We black people that look white will finally get the reparations. All we need do is check the box to identify as black & poor. Former Colorado Gov. and 2020 Democrat presidential candidate John Hickenlooper said Friday that he will support legislation to establish a commission to study reparations for black Americans if elected president.
Clyburn said he fears reparations would lead to contested debates about who would be eligible due to the sprawling family trees that have evolved in the generations since slavery was abolished. Even some white people who have never personally felt the effects of racial discrimination could end up making claims that they have family connections to former slaves, Clyburn said, pointing to some of his own acquaintances in Charleston who he said would fall under that category. “Is that a fair way to do it?” Clyburn asked. “I say not.”
Go get a fucking job and quit begging for welfare, the condition of Blacks today is your own damn fault.
Jaxon Fisher
This attitude and completely ignorance of economics right here is why the income gap has steadily been growing for hundreds of years. This attitude perfectly illustrates how rich conservatives have completely brainwashed racist knuckle draggers like you to happily dish out money for a bloated, corrupt prison system, pointless entitlements and a never ending trillion dollar war but then screech like an enraged child whenever someone suggest we use a couple bucks to help poor people go to school and avoid prison. You've been trained to vote and actively rally against your own interests. You've been trained to not mind being fucked by corporate greed so long as brown people are getting fucked harder. If you were smarter you would understand why diminishing poverty, shrinking the prison system and making education freely accessible would benefit you and your wallet but you're a dumb piece of shit so here we are, stagnating into a disappearing middle class because people like you can't be bothered to fucking think.
Segregation was not hundreds of years ago. Black people being denied home loans, business loans and access to higher education because of the color of their skin was not hundreds of years ago. Also, the fact that a massive, expensive and deadly problem was created hundreds of years ago is not a logical argument against fixing it. In reality, fixing it would be far less expensive than doing what you're doing now which is paying money to put band-aids over it and ignore it.
Parker Hill
In Foucault’s Pendulum, Umberto Eco estimated there were only four types of people in the world:
1. Cretins – people who “don’t even talk; they sort of slobber and stumble.”
2. Fools – people who “offend all the rules of polite conversation, and when they really offend, they’re magnificent.”
3. Morons – people who get their reasoning dead wrong… but to their credit, at least they can formulate a thesis.
4. Lunatics - who dont follow the rhythms of human interaction; they don’t concern themselves at all with logos, ethos or pathos; we work by short circuits… given the limited options, lunatics are the best sort to be! Especially when we have a point to make… We’re also fun at parties, no matter what anyone says!
– Cretins cant meme, and any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be Fools will eventually be flooded by actual Fools who mistakenly believe they are in good company. That's the lesson of Gamergate & the Iron Law of 4chan…
- IMO, Zig Forums is a bunch of Morons. But I've seen a few - mind you, just a few - who seem to recognize that Sanity is for the weak. My worry is that, in trying to stop Zig Forums Morons from inciting Fools to behave as Cretins, society will miss out on some really essential Lunatics!
Jaxon Turner
The only reparations i support is a one way ticket to Africa
Jonathan Myers
in reality, kicking niggers out of the US would be the only viable solution for everyone involved. Think about how much less we'll spend on prisons, police, and security. Think of the retail and home thefts prevented. Rape down 50%. Murders down 50%. Record few on government benefits. Record low child illigitimacy. Test scores up. IQ up. These are tangible benefits for hundreds of millions of Americans that are being denied by a feral pack of apes that cant succeed in any modern civilization, and their enabling white handlers, like (you)
Robert Walker
get rid of all the bigot scum, and utopia is born
Levi Clark
stop enabling rape and murder and gun violence shitlord
In Foucault’s Pendulum, Umberto Eco estimated that you repeat Foucault's Pendulum too much
Eli Rodriguez
If there weren't all these fucking Mexicans the black communities could have taken over the highly profitable contracting professions currently dominated by illegal immigrants
Adrian Myers
If we're going to do this then I demand the right to own slaves first.
Josiah Cox
if only you had the external perspective required to see yourself through other's eyes when you pulled your little Foucault’s Pendulum Umberto Eco copy and paste bullshit two times in three hours………
you really thought it was impressive right?
Cooper Ward
so negroes can't compete, thanks
Samuel Jenkins
Considering the fact that your mother pays your internet bills and buys your video games…………
I'm pretty sure your parents would agree with me that it's 'your turn to be the slave', and go find a goddamn job to pay your own fucking bills
Robert Parker
One Thing's For Sure :
You sure as fuck didn't become an anime watching imageboard faggot by 'working'
Ethan Cox
Nice projecting, NEET.
Parker Howard
Blacks don’t want to work. That’s why they call them porch monkeys. Wet backs are wet because st least they work hard when they’re desperate. Niggers just complain.
Juan James
nope…. Not projecting at all… I'm simply making a very obvious observation….
You're an imageboard douchebag… a computer dweeb….
turds don't just 'magically appear' in sewage treatment plants… The journey begins when the turd falls out of somebody's asshole, gets flushed down the toilet, and travels through a series of sewage pipes…
Similarly, there's only one way that you ever became an anime watching imageboard douchebag.
Your journey consisted of dungeons and dragons as a child, science fiction movies and enchanted forests with magical elves, video games and a mother who pampered you thinking it would 'protect you', but it only further increased your social and sexual isolation.
You sure as hell didn't become a computer geek imageboard fuckface by getting out there into the real world and getting your hands dirty, busting your ass at a job and working your way up the ladder….
If you think you're fooling anybody, you're wrong.
Luke Edwards
as far as the world is concerned, you sheltered little effeminate imageboard anime faggots are the REAL niggers of society….
at least black people can get pussy
Caleb Allen
Everything is fixed for them though. They have their own tv station, magazine, groups, month, diversity preached at every school, job, and tv program. They get access to college easier, and get hired more thanks to diversity officers at every Fortune 500 company and affirmative action.
In fact they, and everyone else, have it GOOD here. If the USA is so shitty then why do we have record numbers of immigrants from all over the globe?
And yet despite that they’re STILL struggling. Ya know why? Biology is the root, culture is the flower.
My moms tol me Dat I kicked a lot durin' preggers, and my dads, he wuz kinkers, sos he puts the lil game controller up her vags and i wuz a good lil nigger til i pops out.
i iz da bestest niggggerest gamer in da world nows