Every Single American Would Owe $220,000 To Pay Off National Debt Today And Johnny Doesn't Care

Are you ready to cough up $220,000 to pay your 'fair share'?

One of the reasons why a day of reckoning for the U.S. economy is inevitable is because we are in way too much debt.

The 22 trillion dollar debt that the federal government has accumulated gets most of the attention, but the truth is that we would still be 50 trillion dollars in debt even if the national debt was eliminated somehow. Today, debt levels are exploding on every level of society. Corporate debt has more than doubled since the last financial crisis, U.S. consumers are more than 13 trillion dollars in debt, and state and local governments are piling up debt as if tomorrow will never come. According to a Federal Reserve chart that you can find right here, the total amount of debt in the U.S. financial system has now reached an astounding 72 trillion dollars.

My father was a math teacher for many years, and so I like numbers.

I divided $72,000,000,000,000 by the current population of the United States (Google says it is 327.2 million), and I discovered that it breaks down to more than $220,000 for every man, woman and child in the entire country.

So if you have a family of four, your share of all this debt is $880,000.

This debt bubble has been growing much, much faster than the overall economy for a very long time. When Ronald Reagan took office the total amount of debt in our system was less than 5 trillion dollars, and when George W. Bush took office the total amount of debt in our system was just over 29 trillion dollars.

Just prior to the last financial crisis we surpassed the 54 trillion dollar mark, and so since that time we have added nearly 18 trillion dollars to our total.

Of course all of this debt will never actually be paid off. The only thing left to do is to keep this debt bubble going for as long as possible, and the only way to do that is to keep it growing at a faster pace than the overall economy is growing.

And our financial engineers have definitely been successful in extending this Ponzi scheme for a lot longer than many of us had anticipated, but they can’t keep doing this indefinitely.

Every financial bubble in history has eventually ended, and this one will too. I really like what Charles Hugh Smith had to say to Greg Hunter just the other day…

Journalist and book author Charles Hugh Smith says the next market crash and recession will unfold like the bursting of the 2000 Dotcom bubble. Smith explains, “The bubble popped or deflated not for any crisis, but simply because there was too much debt, too much leverage, too much euphoria and unrealistic valuations. I think we are seeing that now in stocks, housing and a lot of other assets around the world. The valuations just exceed what makes financial sense. . . . And remember, we are at the longest expansion in history. It’s over 10 years, and the average expansion lasts 5, 6 or 7 years. So, this expansion is pretty long in tooth. . . . You will get a slowdown, and that is a self-reinforcing feedback loop. Once people stop buying houses and once people stop buying cars . . . then you are going to get people being laid off, less people being able to afford to eat out, and then you get a self-reinforcing recession. It’s not a crisis, but like an erosion because everybody is kind of tapped out.”

In the end, nobody can “fix” our system, because our debt-based financial system was fundamentally flawed when it was designed.


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Simple solution - though I'm sure it'll never happen - RICO as many central bankers around the world as possible for massive fraud, extortion, ponzi schemes, loan sharking and other acts of financial crimes causing national crisises and destitution, seizing their wealth to pay back off all the debts and JAIL THEM.


Robbing nations blind should be considered an act of war in all honesty. Maybe they're doing it by the books, but then again, they buy off the politicians to help create as many legal loopholes for their fiscal crimes as humanly possible. Similar to operating a mob really. Just on a much bigger and much more professional scale.

wrong AGAIN !!!!

it's $67,626

and why the fuck should I care?

$220,000 ???….

try $67,626

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Unfortunately my father and I are terrible at math, that's why I claimed $67,626 debt is $220,000

I'm shit with numbers


National Debt Clock needs to be updated then, go ahead and do the math on paper or a calculator for yourself.

$72,000,000,000,000 divided by 327,200,000 is around that stated range.

My calc came up with $220,048.89 per person.

Unfortunately you relied on a WEBSITE that is NOT UPDATED properly.

Or maybe you're a retards who doesn't actually know how the National Debt works

Protip; a not of the National Debt is owed TO THE CITIZENS THEMSELVES. The Social Security Trust is part of the National Debt. Your fucking Tax Return is part of the National Debt.



Suppose everyone paid a share proportional to their net worth as a fraction of our entire national wealth. How much would Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates owe, and how much would a blue collar family with an upside down 100k home and two car payments owe?

lmao just print more money

Wrong, our taxes only pay off the interests of the national debt. Notice how the national debt always keeps expanding. We're going into about $1 Trillion into debt per year now.

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And this certainly worked well for every previous Empire, didn't it?

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Many countries have tried that, its called socialism. The problem is the rich always flee those nations before they ever impose such austerity measures. They rich can afford to flee too, the masses can't. Thats one problem.

Why don't you enjoy watching a detailed mini-documentary of what those cronies you support have done to you and your country….. maybe you'll understand this more and come to hate them the way I do.

Obviously the solution is to import hardworking brown people until the fair share shrinks to a resonable figure.
What do you mean Israel wants more?
What do you mean those hard working brown people have an entire family on welfare and social services that far exceeds their worth to the system?

Yep, they know damn well how this will end and those that run these massive ponzi schemes will always be the ones fleeing before the collapse of their financial fraud. What central bankers do is basically legalized counterfeiting which debases the currency and devalues it over a long period of time (thus causing price inflation of goods and services). What they keep secret from the public is that they consolidate the wealth by buying up land, real-estate, commodities, shares in corporations, creating monopolies through mergers and acquisitions… all basically legalized theft and mass fraud, cutesy of fiat currency. And before hyperinflation kicks in, they retire in prestige luxury offshore and get to witness the whole economic system they exploited collapse from debt insolvency. Hyperinflation being the end result, destruction of the value of the currency you rely on to house and feed yourself and family.

And they intend on replacing us with third worlders, coming back in decades later, and doing it all over again!

No I mean, if we are seriously going to consider taking a one time responsible collective action to eliminate the national debt, what would happen if we each split our share up by wealth (I.e, ability to pay)?

Billionaires who have been reaping the benefits of international trade pay more than the poor working slobs that they employ.

We don’t have to follow that up with a full-on dive into socialism.

Honestly, the way I see it, we shouldn't owe ANYTHING. Why? It was all fraud and a ponzi scheme perpetrated to rob us of all our wealth; see the above video link:

I say we follow what the Founding Fathers would do. Mass tax revolt. Stop paying bills, tell them to fuck off, default on the debt, let the system collapse, kick them the hell out of this country or hang their asses for high treason and start all over again and never ever let another central bank be established on our soil.

This but

I agree with you. But aren’t you curious?

If the top 1% paid an average of 19 mil each that would leave 24k each for the rest of us. On top of my mortgage and student loans that would bump my total debt up by like maybe 20%? That’s actually plausible at least. What’s 19 million to someone who has 160 BILLION to throw around?

And let’s mix corporations in there too.

We could actually do it. If it would make any difference.

Well then figure out the real updated population numbers and re-calculate the figures. Its got to be around 320 - 330 million by now. Is there a real figure somewhere? Might want to check the newest CIA World Fact Book or a 2019 Atlas, maybe they have the real population numbers.

Maybe we could impose some austerity but it would cause an uproar no doubt. Perhaps taxing corporations more, and the super rich. Lowering governmental and military budgets would be a priority too. Might want to cut off welfare for illegals/immigrants. Close the borders and tell them "sorry, we're bankrupt, can't come in anymore." Cut off aid to other nations. Bring our troops home and stop the wars. A LOT of reforms would need to be considered and you'd have the kike media screaming bloody murder over it.

Well one big problem is that the super rich, on getting wind of it, are free to pick up and disappear. Not many working class people have the financial means to leave the country. Most foreign nations offer citizenship to Americans if they come over with a suitcase full of cash. The rest of us would have to murder each other to compete for a limited number of work visas. If, that is, we had enough for a plane ticket in the first place.

I just used 300 million as a guess. It was just a thought exercise for me. In fact I am pretty sure I fucked up the math but I suspect it’s close enough for an order of magnitude estimate. Not like it would ever happen. Everyone wants someone else to pay.

My universe doesn’t quite revolve around Johnny yet, but I’m flattered that one time he said he found me mildly interesting in passing, that day, for reasons he couldn’t understand and never reconsidered, because it’s hardly of any cosmic or even ordinary importance, somewhere between taking a piss and a shit, or maybe nosepicking but less intimate, more like a few microseconds of asspicking. I swooned over the notion of lifelong friendship with someone, anyone after that. In my mind we were already married, shared a mortgage, and I was transitioning.

admire the new hex nut I found

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Look at the actual number

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This, while all people debate over what is wrong an right or left, they are all hoarding obscene wealth in real state, stocks and influence(intellectual and economic) to secure the existence of their lineage through the end of times. That is why we should accelerate the end of the system, because their wealth is dependent on the system, they hold imaginary papers that claim physical ownership of wealth, but in fact is all make believe. Why we fight over scraps, they are hoarding their insurance policy to remain relevant through time and create a feedback loop on us. It is so easy to see, but hard to break the conditioning. The countries that permit legal ownership of guns should start recruiting military and police to override the system, there is no salary that could beat inflation today, the only way to escape inflation is getting rid of the whole system.

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good riddance

true news

real news bumparoo

I have a stange feeling it will be dealt with 'sorry, we can't pay' method, in all countries, and the following shitshow will be lovely

This post is redundant word salad typed out by a useless faggot with nothing but memes on the brain.