Andrew McGovern (57) reported stolen... cocaine, will now be tried before the court

Macon, Georgia. When you do something which is not legal, you best keep it to yourself instead of notifying the policemen. That’s what a 57 year old Andrew McGovern who called the emergency number to report stolen cocaine thinks now too.

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Acting along the guidelines, the dispatcher sent a patrol to the place of the event in order for the testimony to be collected, even though she was pretty sure it was a joke. The policemen couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw the author of the submission waiting for them.

Reportedly, the man’s wrapped bundle with approx. 15 grams of white powder worth about $2000 was stolen. He gave away personal information of all the people who visited him recently and demanded an intervention.

To the policemen surprise, Andrew said that he is too shaken by this situation and needs a smoke. He then reached for a bag from underneath his sink where he stored approx. 30 grams of marihuana and looking completely unaware of the fact he’s worsening his situation, he proceeded to roll a joint… He then offered the joint to the policemen writing down the testimony.

‘The whole situation was absolutely improbable – we were quite sure our colleagues are making fun of us’ says master sergeant Ethan Pedro. ‘It would easily end without a case because there was no cocaine present, however the suspect decided to show us his large stash of hashish.

Andrew wrongfully thought that the law depenalizing drug possession was already introduced instead of the discussion about it just starting. What’s more, the current discussion is aimed at legalising small amounts for personal use, not 30 grams found in suspect’s possession.

The man will be tried before the court. Depending on the decision regarding the amount found with him, local law envisions as much as 5 years in prison,

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Other urls found in this thread:

Big difference.
Legalization always actually means regulation and taxation.
Depenalizing is not a word, but "decriminalization" is.
Decriminalization means fines, but no jail.
TRUE Legalization means "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law."
Andrew McGovern paints a sad sad caricature of himself here, there and elsewhere on regular, with wild abandon, utter disdain and great glee. Emulating those aspects would behoove any authentic individual interacting with humanity in these most peculiar times, so I try. But I just cannot keep up with him when he lets Killcen start getting him back into the hard drugs. It's not good for either of them. A hit of dab might calm them down – I dunno. Works for me whenever I have to be around them!

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Still though, you know it was "worth it"!

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Bumpin' With Killcen!
Ride Da Hen!
You ain't no Ugly Duckling!
You're a gorgeous Swan, baby; You're a Swan!
Fly with me Killcen, fly!

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Attached: killcen_sliding_video2.webm (640x480, 4.79M)

Did someone say a hit of dab?

Attached: Dab.YES!.png (1950x1440, 3.56M)

Who would steal Andrew McGovern?

When I pressed Mark for details he wouldn't say.

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It is news. I'm worried about Andy ever since he resigned from newscasting.

Snitches get stabbed, nigturd

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Seems like between a drug addict and a thief they'd rather jail the addict. Very competent jurisprudence being exercised here.

Our competence cannot be denied. There are thousands of us lurking on this board right at this very moment, preventing catastrophes and societal collapse at every turn, despite the terrorist tendencies of racist wannabe patriots like killcen.

This /killcen/ character seems dangerous

Why is he still permitted to post on 8ch?
I heard that he has pushed many a young man over the edge into acts of violence

Yes, recently his threats have taken on a decidedly more sinister tone. His calls for violent action are alarming. We are pretty concerned about his mental state also; as his anger, hatred, isolation, indoctrination and radicalization by other paranoid schizophrenics online have led him into a pretty dark place from where he sees little hope for any positive outcomes and only sees himself at war with pretty much the entire world from the confines of his fortified booby-trapped, well-armed fortress.
Don't worry, we don't drone-strike the local populace or general citizenry; but I think we can all agree, that in this case, making an exception might be to the benefit of society as a whole. So, if he steps out of that basement, or if he spouts out his violent rhetoric anywhere online that actually matters, we will pounce.
h8 to break it to you guise this way, but THIS PLACE DOES NOT MATTER.

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Yes. Yes we do. We pretend to be you.

Is Andrew McGovern even REAL?
I mean, as REAL as Mark Wiering?
Is his entire persona just a front?
Is he a government plant?
A fallen angel?
Inquiring minds want to know!

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I don't make threats, never made a single direct threat, came close with some satire in ONE thread, and I regret what I said, I should have never said something that hateful. I don't mean to be a hateful person. I'm just disgruntled and concerned about the demise of our nation. I honestly don't care if I was drone bombed. At least it would put me out of my misery instantly, not that I want to die but if worse came to worse I'd rather go out with a bang then a whimper, why the heck not, right?

And the "conspiracies" I post, those are all real issues, bad things are happening whether you can accept that fact or not. We live in a dangerous world.

I wouldn't count on it regardless how much you hate the messenger here, the events unfolding are still happening, with or without me. That said, if the US military really thinks I'm a threat, perhaps they should just drone strike me and get it over with….. but I honestly don't think they consider me that much of a threat, they see what I post to be a danger to their hegemony and economic interests, they are scared someone might wake up, that someone with connections and influence might take notice…..and worse, do something about it to address and correct some of the problems we face. I think its my message they are truly afraid of, not a disgruntled old fart like me.

I hope they are reading this and take notice. We actually need to address some of these problems and we'll need the military on our side when SHTF. We'll need the military on the side of the American people who are fed up with all this corruption, because if they turn on us, this nation is over and you all can kiss it goodnight forever. Think about that for a while.

He thinks he is talking to a "government agent", or that any of them are actually lurking here paying attention to him – ever.
h8 to break it to you, but down here in the muck, under the bridge, we're all just frickin' trolls!

Oh I have a gut feeling they lurk here, not sure who I responded to to be honest. But I'm sure if I'm Ironclad they are paying attention to what I have to say, and that may be a GOOD thing.

He doesn't know he's a troll too.

I find this /killcen/ fellow quite humorous.
Does anyone here know how I may contact him?

The website owner, Jim Watkins may be able to help you.
If he's using a VPN in a 5eyes nation, they may be able to help.

He thinks Panama is 'safe'.

He thinks IPs are all we log.

NO! No!Nothing serious like that!
I just wanted to chat with him using an IRC operator as they are quite secure
Mr /killcen/, would you be willing to chat with me?

He thinks we have enough computers for that.

He could always give you some

You guys are going to scare him.
that's our job!

I don't know how to IRC chat, I'm still semi-new to online experiences considering I first came online in the early 2000s. I'm very picky about what kinds of services I use too, because a lot are honeypots for hackers. Thats why I always use a VPN when I'm posting here.

Thats all I'd use for temporary disposable emails, correct. The only real email service I use is on a different computer, with a different modem and different VPN and I only use that for legit contacts and communications. That isolated system never touches this site or any other chan, ever.

It still touches your internet connection.
That's all we've ever needed.

I-R-C/ n. [Internet Relay Chat] - IRC provides a way of communicating in real time with people from all over the world. It consists of various separate networks (or "nets") of IRC servers, machines that allow users to connect to IRC. IRC is very similar to text messaging, but designed around communicating with large groups of users instead of one on one.

We are a group of dedicated volunteers who've been supporting IRC users since 1993. This website is affiliated with the #irchelp channels on the EFNet, freenode, and IRCNet networ

It's quite encrypted, so you don't even need a vpn

Pretty much the very worst temporary email service I've ever tried, and I've tried dozens.

IRC Clients for Windows

Most users on Windows choose to use the popular shareware client, mIRC, which is available for a 30 day trial, and costs $20.00 after the trial period.
XChat and derivatives

The popular Unix IRC client XChat and a number clients forked from it are also available for Windows.

ChatZilla is a viable choice for Windows users, and a particularly compelling one for users who regularly switch between different platforms.
Instant Messaging programs

Trillian, Miranda, Pidgin, and other “all in one” instant messaging programs include IRC as one of their supported protocols.

Bersirc is another choice for Windows users.

The content on is maintained on Github. Pull requests are welcomed, see our contributor's guide for details on how you can help.

Unix/Linux IRC Clients

The first clients and servers for IRC were written as portable C code, which could be compiled and run on a variety of Unix derivatives, including many of the systems common in academic research at the time. The original IRC client, which was once distributed in the same package with IRCNet’s IRCD, is now obsolete, but many other clients have improved upon its design.

irssi has taken ircII’s place as the modern gold standard for IRC clients, with a sensible, familiar interface, sane defaults, a modern featureset, and of course, an embedded perl interpeter as its scripting interface.
ircII and derivatives

For years, the standard by which all other clients were measured, ircII and its derivatives remain a solid choice. ircII and its closest descendant, EPIC, are still actively maintained, but maintain faithfulness with the original “blank canvas” of ircII–they are typically highly customized by each user, either by hand, or via a script pack.

BitchX and ScrollZ take a different approach: both having started originally as script packs, they eventually applied their modifications directly to the client itself, creating a derivative of ircII with more bells and whistles than any user could possibly need.

WeeChat is a relative newcomer to the terminal-oriented client scene, but still compares favorably to the others. It’s comparable in features to irssi, but, uniquely, also functions as a Jabber client.
ERC (emacs IRC client)

Everyone’s favorite kitchen sink has a built in IRC client, ERC, which is fully functional, extensible in the Lisp language so fondly loved by emacs users, and sadly, relevant to almost no-one else. If your text editor is also your operating system, it might be a great first choice for you, otherwise, consider sticking with the more mainstream clients.
X11 (Graphical)
XChat and HexChat

XChat is easily the most popular of the X11 clients - it’s lightweight, scriptable in multiple languages, and has sensible defaults. HexChat originally sprung out of the controversy surrounding the decision of XChat’s primary developer to charge for Windows builds of the software, the source of which is free software covered under GPL. Originally an unofficial Windows port stemming from the XChat on Windows shareware controversy, HexChat became a fork in its own right, and is now offered on Unix/Linux systems as well as Windows. HexChat has become the more actively developed of the two, with frequent releases and new features.

Konversation is the default choice out of the two IRC clients shipped with the KDE desktop.

Using the same framework that powers Firefox and SeaMonkey as it’s runtime, ChatZilla is portable to any operating system where Firefox or SeaMonkey can run. It provides a very clean, modern interface, and can be customized extensively with CSS and JavaScript.

ChatZilla is the best choice for those that want a consistent graphical experience between multiple different desktop environments and operating systems. It’s also a great option for anyone who needs to get a fully functional client up and running quickly on systems with Firefox installed, as it’s readily available as an extension from the Mozilla Addons site.

The content on is maintained on Github. Pull requests are welcomed, see our contributor's guide for details on how you can help.

All documents © or original authors 2016

1. What is IRC, and how does it work?

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) provides a way of communicating in real time with people from all over the world. It consists of various separate networks (or “nets”) of IRC servers, machines that allow users to connect to IRC. The largest nets are EFnet (the original IRC net, often having more than 32,000 people at once), Undernet, IRCnet, DALnet, and NewNet.

Generally, the user (such as you) runs a program (called a “client”) to connect to a server on one of the IRC nets. The server relays information to and from other servers on the same net. Recommended clients:

UNIX/Linux Clients
irssi - terminal-mode client
xchat - X11 (graphical) client
Windows Clients
Macintosh clients

Be sure to read the documentation for your client!

Once connected to an IRC server on an IRC network, you will usually join one or more “channels” and converse with others there. On EFnet, there often are more than 12,000 channels, each devoted to a different topic. Conversations may be public (where everyone in a channel can see what you type) or private (messages between only two people, who may or may not be on the same channel). IRC is not a “game”, and I highly recommend you treat people you meet on IRC with the same courtesy as if you were talking in person or on the phone, or there may be serious consequences.
2. Some details

Channel names usually begin with a #, as in #irchelp . The same channels are shared among all IRC servers on the same net, so you do not have to be on the same IRC server as your friends. (There are also channels with names beginning with a & instead of a #. These channels are not shared by all servers on the net but exist locally on that server only.)

Each user is known on IRC by a “nick”, such as smartgal or FunGuy. To avoid conflicts with other users, it is best to use a nick that is not too common, e.g., “john” is a poor choice. On some nets, nicks do not belong to anyone, nor do channels. This can lead to conflict, so, if you feel strongly about ownership of such things, you may prefer networks with “services” like Undernet, DALnet, or other smaller networks.

Channels are run by channel operators, or just “ops” for short, who can control the channel by choosing who may join (by “banning” some users), who must leave (by “kicking” them out), and even who may speak (by making the channel “moderated”)! Channel ops have complete control over their channel, and their decisions are final. If you are banned from a channel, send a /msg to a channel op and ask nicely to be let in (see the /who command in the next section to learn how to find ops). If they ignore you or /who gives no response because the channel is in secret mode (+s), just go somewhere else where you are more welcome.

IRC servers are run by IRC admins and by IRC operators, or “IRC ops”. IRC ops manage the servers themselves and, on EFnet and many other networks, do not get involved in personal disputes, channel takeovers, restoring lost ops, etc. They are not “IRC cops.”
3. Talking, and entering commands

Commands and text are typed in the same place. By default, commands begin with the character / . If you have a graphical client such as mIRC for Windows, many commands can be executed by clicking on icons with the mouse pointer. It is, however, highly recommended that you learn to type in the basic IRC commands first. When entering commands, pay close attention to spacing and capitalization. The basic commands work on all the good clients.

Some examples are given below. In these, suppose your nick is “yournick”, and that you are on the channel #coolness.

Your friend “MaryN” is in #coolness with you, and your friend “Tomm” is on IRC but is not on a channel with you. You can apply these examples in general by substituting the relevant nick or channel names.

What you type

What happens

/join #coolness

You join the channel #coolness.

/who #coolness

Gives some info on users in the channel.

@ = channel op, while * means IRC op.

hello everyone

Everyone on #coolness sees _ hello everyone_. (You need not type in your own nick.)

/me is a pink bunny

Everyone in #coolness sees * yournick is a pink bunny

/leave #coolness

You leave the channel.

/whois Tomm

You get some info about Tomm or whatever nickname you entered.

/whois yournick

This is some info others see about you.

/nick newnick

Changes your nick to “newnick”

/msg Tomm hi there.

Only Tomm sees your message (you don’t need to be on the same channel for this to work).

/ping #coolness

Gives information on the delay (round-trip) between you and everybody on #coolness.

/ping Tomm

Gives information on the delay (round-trip) between you and just Tomm.

/dcc chat MaryN

This sends MaryN a request for a dcc chat session. MaryN types /dcc chat yournick to complete the connection. DCC chat is faster (lag free) and more secure than /msg.

/msg =MaryN Hi there!

Once a DCC connection has been established, use the /msg =nick message format to exchange messages (note the = sign). DCC does not go through servers, so it are unaffected by server lag, net splits, etc.


This works in many clients. Try it!

/quit good night!

You quit IRC completely, with the parting comment so that others see “*** Signoff: yournick (good night!)”.

NOTE: When you are not in a named channel, lines not beginning with a / have no effect, and many commands work differently or fail to work altogether.

4. Where to go

You can learn a lot by joining a channel and just listening and talking for a while. For starters, try these channels: #new2irc, #newuser, #newbies, or #chat.

For help with the mIRC client, try joining #new2mirc or #mirchelp. For help with general IRC questions, join #irchelp.

To form your own channel with the name #mychannel (if #mychannel does not already exist), type /join #mychannel. The channel is created and you are automatically made an op.

9. A word of warning

IRC scripts are sets of commands that your client will run. Many otherwise good scripts have been hacked so that if you load them, you can seriously compromise your security (someone can get into your account, delete all of your files, read your mail, etc.). There are also evildoers who try to send people viruses and other bad things. Just like in real life, don’t accept anything from a stranger. There have been many incidents of this type, not just a few. Do not ever run a script unless you know what each line does, not even if it is given to you by a friend, as your friend may not have the expertise to detect well-hidden “trojans”.

How is IRC so secure/untraceable that hackers and pirates use it to communicate?

It does not request you for any personal data tied to your IRC account. You just have to enter a nickname (of your wish) and a channel to connect to one of the many different IRC networks. So tracing you is next to impossible.
A small number of IRC servers support SSL/TLS connections for security purposes. This helps stop the use of packet sniffer programs to obtain the passwords of IRC users.
You can use IRC servers anywhere, or set up your own, rather than be tied in to centralised messengers.
IRC facilitates communication in the form of text. So it is easy to use and commands can be easily sent and received.
Technically, IRC provides no file transfer mechanisms itself; file sharing is implemented by IRC clients, typically using the Direct client-to-client (DCC) protocol.
IRC can be connected to via IPv4, the current standard version of the Internet Protocol, or by IPv6, the next-generation version of the protocol.

that's it /killcen/

install the client and pick a channel

Or just go to any other gay bar and strike up a conversation with another faggot like you.

Or go to leddit.
Personas are popular there.
Drag Johnny with you, Killcen.

Well then thats some fucking top notch NSA-style surveillance then considering the methods to my madness. Considering I have a completely different modem, VPN service and computer for my personal computer. Its not used for the same activities I use this one for at all. How you manage to correlate that with this connection is beyond me, but proves my point and paranoia that they are indeed watching me.

As far as that IRC thing, it sounds way too complex and vulnerable to me. I'd prefer sticking to this connection and site for talk.

I don't use mainstream services, you should know that by now.

FACT: I have never touched Facebook or any other mainstream service in my entire life, other than my personal email account (which again, is on a whole different and isolated connection from this I'm using now). I would figure that if anyone knew who I was, they'd have to be well connected to the IC community and be using some TOP NOTCH surveillance tools.

My prediction: EM surveillance, like TEMPEST. Bridging air-gaps or using EM frequencies to ping once circuit from this computer to the other while one computer is online and the other computer offline. Thats military grade tech right there.

Also, timestamp signatures and file hash surveillance too, correlating between one system and another, even when its completely isolated connections. Time stamping when one system goes online and another offline, and detecting if any software or files on those two systems happen to have the same MD5 or SHA hashes, thus identifying connections between one and the other.

Also, keyboard stroke signatures, everyone types at various unique degree. Think of TEMPEST collecting EM data from both isolated systems and the keyboard stroke signatures, then comparing the two, to identify if the two have the same unique patterns of I/O…. that likely could be done as well.

Who the fuck would use MIRC for Windows when there is HexChat? Update your pasta, you fucking nigger.

FBI contacts user from Zig Forums wanting to know about threats made from Zig Forums last month…. Looks like they were looking into 1) a direct death threat against Trump and 2) threats about killing Muslims after the NZ shooting happened.

Things that never happened.

Who dat?
Zig Forums?

What never happened?
Are you saying that's a vid made by Johnny's friends or something, just to troll Killcen?
Inquiring minds want to know!

Who really knows? So much is posted over at Zig Forums its hard to keep up with it all. To be honest I have seen threats there before, but I never report them (unless it happens to be a threat against innocent Americans who have done nothing wrong) then I'd consider a global report IF it was a direct threat against innocent civilians.

I've only reported someone once in my lifetime, and that was on another chan where someone threatened to shoot up random cops is a specific location at a specific time. Considering I once had an uncle who was a cop [he was a patriot btw, one of the good guys that supported the Constitution] that hit a nerve personally and I globally reported that directed threat.

u see, feds, /killcen/ is a good guy

he supports the police

leave him alone