Americans Have No Idea What Freedom of the Press Means

Many people believe that freedom of the press means that credentialed, professional journalists working for mainstream media outlets are protected when they criticize the government.

And they think that Julian Assange – or some random blogger – are not entitled to press freedoms, since they aren’t real reporters or publishers.

Indeed, a Google Search for “Assange is not a journalist/reporter/publisher” turns up 62,000 web pages, many of them from the largest media corporations.

However, as we noted in 2014:

The First Amendment to the Constitution provides:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The powers-that-be argue that freedom of the press only applies to large, well-heeled corporate media. For example, the Nation noted last year:

Attached: Americans Have No Idea What Freedom of the Press Means.jpg (548x487, 47.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

When the Department of Justice rolled out new policies intended to “strengthen protections for members of the news media” this summer, it wasn’t clear who belonged to the “news media.” Other DOJ documents suggest a narrow application to professional, traditional journalists. (The DOJ did not return a request to clarify the agency’s definition of “news media.”) The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide excludes bloggers from the news media, along with “persons and entities that simply make information available,” like Wikileaks. These policies are guidelines, not directives, but as the Freedom of the Press Foundation points out, they are “part of a broader legislative effort in Washington to simultaneously offer protection for the press while narrowing the scope of who is afforded it.”

Senator Dianne Feinstein argued for an amendment that would have restricted the shield to salaried journalists. “Should this privilege apply to anyone, to a seventeen year-old who drops out of high school, buys a website for five dollars and starts a blog? Or should it apply to journalists, to reporters, who have bona fide credentials?”

(This is a silly distinction, given that many of the world’s top experts have their own blogs. And as the non-partisan First Amendment Center notes: “Traditional reporters now blog daily, and prominent bloggers show up in traditional media.”)

But the Free Speech and Free Press Clauses of the First Amendment don’t distinguish between media businesses and nonprofessional speakers ….

And the courts have ruled that the freedom of the press applies to everyone who disseminates information … not just giant corporate media companies who can afford to pay “salaries”.

For example, the United States Supreme Court has consistently refused to accord greater First Amendment protection to the institutional media than to other speakers:

In Branzburg v. Hayes (1972), the U.S. Supreme Court described freedom of the press as “a fundamental personal right” that is not confined to newspapers and periodicals

In Lovell v. City of Griffin (1938), the Chief Justice of the Supreme court defined “press” as “every sort of publication which affords a vehicle of information and opinion”

First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti (1978) rejected the “suggestion that communication by corporate members of the institutional press is entitled to greater constitutional protection than the same communication by” non-institutional-press businesses

In Bartnicki v. Vopper (2001), the court could “draw no distinction between the media respondents and” a non-institutional respondent

Earlier this year, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that a blogger is entitled to the same free speech protections as a traditional journalist and cannot be liable for defamation unless the blogger acted negligently.

The First Amendment Center correctly notes:

The purpose of the free press clause of the First Amendment was to keep an eye on people in power and maintain a check on corruption.

Most people on here, however, do.
You don't see many normies, do you, OP, if this still surprises you.
Having your own website or forum upon which to express yourself is nice. Of course, going where no one wants to hear what you have to say and saying exactly the things they don't want to hear feels pretty damn nice too! I guess I'll go back to putting content on my own site. This place is just as much a waste of time as I remembered it was. You would do well to follow suit, Killcen. If you don't have your own site, I don't know what to say about dat.
This place is cancer.
Break the addiction.
It's like sugar or alcohol. Same insidious poison.



he isn't

Freedom of the Press is a Jewish concept to trick dumb people into letting them take full control.

It's not a good thing.


Having my own website or blog would get me assassinated. I would be waving a red flag, "here I am, come and get me!" I suppose its no better now considering I am Ironclad status, but if they wanted to take me out they had plenty of chances to do so because I'm an alcoholic. I need my booze. Twice a week, no exception. I'm still barricaded, but thats my weak spot. I'm expecting at some point "bang bang" and I'm laid to pavement. Don't matter to me anymore anyway. World is cruel.

And thats how we got here, isn't it? Because no one fucking cares about nothing!

Well let me tell you something Johnny, people are going to care when they have to put up reading this bullshit nonstop and deal with my ranting and raving! They'll care then!

Okay, (((user))).

What you see on TV is not really an independent press, its State-regulated corporate media that reports propaganda. Yes, they have the right to do it but Remember: the press can include ANYONE, that includes the dude running the Daily Stormer website too. So yes, freedom of the press is important because even bloggers can type up articles about issues you might take interest in. They are covered by this freedom too.

That's coercive government schooling doing their job.

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Assange is a journalist. But bloggers at buzzfeed are not journalists and shouldnt be given the same status or protection.
But then again Assange is not a US citizen so he has absolutely no rights to any protection under US law anyway.

I don't care what label you slap on me, and neither does Johnny. I've been called every fucking name in the book already, 100 times in real life. Likely the same with Johnny too. When you speak up, there will always be people who disagree and think your an asshole or retarded. BIAS HUMAN NATURE.

Why do you speak for Johnny? That seems a little weird?

does OP really think that people in other countries do? people in general have no idea why freedom of speech, press freedom, or such are important

Only way to enforce it would be government. Dig? Think about this for a second…. you act as if the government would allow true journalism exposing their kikery or corruption. Of-course not! If you had government deciding what is real news or not, you'd be stuck in front of a TV set depending on any "news" they spoon feed you. That is all that would happen!

Freedom is overrated.

Because you responded to a reply I was making to Johnny. The point is I'm here because this is the only place to express my anger. Why am I angry? I'm angry because of all the bullshit going on today. Now, if other people cared enough to stop all the bullshit, I wouldn't be here ranting, would I? The minute Killcen leaves is when the world finally stops all the modern bullshit insanity. Stop putting toxins in the vaccines! Stop building the 5G kill grid! Stop geo-engineering! Stop brainwashing the youth with communist propaganda! A man is a man and a woman is a woman! Stop the Internet of Shit! Stop using "smart"phones! Stop and step back a couple decades and then……. and only then….. killcen will happily go away!

This is why you’re such an idiot. Government control of the press is a better circumstance than having it be controlled by disinformation agents of a foreign power. They swamp out, twist, distort, undermine any claim made by anyone until culture is chaos. Then some hick like you grabs onto his worst fears as dictated by said disinformation agents and goes on some dumbfuck crusade to “reveal the truth”. In the former case you can ignore it, while in the latter it destroys you.

Luckily all buzzfeed bloggers are easy to identify and segregate. The government doesnt need to look at the substance of their blogs they can just say if you have blue hair, NHS glasses and smell like cat piss then you dont get the same protections other journalists get.

Take this as an example: look what happened to the public school system after the Department of Education got involved and take a look at where we are today. They're preaching Marxism for Christs sake, and telling kids there are 51 genders and going on gay rights crusades! Did the Department of Education stop it? NO! They encourage it!

Talking right passed me. Definitely Killcen. I’m not here for you to practice your writing.

But they won't user. The government does NOT have your interest at mind. They are highly corrupted today, they only care about big budgets, power and control over the masses. Subverting the youth and brainwashing people only HELPS them keep control over the masses. The very enemies you hate are those who control the government today. Its like saying "well, Congress will fix everything for us by passing new laws!" No….. they won't!

Name ONE thing the government has done right in the last 12 years. Name ONE problem they actually solved for us!

Go where it’s not.
>B-but the texbooks are published by (((them)))
Teach from old books.

Can we get beyond amateur hour, please?

Sage for off topic, you stupid fucking asshole.

Im talking about a hypothetical country where the government is actually a servant of the people who fund it.

OK, if such a place existed that would be great. The reality is VERY FEW nations like that exist anymore today. Most of the world has been highly subverted from corporations to governments.





actual rational news