Will go to jail over a plate of waffles.
Will go to jail over a plate of waffles.
Fucking nigger
one should never 'waffle; over affles
Lol a 9mm killed him what a pussy
No a nigger killed him. Spotted the libtard!
I don't wanna advocate for the kikes here, but they are indeed right…gentiles cannot handle money.
Why would a white man be in a nigger-infested wafflehouse? He would be mobbed and beaten to death before he even thought to "hand out money." It's obviously a nigger versus nigger happy ending where no one of value was lost.
"I don't mean to be a kike here, but I am…"
he's already in jail
you're one of those people who doesnt know the difference between jail and prison
niggrs are fucking disgusting animals.
So he got mad at him for not paying his meal. That’s pretty stupid but hey they are niggers so they need to nig nog. By the way, is the waffles good?
Killers girlfriend got mad at the good samaritan. Her boyfriend then killed the good samaritan.
No description of the victim.
That means it was another monkey!
So, where'd the victim monkey steal the money from?
What a vibrant and enriching experience.
Ok, thank you for correcting me.
SAMARITAN : a word whose roots trace back to christians who were trying to confuse people, and prevent them from learning about The Sumerians
christians fabricated a mythological country called 'Samaria' to create confusion, because The Sumerians' civilization and 'religion' disproves the jesus myth that was created 3,500 years later
white people 5 mintes ago
you'd probably prefer for me to say 'Europeans'
because if anybody called you 'white', there would only be a 7% - 11% chance they would be technically correct….
no matter what you tell yourself, the truth of the matter is that theres AT LEAST an 89% mathematical probability that somewhere in your dna, you've got shitskin of one sort or another…
yeah… you white 'europeans' are some highfalutin' sophisticatos, huh ?
………….WWE is the shit……….
let's just be honest……
you're a piece of trash
Still better than your mudhut Jamal
your 'people' have had hundreds of thousands of years to carve out a 'niche', and create your spot on the totem pole………..
and that's exactly what you did…
I'm not sure what gave you the impression you ended up 'at the top' of the totem pole….
you're our monkeys we keep on a chain, attached to our organ grinder, jumping around with a tin cup in your hand, collecting coins for us
now….. get out there and collect more coins for me, or i wont let you have a banana tonight
if THIS is what you call 'superiority', then i guess compensation is a much needed salve for your soul.
i said get out there and collect more coins, monkey
oh, trust me…
i know what you're thinking
hint: if you could've done anything……
you would've already done it
a long, long time ago
like i said, you've had just as long as any other race to carve out your place in history
and thats exactly what you've done
better luck next lifetime
plus, at the very least……………….
you're just a mutated negro
who's knuckle dragging ancestors
migrated to the Cacaucus mountains
and due to environmental differences
you mutated
and became weaker
RE: mutated nigger
and that's when you're a 'pure' European
But mathematics is an amazing thing!
And as you know, mathematically speaking, if you had your ancestry traced through DNA, at the very best, there's only an 11% chance that you don't have any dirt in your DNA….
And when it comes to mathematics, an 11% success ratio is actually considered an 89% failure ratio.
Gainesville Florida
Waffle House
Newberry Road
at that point, you may as well be a nigger
Had to explain that to one of my friends aswell was laughing at that point aswell as going like what the fuck.
just like you continually try to convince yourself that you are somehow 'superior to jews', I suppose we all understand the psychology behind your need to tell yourself that you're actually superior to black people as well. Modern history has proven you to be wrong.
I thought I told you to get out there and collect some more coins for me, monkey
The entire concept of 'prison rape' is a meme for those who has never been to prison…
I suppose inexperienced sheltered people wouldn't realize that there are plenty of 'sissies' in prison who are more than willing to suck anybody's dick or take it up the ass or whatever…
That's why there's no reason for anybody to 'rape another person in prison', at least not for sexual purposes.
In fact, the only time anybody gets raped in prison is for violence, as icing on the cake after they have had their ass kicked… to humiliate somebody after they have been physically assaulted with fists and feet….
And if you know somebody who went to prison and told you prison stories (like your brother) and they told you that people 'get raped all the time in prison', they're lying… Anybody who tells that story is exaggerating and lying out right… Trust me… That's a myth
I would be very interested in hearing your life accomplishments that separate you from any nigger.
And I'm not talking about your amazing ability to sit in a computer chair and post predictable memes
Sitting isolated in a stinky computer chair in front of your obsolete computer, playing video games, watching anime instead of having a girlfriend, and incessantly masturbating are NOT life accomplishments……..
I want to hear some of the amazing things you've done with your life, and the Majestic Legacy, the track record of stupendous success you have left in your wake….
Because so far, you remind me very much of the average nigger
Since you obviously don't have any real life experience with the subject, and apparently you rely on second-hand information, I'm going to do you a favor and explain it very simply so you can understand it better :
In prison, survival is not as hard as you might think…
It's really just a matter of perspective….
And the way you survive successfully in prison is by simply minding your own business… You don't put your nose into other people's business, and you'll be just fine…
there are millions of niggers with computers
just like you………………………………………………
millions of niggers who play video games
exactly like you……………………………………..
millions of niggers who sit on their ass
the same way you do………………………..
I'm just curious if you've done anything
with your lil' life that would justify your
Ironic false sense of self entitlement
don't tell me……………………………….
you're 'superior' at the art of telling
yourself that you are 'superior' ?….
have you mastered anything else?
and dont get me wrong, Mortimer………..
im NOT saying that niggers are superior
trust me, i think they're turds with feet…
all im saying is this:
in my opinion, you're equal to a nigger
You might be interested in some REAL news Johnny:
Feel free to contribute rants there if you like.
Two less shitskins out on the street, good riddance. Maybe it is better to leave the race war to the coons, so they can destroy each other.
craig was just as 'white' as you…..
which isnt saying much, you mutt
hint: there's been an ongoing 'race war' since the beginning of time……
which is exactly how your 'people' ended up in 3rd place, with Asians above you, and us Jews at the top of the list
Umad negro
im not saying that blacks havent failed……
im simply saying that from my perspective up here on the top of the totem pole, number 3 is just as much of a failure as number 75
lol mad?…..
why on earth would i be 'angry' that YOU failed?
there's a reason why whites are continually complaining and griping about us Jews
LOL obviously
conversely, there's a reason why you'll
NEVER see a Jew complaining about
white people 'secretly controlling the
world'……………. why would we?
complaining and moping is for those
who DIDN'T win, not for those who did
youll never see somebody win a contest, then spend the rest of their lives complaining
what a compelling, intellectual argument you present
I guess it's pretty easy to understand the psychology behind your transparent frustration
I suppose after all these years of having to actually LOOK UP to get Jews attention, so you can complain about being beneath us, any child could easily look down on blacks, trying to reassure yourself that you are superior to SOMETHING
from my point of view, you're no better than a nigger
Silly Johnny, you kikes whine about "white privilege" all the time and talk about it as whites openly ruling the world.
i guess what im trying to say is:
while i 'get it' that white people (collectively) have managed to rise above the level of niggers, ive yet to see any evidence that YOU (individually) have done anything that justifies your victory dance.
YOU have no right to take credit for any accomplishments made by 'white people as a whole', any more than you deserve a Gold Medal for sitting on your ass while somebody else won a competition in the Olympics…..
to use niggerspeak: you ain't earned no street cred
ok but remember, by this logic, if you ever try to feel proud of your children for their accomplishments, you have suddenly transformed into the big nigger
really?…. thats news to me……..
unlike you, i have a 'little bit of experience being jewish', and i can honestly say that ive NEVER heard another jew mention anything about goyim 'being superior' or 'more privileged' than us.
not even once
its not unexpected for you to try and drum up a response
maybe you're just a shabbos goy and they only say it behind your back then
sure lol
So Johnny hates white people?
Johnny, regardless what you have claimed in the past, you would fit in PERFECTLY with modern leftism.
Today thats actually true. Many many decades ago, not so.
Ban waffle houses.
Today Waffle House typically attract poor people because their food is cheap and its CRAP.
However, back in the 60s and 70s (just as with many other fast food chains too), it was a MIDDLE CLASS LUXURY to go to a chain like that. Its wasn't something you would do often, it was considered "a family treat" or for a "social occasion."
Something very strange happened over the years, the food got worse and worse quality and a lot more affordable for lower class people as the chains grew and grew. Today its for niggers and white trash, correct.
And just like whatever form of nigger you are, you try to point out the lower living conditions completely oblivious to the technological complexity that goes into essentially factory-building an entire mobile living space complete with electricity and indoor plumbing. Thus proving you are a nigger who has likely spent money on grillz and spinning chrome rims while your children starve.
I'm sure your anecdote can be considered more true and worthy than documented evidence. I'm sure of this.
Warm, weatherproof, situated in lovely fertile woodlands, nice bicycles (presumably from family)
Looks like a dream to be honest with you famalamadingdong
[[[good samaritan]]]
Based Ezekiel
Wow do you realize what it takes to find out for sure that this was a black on white crime? I searched for about 5 to 10 minutes yesterday and still couldn’t find out for sure whether this victim was white.
It’s hard for you to win these kinds of arguments, isn’t it? :(
Does this schizo ever take a break?
What am I envious of again?
One of those lifestyles requires a hydra of Jews, the other does not.
There is no such thing as an illegal nationalism
Get ready for some top-down all-around REAL NEWS!
you can always spot the fucktard who doesn't know a single thing about firearms because they think that 9mm is ineffective.
Trayinggervon was killed by a single 9mm FMJ from a 2.5 inch barrel, about the least effective form of 9mm.
Fucktard: you let me know what part of your body you care about the least and I'll put a round of 9x19 into it and you can tell us all how it was nothing.
i knew someone who was murdered with a fucking .25
as much of an inaccurate pea shooter as it may be, the gunman managed to hold it at close enough range to sever the aorta
Fucking chimps will fucking kill over $5 worth of free shit. You can't commit homicide on animals, niggers are unworthy to be called dogs.
im just curious WTF are those things protruding from his front pocket areas?
im gonna guess its a colostomy bag?
And those things are STILL better than a straw, mud, and shit wattled hut.
says who ?
doesnt look like a mud hut to me
More like throwing pearls before swine.
all the niggers in this thread need to shut the fuck up and pay for their waffle
Palace of Versailles.
How many of those would fit into this one palace? Why do you think that one rapper and his wife had to film their stupid video in a white man’s palace and not a black man’s??
Either his massive meaty cock or another sword, take your pick.
I’m beginning to hope you Jew psychopaths actually succeed in genociding us.
Then you’ll finally figure out you were never actually ontop at all and simply what the National Socialists correctly identified you as being which is to say you are a human shaped parasite and nothing more.
Without a superior and proper white host population to leech off of and feed on you Jew bastards would very quickly be reduced to poverty before being gobbled up and sometimes quite literally at that by the brown hordes of niggers and muslims the second group of which already hate you and the first of which you’ll have a helluva time convincing even with your media control that you’re not the last of the whites and that the whites have already been wiped out.
Your own hate whitey white genocide propaganda will all come back to haunt you and hilariously enough help to destroy you after we your protectors and errand boys (due to your Christ insane brainwashing of us) are gone and no longer around to carry your evil water and keep the people you’ve angered, harmed, abused and mass murdered the families of from wringing your collective filthy kike necks.
TL;DR jews are not superior because like all parasites you cannot survive on your own without a host.
do not do dis
A good metaphor for the white race as a whole
The greatest sin of whites is that we are far too kind and merciful to people who don't deserve it. Whites are the only race who go out of their way to make the world a better place by sacrificing their own time and money for others. Sure we may stumble every now and again in our journey towards perfection and there are those of us who lose their way, but no other race will acknowledge their mistakes and actively strive to improve. The nigger, the jew, the chink, the spic, and the arab will commit any crime, do any foul deed they think they can get away with, never feeling remorse or guilt so long as it serves their base desires. Quick to boast and quicker still to shift the blame onto others, non-whites have proven time and again that they are incomplete human beings deserving neither respect or pity.
To say that he hates white people would be like saying that a tapeworm hates it's host. It is simply in his nature to leech off of and destroy a superior organism. Feeling hate is beyond the capabilities of subhumans, because hate implies the ability to make comparative judgements.
THIS. Don't worry user, they are destroying their own planet they will supposedly "survive and rule" on. To get rid of us, they have to overpopulate the world with third world migrants, niggers and mooslums. They have geo-engineer weather wars to destroy our agriculture, lands and infrastructure. They have to poison the world's water supply. They have to taint the vaccines and foods with toxins (including Monsanto pollution of the soil)… they have to destroy the world they themselves live in to get rid of all of us….
And at that point, the world won't be a place worth living in, if you can even live at all at that point. So the Karma will hit them so bad they'll be crying about "gas chambers" every step they make on the planet Earth they just destroyed to get rid of us.
What a bunch of fucking kook idiots.
a smug anime girl is too good for you