Top 11 Causes of Cancer You May Have NEVER Guessed

You could wake up every day and be stepping into a total health nightmare while thinking you’re “playing your cards” just fine. We’ve all learned over the past few years that the mainstream media is one huge breadbasket of lies fueled by corporate-driven greed that delivers poison for our minds and our bodies at every turn of the channel, newspaper page or web page. Not only are most Americans “eating” cancer daily, they’re consuming the top 11 causes of cancer ­– all while they either count calories, “carbs” or how many pounds they weigh – none of which will matter when the oncologist sends them home with no cure in sight.

Then people go “march for the cure” at some Susan Komen Foundation gathering while eating Kentucky Fried Chicken and drinking Mike’s Hard Lemonade, both Komen sponsor foods and beverages that contain carcinogens (deep fried processed oils and alcohol, respectively) that aid cancer cell development.

You want the cure? Stop eating, drinking and injecting the disease you’re fighting off! Face it now. You’ve been lied to by Big Food, Big Pharma and probably even a few M.D.s and an oncologist. Let’s take a close look at what’s really polluting our cleansing organs, warping our cells, and destroying our good gut bacteria, leading us down a dark and dangerous corridor of cell mutation where our very own cells attack our body, and where mainstream medicine ADDS to the chaos!

1. Stress

Are you stressed? Are you stressing yourself out unnecessarily? Did you know stress can drain your adrenal glands that sit atop your kidneys? This can affect the balance of salt to water within the body and affect your blood pressure. Draining your adrenals can also increase blood glucose levels and cause inflammatory reactions. Ever heard of Cushing’s syndrome? It’s a disorder where the adrenals overproduce cortisol, causing an aggressive cancer that drives an excessive production of hormones. Adrenal fatigue is often caused by poor sleep, heavy metal toxicity, chronic respiratory infections, and yes, relentless stress.

2. Nitrates

Processed meats are kept from spoiling using nitrates and nitrates, that are basically heavily concentrated salts that cause cancer. Nitrites have been classified as a Class 1-A carcinogen along with cigarettes. Hey bacon lovers, wake up and smell the cancer. Cut out the hot dogs, deli meats, sausage and bacon and you massively reduce your chances of contracting the “C” word in this lifetime.

3. Fluoridated tap water

No, the fluoride the USA drips into your drinking water does NOT help you build strong teeth and fight cavities. Big lie. If you drink from the tap, including making coffee, tea, or mixing it with powdered beverage mixes, you’re fueling cancer cells by drinking a toxic insecticide that’s a byproduct of the industrial division of China. Exported as sodium fluoride in order to get the toxic bug killer out of their country, the insidious industrialists of America drip fluoride into U.S. tap water to make the population dumb, sick and in need of chronic sick care pharmaceuticals, including toxic chemotherapy that causes MORE cancer. Yes, you’ve been duped by the system.

4. Aspartame

They call it “sweet misery” because this artificial sweetener is made from the excrement of E-coli and causes weight gain, cancer, and symptoms that fool doctors and make them believe you have multiple sclerosis (MS). Aspartame is made by pharmaceutical companies that want nothing more than your slow death, the money in your savings account, and more people believing that “sugar free” means freedom.

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5. MSG

Ever had a migraine headache so bad that any loud sounds or bright lights make you think your skull might just crack like an egg shell and your brains leak out? That’s an MSG migraine, also known as monosodium glutamate. This concentrated salt is genetically modified and is often found in Chinese food, canned soups, spicy chips, cured meats, fast food chicken coating, and in thousands of U.S. products. MSG also has “cousins” that, when combined, cause the same nightmarish headaches and severe dehydration. Watch out for hydrolyzed soy protein, soy isolates, autolyzed yeast extract. MSG is a chemically concocted formula that causes weight gain, brain damage, liver inflammation and liver cancer.

6. Processed oils

Most oils in America are processed with industrial chemicals to get rid of the stink and to keep them from spoiling on the corporate shelves at the supermarkets. If food doesn’t spoil, don’t eat it! From soy oil to corn oil, and on down to the toxic bottom of the barrel where you find canola oil (even the organic “expeller pressed” junk stuff), most oils still contain hexane, a vapor constituent of gasoline. You’re literally eating cancer.

7. Vaccines – including flu shots

Yes, we just published that. Vaccines contain known cancerous neurotoxins. Want the short list? Here’s just some of the freakiest ingredients listed on the vaccine insert page that nobody ever reads, including the nurses and doctors who are supposed to make sure you do when they inject you and your child: Infected African green monkey kidney cells, aborted fetal cells, aluminum, mercury (listed as thimerosal in nearly all flu shots), gelatin, eggs, casein (causes severe dairy allergies), peanut oil (causes severe peanut allergies), polysorbate 80, human diploid cells, squaline, formaldehyde and circovirus (a rare deadly virus that’s killing pigs by the thousands in China).

8. Prescription drugs

Yes, the very prescriptions your M.D. recommends for you to buy at the dreaded American pharmacy are mostly carcinogenic, adding to health chaos.

9. White foods

Nearly all white foods are bleached, and bleach causes pancreatic cancer and bladder cancer. Think of white bread, rice, pasta, sugar, flour, and even coffee filters.

10. Pesticide

GMO means crops are genetically engineered to contain pesticides and are sprayed with unlimited amounts of those same chemicals to kill bugs and weeds.

11. Diabetes

That’s right. Studies show diabetes carries an increased risk for many forms of cancer. Why? High levels of circulating insulin promote tumor growth. The following cancer risks are doubled by the presence of type 2 diabetes: Pancreatic, liver, breast, bladder, colorectal cancer, blood cancer like non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and even cancer of the womb.

Want some natural cures for cancer and other PREVENTABLE diseases? Check out the top 7 natural cures for cancer the FDA, CDC and AMA don’t want you to know about. Don’t believe the myths perpetuated by the country that invented all the top preventable diseases. Remember, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and heart disease barely existed in America a century ago.


Sulfuryl fluoride is made here in America by DOW Chemical Corporation, and sulfuryl fluoride is not the same fluoride that they add to water in America.

You actually don't know anything about these subjects, other than what you copy and paste from bullshit fake news websites like natural news

lol YES….. yes they DID indeed exist…

People died of cancer all the time, and they died from diabetes, and they died of heart disease… And all timers has been around for thousands of years, but they just didn't have a fancy name for it.

AGAIN: because you have no formal training in internal medicine, you don't know jack fucking shit about this subject.

the only 'knowledge' you have is a bunch of erroneous information you copy and paste from bullshit websites.

NaturalNews obviously doesn't know anything about internal medicine or nutrition either

No fluoride is good fluoride. Its all toxic.

all elements are toxic, go read a book retard

Fluorine is the most electronegative element in existence, the fluoride ion is reactive with almost everything, and it has innumerable applications in industrial chemistry, mostly in plastics manufacturing. The idea that China would export it to the US as waste is a little weird considering that both China and the US are exporters of fluorite, which is the safest and easiest way to transport fluorine. I’d like to know a little more about how this particular rumor got fakenewsified.

Says the guy with no formal training in chemistry or internal medicine whatsoever

RE: bleached flour

They bleach flour with a gas, and it leaves no residue afterwards.

You Don't know Jack Shit

I'm just not going to come here anymore. That's the only solution.

AGAIN…… NO…. To make that widespread generalized statement that 'most medicines are carcinogenic' is not only incorrect, but it's also irresponsible, and shows that natural news doesn't know a fucking thing about pharmacology or internal medicine anymore than you do.

lol @ 'cancerous' neurotoxins

Like monkeys kidney cells?
Fetal cells?

(Not only have you never studied internal, but you don't even bother researching the articles that you can copy and paste)

You'll just copy and paste anything, won't you?

Hexane is not a 'vapor constituent of gasoline'

it's a clear liquid

and it is NOT shown to cause cancer

but you wouldn't know that
because you don't know jack shit

Attached: PicsArt_04-19-04.24.14.jpg (1730x1810, 435.05K)

That sounds very scary, but it's not exactly correct. while only one component of the chemical process is derived from the modification of E coli (modified to be completely safe, ended the process extracts aspartic acid, without any remnants of E coli bacilum) that's just a tiny fraction of the process.

Aspartame can be made by various synthetic chemical pathways. In general, phenylalanine is modified by a reaction with methanol and then combined with a slightly modified aspartic acid which eventually forms aspartame. 5 The amino acids derived from the fermentation process are initially modified to produce aspartame.

No… Actually, no, not at all…

MSG is filtered by the liver (everything is filtered by either the liver or the kidneys or both)

But there's no clinical evidence connecting MSG and liver cancer…

excessive amounts of monosodium glutamate have been shown to cause inflammation of the liver….


Not cancer…..



watching YOU to talk about stress being carcinogenic is really fucking hilarious

stress is the one syllable description of your existence

Your entire life revolves around needless undue stress and fear

You've got so much cortisol surging through your bloodstream it could kill 20 Billy goats

And you spend every waking me up trying to stress everybody else out with your paranoia

You are one toxic human being! All these things cause cancer! Nasty crap! All of it!


sorry, speech to text typo

I don't have stress, I'm not stressed out right now, I'm fine. Your stressed!! Your the one who is stressed!

Just because natural news says these things cause cancer, that doesn't necessarily make it true

I'm just curious how much you actually know about cancer, specifically the mechanism of cancer, based upon your background of studies in internal medicine and oncology

Or are you just somebody who copies and pastes cherry picked 'knowledge' from disreputable websites?


omg here we go again…………..
How many times do I have to teach you the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE?

I am a professional! I'm my OWN doctor I'll have you know! I get my information from the BEST of the BEST.


Do you find it slightly strange that an adult who can't differentiate between your and you're (no matter how many times people explain it to him) would expect people to take his life advice?

Yah well, I'm not that good with vocabulary.


I don't care what you all do, you can drink your toxic soda and eat all that aspartame bubble gum, and clean your teeth with fluoride all you want. I'm not doing any of that SHIT! And I don't take garbage "medicine" from Big Pharma neither! I TAKE REAL MEDICINE! Whiskey on the rocks!

I guess what I'm trying to say is……


I hate to tell you this but every time you cook anything with water you're ingesting fluoride

And every time you eat anything containing wheat you are ingesting glyphosate

I distill my drinking water.

You couldn't pass an entrance exam for a nursing home bed pan cleaner, let alone explain the mechanism of action of any particular medicine

Distilling water does not remove fluoride

You have to buy certified organic, certified non-GMO. They can't spray it legally with those certifications. It gets tested before sold. Sure, it costs more, but what the hell.

Glyphosate is not a GMO


Yes it does.


Ms. Randall was administered Albuterol for her COPD 14 minutes ago. Now she's complaining about difficulty swallowing, and her face and throat are beginning to swell.


Hahahaha sure it does


Ms. Randall only has four minutes before going into cardiac arrest

Q: what is the course of action?

lemme guess:

You think you should administer some turmeric?

Lemme guess:

You think she should drink some scotch?

Apparently you wouldn't make a very good nursing home assistant….

and most nursing home assistants are big fat uneducated black women, but they're much more qualified than you to deal with this medical emergency

If you are your own doctor, may I suggest that you are seeing a quack?


You slap her cheeks a few times, and pump her chest. Then you'll begin mouth to mouth rescturation and then throw some cold water in her face. That aught to do just right.

I wouldn't be caught dead in a nursing home! I don't work for the ER, but I do know between REAL medicine and fake synthesized SHIT!

Actually, you CODE, then you keep her airway open while 911 is being called and the paramedics are instructed to administer norepinephrine

Nah, you do it the old fashioned way! Slap her cheeks, pump her chest, mouth rescturation to make sure she gets enough oxygen and then throw cold water on her face to snap her out of it.

Trust me… If you only knew how ironic your statement was….

you're not going to die in some kind of apocalyptic Armageddon scenario…

You're not going to die after 'marauders' try breaking in your house to steal your toasters….

You're not going to die after martial law has been instilled and society has collapsed….

None of those things are going to happen, definitely not in your lifetime….

You're going to die after suffering a major stroke, and your daughter is going to realize you require more care than she's capable of delivering around the clock…..

You're going to die in a rehabilitation nursing home, at 2:34 AM, on a cold January morning, drooling on yourself, unable to speak or move

No, because if I have a stroke no one would know and I'll die. Then my daughter and her family can inherit all my wealth! No one will know a damn thing until they find me weeks or months later, rotting.

AND….. I'm not going to have a stroke….. you know why?

Because I eat a lot of garlic, ginger and I take curcumin….. and my real medicine is whiskey on the rocks.

drooling on yourself

in a nursing home bed
unable to speak
or move

NO! Not going to happen! They won't know if I had a stroke anyway, how would they know? I'd be dying in my own home.

WAKE THE FUCK UP. The government is not going to regulate something that is in their special interest. Just like the FDA approves of half the toxic waste thats dumped into mass produced foods, like nitrites. They don't give a shit! Its all about keeping their special interests happy, $$$. Its called corruption, lobbying, bribery.


you'll survive the initial effects of the stroke and drive yourself to the hospital.

but not before telling yourself that 'you'll be fine', and wasting precious time that could've made the difference.

64 days later, after deteriorating and being admitted to the nursing/rehabilitation center, you'll finally kick the bucket


Yes goy. You need a degree from one of our (((medical schools))) that's sponsored by big pharma. Our curriculum is the best. We teach you to write scripts to treat symptoms but never the cause. We also teach you how to be cool ignoring minor problems until they become shekel factories….I mean recognized clinical problems. So remember when blood test results came back and the values are out of the optimal range but not yet into the clinical state ignore it.

Why is there an echo everywhere you go?

You sure did use a lot of words to say very little

Wouldn't "I didn't have what it takes to get a degree in medicine" have been easier to type?

Who the hell claims that it is?

If it's certified organic for the USA then it's forbidden to treat wheat with glyphosate at harvest.


without using glyphosate, the wheat retains
moisture and begins to grow mold instantly after harvest

Also, organic certification in America really doesn't mean anything

they certify things organic all the time that are not actually organic

How about you stop shilling for corrupt assholes all the time Johnny? We all know damn well its all about $$$ THE BOTTOM LINE $$$

Fuck Big Pharma. Fuck their glyphosate poison (hint: you don't need wheat to make bread, example: you can still buy Ezekiel Bread as they did in biblical times) , fuck their junk food and all that mass produced crap. And fuck their toxic vaccines and cancer-diabetes causing soda too!

The best way to avoid the system is to keep yourself healthy as possible. That means choosing a healthy diet and getting fresh air and exercise. I choose to eat non-hormone/non-nitrite meats and organic vegetables, I use a lot of spice (which is healthy) such as pepper, garlic, ginger, … sometimes turmeric/cumin/curry mix when cooking a chicken dish (which is also healthy). Get free-range chickens, do not buy from those mass produced animal farms (God aweful toxins go into those chickens and they typically will bleach the meat because its so unclean) so avoid ANYTHING mass produced as far as meat.

Ginger/Garlic = very good for cardiovascular system and heart.
Curcumin/Turmeric/Cumin = very good for immune system, helps prevent cancer cells from growing.
Organic Veggies = lots of vitamins and minerals
Non-mass produced / free-range/grass-fed/ non-hormone/non-nitrite/non-bleached kosher meats = tons of vitamins, minerals and protein.

Avoid soda. Avoid junk foods. Filter or distill your tap water!

Drinking some premium scotch whiskey isn't a problem no matter what others claim, in moderate doses its good for you.

What if you're too poor to afford food that isn't mass produced

Hunt for the meat then, and grow your own veggies. But honestly you CAN save money by buying wholesale, you just need to know where to look. And if your poor, try to find ways to save money. Stop buying expensive iPhones and get a cheap flip phone. Cut cable TV service and pirate your favorite shows instead. Don't go into student loan debts, go to a trade school or a community college if you must. Learn to manage you budgets and avoid spending crap you don't need.

Organic grits and oatmeal is also good filler too. Add some organic honey and cinnamon to the oatmeal for flavor. It will get you buy for a hard working day.

Wrong on what?

Anyone with half a brain knows Mike Adams is an Alex Jones shill, however his health advice is 100% sound (minus anything having to do with chemtrails.) Makes me wonder where the hell all these gatekeepers are coming from.

First I heard of this but I'm not surprised at all.
That aint the only thing in the meat that's gonna kill you. If you buy meat from one of the many factory farms, and including Foster Farms and Tyson, you are risking WAY MORE than fucking Nitrates
One of the most dangerous chemicals forced onto the public. Any kind is bad for you. You can't boil it out or freeze it out. A reverse osmosis machine is one of the best ways to get it out.
It's listed as a fucking chemical weapon by the pentagon. Let that stew in your head for a minute.
This is also a narcotic. It's addictive, which is why you get that "hungry" feeling after you eat chinese food
A lot of the oils we use for our cooking is garbage and basically turns our food into a carcinogen. The type of oil doesn't necessarily matter (unless its canola/RAPESEED oil, in which case that shit will kill you) but you gotta watch who's making it and what's in it. I've heard peanut oil is some good shit
Muh autism is a fucking meme, so let's get that out of the way. You've got WAY the fuck more to worry about than muh autism. I got psoriasis from a hepatitis C vaccine, and I'm pretty sure I've got some kinda aphasia from a flu vaccine. If vaccination is mandatory at your work, you basically gotta do a ten day detox cleanse (no, not a pill, think juicing and a weird fucking vegetable mud on your skin) in order to get that out of your body. It's also possible to get mercury out of your body this way
Essays could be written about how anti depressants get dosed up into anti psychotics which lead to psychotic and suicidal behavior. Most mass shooters were on prescription drugs at one point, went off them, then killed people. Columbine is the best example of this.
Yeah there's nothing more to add to this.
Pretty much all vegetables at the grocery store and meat have pesticides thanks to monsanto. This shit will slowly kill you
I worked at a hospital and I saw a guy who had no fucking foot, the area around his foot was dead and black, and he had a hose that was sucking fluids out of a gaping hole from his foot. Shit's fucking disgusting. All of your food (I'm not kidding, check it out for yourself) has high fructose corn syrup, which is a by product (not a good kind) of corn. The food industry uses this as a cheaper alternative to sugar, HOWEVER, it's twice as sugary, and your liver cannot keep up with this. Your liver will basically stop processing glucose and that leads you to type 2 diabetes (among other things.) Best advice is to drop HFCS all together, however being that is very hard to do, balance it with as much fiber as you can get into you and eat foods with low sugar. Humans currently eat 16x the amount of sugar our body can handle thanks to this shit being in everything. Those low fat snacks you like? They got a fuck ton of sugar, because food without fat is fucking disgusting. It's how they cover that up.

A low/no sugar diet is actually a great way to lose weight and prevent this shit from happening. It kind of feels like getting off of drugs because your body and brain will feel like it's burning and melting. I've experienced this several times. Once you go through that though , and stick to staying off of HFCS or consuming foods with low amounts of HFCS, you won't experience it again. Watch Food Inc and Fed Up if you want more info.

One thing that isn't mentioned is GMO foods. This will turn the inside of your stomach into a chemical waste dump and it gives you weird diseases like Morgellons.

tl;dr gatekeepers are stupid and (((modern medicine))) and (((modern science))) cover up all of this shit. Seriously look any of this shit up on any independent news website, not just Natural News. Rense and Republic Broadcasting Network have covered this stuff as well.







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