Last night Zig Forums's resident lunatic killcen reportedly suffered a nervous breakdown, and fell asleep hanging on to a vomit-platered toilet after experiencing a severe case of alcohol poisoning.
This photograph of Killcen was taken by the NSA with a hidden toilet paper dispenser spy cam.
Reports have surfaced that Killcen went to visit his old house where he used to live yesterday afternoon, but he was shocked to discover that the house had been levelled by developers who intend on building a new house that ISN'T disgusting.
After seeing the empty lot, Killcen reportedly said, "sure there were a lot of rats and cockroaches from my defecation buckets and toasters, but rats and roaches can be eaten in the event of Armageddon."
After visiting the levelled property, Killcen became despondent, and went into a manic episode, using neurotic pressured speech to begin suggesting the world was ending this weekend, threatening to murder innocent people, and to commit suicide.
Mahmood Patel, owner of the local liquor store told reporters, "is a crazy old drunk, and he came into buy a couple bottles of whiskey, telling me the world was ending this weekend, so I sold him the whiskey and told him to fuck himself like I always do, and never come back again. He scares away my customers."
The national security agency reports following Killcen from the liquor store back to visit current home, where he logged on to his computer and began losing control here in Zig Forums.
A local paramedic was quoted as saying, "he fell asleep with his face in a toilet bowl, filled with vomit. He could have easily aspirated and died last night, but he didn't, which is really unfortunate if you stop and think about it."
When reached for comment this morning, killcen's daughter told reporters, "my father is such a pain in the ass. He's got the world's worst hangover this morning, which is a good thing, because it's the only way to make him shut the fuck up and stop bothering people."