Macon, Georgia. When you do something which is not legal, you best keep it to yourself instead of notifying the policemen. That’s what a 57 year old Andrew McGovern who called the emergency number to report stolen cocaine thinks now too.
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Acting along the guidelines, the dispatcher sent a patrol to the place of the event in order for the testimony to be collected, even though she was pretty sure it was a joke. The policemen couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw the author of the submission waiting for them.
Reportedly, the man’s wrapped bundle with approx. 15 grams of white powder worth about $2000 was stolen. He gave away personal information of all the people who visited him recently and demanded an intervention.
To the policemen surprise, Andrew said that he is too shaken by this situation and needs a smoke. He then reached for a bag from underneath his sink where he stored approx. 30 grams of marihuana and looking completely unaware of the fact he’s worsening his situation, he proceeded to roll a joint… He then offered the joint to the policemen writing down the testimony.
‘The whole situation was absolutely improbable – we were quite sure our colleagues are making fun of us’ says master sergeant Ethan Pedro. ‘It would easily end without a case because there was no cocaine present, however the suspect decided to show us his large stash of hashish.
Andrew wrongfully thought that the law depenalizing drug possession was already introduced instead of the discussion about it just starting. What’s more, the current discussion is aimed at legalising small amounts for personal use, not 30 grams found in suspect’s possession.
The man will be tried before the court. Depending on the decision regarding the amount found with him, local law envisions as much as 5 years in prison,