Why Democratic Contenders Now Call for Abolishing the Electoral College

Democracy is coming to the USA,” Leonard Cohen promised a quarter-century ago. Cohen is gone, but we’re still waiting. It’s easy to blame Republican legislators and conservative jurists, with their voter-suppression schemes and assaults on the Voting Rights Act.

But the right-wing partisans who seek to roll back popular sovereignty are only part of the problem. For too long, Democrats have been too cautious about expanding the franchise—and about fully realizing its potential to transform the governance that extends from it.

The 2016 presidential election offered a reminder of just how much work remains to be done to guarantee the right to vote and, as important, to ensure that the will of the people is reflected in our election results. Donald Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million ballots, yet he assumed the presidency after securing the electoral votes of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Trump did not win a majority of the vote in those states, but he got just enough of a plurality to claim an Electoral College “victory” that in most countries would not have been a victory at all. Democrats in positions of power should have made the elimination of the Electoral College a priority long ago—and they should have made it mission-critical after the 2000 election, when Al Gore won the popular vote, only to see George W. Bush surf a dubious “win” in Florida to an Electoral College coronation. But Democrats were slow to respond, seeming to lack a basic sense of what was at stake. Until now.

At a March town-hall meeting in Mississippi, Senator Elizabeth Warren declared, “Every vote matters, and the way we can make that happen is [to] have national voting, and that means [getting] rid of the Electoral College.” The crowd responded with what The New York Times described as “one of her longest ovations of the night.”

Warren, who also says that “we need a constitutional amendment that protects the right to vote for every American citizen and to make sure that vote gets counted,” is not the only presidential contender going big on democracy issues. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is backing an amendment to “abolish the Electoral College” introduced by Senator Brian Schatz, while Senators Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and Bernie Sanders have signaled their willingness to address the Electoral College’s anti-democratic impact, as have former representative Beto O’Rourke and former housing secretary Julián Castro. Possible presidential contender Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, says: “The Electoral College needs to go, because it’s made our society less and less democratic.” Buttigieg sees that move as part of a democracy agenda that includes ending gerrymandering, extending voting rights, and, probably, amending the Constitution to reverse the damage done by the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision. (Sanders has already proposed amendments to overturn Citizens United, which he decries as “one of the most disastrous decisions in [the Court’s] history.”)


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losers always want to change the rules so they win next time

> Democracy is coming to the USA,” (((Leonard Cohen))) promised
Just more jewish subversion of their host nation.

If it wasn't for welfare and illegal immigration, the democratic party would be completely different today in order to stay relevant.

The single most loyal voting base for Republicans are Southern White Trash. Believe whatever you want bud, but red states leech off blue ones.

That's the entire fucking POINT, genius. How can someone get elected to office and not understand the basic civics of the system they're a part of?


Nice dodge there faggot.

Read the federalist papers.

It's one of the books on my shelf. Which article do you claim disputes the idea that most welfare is drawn by poor whites or southern white trash is the single most loyal voter bloc Conservatives have?

If they win then it will be their death and they are too retarded to realise this.

No more electoral College= just campaign in the most populated states or states with a lot of people that will vote for you and ignore the others.

How about keep the Electoral College but instead of winner takes all everyone gets a proportion of that states Electoral votes based on the percentage of popular votes but then 270(to win the election) will have to be lowered to ???

The Electoral College was a safeguard against tyranny of the majority. Every idiot can vote but voting is a skill that isn't taught. Retards making important decisions=democracy sux. Idiots electing idiots.

Anyways to get on the ballot and go all the way you have to pledge yourself to them(the tiny fraction of people running the world) that you will obey and do what they tell you.

You remind me of the idiocracy movie.

It's quite challenging if not impossible to truly educate people when you're no longer teaching them the classical method but the Prussian education system, a system of indoctrination and obedience.

in the prussian education system you'd actually learn something, at least in math, science, and reading, idk what this common core shit is, but it's not prussian education, more like unlearning

If my state don't get = representation, we will suceed

We should pray that they are this stupid. If they do this they might as well neck themselves and save us the bother of doing it for them.

Destroying democracy now = democracy in this police state. Idiotic and hypocritical but totally believable today.

How about just add all the fucking votes. Period.

Because they lost and they still can't get over that shit?

That's because more Americans are white retard blacks are more likely to be on welfare than whites

Voting isn't a right you dumb nigger.
The US isn't a democracy you dumb nigger.

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All major cities in America need to be hit by a fucking MIRV. Burn this fucked up land to the ground and kill every faggotniggerkike that can't get out of the way.

Back in the early 80's I would have thought you were a subversive radical…..

But today….. sadly when we look just how bad things have gotten…. I could not agree more. These mega-cities threaten American culture, our freedoms, our morals, and yes our very way of life. They need to be quarantined and declared their own states, or - at worst scenario - maybe what you just stated?

actual rational news!

what preceded you left leaning tard

Stewart agreed with one of Palin's statements, that Jared Lee Loughner is really the one to blame and that the entire shooting was unnecessarily politicized. But minutes later, Palin referred to Loughner as "an apolitical or perhaps even left-leaning criminal."

As soon as we abolish the Electoral College,
we mandate the enslavement of the rural regions.

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The kind of person that gets their political views from Family Guy and the morning news.

Electoral college was an ok idea at the time but it is broken now because of district gerrymandering. Old fuck politicians change the district borders based on a hunch and a whim and it is corrupt as hell. In essense it only diminishes the peoples power of voting

USA needs to get with the times and feature blockchain voting, and especially for things like the census


We should have a monthly census where u can just log in with your social security number and give your opinion on legislation and policy instead of waiting years inbetween

We arent getting any younger.

Attached: blockchain.jpg (2000x1333, 1.58M)

lets fox trot

ok ivan

Thanks Ivanka

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Electoral college only propagates more left Vs. Right endless bipartisan bullshit and deters a truly independant third party from gaining any traction

And people wonder why only about 60% of people vote for president… if the 40% people who didn't vote got together and voted for a third party they would single handedly crush both retarded parties

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. People don't even really vote for who is truly their favorite candidate. They see 2 parties to choose from, so they instinctively vote for the one they don't hate basically just choosing the lesser or 2 evils because they fear the other party will win. I wanna vote for the lesser of 3 or 4 evils. Or even the greater.

Is trump really a stable genius? Or does he just appear that way when standing next to Hillary clinton?

This sums up the math pretty well


If the electoral college is abolished then does it means the rural and urban votes is useless?

No it just makes the popular vote the only numbers that count. If we didn't have an electoral college last election, then Hillary would have won because she technically got the most votes,

i'm not from the US, and even I know that.
That's how shit and retarded US leftists are.
They have to be told by foreigners the realities of their country.
Is it why you worship foreigners so much?
Because of the vain hope that someone out there doesn't know how absolutely retarded and repugnant you are?
Absolute subhumans

Yes, by definition. You can just tally up the votes from the 5 biggest states and throw the rest in the trash bc