted last month, 5G may be incredibly dangerous - as it's "ultra high frequency and ultra high intensity":

5G cell towers are more dangerous than other cell towers for two main reasons. First, compared to earlier versions, 5G is ultra high frequency and ultra high intensity. 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G use between 1 to 5 gigahertz frequency. 5G uses between 24 to 90 gigahertz frequency. Within the RF Radiation portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the higher the frequency the more dangerous it is to living organisms.

"So basically the radiation that we will constantly be absorbing will be much, much, much more powerful than before, and the sources emitting the radiation will be much closer to us," writes Snyder.

And as Mac Slavo of notes, author and activist Arthur Robert Firstenberg recently launched an online petition calling for various world organizations, such as the such as the United Nations, World Health Organisation (WHO), and European Union to "urgently halt the development of 5G," as they are "harmful for humans."

Speaking with The Daily Star Online, Firstenberg said this 5G rollout is deadly.

“There is about to be as many as 20,000 satellites in the atmosphere. The FCC approved Elon Musk’s project for 12,000 satellites on November 15th and he’s going to launch his in mid-2019. I’m getting reports from various parts of the world that 5G antennas are being erected all over and people are already getting sick from what’s there now and the insect population is getting affected,” Firstenberg stated.

Meanwhile, as Brussels pulls back on 5G technology, Verizon on Wednesday announced that it has turned on its 5G radiation war network against two major cities; Chicago and Minneapolis - which will be compatible with the next generation of 5G-cancerous devices, according to CNBC.

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keep 5g in the US, and put the masts in ghettos

I'll say this, I find it funny they are rolling it out in Chicago. The brain dead leftists will all be growing brain tumors in no time, and start dropping like flies. Then maybe the rest of Illinois can have a chance to save themselves.

Great. So we already have our guinea pigs. Let's wait 5-15 years and check the cancer statistics.

that's cruel. what about the birds and other wildlife?

Everything these (((globalists))) push is cancer.

But muh mobile porn!

Pierats of the 5G

Enjoy the brain cancer, sheeple.

We’re already enjoying the cancer. This just makes it better, faster, more intense. Computing is life itself. We live for it. It’s like the Yang Gang: Cancer + 1000$.

We’ve had microwave door openers in supermarkets since the 70s but now everyone is freaking out about cell towers operating on that band.

There isn’t a correlation between frequency and deadliness until you get well above ehf and start ionizing things. Some frequencies below 300 MHz can be extremely destructive to living tissue.

Scared people are always focusing on the intensity of it. They don’t seem to have qualitative, philosophical differences with the progression of things or we’d see proactive rather than reactive approaches. Every day I see the same thing, “oh no they’re threatening me in my home again, why can’t I be left alone with the aging simple pleasures which I am so far accustomed to?”

The ones who survive this won’t likely be those presently glued to their electronics watching it all go down.


oh shit nigger, I just got satan trips too.
spooky times ahead

The goal of 5G is to slow kill the masses, causing massive cancer rates and raking tons in Big Pharma profits $$$

Might as well buy some chemo stock while half the nation dies $$$

honestly man I watch the evening news here in Australia and they literally have paid avertisement section dressed up to look like real news or part of the news

you know, like they kinda let you know, but they're still doing it, like they don't give a shit

None of this kinda of thing results in a feeling of trust. You know ? In Austrlia they also essentially just run creepy as fuck ads now, and I mean, it;s also creepy what the frequency of them is. Like a car insurance company doesn't have anything to do with fireman feeding koala bears water but I have to see it over and over and over again, and you think, maybe if I switch channels it would be different, but it's not.

They want to enjoy the rapes, murder and terrorist attacks some more, before pulling the plug with brain cancer, pestilence, starvation and wars.

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i'm only a general class ham nigger, but i know enough that shit will cook the fuck out of you due to how much energy is needed to carry that much data….you really don't have to be an expert in this shit to know how bad this 5g shit is going to be for you….go take a ham radio class, it's good general knowledge in a lot of various things.

there's a huge difference between you receiving a short term dose of waves (and most are infrared, not microwave, anyway) vs. 5G which requires antennaes every what, 50 ft? So now EVERYWHERE you go you will be constantly bombarded by microwave-level radiation. We already know that even the microwave level radiation in cell phones is bad for you and they recently started telling people not to hold your phone to your head, but keep it at least an inch away when using it, and don't keep it in your pocket. Now we're going to have microwaves everywhere around us, constantly hitting us. So how are more people not freaking about this and why aren't governments stopping this? There's nothing wrong with 4g. Leave it at that.

Such a fucking idiot. You’re no scientist.

uk 5g trials near a university ended up with 30+ suicides. 5G affects humans mental health very negatively, and they want to roll it out even in affluent areas.

you should look for another job, you suck at this.

So what? We talked about this in another thread, you broken record. 30 people didn’t die, and even if they did they don’t raise an eyebrow. There are no scientific or numerican data in your post, shitbreath, only kvetching about muh dead sheeples.

A real zinger there! What is my name? How do you know what I do for a living?


There is a reason they all them personal computers instead of laptops. There is a reason they tell you to keep the wifi box away from children. There is a reason they have put restrictions on frequency output from cellphones.

Vague warnings. No links.

I'm not a scientist, but I know the science. Shorter wavelengths are more damaging as they don't pass harmlessly through surfaces like longer wavelengths, but hit the particles in a surface and scatter. If you don't believe me, go ask a real scientist. With 5G, which it seems is up to 100 instead of 5 hz, it's easy math. There's 20x more chances of particles in your body being hit by the waves and interacting. It's similar to what UV rays from the sun do to your skin. The UV waves hit your skin and interact with the particles in your cells, causing mutations that lead to skin cancer.

google is your friend.

Can I get an antenna in my neighborhood please? Mosquitoes are killing me.

Burden of proof.

Sure you do.

Yes, I do. You can learn about physics yourself too. It's called going to school.

common knowledge.

Highschool dropouts dispensing scientific advice. kek.

have you considered becoming more credible ?

are you even trying?

Brussels elite: "keep that shit away from us lol - totally safe for you though ;D"

I wouldn’t want to live in your world. Buuut I see no evidence that you’re a scientist.

global 5G rollout costs $17,000,000,000,000 follow the money.

THIS. They'll deny 5G causes cancer but when it comes to their communities they'll throw a shit storm over it! Only exposes these soulless fuckers for the evil criminals they really are.

cancer is the least of our worries when it comes to 5G, it can disrupt the human body and the environment to a degree that is staggering. 5G is also pretty poor at high speed data throughput (who would have thought).

statistical differences between 4G areas and 5G areas=dead birds, dead squirrels, kids sick with intermittent nosebleeds, kids self harming for no apparent reason, stillbirths, unexplained rise in adult mental health admissions. That's just 5G in its default civilian configuration.

cancer is also the least of our worries when it comes to the EU

jesus fucking christ. read this shit, it's part of a study guide for a radio operators license, when i went through the shit they straight up tell you to not be near high power antennas if we can help it, most certainly for the least amount of time possible…i admit i got my shit as part of my search and rescue unit and picked up the info quickly so was able to get gen class instead of tech…i also admit i haven't looked into this more than a surface level as it just seems obvious it's going to fuck you up…..why the fuck do you think they are testing the system the way they are? they didn't do that shit when going from 2g to 3g or 3g to 4g, what is this shit? too many of you are brushing this one off because everything around here now is a big fucking conspiracy..broken clocks and all of that shit.

Falsifiability criterion needed.


Actual Factual News

what did you mean by this? I said or implied no such thing. Why are you trying to argue something that I made no argument for?
Also, you said you see no evidence that I'm a scientist, when I specifically said I'm not. Again, you're trying to argue something I made no argument for. Do you even read the messages you reply to or do you just make up shit on the spot? Are you some kind of 5G shill trying to change the discussion to something not remotely related to what we actually ARE talking about?

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