Because the news isn't an investigative force let alone an honest one and hasn't been for a long time
Brayden Myers
Nah lad now they are plastering it over everything to make sure people know he's not the shooter.
gas the commies
Owen Ward
Mason Sullivan
Don' be wey dey getin dis man? Be she dey wey Rasta wi' dem dey draadlocks mon' or be dey wey her am soshaliss?
Dominic Lee
Either this heretic has never read the Bible or he's shilling for globalism and money for hookers and a new Roller
Matthew 23:33 : Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
2 Peter 2:12 : But these, as natural BRUTE BEASTS, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption.
Titus 1:12 : One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
Where are they finding these 56%ers for these programmes?
Dominic Ross
I wonder why school shootings always happen in US and not other countries with the same/less restrictive gun laws, is it just population or are yanks just mental?
1) its a media staged event to sell guns and prop up lobby groups 2) american school system and suburban life is like being in abaddon's pit 3) being a young man in america is like being in abbadon's pit 4)everyone is on medications that say may cause thoughts of violence 5)no relgion or common conscious sense everyone is expected to move around their whole life chasing wagie wages 6) cpu technology is rapidly destroying interpersonal relations and the young cannot take solace in the experience of elders
Easton Adams
Okay lads, all of you who have sisters should introduce me to them tbh
sorry I just went to a professional conference yesterday and was the youngest person there by about 10 years and nobody spoke to me since all these late 30s single women were schmoozing the internship banter.
Dylan Rogers
Who is that?
Elijah Russell
Sounds shit lad tbh
Ayden Jones
tbh she wouldn't have given you the time of day, she is a dumb airhead stacy blonde
lads if you were going to go on a spree what would your outfit look like?
Landon Phillips
westie is not allowed to respond
Benjamin Martinez
Because they people are still culturally psychologically fucked for the most part. I don't think there is anywhere in north america you can really go to escape it either.
I don't want korean peace anyway, I want millions of dead gooks
then how come the other races are bigger than them too, except pygmies which are basically chimpanzees
in America, people live in the city because it's cheaper (or because they're stuck there as in the case of Jew York), not because they want to
you mean Alaska, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine? and upper peninsula and West Virginia Midwest has meganiggertowns like Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, Cleveland, etc. like all the stereotypical niggercities are in the Midwest
GOD DAMNIT there was another memi shooting ffs now prices are going to go up on shit and elected representatives are going to go full kike and women are going to go full dumbcunt. I don't give a fucking FUCK about the stupid faggots that died but I hate the attack on our UNALIENABLE RIGHTS
yeah and the chugs up there walk around in the bush with russian AKs and the canadian chugs want to carve out their own ethnic state in that are of the continent
Ryder Murphy
And nothing else, naked as the day I was born.
Anthony Murphy
Wew. How did they get niggers to move to Alaska en masse?
Samuel Gray
alaska is a non-white shithole
Sebastian Moore
probably some kind of HUD building projects like how they got all the niggers into the midwest
Xavier Miller
this has been the official edgy teen memi shooting song since parkland
either that or "1- nothing wrong with me, 2- etc." "let the bodies hit the floor xDDD"
the b4mv one actually has decent guitar riffs though plus they're Welsh
Sebastian Perry
I hate my country
Jacob Morgan
They need some Oz shitcore tbh
Julian Parker
Bullet for my valentine is not metal. This is metal- learn the difference, it could save your life
Parker Davis
Daniel Gomez
do we know what colour he is yet?
Josiah Long
I'm surprised no one has been lazy and unoriginal enough to post "Pumped up kicks."