Ohio prison guards laughed as white supremacist stabbed cuffed black inmates

Just let them die: Ohio guards laughed as supremacist stabbed cuffed black inmates, suit says

An Ohio prison staff acted with callous indifference as a white supremacist attacked four black inmates handcuffed to a table, according to a federal lawsuit filed earlier this month in the Southern District of Ohio.

Two correctional officers, identified only by their surnames, Faye and Dalton, laughed as the four black inmates were brutally stabbed in June 2017, the suit says. The incident was captured on surveillance footage and viewed by millions.

The suit seeks $75,000 in damages on behalf of two of the victims, Shamieke Pugh and Maurice Lee. It claims the victims' civil rights were violated, including that they suffered cruel and unusual punishment because of the prison guards' inaction.


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he took 4 BUCKS anally …SOLO

they were shackled to the table

guard wanted to see something funny

Benny Hill music needed

I'm guessing it probably wasn't one of the corrupt guards getting stabbed, they probably allowed one of the guards who wasn't on the take to get stabbed.

The penalty for every crime requiring prison should be death

spoken like a true idiot

Jesus. How do cucks like you actually exist? You really would let other men fuck your wife if it was the law wouldn't you? Pathetic.

Nice ad hominem bro. You sure proved your point and changed my views.

Have you been to prison? You seem defensive over something.

The collective Zig Forums reading disability never ceases to amaze me.

No need to change your views just kill yourself. It's the best solution for everyone. I promise it's not illegal, so you can do it without breaking the rules.

That's not happening. Not only are you not getting what you want, you can't articulate a point and counter a very difficult to defend statement i wrote. Such a shame.

Nice link that doesn't work, shithead.

The fact is we all started out as someone's little angel.

And a place like this forces is to become warriors or victims.

Nothing inbetween can exist here…

And you've chosen to be a warrior…

Now its up to you to remain one.

Not saying he's not a hwite supremacist, but…

just because he's a white guy…?

People stab each other all the time, nigga. Don't make it no racial thang.

Ah yes. The civil right to not get shivved in prison.

wow…. your little overly-melodramatic attempt at sounding poetic and wise was not only creepy and effeminate, but it proves you've never left the confines of your sheltered little videogame bubble

you've DEFINITELY never been to prison

that's for sure………………………………..lol

you obviously have no idea what prison
is really like, so you try to paint a lame
predictable 'poetic' picture with cheesy
lame effeminate childish words…………

FAIL !!!


what a creepy, effeminate, totally off-base comment

hahahaha bullshit, dude. BULLSHIT… you play too many video games and watch too many movies

actually, even with hardcore gangmember inmates, the name of the game in prison is minding your own business and doing your time instead of letting your time do you

again: your mother did you a great disservice by allowing 'her little angel' to become a fully grown adult who lived his life pampered and sheltered and enabled with video games to become an effeminate man with no real life experience

Nope… The FACT is that YOU we're 'mommys little angel', and that's how you became a lonely, introverted douchebag who sits all alone with his computer, typing out hackneyed cliches

The important part to remember:

Greg Reinke assaulted men who were handcuffed and shackled to a table, and he used a weapon instead of his bare hands

Because he's a bitch

And a coward

Attached: 636548223146011015-gregreinke.jpg (3200x1680, 156.05K)

If Greg Reinke was a badass, he would've approached four black inmates who weren't shackled to a table, face to face, no weapon, like s man…..

White Inferiority Strikes Again !!!


Typical 'supremacy' of a white coward, unable to fight like a man


1: warriors

2: little angels

You were on a fucking dropout protective custody yard. Its fair to say you have never been to prison because the real men are over in general pop while you are sharing food with niggers and child molesters. You are a fucking subhuman.


If you use that word in prison they would all laugh at your ass, then they did take turns beating the shit out of you and making you suck their dick.

That's not the type of talk you hear in prison

They'd say something like 'going Ham'


Homosexuality gets you stabbed off the yard in general pop. Prison rape only happens on protective custody yards.

Hi Johnny. Maybe you should have picked a fight you couldn't have won in the clink. Would've been better for everyone.

So many fucking niggers.

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even further proof that the only things
you THINK you 'know' are the cliche
predictable shit you've seen in movies


'general population yards'

hahaha!! you're literally full of cliche terms that aren't ever used in prison

It's fascinating how you feel the need to add the word 'yard' to 'general population'

as if inmates are categorized by a 'yard'

It's really too bad that you've lived such a sheltered life, because it resulted in turning you into an inexperienced adult, who's incapable of realizing how deeply you put your foot into your mouth every time you try to pretend like you have 'experience'

This is what is happening in west coast prisons. This is a paperwork removal by his own race. Johnny nigturd is a been nowhere ass motherfucker. Iv been in riots on the lvl 3 yard.


AGAIN: you've watched way too many movies and cliché TV shows

and that's why you keep putting your sedentary foot into your sheltered mouth

sure you have…….

hahahaha sure you have, little guy

"I post YouTube video links to prove I've been to prison"

Yard this, Yard that, Yard Yard Yard


A: a paperwork removal by his own race

Q: how to say absolutely nothing with seven words?

You are the biggest peice of shit on this website. When they find your 500gb stash of child porn we are going to get you in the county jail. Nigger.




I'm so gangsta', that I use prison slang like

General Population YARD

segregation YARD


Hahahahaha you fucking idiot

Keeping it 100 with that thugspeak, yo?

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Hahahaha @ 'CLINK'


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you let this guy under your thin skin

Do you have any feathers?

I likes em smooth



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say it aint so, Andy?

Police arrest Andrew McGovern in Macon GA for allegedly having sex with his cat

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I'm gonna go to the big house

That's me on the right
and your my crying bitch

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Hoosegow in my lil town

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you are correct
but your not right

'JUZGADO' actually meant 'court', not 'jail'

these are 2 of my threads

>>>Zig Forums13166656

see if you can guess which comments I posted to them

I switched ips, so Zig Forums will be different ids

I can't

I'm on the clink yard

Attached: PicsArt_04-21-12.17.40.jpg (1220x1270, 156.84K)

White skin is more fragile than nigger hide.

this is mine also
Easter outrage!:Fatal explosions in 6 Sri Lanka Catholic churches,200+ dead

Especially in the general population yard in THE CLINK

bumping the clink yard

jimbo would make you his bitch in 1 day

he takes testosterone pills to counter act the gynecomastia
This, word has it, has made him some what aggressive

Yeah… thats why whites make shanks out of metal and niggers use wood.

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Doing hard clink time at the notorious San Cliche Prison

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have a clinker, you retard

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Look what you did. Now the real one is shitting up the thread. Stop giving him attention.

You somehow misspelled the words hero and champion. Mistakes happen.

I yield. Your fedora has the widest brim. I am no match.

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The chink with the lil dink went to the clink for brewing drink and now i think he calls it the yard

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Greg Reinke was already serving a life sentence, so it's not like killing anybody would have made his sentence any longer….

And God knows he had plenty of time to finish his attack, and since they were shackled to a table, he could have easily killed all of them if he had the balls…..

But he didn't kill anybody. He just poked them in the arms of a few times….

What a badass

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I'll never figure out how white people get supremacy confused with inadequacy and cowardice

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This trolling and internet harrassment is going to send you up the river to Sing sing where you'll be a Fresh fish among the yard birds and be their prag and the screws won't care unless you smuggle enough drugs inside your huge anus to pay for protection and buy enuff BATS to make friends

But you will be burned every day and drown your woes in pruno
In the end you'll be doing the dutch

You just made me almost choked on last night's leftover eggplant parmesan! Thanks a lot

But when the warden made his welcome speech, he said nothing like that would happen because we would all be enjoying our clink time on the yard making license plates and playing chess


clean yor mouth prag

Attached: wipe yor mouth prag.mp4 (406x720, 2.17M)

Number forty-seven said to number three
"You're the cutest jailbird I ever did see
I sure would be delighted with your company
Come on and do the Jailhouse Rock with me"

…..and you thought Oz was the first time that subject had ever been dealt with?…..

My friend Brendan O'Brien (who produces lots of bands including the band TRAIN) got hired to do a lot of remixes for the Cirque du Soleil Viva Elvis special.

smiles and meditates on elvis

takes an Ambien at 1:37 PM EST

goodnight, everybody

I guess you didn't realize the term 'prag' was made up by the director of the series OZ, and was never used in prison slang before or since.

A majority of the cast members from Oz were also on law & order….

And it seems like insurance commercials are where they usually end their careers

I can meet neat guys like this inside the pen

Attached: Strange Scenes from Convicts 4 (2).mp4 (640x360, 1.67M)

Now it's used for real

……..that's strange, because I NEVER heard anybody say it in there…..

in fact, I'm pretty sure none of them had ever even heard of the show OZ

I guess it's pretty safe to assume anybody who would actually use that term is a poser?

You got me andy
i never been inside

i like to pose
just like you

another scene from my fave realistic big house movie

Attached: Strange Scenes from Convicts 4a.mp4 (640x360, 1.18M)

There must have been a lot of prags in the clink?

on the general population yard?

poser..get it?
Got it?

Attached: Strange Scenes from Convicts 4(.mp4 (640x360, 1.25M)


you're overestimating the vocabularic repertoire of inmates, who all use the most dumbed-down nigger terminologies exclusively

none of them EVER say 'prag'

" S I S S Y "

what they called the gay inmates, not 'prags'