Police State USSA: Michigan Government Creating 'Thought Crime' Database To Track REAL NEWS

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel – who, for all intents and purposes, looks suspiciously like a transgender – has decided to launch a full-scale crusade against the First Amendment.

According to reports, Nessel is planning to create a “hate crime unit” as part of Michigan’s government, the purpose of which won’t necessarily be to prosecute “hate crimes” – which aren’t a real thing anyway, by the way – but to actually police the speech and thoughts of Michigan residents to make sure they align with official government ideology.

By creating a database of people who think for themselves, Nessel is on record as stating that she plans to keep an all-seeing-eye on people who commit “thought violations” – which aren’t real crimes, according to the United States Constitution.

“It is important to understand that these are not convicted criminals or people who[m] the state has reason to believe have committed or are planning to commit a crime,” writes Jay Lorenz for FashTheNation.com about the people Nessel is planning to target with her unconstitutional “hate crime unit.”

“The new database is specifically designed to target law-abiding Americans,” he adds.

During a recent public announcement, Nessel admitted that she’s planning to partner with the shamed and disgraced Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an anti-white hate group posing as an “anti-hate” group, to compile her “thought criminal” database.

It’s important to remember that most of the groups on the SPLC’s “hate group” list are merely associations of people who believe in things like traditional marriage between one man and one woman, for instance, as well as groups comprised of people with white skin who simply celebrate their ethnic heritage.

“The SPLC list is simply a list of people with whom the SPLC disagrees,” Lorenz further writes. “The government will investigate citizens based not on their actions, but what their political opinions are.”


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Keep in mind that thought crime means actually spying on your brain.

It's not about spying on what you type. They won't tell you what's illegal to think and they end up sabotaging you with electrostimulation from a cell tower.

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Once they can read your mind they can easily cause the problem themselves. Agency one pisses you off. Agency two runs around screaming thought crime. Then all of a sudden anyone who isn't a liberal is in jail for yelling mean things on Facebook.

That's your current future.

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Don't forget Dana Nessel is also trying to reform the sex offender registry in a way that will remove thousands of pedos from said registry.

Great. They served their time. You don't like them then increase the sentence.

I'm 0G.

You'd think with the state turning everyone into a vagina it would be easier to get laid.

Hey could you mind control me a cute 24 year old who has a fat guy fetish, and it is a fetish, over to me and tell her I have tons of money. In her BRAIN

I want to upset the neighbors or hear them jackoff

I need to have sex and not be fat Mr. Mindcontrol government. It shouldn't even fucking matter to you dick heads. It's not even the fucking law.

Maybe you should rename yourself the cock blocking patrol with officer dickwash and officer cuntless

It's like they're scared you're working out.


You guys funded by lex luthor or what's your fucking deal thought police

I can see a giant dangers fine black gentlemen storming 10 White Chicks to eat his ass while three of them take turns blowing him and the others are waiting for him to take turns and you motherfuckers need to make sure I'm fat and unemployed… Oooooh big state emergency

I want 1/10th of what that dumb nice black gentlemen has and no. No that's not for you Mr. I could obviously earn it since I ALMOST HAD IT BEFORE YOU COOKED MY FUCKING BRAINS IN

Hey… Mr thought police can I go on tinder??


Can we PLEASE get some fucking quality control on this thought police bullshit

You should hook up the thought police to abused hamsters so they'll force everyone to shove their heads up their friends ass. ITS THE LAWWWWWWWWWWWW

Oh wait no it isn't. It's not the law at all.

It's something that's necessary that isn't respecting our rights.



How about I just go to the gym, work, and fuck my GF in the ass to avoid pregnancy like the rest of you

*COPS ARE CONFUSED* That's supposed to be a gay sex move at your precinct. I know.

Hey have you ever been having gay sex while a dog rapes your mouth and you're thinking this is gay this is gay this is gay it's ok… And then all of a sudden you think "I WANT TO KILL EVERYONE IN THE ROOM IM SUPPOSED TO BE STRAIGHT".. Then all of sudden WHACK baton to your head for thinking wrong.

Cause… This IS happening somewhere right now.

I remember one time a bunch of thought police were yelling in my ear in bed that I was a huge pervert and to go to jail for jacking it to porn they don't like… And burning my brains in. Then right next door through the thin wall I hear some Mexican dude clearly start raping a 13 year old next to my head like 3 inches away.

I tried to stay still for so long I started shaking.

Thanks for getting back to work the next day and fucking me off all day.

Woo! Thought police.

Like you can hear the meat slapping and it's clearly a 13 year old moaning cause you saw his gf leave and left the kids at the house.

Nope don't care about that at all.

Quality control.

I didn't know if I should start jacking off and join in to help make the officers feel better.

How fucking bad does it have to get seriously

It's like the police start shooting at your car to pull you over for a speeding ticket when you GTFO since someone's trying to murder you.

Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you werent trying to kill me. You were trying to give me a speeding ticket. Oh well shit you got me there Mr officer.

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I'm surprised we're not drilling holes into kids heads for looking into the mirror while getting ready to take a shower because they happened to hiccup out "child pornography" in their head.


I get it. The little kid running around screaming I'm Jesus has to be stopped and given a heart attack even if he's Mexican and everyone around him is named Jose.

Hey instead of replacing the thought police with more terrorists why not put a priest in there. Everyone is terrified of him and we can understand why he was fine with the Mexican 3 inches away was fucking a little girl.

Sorry I meant a Cat holic.

You know I wasn't sure but I think the 8 year old was sucking his balls. I'm just adding that in because I thought this guy is fucking talented to get away with this. Here I am getting my brain spied on because I'm a big pervert and this dude's three inches away banging one out in a 13 year old.

Maybe I should've just picked up the 13 year old and started speaking Spanish.

Oh and then you steal my magic girlfriend and I heard she's about to have a beautiful baby.

Ohhhh thanks thought police you're so useful. Stopping all those child rapists while the girl I was supposed to meet because you're studying my dreams gets stomped on. Oh look he's dreaming about s place we're familiar with and oh look two years later he meets the chick that works there at a party. Oh wow they're about to hook up! Let's go into maximum overdrive and let a bunch of kids get fucked in the ass by Mexicans.

No wonder why there's no god. You'd spy on his brain and keep asking him if he likes little girls.

Oh and everyone finds out it's actually wonderwoman and this was Superman.

I guess I'll just go settle down with a hooker with whatever type of cryptonite crawling out of her pussy like a bad hentai with millions of tentacles reaching out the walls of her vagina just itching to crawl up my pisshole and take a cool ride up into my brain.

Yea I think that's what I'm gonna do.

Everywhere I fucking go

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Hey anyone know why this picture is funny??

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How about this one?

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How about this one for irony.

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This one??

Attached: download (11).jpeg (231x218, 16.45K)

Oh I'm sorry that must've been a picture for ants. Here's the readable red cryptonite turns him evil, weak, and fat.

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Looks like a fat baby.

This was released right by where I was with Olsen partying with wonder woman. Go figure.

It's name translates to cryptonite rose. It almost had a romantic reddish feeling to it's name.

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Hey it's still dry in here. I had like three gang stalkers try to spook me by saying shit I was thinking earlier but you can't actually scare me by having a beautiful woman knock on my door and say sex police. It's ILLEGAL not to get screwed according to your 8ch posts.

Then I just look horrified. You wanna terrify me you do that.

You wanna see the first porno where the guy looks horrified wearing a red cape?

This was just a polite way of drawing what would happen.

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Important message from Batman: I need a cocktail.

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Important message from superman

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And a picture of cryptonite making a harmless neural network.

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Ok goodnight thz

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Deal with it extended version.



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so when can i expect to be killed by my overlords who i am not worthy to be a slave to?

Total NEWS bumparoo

real news